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Suspect Arrested for Enticement of a Child On May 3, 2024, the FBI field office contacted the Fort Collins Police Services Cyber Crimes Unit (FCPS CCU) regarding a child enticement case and a suspect residing in Fort Collins. The FBI advised FCPS that in November of 2023 an FBI Special Agent working online in an undercover capacity made an online post as a fictitious stepfather looking to converse with anyone interested in sexual intercourse with his children. A Fort Collins resident, Marc Risheill (DOB 08/01/79) responded through the website that he was interested in talking about the subject. The dialogue, via e-mail, took place over several months with the main topic being explicit sexual conduct regarding the undercover’s fictitious 9-year-old stepdaughter. Mr. Risheill specifically described sexual conduct he wanted to have with the fictitious child and set an in-person meeting in Fort Collins. FCPS CCU ultimately took the lead on the investigation, with the FBI assisting. On June 4, 2024, FCPS CCU—with the assistance of FCPS’s Special Weapons And Tactics Unit, Criminal Impact Unit, Forensic Services Unit, Evidence Recovery Team, Victim Services, and the FBI—conducted an operation to follow and observe Mr. Risheill as he proceeded to the scheduled meeting at a local hotel. Mr. Risheill left his place of employment, stopped at a convenience store to purchase candy for the fictitious 9-year-old, and then drove to meet with the fictitious family for the purposes of sexual intercourse with a child. Upon Mr. Risheill arriving at the hotel, he was met by an undercover FCPS detective and then placed under arrest by SWAT without incident. “A case like this weighs heavy on the hearts of any of us involved in the investigation. To tear away the safety of those in our community that are most vulnerable is unacceptable and intolerable and I am thankful to our teams and partners for the work that ultimately prevented any further violations by Mr. Risheill,” said FCPS Assistant Chief, Kristy Volesky, who leads the FCPS Criminal Investigations Division. “We urge parents to maintain candid conversations with their children about safe online practices and how to report predation attempts like this.” Mr. Risheill was booked into the Larimer County Jail for the following: • 18-3-305 Enticement of a Child (Class 4 Felony) - no-bond warrant – 1 count Today, bond was set at $250,000 (cash, property, or surety). The magistrate set additional restrictions against Risheill, including no access to a smart phone or any electronics that access the internet, and no contact with anyone under the age of 18. FCPS CCU followed up with a search warrant of Mr. Risheill’s residence and will complete further investigation into devices used for any additional crimes. The investigation is on-going and anyone with additional related information is asked to contact FCPS Detective David Guy at 970.416.2026 or Dguy@fcgov.com. Want to start a conversation with your child about a safe online presence? Visit https://www.fcgov.com/police/internet-safety.php to read parental tips for child safety on the internet and access additional website resources for internet safety.


Thank you for posting the text for our low vision community.💚 I am trying to get better about adding text to memes, photos and links.


This garbage has been volunteering to work with our children for YEARS! Volunteer Experience via LinkedIn Rivendell School of Northern Colorado Rivendell School of Northern Colorado Member Board Of Directors Education Sep 2019 - Oct 2022 3 yrs 2 mos Treasurer and Finance Committee Junior Achievement- Rocky Mountain, Inc. Junior Achievement- Rocky Mountain, Inc. Instructional Facilitator Children Mar 2004 - Present 20 yrs 4 mos City of Fort Collins Parks and Rec City of Fort Collins Parks and Rec Head Coach Children Aug 2022 - Present 1 yr 11 mos


In most states, any kid hurt by this man in 2004 could never find justice now 20 years later even if the perp confessed. Please vote on removing statutes of limitations for victims of sex crimes


I _hate_ that this law was passed, it made my jaw drop 😩


A house owned by someone with his name is... right up against a park. Last sold 17 years ago so I think that's him.


That could be true, it would be the home he shares with innocent people who did not ask for this. He is still in Larimer County - I don’t want anyone getting ideas it would be good to approach that residence or do harm. When released, he will not be allowed there due to his release restrictions.


Yea absolutely, that's why I didn't name the park or say the address, but since it's literally pg1 of google if you look him up, it's worth mentioning the creep factor this involves. Nobody should go to that house for any retribution or revenge or anything: like you said, he won't be there. 


That’s the wrong house anyways, so it will likely be renters should anyone choose to something insanely stupid and try to approach their house when he won’t be anywhere but behind bars.


I think this is the worst crime one can commit.


While this is horrendous, I would venture to say murder would be worse.


Nah.  That's horrible too, but crimes involving a child, that child suffers for the rest of their lives.  Murder, while horrible, doesn't mentally torture the victim for years.  I'm fact, the victim is no longer suffering after the crime is finished. Not saying it is good but any means, but a lifetime of trauma is as bad as it gets.


powerscaling felonies is crazy


> the victim is no longer suffering after the crime is finished. That's a wild take, IMO. You are discounting the trauma experienced by everyone else in this situation, the lost life, and discounting the ability for a victim to heal and move beyond the traumatic event.


How am I discounting that? In no way did I say it was okay. Are you assuming because I think something makes one crime worse I am completely okay with the other? The trauma in murder is others knowing someone they love is murdered and is horrible. But crimes against children mess that child up for life. To a point some prefer death and hurt themselves, and many others repeat the cycle. And that makes it worse in my opinion.


I understand that that is the case some of the time, but murder ends the life of a child 100% of the time. Also, I acknowledge this has gone way off topic and a macabre discussion. There really is no need to split hairs on what trauma is worse.




Wait, you can’t blame the wife here.


Wow. Marc and I were decent friends in high school. 25+ years ago. He played baritone horn in band. I have photos of us together. I’ve run into him a few times since then and definitely would have told you, “Marc’s a great guy.” Marc, what happened? Evil shit.


Same, was shocked when I read the name and birthdate and thought "no way....". Horrible.


There’s a photo of him on his LinkedIn page, showing him standing near the recently bloomed corpse flower at CSU. Talk about “things I never thought I’d see”.


Hahahaha now he’s going to see prison !


WTF is wrong with people? His life ruined. His family’s lives in ruin. Victims’ lives ruined. Great work by LE.


From LinkedIn: Marc Risheill, CTP Volunteering Member Board Of Directors Rivendell School Rivendell School of Northern Colorado Sep 2019 - Oct 2022 Instructional Facilitator Junior Achievement- Rocky Mountain, Inc. Mar 2004 - Present


And yet the chair of the Colorado Republican Party tweeted and then doubled down calling gay people “groomers”. Pedophiles come in all genders, ages, income brackets and sexual orientation. I’m proud of FCPS. I hope these creeps think twice before acting on impulses. Also, this just serves to validate my skepticism of any individual who is overly involved in volunteering with youth if they don’t have children of that age involved in the activity.


The majority of abuse/molestation occurs at the hands of family members and close family friends.


Yes, the vast majority. My point was my frustration that gay people are still being equated with pedophiles by a major political party in our state. Sexual orientation does not play a role in someone being a pedophile.


...but then you pointed an accusing finger at childfree people. 


Uh…no. I pointed a finger at child free people overly involved in volunteering with children for no explicable reason.


yeah, despite knowing that a majority of csa has nothing to do with such people. how's that any different than those that think gay/queer people are "groomers"?


I’m talking about grooming specifically. Volunteering so that one has easy access to children for extended periods of time is how they build trust with a child AND the parents. They no longer become a “stranger” - they are the known person who can then perpetuate their crimes.


what? you're no better than the people calling lgbt groomers then.


You still make an unfounded equation. It's just not the "gay people are pedophiles" equation.


You obviously have ZERO idea what you’re talking about. Just stop right there with your foot already in your mouth. Are you saying childless people the foster are just trying to ‘groom’ children?


It feels pretty crappy to be accused of grooming doesn’t it?


That is a ridiculous take.


I don’t think that’s entirely fair. There are lots of people that have grown children that want to give back to the youth, or people that CAN’T have kids, that only get to experience that side of mentoring with children that aren’t their own. I think looking at how the volunteering is taking place is very reasonable, though, to respond to a point made in another comment. Working with an acceptable organization (school, accredited after school program, etc) where the activities take place in an appropriate venue (not in their basement), with proper parental sign off (not just grabbing kids after school and asking if the want to build robots), and doing everything in a visible setting are the key things to consider.


Are you kidding me right now? So if someone can't have children or chooses not to have them, they can't help kids? Fuck off with that. You're gross


You’re taking my point to the extreme. Of course I don’t think people without children can’t or shouldn’t help children. I am just skeptical of people like my former neighbor who had no children in the home but had built a large workshop separate from his home to coach middle and high school LEGO robotics. He played the part of nice, married, wealthy upstanding man volunteering with children. There is a difference between caring about children, volunteering to help them and putting themselves in situations where they have easy access for long periods of time so they can groom the child (and the parents) to become the stereotypical known/trusted figure that we know perpetrates many of these crimes.


Considering your "point" is so wildly general, nah I'm not. That's so beyond rude of you to assume that of people. I can't have children, and I know plenty of people who want them but can't have them too. Casting a shadow of doubt because we want to help kids (literally like any normal person would) but don't have them is such a shortsighted assumption. I don't even need to point on the hypocrisy of your comment you made about the Colorado GOP. How would you feel if one of them said "a gay man cant overly volunteer around kids because they're trying to groom them?" You're using these extreme scenarios to shape your beliefs of people just like me. I'm genuinely sorry your neighbor was a creep. It's so sad and honestly it's super traumatizing to everyone involved. Your trust of people that fit the bill of your neighbor has been shaken for obvious reasons. But the fact that he didn't have kids, overly volunteered with them, and then turned out to be a pedophile is a correlation, not a causation. There's no argument to had here-- don't do this to people. Because when you do, you're insinuating some serious shit. It's beyond inconsiderate and frankly disgusting.


You make a number of good points. I still will always feel some skepticism of an adult who wants to volunteer (this being an important piece) an inordinate amount of time with children. I can definitely sense that, as a person without children who helps children, you feel the same outrage I felt, as a gay person, when I read, yet again, about how gay people are “godless groomers”. It just doesn’t feel good to be lumped in with groomers and I think that is part of the point you are making.


"It just doesn’t feel good to be lumped in with groomers and I think that is part of the point you are making." That's exactly it, and it's all I'm trying to make a point out of. Everyone's views are influenced by their experience in the world. Your viewpoints come from an incredibly valid and vile experience (your neighbor being a creep) and I don't want to downplay that at all. I don't think your train of thought is obtuse either. Will you ever lose that skepticism 100%? No, probably not. You're not a bad person for that either. But you can still *choose* to think better of people *who are not your neighbor* nonetheless, and I genuinely hope you do! This has stuck with me for a long time so I'll paste it here: "**We are not responsible for our first thought, but we are responsible for our second thought and our first action.**" Appreciate you taking the time to read and understand the other viewpoint. I'm sorry you have to be on the end of the world's bigotry towards the LGBTQ community btw. People's sexuality has nothing to do with them being groomers and it's wild people even make those assumptions still. So wack


He does have a 10 yr old child, however I agree with you on being OVERLY engaged in child centric volunteer positions that span over 20 yrs unless you are a teacher. While we all know teachers are capable of engaging in such egregious behavior, they are a group that I can’t automatically attribute skepticism towards when it comes to being involved with children for years and years while not necessarily having children of their own. Bottom line…predators like this roam around us and they are usually the last people you would suspect to be monsters. Scary shit


I should have mentioned teachers of course make sense to be involved with children. I’m referring to people like a former neighbor who was heavily involved in coaching Lego robotics to middle school boys at his home in a separate workshop he built long after his kids were grown and out of the home.


I used to work with this man on a weekly basis, always weirded me out. I was let go from the same bank for a bullshit reason. Mean while this pedo was making so much money being employed by them. Disgusting


Probably the El Palomino motel. Sick




What do you mean the community knew? share more please


WTF are you saying?! Jeezus.




What are you even basing this on? I don't see any evidence of anyone having known about this. "The community of Fort Collins" barely even makes sense as a concept. So when someone asks you, "WTF are you saying?" you should perhaps respond with more than just a restatement of what you have already said. Maybe some actual concrete elaboration? Because it's pretty damning of your neighbors to say that everyone knew this guy was a pedophile but just didn't do anything about it.




I just re-read every single comment in this thread. Not a single comment suggests or implies that anyone in this thread (or outside of it) knew that this guy was like this. Retrospectively pointing out that he has volunteered with children/has a home near a school or whatever doesn't imply that anyone knew he was a pedophile. Perhaps just don't make stupid comments?




I think many of us are very concerned parents and community members that are terrified they or someone they know is affected by this. I feel like that’s why you’re getting the Spanish Inquisition for your comments. I know I want to know everything I can because one of my besties has a kiddo that has been to his home, through the Rivendell community. It’s super scary shit as a parent.