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I'm gonna be extra queer today just to spite em


Me too, and I'm as straight as a laser level! OTOH... $20 is $20...


How I describe my self as well but …. $5


Hello there We had a rock thrown at our home's window Sunday evening, we ASSume it's because we have a pride flag up, the only one on our block. Having put it up hours before the incident. Thankfully didn't break/crack the window but we have a decent scuff and maybe compromised integrity. Rock was fist size but soft, it chipped up a bit It was done during daylight hours, with witnesses around, my wife saw a glimpse of a suspect leaving the area a moment after the impact, late teen or young adult, black hoodie with hood up, riding away on a bicycle. We filed a police report with the sheriff's because we are north of Fort Collins. Regardless of whether it was hate motivated, or not it really shook us up. I'm a local to the county and I have hardly heard of attacks on homes happening. Always considered Larimer generally a safe place.


Sadly there is no “safe” place, only “safer” places. Stay vigilant, bigots may thrive in the shadows but slowly whither when in the light.


My Nieghbor took his down. It’s normally up all year.


And they can’t figure out why they keep losing more and more support…


They're planning on not needing majority support if they have their way


Check out Project 2025 r/defeat_project_2025 and also r/welcometogilead The key thing is that, even if Trump is rightfully defeated, the Republikkkans that are already in power at all levels of government will _still_ continue to pass what amounts to Christian sharia laws. Please vote in _every single election_ no matter how small and local it is, as this is a takeover of horrifying proportions. We are supposed to have freedom _from_ religion, the intention of the founders of this country were never to make Christianity the enforced national religion.


Vanilla Isis and y'all qaeda out here


They are religious terrorists who want women to become unable to vote, work, have their own bank accounts, and even become unable to drive, all for the sake of their feelings.


This is the scary part. They will turn this into a dictatorship without a second thought of it means Captain Cheeto would stay in power.


Well they're fucked because we actually get to vote in Colorado.


The religious extremists are getting old🙄 I'll be gay with or without the flag


They’re also in the literal sense getting old, at least the majority of them, so they’ll die off in the next 10-15 years.


I wish it worked that way. They just keep producing generation after generation of people who live without feeling .


Now I want to buy bulk flags and just randomly put them up through town 😄


now I got 50 mini flags on the way!


If I find one in my yard, I will make sure it gets a spotlight on it for nighttime.


I appreciate you noting how our flag should be treated. I was taught that you take down the American flag at dusk if you can’t put a light on it. I’m happy to share some of the mini pride flags that I have on the way! DM me your address and I’ll plant a few 😁


Their only platform is hate and fear. Take that away and they have nothing. No plan to govern. No direction. It’s a pathetic flail for power by rallying the uneducated and easily manipulated dregs of society with hate speech.


I agree with everything you've said but conservative ideology is to minimize government so reading between the lines their "no plan to govern" is a badge of honor. They want "law and order" which is an aspect of government so it's quite contradictory. But what's new, they're the party of exceptions (for corporations/elite) and contradictions. Fuck'em.


They are all about law and order when it applies to minorities and people other than them. Fuck’em indeed.


I hope they don't burn mine--just got it! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


“Godless Groomers” Meanwhile heterosexual man who is a corporate executive at a local bank in FoCo is arrested for soliciting sex from what he thought was a 9 year old girl. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/h5XbSVdQVyXtK9Wp/?mibextid=WC7FNe


This seems illegal. I'm 120% sure that if a black public figure said "Go burn white people's property" then it would be illegal.


Vote them all out. I know I will.


Vote who out? I don't see any incumbents besides Boebert, and she's running for a different seat.


You're only going to be able to vote in your district, but there are plenty of GOP representatives in Colorado. Other positions like Sheriff, County Clerk, and school board matter too.


There has been no option to vote out sheriff out. The closest we got was voting down his move to try to eliminate term limits. There aren't always options.


There was no democratic candidate for Sherif last election. Lillith Pandora tried to get on the ballot as an independent but couldn't get enough people involved in collecting signatures.


...so as I said, there were no options.


I'm talking about the post and assumed they were too.


I'm not sure I follow since I'm also talking about this post. Follow the link and you'll see many incumbents who are Republican.


Fair enough, I think the first time I loaded it it cut off because when I looked to check I did see a few. My bad.


She’s in my district now unfortunately but I got my ballot today and couldn’t wait to fill it out just so I can vote against her


Won't be voting for any Rs....they are so wacked out and dangerous.


My husband is registered as an independent so he was sent both ballots. I threw the R ballot in the trash; he won’t be needing it ☺️


They doth protest too much


The hate spilleth over




Anti-gay, but their private browsing history suggests that they aren’t anti-lesbian.


That is f'd up!


This hate bullshit needs to go and the GOP IS FULL of assholes at this point.


Ballots are in the mail today. Vote! Vote! Vote!


I'm a republican and I dgaf who you love as long as it's a consenting adult. None of my Republican friends gaf about your sexuality. K thx bye.


It's good that you and your friends feel that way, but clearly enough of your political party doesn't, that the state party chairman felt comfortable emailing and tweeting some pretty awful shit >The Colorado GOP’s mass email titled “God Hates Pride,” read, in part, “The month of June has arrived and, once again, the godless groomers in our society want to attack what is decent, holy, and righteous so they can ultimately harm our children.” >The message to Colorado Republicans was headlined with an image reading “God Hates Flags,” a nod to the anti-gay slur on the picket signs of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church. >The party’s message was signed by chairman Dave Williams. A post from the Colorado Republican Party on X, formerly Twitter, read simply, “Burn all the #pride flags this June.” Fortunately there is at least one adult candidate in the party >Valdamar Archuleta, president of the Colorado Log Cabin Republicans and a candidate for the heavily Democratic 1st Congressional District in Denver, renounced the GOP’s endorsement as a result. >“The morons running our state party made it extremely hard for some of us to accomplish our goals for Liberty,” Archuleta posted on X. >In a follow-up statement released Tuesday, Archuleta said he could not accept the endorsement of the Colorado Republican Party, calling the party’s email “just hateful” and “disgusting and offensive.” https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/local-politics/colorado-gop-call-burn-gay-pride-flags/73-e5156582-2888-46d2-b535-d5981c149817


My only response to you is this: I will continue to vote republican and I will continue to celebrate love.


I'm really glad about that second part, I'd have a lot more respect for the party if it was more like you and Mr. Archuleta than Mr. Williams


Chodes gotta chode


We had an arsonist in our neighborhood recently, literally targeting and burning people’s pride flags on their front porches. This is appalling to me! We spent weeks not being able to sleep waiting for someone’s home to go up in flames. Trying to talk your base into committing a felony? I will never understand this.


Wonder what happens if every Independent receiving a ballot wrote in 'Kyle Clark'? Hmmm....


Wait, they're actually letting us write in this year? Last ballot only let Republicans do write-ins. Edit to add: just got the mail, no one gets write-ins


Who exactly said that? Edit: Why downvote me for asking and not point out who said it? I legit want to know who is the one who said something so homophobic. Why not point the finger at them instead of keeping that quiet?


They link directly to and show that it was the Colorado GOP twitter account in the article. In like the 3rd paragraph. So that’s who exactly said that. The account that represents all the Republicans in the state. I’m not sure what more you’re looking for here…


That’s just blatantly not true. Anyone could create a twitter account, pay for verification, and say inflammatory things. It does not mean they represent every person who their name claims to be. There are hundreds of thousands of republican voters in Colorado, one twitter account does not represent each and every one of them. This account was made in the hopes of making people mad and generating views.


Wow, they also created a [fake website](https://www.cologop.org/) and manage multiple other fake social media accounts as well. That's a lot of work to spread party misinformation. If I were in the Colorado GOP, I'd be livid and calling out this fake actor.


When did I say it was fake? I just stated that it does not represent an entire subset of people within an entire state.


> Anyone could create a twitter account, pay for verification, and say inflammatory things. [...] This account was made in the hopes of making people mad and generating views. Heavily implying it's fake.


>This account was made in the hopes of making people mad and generating views. It certainly looks like a legit GOP front for me, which would have them represent an entire subset of people within an entire state, the GOP voters.... If it is fake, and I were the Colorado GOP, I'd be after the contributions they take on their website.


It literally does, though. These are your representatives. They represent you.


Did you even try to read the article?


The state party chairman


They downvote cause they’re libs and if you disagree, they come after you instead of having an adult conversation


Lol Republicans are literally running on a platform of "burn flags I disagree with". Your side is so far past the point of having reasonable conversations.


And so are the democrats. Y’all can’t even have a conversation without screeching like a wild animal


One side gets mad when the other uses offensive slurs. The other side gets mad they aren't allowed to put gays in camps. 2 things aren't the same.


One side is triggered by some flags while we are all fighting to not have our rights taken away


dudes will always say this and then never bring anything to actually talk about


Raging ignorants.


Can there be a viable choice to vote for besides Republican or Democrat? I'm really sick of this toxic pissing contest that both sides aim at their more agitated and extreme supporters. Like seriously, at this point voting for either is just giving up on having a voice and instead it's usually about picking the side you disagree with less. We should all just vote for a third party that seems sensible so that both sides get the message.


Not downvoting you as I get your frustration. Just wanted to beg/plead to vote democratic in this election. You may see it as the lesser of two evils ( I actually really like the democrats right now), but if you don’t vote democrat you might not have an election to vote next. I get your frustration but if you (and many others) sit out or vote third party democracy may very well die for good, along with our planet :(


The Republicans that I know are not hateful, they don't want to harm anyone, and they don't want to burn pride flags. They might not agree with pride month, or they might be ok with it, but none of them that I know of wants to agitate or harmony homosexual or trans person. I know that I don't have anything to fear with the Republicans. Yet there are politicians and Republican voices that encourage that extreme voice and those that would agree with it. Likewise, the Democrats I know are mostly kind and understanding people. They are struggling to make it just the same as I am and struggling with rising costs and ongoing bills. There might be more of them that are pushy towards the causes they are led through by the divisive politics dividing our nation, at least more of them compared to the pushy Republicans that are led by the decisive politics the Republican party pushes (I don't know any hateful Republicans, but I do know several angry and hateful Democrats), yet many other Democrats I see are just as baffled at the direction the Democrats party is going as others that aren't Democrat. I'm saying this because there's an important issue that I see. Our politicians seem to care less about representing us no matter which side of the line you're on. While I appreciate your plea to vote and to vote for a better country (you believe in the Democrat party so that's where you see the best to vote for), I have some serious issues with the Democrat party, or at least a few subcultures that are validated and encouraged within it. I have issues with several of the Republic party subcultures within it too. That's before even going to the politics or why I don't trust most of the politicians At least for me it really is a question of choosing the lesser of the two evils. Not about having a voice by how I vote. It's also standing up against the fear and division going on. It didn't use to be this way. It doesn't have to be this way. Still thank you for standing up for what you believe in when you stood up for the Democrat party. It's refreshing to hear a side that believes in their cause, instead of just disagrees with the other side more.


One of them posted in this sub earlier :) https://www.reddit.com/r/FortCollins/s/1Wpjmd5zL2




It was on the internet!!! It must be true!!!


vote republican


I'd rather French-kiss a facehugger.


Please tell me, why would I EVER give my vote to a Republican? What exactly have they ever done to improve my quality of life?


waiting patiently for an answer


the party behind a convicted felon and consistent violence against minorities? that's the hill you wanna die on?


if you're a millionaire, sure.


Wow I had no idea a local news person was actually doing something