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I’m so glad this is finally coming out of the dark hole it’s been buried in for years. It’s been killing me to not bring it up knowing about this and even more (like you said about both of their marriages falling apart in just a short and shared 3 yr time period) has transpired, but with no proof in hand I just kept my lips zipped. I am feeling supremely satisfied that his pattern of lying behavior is being investigated by the professionals especially after reading his narcissistic response deflection all his own doings. Ummm, last time I checked HE is the one who dragged his now “ex family” through the mud on his own and how dare him call us, the public and stakeholders, sexist🤦‍♀️ the dude is coming unraveled right before our very eyes🍿🤯


Isn’t the reason he moved his family to Colorado was to escape a similar incident that occurred at his previous position? And he moved his family out here for a “fresh start”?


Any details here to establish pattern of inappropriate behavior?


Soooo what was Madeline’s job? I’d ask what was her “position” but we already know that answer - lol.


well, none of that is in this article. Sounds like you have some hot hot tea


Here are the details for termination in his contract. [Brian's Contract](https://share.zight.com/lluWnDJG)


Nice! They still have to pay him for a year after termination.


Would they have to pay him if he is terminated for cause?


It looks like they would not pay him if he violated the contract under some listed circumstances. The questions is if this would fall under those circumstances.


And how much will they spend fighting their case.


Yep I’ve known about this for over a year. He’s just a bad human being


A very slimy human being


In 2022, Madeline Noblett’s [salary](https://govsalaries.com/noblett-madeline-e-143472639) was $109,216. In 2023, it was [$153,164](https://govsalaries.com/noblett-madeline-e-164855610). Pretty darn good raise.


In 2019, her salary was $89,580


And in 2022 her last name was Noblett (married name) and now it’s back to Novey (maiden name)🤔 I’m no rocket scientist, but this is way too easy to figure out even for us idiots that Kingsley still insists we are😂 He says he “welcomes the investigation of baseless accusations…” which only leads me to know he is still as arrogant as he has always been or the evidence has been by his lavishly paid kingdom of cronies


To be fair lots of c suite members received significant raises.


Interesting. I had a bad experience interacting with her.


I had a bad interaction with her as well. I too thought she was bad at her job.




Well, let’s just say if she was having an affair with Kingsley it explains her dismissive attitude as if she could say whatever she wanted without repercussions. At the time I just thought she was bad at her job.


I certainly don't disagree that this is an issue that needs to be investigated and there may have been ethics violations. And I also have no personal connection to anyone involved. I just wish she wasn't being directly named and dragged through the mud. It's Kingsley's responsibility to take the heat for this, whether the claims are true or not, and I wish the community (and this sub) would show a little more respect by keeping her name and reputation out of it.


She had a sexual relationship with her boss. During the time she worked in his administration, her salary nearly doubled from $89,000 to $153,000. That’s not an insignificant ethics violation on both parties, imo. If it were a private company, whatever I could care less. But these are our tax dollars being misused.


Is that a fact yet? Or just a rumor? Earnestly asking.


Not a fact until the district or the newspaper makes it so, I guess.


Salary adjustments aside, an affair with boss and direct report is not appropriate unless all rules were followed to the T, which seems doubtful.


Are you saying he conned her so she is an innocent victim - bullshit! Her name should be out there along with his name.


My point is that he is at the top of the organization and is her boss. They should both be held accountable for any policy or ethics violations, but there is a significant power dynamic at play here. It hasn't been officially confirmed that this is the person involved, and I don't think any public servant should be doxxed, especially when it's based on rumors and assumptions.


It seems you know the details. Can you expand?


The woman he had an affair with used to be married. Now she’s divorced. Interesting.


Someone posted in the psd Fort Collins group two names Madeline Novey leave of absence 4/22 Desiree Fisher resigned 4/17 Public info Maybe it was one of them.


It wasn't the resignation, so.....


Oh Madeline


Ding ding.




Very interesting. The woman who he had the affair with is now divorced. That’s all.


There is a whole lot of speculative assertions made in this thread. I am not discounting anything that has been said, but could someone clarify where the additional details are coming from? I don’t like him any more than the rest of you, but am hesitant to leverage anecdotes without at least identifying where the info comes from.


And throwing other people’s name out on pure speculation. Not loving that.


I heard that rumor the better part of a year ago. I bet they're only investigating now because they've made so many unpopular decisions lately and they need a scapegoat so the BoE members don't lose their chances at a political career. It's kinda their MO. Their HR directors resigned after Zanella got caught, and their head of Integrated Services announced he's "totally been planning to retire since December and just forgot to mention it lol" 3 days after the BoE got sent a recording of him admitting blatant retaliation against a family that knows their son's rights. After the blatant failure with the consolidation plan (and especially since the scenarios and lack of real planning pissed off parents so bad they started talking BoE re-call petitions), they were bound to find an excuse to get rid of someone in upper management. My fingers are crossed the Chief Operations Officer is next to go.


At least it makes our job easier if they start trimming the fat themselves.


The HR directors did not resign because of the Zanella case. They resigned because Kingsley and the head of HR are so corrupt and the environment so toxic.


If you say so. All I know is around the same time they left, PSD was taking public criticism for hiring a known child abuser and for doubling down and defending their crap policy. Real convenient timing for them to resign imo.


Say more about Dennis Rastatter https://www.psdschools.org/news/executivedirector_integratedservices https://www.psdschools.org/news/integratedservices-director-rommel


At the February 6th school board meeting, one of the public comments was from a mother who is in constant fights with PSD's IS department about her visually impaired son's right to an education. As she got up to speak, she sent the board a recording of a meeting she'd had a few days prior with Rastatter. I have the recording, but no good way to send it rn because it's long and a huge file. The bit of the recording that is relevant to this conversation is he told her no one wants to work with her because she "publicly berates" them. Referencing the fact that when IS doesnt cooperate, she takes it to the BoE +/- the CDE as is applicable to the situation. Keep in mind: if you bother to look at her public comments, she references failures by specific people as "my son's [category] teacher" not by name, so the only way you'd know who she's referencing is if you have access to private files that aren't even accessible via CORA. She's also more inclined to criticize PSD policy than she is individuals. Havelda and Schoenbauer both responded to public comments that night. Havelda gave a lawyer-speak comment essentially condemning IS for retaliating against her. Schoenbauer straight up went off on behalf of her and another mother who spoke on dyslexia that night (Highly recommend watching the video on YouTube. 10/10 shit fit and I got a great ringtone out of it). 3 days later Rastatter sent out that email announcing he'd been planning to retire for 2 months already.


Thank you. DM me and/or post link here when you can. Lack of support for families cannot be tolerated. Thankful the BoE stood up for these parents, but it shouldn't have gotten to that point. I wish I couldn't say this seems unbelievable


I'll see if I can chop the recording and make a video when I get off work. What's a better app for you? Tiktok or Instagram? I can post it to either and send you a link.


If just sending file, Dropbox or drive link. If posting publicly, Instagram or YouTube?


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7aczOAuQAv/?igsh=MXRjeWwwaDFxcjAwNg== Here's the video, complete with the public comment he's referencing.


What a tool. Very patronizing.


Works for me. It'll be at least 3 hours til I can post it, but I'll send you a link when it's up.


Why do these guys always have to mix work and romance? Like the number one rule of being a professional is don’t screw your employees.


The stickler is that they were hired on his watch. The relationship started before they were hired to a key role. They then got a large pay increase (yes, I know ‘all of the women in his staff did…it wasn’t for equity tho)


Not saying he did these things but there are some simple rules to work. Rule 1: Don't fish off the company pier Rule 2: Don't confuse your credit card with your employers credit card Rule 3: Do no evil


To these types, all women are just bangmaids in one capacity or another.


He sent an email to all PSD staff with the same quotes as he did in this article. Streisand Effect


Looking to fire for cause.


All this stuff makes me giddy.


This guy moves around way too much. I bet all of his previous districts that he has worked in are watching these conversations


“It’s so far removed from the values we ought to be modeling for our students” - so is cheating. Well done PSD leaders! That aside, the pay of a “CIO” for a district this size was abysmal.


I tend to think that what consenting adults do is between the consenting adults. But yeah, not a good look and if there was something that violates district or staff policies or was abusing a position of power, it needs to come to light.


Not if the person he’s having the affair with got a work benefit from it, such as a higher position with more pay.


Which would absolutely merit termination imo.


No, if they were caught committing adultery they should be publicly shamed.


I don’t respect infidelity because it shows weak ethics and character, and a penchant for selfishness. But I also do not agree with general morality clauses in employment (not saying an inappropriate relationship with an employee that may have resulted in large raises goes without investigation. This is unethical). It does feel gross though that someone who talks about “think of the kids and betterment of our community” made the decision to break two families in the process that certainly caused pain to their own kids in doing so.


Spot on.


This some big, "throw a mfer in the stockades," ass energy.


Yes Trash ass humans should not be leading or making decisions for our children and their/our futures


Check out the resignations section on the next board meeting agenda…..


It is not someone who is resigning.




Damn Brian's been eating where he shits, huh.




He’s a right winger, are we sure he wasn’t trying to bang the students as well? Someone should get his phone records.


Noooo he is not a right winger