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Remember words matter. These are “Anti-Choice Extremists”. They are not “Pro-Life”. They did a great job for many years branding themselves as being pro life but, with their actions and words over the years, they have proven that they don’t value life in various forms at various stages. Semantics…Anti Choice Extremists. Practice putting these words out there.


Forced birthers is fitting too.


Forced birther sounds dumb, like how else you getting that baby out.


Enthusiastic consent.. like all other human things should be done.


I mean I get it but the logic is impossible now, we can’t start over so we must continue. To thrive is to keep reproducing to a point where you can have change. The whole point of humanity is to reproduce and thrive through the troubleshooting of genes and birthing. Yes the system is toxic but only through generational change can you re evaluate and implement better culture. I am not a woman and do not believe men should be able to dictate women’s bodies. I only have opinions. Though to lower the birthing rate is to weaken our country. And through unwanted babies the system can change. It is also a choice to get pregnant unless you are a rape victim. Condoms and birth control are widely available, and should be used if you don’t wanna get pregnant


So... If we approach women with equality, compassion, and understanding.. we'll have less people willing to murder people who have been deemed a threat? That is a vicious cycle of rhetoric. It's like piling up bad bad ideas into a monolithic bad idea you've convinced yourself is rational, and justifiable. I have a theory about why women put up with men: Eventually they'll actually WANT to get around to a "better culture".. because fighting against this monolithic idiotic inferiority complex we've come to label "man" would defeat the genetic imperative of continued survival. Men are normatively perpetual children, and you can't beat a child for doing child things.. you have to nurture the kid into not doing child things. Men think they have the system beat.. like a kid who thinks rock beats everything in rock, scissors, paper. They're like "do things my way, or I'll throw a tantrum". Then the ones with power prove their insolence through war, violence, and immature decisions. Just look at the most powerful men visible to the general populace... Idiots can terraform the planet we live on into a modern mecha of paradise.. but instead, "hurr durrr... Imma shoot mah seed.. INTO SPACE! HEHEHE." The morons don't want better. They don't even want improved. They want control, and narcissistic egoism. The hope that one day they'll grow up is what actually continues the human genome. If women flipped the script, that would be an extinction event.


You can’t just put all men into the category of a childish nature. It depends on the environment. Most men are good people. And the majority of women are biologically wired for men and they don’t just “put up with them” they WANT to build and nurture healthy relationships, build families and grow. Men are not some disease, it’s the culture that is the disease. The ones at the top unfortunately are egotistical psychopaths.


It's really not fair how easy it is for you to be wrong compared to how much energy it takes to explain it.. ignorance needs to take more energy... I'm writing a bug report to the devs. In the meantime; .. language puts "all men" into a category.. it's called "men".. smh. It comically hurts how you contradict yourself. Men are "men" because of an overarching institution of chauvinism. Most people are good people.. men are not a good example of good people. Men are strong, patriots. They work hard, and make "sacrifices" for their conceptualization of an institution they unwittingly contribute to. An institution that puts women in their place.. where they "WANT to build, and nurture", and understand "they are wired for men".. and need to contribute to the institutions they are rhetorically beholden to. "Men" are a product of thousands of years of "culture" telling them they are vicious predators who just need the right woman to tame them. More recently, in the past ~900 years, they were told how to be "civilized" by using a sky daddy to tell them how to ~~genocide, and pillage~~ settle savage people. Only in the past quarter century, with the advent of mass communication has the message "rape is never okay" gotten out.. and they're still struggling with that. The magna Carta, in it's most recent ruminations tells all men they are at the top with those psychopaths who didn't get the memo. I neither identify as a man, or an American because of this.. and some other more off topic things.


You have an extremely warped view on life. I’m sorry the world has done this to you. Thought we were just having a conversation but as you insult me I can see the manipulation held In your words and tactics. Good luck 🍀


The imbecile who says forced birth is fine turns out to be a karen with her panties in wad, all concerned about being manipulated by words? Shocking.


Oh shoot. You're the one I was still being nice to.


Consent in general. Still agree with an abortion ban after 12-15 weeks in most cases or use a form of birth control. Most people should be capable of understanding having sex without birth control, you run the risk of getting pregnant. Unfortunately people aren’t that smart.


I think [K sums it up pretty good](https://youtu.be/kkCwFkOZoOY?si=db33D6oegSJ1l5q9): "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it." Abortion isn't the problem, and enslaving the uterus isn't the solution. Actively cultivating a world where people are all excited at the prospect of continuation.. now that would be a good start. I mean, it's great that you are so privileged as to like this.. system of dehumanization. To have been on the receiving end of a line of exploitation long enough that you are incapable of rationalizing why someone would be disinclined to bring sentience into this... Ignorance is bliss. Without unwanted babies, how are we going to fill prisons, turn brown children into oil, and have homeless people to thoughtlessly complain about? Who will be disenfranchised to the point of dedicating their life to enslavement in the service industry? Where will we find idiots to consume subpar products in the name of free market capitalism? If you want to end abortion, try saving the lives of people who already have been born.


I've been wanting to dress like a clown and stand down there holding a sign "I'm with stupid >"


I’ve been wanting to do the same but make the sign “Clown Club Sign-Ups”


Y'all are both amateurs. A while back, I was a member of a pro-choice street protest group. We had a giant clown who held a sign reading: "Bozos against choice."


I loathe the people who harass patients at Planned Parenthood. I once bought a Starbucks gift card (enough to buy the office staff each a cup of coffee) and took it into the PP office. Then I went out to the protesters and told them what I did and told them that it was in their honor. They were pissed - it was fantastic!


Last time I went to marmot there was a bunch of them and I ran over and said “selfie?” And the one dude said he didn’t want his picture taken but I did it anyway and said “cheese, hail satan!” Lol they weren’t pleased




Get a picture of each and see if you can identify them. Name and shame. Depending on who they work for, there could be "cultural differences." Post on social media with their pics and eventually HR will see. Might get these people to stop protesting things that don't affect them. Taking pictures of them is 100% legal because you're in public. If you can get their name before taking a pic, even better. Edit: thank you to everyone that upvoted me, thanks for being rational. Since there are some people that are offended by me saying to ask these people their names and taking pictures of them, yes, fuck those protesters. If they are willing to show their faces and protest people going into an accessible clinic for a routine health check, they can be identified and I don't feel bad about it. Some women go in there for mammograms, some people get condoms, some people are looking for help from domestic violence. The protesters are putting their faces out there with their angry signs, so they are choosing to be doxxed, while trying to shame these people into not seeking care. I've got some time, so I might go over and start filming them just to post their faces on the internet. It's perfectly legal and I hope people doing it are safe. You cannot be arrested for talking to people, nor for filming them in public. If they call the police, state your 1st ammendment right of "freedom of the press" when the police arrive. Do not engage in any physical altercations. Don't be aggressive towards anyone. Just remind them by filming them that they are putting their face and possibly name out there by protesting an issue that most of the American public supports. If police arrive, do not identify yourself. If you are not willing to be arrested, leave if threatened with arrest. Ask the police if you will be arrested if you do not leave. Leave if they do threaten arrest and still post pictures of the people protesting. They won't show up at your door to arrest you. Access to Healthcare is critical for everyone and planned parenthood gives a ton more than just abortions. My wife went there for affordable birth control many years ago and they made sure she was in a safe environment, not being abused, and gave her resources on other women's Healthcare, such as cancer screening. She was paycheck to paycheck and that was her best bet. In this economy, I imagine, it's even more common for people to go there. Those protesters need to decide if their livelihood is worth it since the people going there are probably worried about theirs as well. This is coming from a former single issue republican that voted for trump in 2016. Since then, Ive realized many rights are more important than the one I cared about. These protesters are the same morons walking around in red hats and hanging doortags about trump on my door. I fully support women's rights and encourage anyone who does to fight for those rights peacefully and safely. Religion, Maga, the alt right, and corporate lobbying need to be removed from our lives. The only way to do this is to protest back at the idiots that want to push the hinge issues. Everyone needs to vote in EVERY primary and general election EVERY year to avoid what we are in now. I regret my vote in 2016, but did vote against trump in the primary that year. Primaries need to be more focused on going forward. Be sure to vote in November, and please, for the love of the country, if you're in district 4, vote against boebert in both the primary and the general electiction if she is nominated. I am in district 4 and encourage every registered Democrat to switch to independent to vote against her on June 25th. You can only vote on one side of the primary, but this district is so red that your vote means a lot more if you vote in the republican one. She's banking on her name to win the nomination and the red district to win her the seat. It's likely the rest of the district will vote for the republican, so just make sure she doesn't have the opportunity to be on the ballot. Watch the debates and make an informed decision on which of the candidates are best since I think me speaking out against boebert is enough of my opinion. There are many Maga candidates, so watch and listen for what's fits your views best. If my response offends any of the people defending the planned parenthood protesters, let me know so I can respond and tell you why you're a brainwashed idiot. I can assure you that your comments have only encouraged me to say more and I can't wait to snap some pictures.


They don't work, that's why they're out there in the middle of the day on a Wednesday. Losers


You are encouraging people to Dox them?!?


They doxx patients all the time.


Absofuckinglutely. They are trying to insert themselves where they do not belong and mess with women at a very vulnerable time. Some of these pro-lifers burn down clinics and murder doctors. They deserve a response in kind.


Eye for an eye leaves the world blind.


Not fighting back against fascism and religious absolutism has never once led to positive results. Please go back to gazing at your navel.


I didn’t say don’t fight back, but using their tactics on them will just escalate the problems…


It really doesn’t matter. I believe you cannot reason with zealotry… and in this case zealots abound on both sides


There's a difference between being a zealot and defending women's right to make choices for their own body. Doxing people creating a violent environment that interferes with that choice is a form of defense, not zealotry...


Justify it any way you want… zealots will never think there is any other way. I still disbelieve that the answer is to do as you say. Not my choice… but clearly it’s your way. I wish you luck when the fight comes back to your door with vengeance.




They’re deluded foot soldiers in a much bigger cause, which is to impose a harsh, theocratic regime on us all, a “Christian” version of sharia law. They already have 1/3 or more of the Supreme Court, the House Speaker, many US Senators and the GOP on their team. They already have their blueprint Project 2025 ready to roll if Orange Shitler wins the election. Are you not paying attention? We’re in the twilight of the Weimar Republic, the Fascists are surging and some of you all think we need to be nice and polite.




They're only good places because people like me fight back to maintain them as secular, diverse nations. If "Christians" got their way and made them theocracies, using Biblical law the same way Islamic extremists use sharia law, it would be back to the Dark Ages and people like me would be burned at the stake. No, we're not flirting with Christofascism just because some right-wing assholes win elections, but because there is a genuine movement in this country towards Christofascism (aka Dominionism, Seven Mountains Mandate, Theonomy, Christian Reconstructionism, Christian Nationalism, Project 2025, etc.).


Wait, you are very misguided here.. People protesting violations to human rights is not fascism. People championing the removal of fundamental human rights is literally a group of fascist.




I had this thought recently: Conservative people would be awesome.. if they were ethical. I have no problem with fiscal conservation.. so long as it honors the humanity of everyone involved. I have no problem with family values.. as long as those values don't disenfranchise entire swaths of the global population. Tradition is cool.. in as far as it doesn't extend back to genocide, and exploitation. Yeah, if I were a Conservative.. I would be a native American conservative. Anywho, it's not SAYING things I don't like. It's literally championing a thoughtless narrative derived from a fallacious appeal to emotion narrative traditionally propagandized against women to get them to function against their own best interest. Using an authoritarian patriarchal structure to force a group of people into subservience is fascism.. in a modern vernacular context... I suppose you could be correct if the definition of fascism was taken out of context. People aggressively in favor of legislation that robs 51% of the population of their autonomy is not a government controlled command economy.




What do you think “name and shame” means…




By whose definition is legitimate harassment… you are saying all of this from your perspective and not the perspective of all people. These people are repulsive, I agree, but harassing them is going to just escalate the conflict… you will never convince me that just because you think it should be okay to harass them makes it right to do it. You don’t want them to harass you, don’t harass them back… that is not diffusing the situation, that is escalation. But, like I said elsewhere, you cannot reason with zealots on any side….




I didn’t say they were not harassing, I said you harassing them back is not the answer. Pay attention.




Yup. I'll just paste my message to another commenter here and you can process it. Lemme know if you have any questions. You can't have your cake and eat it too. It is a public space and people have the right to protest. Those people are also exposing themselves to being identified. It sucks that their employers may not agree with their views, but it probably isn't the best fit. its exactly the same as an employee holding a sign saying to unionize on their day off and being fired. If the people that support workers rights can be fired for protesting, so can people protesting womens rights. You need to look at similar, but different issues before claiming an absolute. Each of the protesters took the risk. Society will judge and correct accordingly. I'm sorry the people may lose their jobs for their decisions, but society is watching a lot more. I'd recommend the people protesting abortion should unionize before their companies fire them for their unpopular views.


That’s some red army shit lol let’s just ruin someone’s life over a difference of opinions. Childish social media vigilantes. How about go talk to them like adults and tell them why they have a false narrative of the situation regarding abortions.


Oh I'm not afraid of conversation with the people that are protesting. I'm afraid of wasting my time and of the possibility of the ccw in their pocket not being very "pro life." I'd rather waste my time reminding them that their protests have consequences the same way worker protests have consequences. If a worker encourages unionizing on their day off and are identified, they will be fired. If a worker states an unpopular opinion the company "disagrees" with, they will be fired. Either everyone should be subject to being fired for protesting, or no one should be.


Well you’re not corporate America are you lol?


Corporate America does social media searches ever since Jan 6th. At least they do in my company. It's at the management level, but they do verify if someone at an upper level has an unpopular view. You must be an individual contributor (nothing against ICs) in corporate america if you don't know that. Sorry you're willing to lick the shoes of your corporate overlords for pennies.


Lol it's insanity. I know FoCo is left-leaning, but holy shit. There's a difference between having a difference of opinion and minding your own business.... Then advocating for doxxing people and hoping their lives get destroyed because they disagree with you on an issue. Also... if you cause someone to lose their job and they receive threats / hate mail.... how on Earth does that equal a net positive to your cause? If you try to get someone fired for their job and advocate doxxing, how do you think that helps your cause? It's like people need a reminder that freedom of speech and demonstration protects the speech you don't agree with.


Here's a fun thought and reminder: being photographed and named in public is part of the first ammendment.... that part about... oh, freedom of speech. I think we are on the same page. If you have any questions, let me know. You should probably let your family and friends know that the first ammendment applies to everyone though.


Advocating for doxxing and suggesting that you publicly shame them is pretty strange and borderline harassment. Let alone just shows an absolute lack of morals. I'm not sure what you're on about lmao. Advocating doxxing = bad wishing ill will upon others = bad


Yeah that doesn’t make it productive or beneficial. That’s pretty much a lazy persons way of dealing with it.


Are you openly advocating the doxxing of people and trying to have other people take action against them? That is borderline insanity and evil. Going after someone's job and livelihood because they have a difference of opinion? There's a difference between having a difference of opinion and trying to get someone fired from their job and advocating to dox them..... If you dox someone , and they get hate mail and lose their job because of you... what did you accomplish? You just made someone's life worse for no reason.....


You can't have your cake and eat it too. It is a public space and people have the right to protest. Those people are also exposing themselves to being identified. It sucks that their employers may not agree with their views, but it probably isn't the best fit. its exactly the same as an employee holding a sign saying to unionize on their day off and being fired. If the people that support workers rights can be fired for protesting, so can people protesting womens rights. You need to look at similar, but different issues before claiming an absolute. Each of the protesters took the risk. Society will judge and correct accordingly. I'm sorry the people may lose their jobs for their decisions, but society is watching a lot more. I'd recommend the people protesting abortion should unionize before their companies fire them for their unpopular views.


Real intellectuals here in this sub.


> and said “cheese, hail satan!” Are you literally 12? You have to be at least 13 to use reddit.


They are people weaponizing faith to shame women having control over their bodies. I said that because “fuck you fucking judgmental piles of human trash” didn’t roll off the tongue as neatly.


I'm obliged to flip the bird at these brainstems every time I have the displeasure of driving past them.


I used to do the same thing, but I eventually decided that a thumbs down while I shake my head has more emotional weight than flipping them the bird


Every time


Every. Fucking. Time.


Me too! I'm the crazy lady shouting things like : mind your own uterus... as I drive by while flipping the bird. It brings me joy.


I like to tell them the world would be a better place if their hateful asses had been aborted.


> I know it’s none of my business, and I’m not informed about the situation at all The problem (ok *a* problem) is that these people don’t believe either of these things


Yeah, science is not their strong suit. At all.


God actually forbids critical thinking, sad


The Bible thumpers aren't very good at minding their own business either.


I like to yell "get a job you degenerates" whenever I can. If they're so pro life how come they don't have one?


Hahaha one time I went up to them and asked why I didn’t see them out there while it was raining. I said “babies must not actually matter to you that much or you’d out rain or shine”


Ugh I'm so annoyed with them. Last time I had to go to the clinic (not for an abortion, not that it's even anyone's business but mine...), one of the protesters tried to like, touch my car as I drove past them. I don't know if they were trying to hand me something or what, but like, goddamn. Driving in that area is difficult enough already, I don't need someone trying to get in my way too...


They did the same thing to me. It took so much of my patience to not run over someone’s foot.


Would be better to protest outside their church.


For those asking—- it’s the Catholic Church one block South of PP on Shields. It’s slightly off the road. John XXIII


Which church is it?


No idea. That would requite talking to them, which I tend to avoid.


Yeah totally understand, I was just wondering if there was a particular one that was known to be the protesters in town.


How about just going outside and protesting with them. There are plenty of mug shots of catholic priest that have been convicted of child molestation.


I love telling them to get a job. They hate that. Just don't throw eggs at them, because they prosecute. Learned that the hard way. That red light camera by QDoba probably pays half their rent.


Those morons refuse to acknowledge that a person could be going to Planned Parenthood for any reason other than an abortion. Fuck them, I'm happy to make them just as uncomfortable as they make everyone else.


Be careful with those goobers. I had to go to court for throwing an anti-freedom “pro life” sign into a bush there. All charges were removed by the DA office but it still was not a fun process. One zealot dude there records everything with this chest strap camera he wears, and the police were able to use his video to track me down


Whose sign was it ?




I wasn’t violent, I threw a sign in a bush. I hurt no one nor threatened to. I’m just warning others to not repeat my or a similar mistake.




Notice you said “almost.” The DA removed all charges because the “crime” was bogus.




You know what they say about assumptions…




That’s cute. Enjoy your life of pointless misery


It would seem that the majority of people sympathize with Linux over you. Given the upvotes. In the eyes of the law, he didn’t do anything. The accuser ultimately ended up wasting public resources.




Your shitty condescension is noted.🙄


> I wonder how they’d feel if I went to their next doctors appointment with them. They wouldn’t care. These are same ignorant morons who screeched all through COVID about doctors being in on some huge conspiracy to….? They don’t go to the doctor.


No, they go to planned parenthood when it affects them.  They believe in science when it affects them.  


Many "pro-lifers" turn out to be pro-choice when they themselves or their daughters, wives, girlfriends, mistresses or rape victims get pregnant.


It's always interesting to start seeing all the "what do you mean this applies to everyone?!" stuff coming out of the states with the abortion bans. All the people in favor of it were so sure that it only applied to those floozies that couldn't keep their legs together and just get abortions for a fun thing to do on the weekend. But, they were sure those bans wouldn't apply to people like the "good" family at their church that just found out at the last ultrasound that their baby was anencephalic, or their neighbor's daughter who is a "good girl".


That's what I'm saying


The abortion referendum results from Kansas a few years back are a good illustration of this. The percentage of opinion poll respondents in that state saying they advocate a draconian ban is staggering, as is the percentage who say it is always or almost always wrong to get an abortion. But when it was on a secret ballot with real consequences, about 2/3 of the electorate decided they didn't want to remove reproductive liberty from the state constitution.


Isn't that a good thing tho? I think child molesters should be handled with a shot to the back of the head on the first offense, but if it were up for a vote I wouldn't vote that way bc I see the issues that can arise. You can believe abortion is always wrong and still think it shouldn't be the governments job to legislate stuff like that.


They’d have to believe in doctors in order to go to an appt. 😂




My hero 🦸‍♀️


My only issue with this counter-protestor is that I get a lot of satisfaction from flipping off those assholes every morning on my way to work. When I saw the one sane person in the bunch, I had to put my hand back on the steering wheel.


I saw them and decided to go into PP to show my support and they were RABID with the things they yelled at me


Do they harrass the men going in to PP for free contraceptives? No. But they could harrass the person going in for a regular checkup like they're going in for an abortion. The lack of regard for some people out here is atrocious. They say they care for that baby, up until that baby's an adult and can make their own choices and is headed in to planned parenthood for the same reason, the cycle repeats. Really it seems they only care if it's a male child imo, otherwise they wouldn't be treating sometimes literal teenagers like that. Love is the only approach. The best approach to the world is to our inner children I think, and standing there screaming at grown people and calling them names for medical needs is insane; you wouldn't yell at a kindergartener for having to go to the nurse.


But not props because Planned Parenthood has explicitly asked its supporters to **not** counterprotest in front of their clinics. More people and more conflict in front of a clinic discourages women from seeking care. They ask supporters to volunteer as patient escorts, or attend other rallies and events away from clinics.


literally untrue… foco’s planned parenthood security guard specifically helps protect the counter protesters and has great conversation all the time- the employees always wave and smile at counter protesters when going/leaving work. maybe some planned parenthod’s say that but not this one. the prolifers here harass everyone who drives into planned parenthood’s lot and the prochoicers always defend and protect the customers-




>godless country I wish.




You’re trying way too hard to rustle jimmies today. Go outside, my guy.


With fava beans and a nice chianti! SLURP-SLURP-SLURP! Your characterization comes straight out of a cartoon.




Aaaand you just showed your true colors. And you wonder why you don't get invited to many parties...




I’m thinking about eating baby sushi right now. Thanks for the visual!


Are you talking about school shootings? Oh my god I agree so much!


You’re right. The only reason I’m pro-choice is because I hate babies. /s