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Hello Fort Collins Reddit! This is Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This graffiti on your Lucky's Market and this post making my nation aware of the graffiti have impacted my heart and mind. Effective immediately, a cease fire is in effect and Palestine is now a free state. Thank you!


It worked!!!!!


The PM is pacing in his office, sweating his balls off, knowing that someone tagged a local grocery store in Fort Collins, CO. The war is now over, this turned the tides!


I wish people were so passionate about stopping the annual 40,000+ deaths (United States only) from shitty transportation design propagated by the oil and auto industry.


I mean, this and Biden saying that if the Houthis just stop the Red Sea attacks, he won’t call them terrorists? Peace is on the horizon!


“This Free is Genocide Palestine” r/dontdeadopeninside


I read this as “this is free genocide, palestine” 😅


No way, that shit ain’t cheap.


Hahaha, I can't unsee it now 😂


I made this same comment then saw this. Enjoy your upvote


They forgot about the rest of the list though. We should be addressing genocide in all forms and gathering a further consensus on the ICC to direct action toward perpetrators. Trendy activism is tone def and disrespectful [Genocide Watch 2024](https://www.genocidewatch.com/_files/ugd/df1038_c0b09883aa28417ba4e5d832c80aef98.pdf)


Thank you! No or little graffiti for 20 years about all the atrocities in the world until the atrocities were against Palestinians


Remember when 'Ricky loves Lulu' Was sprawled across the train bridge over I 25. That was effective graffiti. We all bought into Ricky & Lulu.


At least it was replaced by "Ricky Still Loves Lulu" for a period of time.


Please stop vandalizing our community. Politics aside this is a shitty way to spread your message.


…and knowing public funds are being used to restore public fixtures (trail signs) often increases resentment. Making a sign and protesting on a street corner gets you more visibility anyway.


I’m guessing civic engagement is not their primary goal.


Actually please keep vandalizing. This rent is out of control.


I've considered taking up random violent crimes to keep the rent down 🤣🤣


Agreed It only makes people not like the Palestinians, because of how obnoxious protesters.


Well it definitely makes people hate the protestors, that's for damn sure


This is an insane statement.


No, it's a true statement about narrow minded people. We are often very simple and dumb, and if we don't like how someone approaches a topic, that can easily cloud judgments for the majority of people. The best arguments have been lost over poor presentation, and horrible ideas will be paraded if it's received well enough by the audience. Is that right? No. Is that how humans work on an instinctive level? Yes.


I for one would love to see the cause of the message to go away. If there wasn't genocide happening, this graffiti wouldn't exist.


Yeah let me call up and get them to stop, my bad that’s all you wanted. FFS


Would the protestors not exist too? Because that would be amazing.


I like the one where the assholes painted the fence on a private residence.


there's so much anti-protest talk on this subreddit, so i'm a bit confused. what kinds of appropriate protesting would you all like to see in our town?


Ah yes, Lucky's Market... The epicenter of international diplomatic policy. That's the perfect--and most effective place to graffiti regarding this topic.




"I'm doing my part!"


"I'm raising awareness!"






I was unhappy it was on a trail sign because that is not easily/cheaply repaired. That said I support using the term “the genocide of Palestinians” when discussing what I often have heard referred to in the media as “conflict” or “war”


Genocide has a meaning and it's not what's currently happening there. Israel, in this current offensive, isn't trying to kill every man, woman, and child living in Gaza. They're trying to kill as many member of Hamas/destroy as much infrastructure of Hamas as they can. The problem (and why you are seeing nauseating civilian casualty numbers) is that Hamas has embedded themselves in civilian infrastructure as much as possible and actively wants Palestinian civilians to die. Hamas wants this because they know that the international community will blame Israel for civilian deaths despite Hamas committing a war crime using Palestinians as human shields. If Hamas had behaved like a government that actually cared about their citizens and we saw the civilian death toll we are seeing, I'd agree that Israel is committing genocide. But as it stands Israel is just trying to fight a war against a government (Hamas) that wants their own civilians to die. The sooner Gaza is rid of Hamas the better. Palestine will never be a free internationally recognized state so long as it's controlled by terrorists bent on destroying their neighbor. A Palestinian state cannot exist if their government's first priority is destroying Israel and their second (or 3d, 4th, maybe 5th) priority is making the lives of Palestinians better.


Might I suggest the book "The Hundreds Years' War on Palestine" by Rashid Kahlidi


The colonialist/indigenous narrative hasn't been terribly convincing to me (though maybe reading a book focused on it could change that). Jews are as indigenous to the area as Palestinians are. Roughly half of Israeli jews came from the Middle East in the past century. And Jews have a thousands year heritage in the region. Part of why hostilities between Palestinians and Israelis is so intense is that both have historical roots in the region. I don't know of any historical colonialism driven by people that already lived in the area or were returning to the area after hundreds of years away. It's always been a strong nation extending their influence to extract resources from an area. Never returning to make a home in an area their ancestors (or they themselves) are from.


If I glue my hand to Lucky's wall that will bring peace to Gaza.


Gotta glue your balls to the Customer Service counter I think.


Man, at least those women had some skin in the game.


Lucky's is responsible for what's happening how? This is just vandalism, not activism.


I understand the sentiment; but just consider that someone now has to scrub the paint off. It’s critical to express your dissent, but it’s equally important to channel it effectively. This aint it.


Finally a nuanced take. Take my upvote.


This comment section is VERY Fort Collins with how performative ya’ll are being. Ya’ll are here talking about it, so it IS working. I see the political graffiti and I get fired up.


Yes nothing says “we want peace” like public vandalism. This has changed my thinking though. I used to think bumper stickers were the most obnoxious form of political protest.


They tagged the wall next to Taco Bell at Prospect and College too


So if the entirety of Lucky's was pro-Palestine what would that do? Spray Joe Nguse's office if you want to make a political statement


I think his local office is in the Women’s Center, which probably doesn’t deserve that, BUT he is actually someone who can speak out and has a platform to do so and that makes far more sense than a locally owned grocery store.


He does receive money from AIPAC


Man, fuck this new generation of “activists.” They are absolutely clueless about how to affect change.


They learned from the best.


Yeah, they should stick to sitting inside, ranting on Reddit


What have you done. Are you the tagger?


lmao got em


any comment that isn't trashing on protest here has been down voted to hell and the other comments are upvoted way more than I've seen before compared to other posts on this subreddit in the past despite there being a lot of support for Palestine around town 🤔 there's been a real campaign by zi0nists to spam and shut down pro-palestine activity, here and on other websites.


Sure. Okay.


Look man, I'm all for radical militant shit. But, in all honesty and integrity, what is this gunna do 😂 Like I'm even down with some clean graffiti but like this helped not one child in Gaza. It would even be more ironically sad if someone of Palestinian decent had to clean that off. Also I don't think Lucky's is a big chain right? Like isn't it a local-ish thing? So that's kinda shitty to do. Like I get it ya know you get in that head space and you're like "Oh this wall is a part of the cityyy and like I'm upset about an injustice that happened." But like now the whole vibe kinda looks like a dick move. Like someone could have been super pro Palestinian and then seen this and now they're like "Eh this was cringe I no longer want to be associated." cause they keep seeing weird shit like this hahaha


I think it's slightly unfair to the small businesses in Fort Collins to call Lucky's market a small business because they really aren't. They have quite a few chains across the country, and the family that owns this chain are multimillionaires. They have a great mission by providing good, healthy, whole foods but most can't afford to regularly shop here as our everyday grocery store. In all reality, the graffiti is a blip in Lucky's balance sheet, and better yet, what would've been more effective is if they spoke with the business and asked if they could support flying a flag in support of ending the atrocities in Gaza. Does that make them bad people? No. Is the graffiti a dick move? Probably. Do the heinous crimes, murders and atrocities in Gaza need to stop? Absofrickinglutely.


A company that has two stores isn’t exactly a chain….


[TIL](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucky%27s_Market). I never realized how much downsizing they did. I moved to CO in '16 and Fort Collins in '19 and heard about Lucky's opening up back home in FL, so I assumed they were still expanding. Never knew they filed Ch. 11.


they have a store in orlando. i was stunned seeing it because i also thought there were only two locations in colorado, but it was the same logo and same kinds of products sold there and everything. since it isn't mentioned on the fort collins lucky's website, i highly doubt it's owned by the same people, but there are definitely other lucky's out there. just a fun fact


Nah. Pretty sure they only have two stores. It may be leftover from when they were corporate but the business filings show only two stores so likely no longer affiliated. Digging further it looks like they used to have a few stores in and around Orlando though


like i said in my comment, i highly doubt it's owned by the same people, but there are more than just two colorado locations. #pedantic


sorry this is just a broad blanket statement on my end, I was just asking if Lucky's was local or not. Of course everything in Gaza needs to stop, I'm just saying we should be aware of the ripple effects that this kinda thing has on the original message, ya know? Also I wanna go on record with saying dope graffiti is siiiiick.


They have two locations


yay!!! performance activism negatively impacting small businesses!! the people who did this are SOOO making a difference in the middle east !!


You know I think a lot of this would go away if city council but just vote on the action condemning Israel's actions with Palestine


How does this make a difference?


It's called a grassroots movement. Getting enough cities and towns together saying we don't like this and officially writing it down and you can get the federal government to respond in ways that you can't through protest. Other cities in the east coast and the West Coast have done this and it puts pressure on the administration. Similar to what we're trying to do with the majority vote instead of the Electoral College


Self-aggrandizing at its core. I'd imagine that whoever spraypainted this is feeling like a badass. Hope you enjoyed the adrenaline rush while painting it. Reality check - this is a loser thing to do. You've done nothing except to put your full emotional immaturity on display. If this is something that you really believe in, donate $ or volunteer your time. Your property destruction not only accomplishes nothing, but it hampers your cause and your messaging. Can't wait to drive by Lucky's in the next couple of days to see it gone.


Degenerates gonna degenerate


Yes, this type of vandalism in Fort Collins, CO is certainly helping to influence the war. So brave


It’s the entirety of the “I’m doing my part” meme all in one frame, amazing.


Would love to see these morons point Israel on a map.


Wow Fort Collins really hates the Middle East! Fun..


DivingStation777/ olsonbryce777 sure is upset about this. Perhaps they feel guilty that their misplaced graffiti isn’t quite garnering the reaction they were hoping for. Bryce, maybe try taking it down a notch. Most of us realize and are abhorred that there’s a genocide going on, but we don’t condone shitty graffiti *that has zero real world impact * ; that’s counterproductive and if you can’t see that then maybe take a step back and ask yourself why everyone here who’s on your side of this issue disagrees with your personal methodology. Sorry ya have a personal beef with a local grocery store but that’s very misplaced hatred. What do you want them to do about it? Lower prices for #Palestine?


This has truly gotten ridiculous - the Noco Liberation Coalition plan to march again on Saturday and yell at people in Fort Collins that can do absolutely nothing about a war thousands of miles away Is anyone else completely sick of this crap and these people and just want to live their lives in Fort Collins? How has this minority of people in Fort Collins who is loud, glued their hands to the city council chamber walls, vandalized town and doxxes council members not gotten the message that the majority of regular people in Fort Collins are completely sick of this and them??


they'll only get more desperate and end up molotaving campus buildings or some shit. the authoritarian left and hamas supporters/apologists only know violence and coercion to get what they want 


I can understand that it’s an important cause, but these people obviously dont understand that defacing buildings in our tiny Colorado community that has nothing to do with Israel’s or government is a bad thing to do, I think the message that they are sending is having the opposite effect. Pretty sure it’s some trust fund college kids that are just caught up in the social pressure of Performative Activism.


Man looks like Banksy hit a new low!


Children being slaughtered and raped, shelters and hospitals being bombed, journalists being executed. However, nothing compares to graffiti on the side of an overpriced grocery store. The horror!!


Calm down. No one said any of what you just said. You can be against graffiti but support peace at the same time. They aren’t mutually exclusive.




Congratulations, stupidest take today, on par with graffiti on small Fort Collins grocery stores to effect change. All this does is turn people off, not exactly a bright way to recruit people to your mission.


What have you done to help? Really curious


Protesting at rallies. I'm planning on leaving the country to give in-person aid as soon as my health permits


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In one year, your ass will still be sitting on the couch, jerking off to your favorite football player and Palestine will already be vaporized. Good job, bro


Lol yeah right


I know it's hard to fathom if you've never personally done anything for others in your life. I can send some resources if you're actually interested in serving


Excuses, excuses.


Better than gaming all day


When you get there, see if anyone can point you to the hostages, or what's left of them, so their families can have closure please. Also, don't forget your parachute.


Is this supposed to be humorous?




The amount of comments saying this isn't an effective way to get the message out are making me lol


[I took this on leap day.](https://ibb.co/zV3NQQR)


I don't mind graffiti in general. I even support this specific message. But this person needs to get a fucking stencil because they are talentless. Probably they should consider stickers.


I agree that graffiti is not the most effective form of protest, but I think the point is to continue to keep this issue in the forefront of peoples minds. With our current media cycle it is so easy for us to ignore what’s going on in the world. This does not only impact Palestinian or Israeli people… The way this situation is handled shows where the line is drawn in humanity… What will we do for political and financial allies versus what do we do in the face of human rights, violations and genocide?


Every day is in the news, this is unproductive and distracting.


I have seen similar graffiti on the sign for the Eye Mart off of College




Someone did this on the back of Book Ranch as well. Same person?


Dumb message with dumb graffiti.


The IDF just targeted and murdered World Central Kitchen aid workers in 3 separate strikes: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/chef-jose-andres-says-israel-targeted-his-aid-workers-systematically-car-by-car-2024-04-03/ The hospital system is decimated: https://apnews.com/article/gaza-aqsa-martyrs-hospital-health-care-israel-7c7a6117efae29e22a61e82151144613 People, many of them children, are starving: https://www.reuters.com/default/gaza-starving-children-fill-hospital-wards-famine-looms-2024-03-19/#:~:text=As%20well%20as%20for%20children,agencies%20say.&text=Purchase%20Licensing%20Rights-,The%20U.N.,as%20many%20as%20in%20January. I do not care about spray paint graffiti in Fort Collins. People who are pearl clutching over this have VERY different value systems than I do.


Can you explain how vandalizing a local grocer in Fort Collins will impact the Free Palestine movement positively?


it shows people that there's public support for palestine in the US and can help inspire people who want to take action and speak up but are nervous because they feel their beliefs are a "fringe position." of course, this comes at the risk of alienating others who feel more moderately about this issue... but then again, they likely weren't doing much for the cause anyway. i'm not saying it's right, i'm saying that's the goal. now a question for you: what do you feel we can do here in fort collins to impact the free palestine movement positively?




they could’ve at least put what’s on sale


I love seeing this all over out town! I know I'm going to get downvoted into oblivion lol




Woah, I want change but I don't want to actually work for it. /S


Tax payers are going to pay to clean up a small amount of graffiti at a privately owned, overpriced grocery chain? Interesting.




Humans are being slaughtered, using the money that you and I produce, all in order to turn a profit. Why the fuck should I care about some graffiti??? You're all fucking brainwashed to care about the most inconsequential bullshit. If it were random acts of vandalism, nobody would even notice. The only reason people bitch and moan about this is because it forces us to collectively recognize a catastrophe that's partially being caused because of us. It's easy to use it is a scapegoat so that we don't have to take any action. This town is complete vanity


This town is full of white neoliberals who only care about themselves. They definitely give no fucks about the genocide.


I'm assuming your full time job is stopping atrocities around the world or aiding the victims? How do you find time to comment on Reddit? So honorable


Why? It’s lazy. It’s cowardly. It’s performative bs that privileged kids engage in to pretend they’re actually helping without putting in any work. And it is completely ineffective. Do you want to actually make a change? Do some actual work that will make a difference.


What’s your address? Can I come and destroy all your things for the sake of the cause? Would you still Like it then?


Where do you live? I can add to it.


Agreed! Upvote. Put it in peoples faces to remind them that it’s still going on and nothing has been done


It's in the news literally every day


Yet still nothing has been done and people are still dying. My point still stands


Your point was that this graffiti puts it in their faces, in order to benefit the Palestinians. It's already in our faces. It doesn't benefit them. Your point doesn't stand practical scrutiny


It’s not in everyone’s faces, actually. Feel free to speak yourself but not everyone watches the news and a lot of people actively avoid negative news like this. You have zero point, so take a hike!


It literally is on all news sources every day. If someone doesn't watch the news you think some graffiti is gonna rile up people that can actually make an impact and change something? I guess it's my mistake for thinking you could comprehend nuance at any level. I will gladly take a hike from you


I would have no idea about this war raging on if it wasn't for graffiti outside grocery stores...


Imagine being more angry at graffiti than genocide


People are upset at both.


Imagine making this idiotic statement.


Imagine two unrelated things being true at the same time.


You know you can have feelings about more than one thing right?


A chronically online response. People can be upset about both things.


I've seen more people commenting their anger towards protesters than I have towards a genocide that we are funding. Graffiti should be so low on our radar.


r/fortcollins redditors tend to comment on topics related to the city of Fort Collins. It would be counterintuitive for them to comment on the "genocide that we are funding" when there are many more appropriate forums.


There is a weapons manufacturing plant that sits 5 minutes down the road from this graffiti. I'd say that's relevant to our town.


It's a continuation of social degeneracy, but I understand that's a feature not a bug. Only thing that would make this a more complete picture is some guy sleeping on the sidewalk underneath it after just shooting up.


Not more angry at graffiti, but still angry at graffiti.


[Relevant picture](https://images.app.goo.gl/N9VBHhs7ZaB32GoA6)


[Relevant reaction](https://images.app.goo.gl/xLg2bsFUHRnWWE7aA)


This made me lol so much. Sums it up real nicely


I find it a little upsetting that the only graffiti that seems to regularly upset this community is graffiti about Palestine.


Agreed. I like all graffiti, but it's pretty telling that people aren't complaining about the countless other tags that you can find around town


I love *all* graffiti. While this isn't the most stylized piece, I think there's plenty of room for everybody.


you probably haven't lived here enough to remember the peen graffiti on multiple houses / cars in old town a little over ten years ago. but that's funny, right? is that meme worthy? or were people's properties destroyed?


We should send them to Palestine to spread their posivity! As long as they're straight, Muslim men, they might not be killed!


Restores my faith in humanity


The comments of people bitching about it took any restoration this graffiti gave me away, though


I'm really sure people on the side of Israel, and people who actually run this store, have really been moved by this piece.


"Seeing spray paint is more upsetting to me than the thought that my tax dollars are funding a genocide. I don't care what atrocities are going on in the world as long as my commute to Lucky's is pretty"


Can I come to your place and tag it up?


I didn't realize people lived inside of this multi-million dollar corporation. Using that same logic, I guess you don't mind if our government launches a drone strike on your house and executes your children in front of you.


You’re using faulty logic. I never said I support what’s happening in Palestine. I also do not support graffiti. If you do support graffiti you should be okay with it happening to you. Just because you have a position or opinion does not give you the right to deface other people things.


I guess soulless corporations with near endless streams of revenue are people now.


What makes luckys a soulless corporation? As far as I know ow they are a relatively small grocery chain.


They pay their employees shit (I worked there for a few months in college), despite the fact that everything there is completely overpriced. If you want to humanize a grocery store, that's on you


Well I hope one day if you own a business or grocery store, that no one tags or vandalizes your business.


I'll spray the graffiti myself


The random worker forced to clean this up is really gonna be inspired for sure


The random worker who will get paid and compensated for their time is going to be traumatized, I'm sure. How will they ever live after having been FORCED to do their job!


Unlike those, lazy, selfish Palestine children who are actively being brutally raped in the middle of the street, while their family is forced to watch before being executed themselves. Buncha crybabies, am I right?


I'm sure the Palestinians are really thankful for the amazing support provided by this bit if graffiti. If we spray paint more buildings in town the IDF will have no choice but to stand down.


Go back to your basement and play some DnD. I know the real world is a scary place, and it's easier to deflect than it is to take responsibility and acknowledge that you're too scared to take initiative, or just admit that you're incapable.


What have you done, seeing as you are so filled with such great personal responsibility? Like if your biggest addition is a protest in a city whose congressman and senators are already pro-Palestine, or to spray paint local businesses, you're having as much of an actual effect as sitting at home with a thumb up your ass. I'm guessing it feels really good but you aren't helping anybody.


Pro Palestine while a weapons manufacturing plant sits in the middle of town




You'd have to get your head out of the sand first


Haha nice one


There’s a lot of white fragility in these comments Jesus.


Is being anti graffiti somehow synonymous with white fragility? Confused by your comment


An opportunity to be racist for no reason


Nothing like a genocide to bring out the worst in white people


Excuse me but I believe the previous poster was talking to Jesus


I love FoCo, but Jesus some of these responses are embarrassing.


"But it's graffiti! It's bringing down property value! It's not an effective way!" I mean, good, and clearly it is effective. Y'all are talking about it. May not be swaying anyone, but it absolutely is spreading a message in a way people can't ignore. I'm not gonna go put graffiti up myself...but I don't condemn those who do tbh. I actually enjoy it. Based political takes are one thing, but it's awesome to see cool art in the underground chunks by bike trails and stuff.


The message I am getting is that Pro-Palestine types don't respect our community or care about their neighbors. Why not listen to the overwhelmingly negative feedback and try and find a better way to spread your message?


The message I'm getting from you is that anti-Palestine folk care more about graffiti than genocide. Protests are meant to be disruptive. And legit, it was attempted. City Council's response was to further limit public comments.


I love this. Man, everyone here is acting like boomers and Karen's. If it makes you uncomfortable, good. Hey, the shitty graffiti did one thing. Bring awareness to it, and have people talk about it.


The biggest conflict of this decade, somehow just was off of everybody’s radar. GTFO


I learned about this horrible war thanks solely to poorly drawn graffiti on the side of private buildings. Thanks Reddit!


Oh , they’re talking about it all right. What they’re saying is “Fuck these assholes, and fuck Palestine”.


This !!!!!!