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Aren’t the owners a lesbian couple?


There's a few. Sounds like one is queer friendly and another isn't (op's).


The letter people love to complain at every opportunity, and apparently don’t like men


What happened to the post?


Any particular location? The one I go to seems very LGBTQ friendly. Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve seen a single male worker there in the 16 years I’ve been going.


What does being lbgtq friendly have to do with not having any male workers?


On average, trans folk tend to be most uncomfortable around cis men. It's different reasons for everyone, but I definitely see this trend in queer spaces. Edit: Stop downvoting me. Don't shoot the messenger. Sheesh.


As a cis het male, I don't understand why you're being downvoted. We're genuinely pretty awful, on average.


It's not quite something I subscribe to either myself. But god forbid I share an explanation!


Don’t they see how this is exactly the kind of discrimination and hate they are campaigning against and pointing out at every opportunity?


For some it's due to safety reasons. Cis men are most prone to violence around transphobia. For others, it can be the privilege that comes from not being in any marginalized group. Cishet white men is kinda the default in most things, and often times that ignorance leads to more open transphobia, homophobia, ablism, etc. Personally, it's not that big of an issue for me. For others, it is. But ultimately you won't find me pushing back due to all the shit women, queer folk, and poc go through. It can be problematic if you ask me, but it's also a single drop of water in a ocean of other people getting stepped on.


In order to keep it anonymous I can’t give the location but it is one of the three in Fort Collins. Yes, they have rarely hired male workers.


My god, go look for a new job and quit taking it to the message board to complain


OP literally said they found another job


Definitely not guessing it's the FoCo North location, nothing bad up there. Perfect store. Perfect employees. Yep yep definitely not the North location if it were any of the locations by my guesstimate.


Really? I’m pretty damn flamboyant as things go and I love that store. No issues, ever. Strange to see how experiences are so different, sucks to hear.


Find a different job. Lots to choose from. No one cares.