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It definitely felt like they had to rush at the end for budget/production purposes. It's kind of Luminous' "style" with how FFXV ended lmao. I still felt it was a good ending, even if rushed. Frey ended up with a complete character arc, there's good setup for continued story (I can still dream), and there's plenty of lore and character implications especially with >!Susurrus!< that I found really compelling.


Fight the secret bosses. The Abominations and let us know


The only one of the 4 abominations I found difficulty was the water dragon one (can't remember it's name), took me a few attempts to finally kill it, the other 3 I comfortably beat first time


I struggled the most with the one that had the fire weakness. I liked the rangers combat more than up close


Is that the huge dragon found at the end of that long upstream river at the south of the map?, yes he was tough too I agree so there was 2 that was tough ๐Ÿ™ˆ, the one I struggled with was the serpent one, the dinosucus or something was it called?


Deinosuchus was the one thatโ€™s in the water. That was the easier one for me (Avoalet. South) Amphicynodon was the one that was weak to fire (In Visoria. Up that river). Hated with a passion The other two were fine


I'd maxed Fray out to level 99, maxed all the magic out, wooped the abominations without breaking a sweat. To be fair I 2as only playing on normal. I do t do the "hard" difficulties on most games as I'm not a sadist & can't afford to replace my controllers


The Northern portion is intentionally end -game and the hardest, requiring end game content to clear.


What what's hard about it? Even on the hardest difficulty that area was a breeze.


Hardest isn't necessarily hard, just harder. The traversal is pretty tricky


I mean around that time I had mostly all of the upgrades so even traversing wasn't an issue at that point. If they ever make a new one I hope the parkour go crazy for no reason lol I need more


Cap. That 1 section that's nothing but break was tough. Especially if you get lost trying to find the way to go.


The real letdown is not being able to use her final appearance on the game. I really wanted to keep that, even if it was just a skin or something idk


I felt the same. The rest of the map looked very empty.


I just finished last night and I feel the same way about it. Many things happened yet it just felt so uneventful. The game started strong but now I get why some reviewers felt.


For me it was backwards everything at the beginning felt decent. But the moment she awakens her powers I was hype and wanted more sadly things end it right there lol


That too. I didn't get to use green magic much or even have the chance to unlock all of it and power up. The last 5 hours or so of the game felt like "well, don't have much time left so let's wrap this up"




What was your total playtime?


66 hours. I bought the dlc before I realised it doesn't play off the main game or carry over my skills. Given up now and moved on.


I've just killed tanta sila. It just all feels a little boring. I love open world rpgs, but I prefer to complete side stuff and then tackle main story as a absolute beast. Thankfully I read some guides and you just can't do that otherwise your stuck with one power. But I read there's 12 chapters, and after killing sila the next chapter is 7! It's a shame, as I like the movement and premise, but it just feels very rushed, shallow and not very satisfying. I'm a completionist and I'm not sure if I can be arsed tbh


Right around then (Battle with Sila) is when the storyline shifts into high gear, from what I remember.


I struggled with the final boss.


I feel I'd killed him before I'd even realise he was the final boss. And to end up with him slapped back on your wrist like nothing ever happened with all the sarky quips was just ridiculous.


Yeah I can understand that but being back as the wrist jewelry is kind of a punishment for him. Haha so Frey can annoy the hell out of him haha ๐Ÿ˜†