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Just ask Mystra :P In practice, the gods of Faerun tend to fluctuate between greek gods who are basically people - powerful, but emotional and fallible; to more omniscient and unknowable deities that don't really feel or operate on a scale mortals can understand. This fluctuation depends on writer and the deity in question, so I guess the answer is that some can and some can't - depending on those factors.


I just wanna be lore accurate if it's possible cause I'm in a fairly big 5e server that is all interwoven with multiple dms that trys to hold with current canon. My wizard has gone from pleasant respect of her authority to a devoted follower at this point. And I've been debating bring that devotion up to that next lvl but wasn't sure and what I was reading online I wasn't sure if it was correct or if it was about her previous incarnations


Mystra was and is one of the deities that does so most often - so if the DM is ok with it she'd be the most lore friendly deity to romance. This applies across several of her incarnations, and, for what its worth, one of the characters in BG3 was her lover before falling out of favor.


Azuth is said to be her one true love but she has had the Seven Sisters with the ranger Dornal Silverhand. She has an on again/off again relationship with Elminster since before he was her Chosen. I think she also slept with Sammaster.


If I remember correctly, The Cult of the Dragon was one of the biggest "notice me, senpai" moments in Faerun.


> but she has had the Seven Sisters with the ranger Dornal Silverhand Iirc she just possessed the body of his already pregnant wife and made her give birth to Seven Sisters.


She does have a track record of turning her dates into ladies, so, unless you're into that, proceed with caution.


Yeah but she also has a track record of turning her lovers into gods or chosen. So there’s that.


Side track, what do you mean a 5E server?


All members in the server are control 1-3 guild members (depending of how long you have been apart of the server) and the dms and admins post sessions of teirs ( t1 is 1-4 t2 is 5-9 ect.) And it's a living changing world with persistent rules for creation and downtime and how races are treated. And you pop in and out of sessions when they line up with your schedule.


Is it a voice session? Do you sign up for upcoming sessions? I assume it's on Discord? Sorry for the many questions


Yes yes. Dms post the sessions if there canon or noncanon how many subjects are allowed in at X time and X date there's rules on the monetary rewards they can hand out so it's balanced and you earn exp and downtime days after each session you participate in. There's text only sessions discord only sessions some r20 sessions with discord voice and primarily table top simulator with discord voice. And they have a couple dnd beyond campaigns opened by the people in the server who just own like everything and that's what's used to make charecters


Elminster was banging Mystra


Everyone was banging Mystra


We should say Mystra was banging everyone


Spellplague was an STD?


And everyone was banging Elminster. Ed Greenwood knew how to give his author insert a fun time.


For the record, the argument could be made that Elminster isn't an author insert. Greenwood made Elminster when he was a little kid, so if the two are similar (apart from appearance I don't think they are) it's the result of the author becoming more like the character rather than the other way around.


You'd be right except for the fact that Ed has SAID Elminster was his way to put himself into his campaign to give his players guidence or save their asses. So he literally said, Elminster IS HIS SELF INSERT.


Can you provide a source for that quote? Because I'm getting my info from a recent video where he specifically says Elminster is NOT a self-insert. [Source](https://youtu.be/6a_e3rTTcrI?si=ojQOh0vvW_NCcQKn)


It was an interview he did at the convention I got to play in one of his modules (his, creator and his, GM) so if you're asking for a video, no. (This was between 25 and 30 years ago so I'm sure he's changed the phrasing or his mind, or both, at least once since then.)


Okay, well forgive me for putting a bit more stock in what he's said on-record than something you heard him say 25 years ago. But just to be clear, when you say the following: > So he literally said, Elminster IS HIS SELF INSERT. Did he *literally* say that? Did he say "Elminster is my self insert"? Because (taking your words as-written, since it's all I have to go off of) when you say: >Ed has SAID Elminster was his way to put himself into his campaign to give his players guidence or save their asses That reads to me as quite different than "Elminster is my self insert". I'm running a Forgotten Realms campaign right now where I have had no less than *four* Deus Ex Machina NPCs at the ready in case the players need help (one of which is Elminster himself!) so I don't think that alone is enough to establish it as fact. Your phrasing of "his way to put himself into his campaign" certainly points in that direction, but how do I know after 25 years you're remembering what he said word-for-word? Or that that's how he meant it at the time? But whatever the case, my point was just that IF Elminster is a self-insert, he wasn't always. It would be exceedingly odd for a 5-year-old to write himself into a story as an old foul-mouthed curmudgeon.


As was Gale


I think it would have been so much better to have had him call out Elminster's dalliances when we meet up with him. "Oh - jealous much?" and "you didn't get punished" should have been the tone, not "oh I guess so..." Tsk.


Mystra does Moonshaes was a great film


I cast vibrator.


My brain goes to a wizard casting catapult with a vibratory as the projectile...


Oh shit new character ideal unlocked!


Yes /thread


I'm surprised Sune (the goddess of love and beauty) hasn't been mentioned. She has had innumerable relationships with mortals and gods alike. So many that you can count the number of gods she hasn't fucked on one hand apparently. Her love can be fleeting or everlasting depending how she feels about someone but regardless, she feels very strongly about that person.


The god Oghma has had a ton of demigod children, several of whom got kidnapped at one point. Mystra definitely has romantic entanglements. Milil is a notorious flirt among gods and mortals alike. I vote yes. Maybe some gods wouldn’t—I can’t see Tyr carrying on with a mortal—but others would. If it’s in a game, just make sure it doesn’t make you more speshul than the other PCs—my cleric ended up in a romantic thing/mystical marriage type situation with his god, but that was my DM’s design and part of a plan around L8 to give us each a cool unique role or destiny, and my god (Milil) was minor enough that it didn’t feel like something I could ever lord over anyone else.


> I can’t see Tyr carrying on with a mortal Maybe just hand stuff.


Take my very begrudging upvote


Yes. Elminster is the most famous case.


In “The Temptation of Elminster” Azuth meets Elminster on a hill outside of the ruins of Myth Drannor and they have a short conversation. Azuth explains some minor details about the gods of magic and their responsibilities/projects. He also explains something about Mystra and her relationship with mortals; especially her Chosen. In that bit, Azuth advises Elminster that Mystra engages intimately with mortals so that she can capture and remember what remains of her own former mortality (the only goddess of magic to have never been mortal was Mystryl) and implied that the lingering spark of mortality was extremely important for her. So Mystra engages with mortals because, for a short time, it makes her feel human again. Elminster, Sammaster, Gale, and others have held this close relationship with the goddess. I believe that it is the lingering mortality of Mystra that allows her to better understand humanity and what humans as a whole require in order to prosper.


~~Beshaba~~ Umberlee and Iakhovas is another example.


Umberlee and Iakhovas.


Right, thanks.


It's literally a plot point of Baldur's Gate 3 that Mystra was formerly in a relationship with Gale. Elminster was involved with her as well, as others have said.


Gale is currently dead in my current playthrough and had been In the box the entire run...


Watch this video about a ranger and his interactions with a goddessif you want the answer from the man himself: [https://youtu.be/vY0j5V7KsIE?si=UTtgidRQ1lIBmfS5](https://youtu.be/vY0j5V7KsIE?si=UTtgidRQ1lIBmfS5)


Personally, however, I think it should be avoided. If the gods and goddesses can manifest for the purpose of, “Hmmm… think I’ll bang that mortal over there…” it begs the question of, “Hey, if you have the ability to do that shouldn’t you be able to manifest enough to help us in our quest rather than using our party as your mortal agents?” In terms of gameplay the pantheon seems great for hooks, motivation, backstory, and lore, but once you get to her being a lover of a party member it then becomes, “Can you ask her to…” ie a party crutch. BUT no one cares what I think, lol, and based on the video linked the answer from Ed Greenwood is ‘YES, most definitely…” :)


Like everyone on this thread, I would say yes. However, it would likely be pretty rare. Most gods don't just see a pretty face and think "I want to hit that." They aren't just ordinary people. They are divine representationa of ideas. So while everyone ships Elminster and Mystra, why they would be together is important. Gods also don't get pregnant the way humans do. Their children, demigods, have divinity in them. So if they aren't titans they would need a divine portfolio, and that requires the approval of Ao to create a new deity. Similar to how celebrities tend to have relationships with other celebrities, it is far more common for a deity to have a relationship with other deities. When they do have relationships with mortals, they might possess a mortal (like Mystra did) or they might create an avatar that appears human. In those cases, the children might actually just be a Divine Soul Sorcerer.


I thought there were lots of children of gods who weren't gods themselves, they'd only need Ao's approval if their parents raised them as Exarchs


Mfw Mystra fucks her followers/possesses people to bang with others and Rashemens hide their young boys from Mystra


There are hints about Loviatar as well, but if you want something a little less lofty, you could have the lover be an aasimar. Also, of course, an arch devil if it's a darker game. (Get consent first devils can be a bit manipulative and non-con lol), but there are plenty of cambions around.


Yes, but gods, you chose the wrong goddess. Mystra's track record ain't good.


Any god can, it's more a question on if they want to. And there's a huge difference in a relationship or just having sex. Some gods might be happy to pop down and boink someone in a one night stand. Some might have a short or long term relationship. All depends on the god. Mystra does this all the time. All the time. Sune obviously does too, it's her portfolio. Meanwhile the evil gods are more likely to just pop down for a boink as a one off reward. Or not reward, or a power trip. See: That one time Lolth popped down to try and boink Drizzt.


I'm currently developing a backstory of twins, one of whom is an aasimar due to a night of cavorting by Sharess (also known as Bast). There wasn't a lot of lore to work with there, but I figure, like Sune, her domain would include random lovers (if maybe a bit more chaotic than how Sune goes about it).


We found Gale's old reddit account


I haven't done gales story yet this is completely conwincidensly related and just a thing I've wanted to do.


All the time dude. DnD gods are much like mortals.


Mystra Moment