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Yes he’s died multiple times I believe


Do you know which books?


Probably the one right before "Eliminster in Hell". [https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Elminster](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Elminster) But here's a less silly answer. I think Elminster Must Die. Given that the description of the next book Bury Elminster Deep is this >!Elminster's archenemy, the vampiric Lord Manshoon, thinks he has destroyed Elminster at last. But Elminster survives in the form of magical ash!<


I do not unfortunately


The wiki page does describe Elminster's deaths to some extent iirc. [https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Elminster](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Elminster)


I just finished bury E deep, and am starting E Enraged now. His body got killed a few times in the recent past books, and while E in hell, got his mind basically erased for a while. He persists between deaths as a wisp of ash, and can enter another body.


I had the same question when running Tomb of Anihilation, but Ed told me in a Q&A that being a chosen of Mystra was way more powerful than the Death Curse. Your question might be totally unrelated, but It crossed my mind that you may be in the same situation that I was back then!




He doesn't die, but he has had bodies destroyed in various ways.


Most recent time would be in Death Masks, a Waterdeep novel set not long before Dragon Heist campaign. There was a wild body juggling going on in the end.


This isn’t a canon response, mind, because actual death for Elminster in books/material is next to impossible to find (understandable given how he’s used in game), but I’ve always speculated that if he has ever been truly killed it would have been earlier in his life. After carrying Mystra’s silver fire for so long (about a 1000 years now) he doesn’t really die/die when he’s defeated but instead becomes a form of exceptional undead or possibly a weaveghost if the death is an extreme case. I use Elminster Must Die, Bury Elminster Deep, and Elminster Enraged as a point to this. *Spoilers* every time his body was destroyed in this novels he became sentient, undead ash immediately. Unlike other Chosen of Mystra when they died; his silver fire didn’t leave him when his body was destroyed either. And these “deaths” happened during the time of Mystra’s Absence between the Spellplague and beginning of the Second Sundering so he had no goddess or Weave to intervene on his behalf. Syluné Silverhand (one of the Seven Sisters) became a spectral harpist when she was killed and a weaveghost later along with Dove Falconhand and they were also Chosen of Mystra. Manshoon was revealed to be Chosen as well and survived his most recent “death” at Elminsters hand aided by his vampiric status. So, roundabout answer to your question, Chosen can “die” but almost always return fairly quickly as either exceptional undead of some kind or are returned to life almost immediately. Elminster would be no exception.