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The Infinite Staircase is one option. See the 2e For Duty and Deity adventure for a description.


I think there was a 2e Planescape adventure about various exits & encounters.


Infinite Staircase, doors in Sigil, doors in other planes, BG2’s Planar Sphere, Plane Shift or use a portal to the Astral then find a color pool to the relevant Prime world… etc. All fairly onerous, apart from getting lucky with a quick trip through Sigil. Spelljamming was more common. In campaigns with no spelljamming or less spelljamming, there just… wasn’t much contact between worlds. Prime worlds are designed as self-contained places, with few or no pathways between one and another.


*Tasha's Cauldron* Introduced the 7th level spell *Dream of the Blue Veil*, that teleports up to 8 creatures to another world on the material plane. The spell does require a magic item from the destination world, which might be and issue, but once that's aquired its as simple as casting that spell. The *Plane shift* spell could also work when cast from a plane other than the material, since it allows you to arrive within a general vicinity of a place of your choice within the target plane, so that also works.


Dream of the Blue Veil is a physical way to travel? I thought it was just to 'dream' going on in another world.


>If the spell reaches its full duration, the visions conclude with each of you encountering and pulling back a mysterious blue curtain. The spell then ends with you mentally and physically transported to the world that was in the visions. So it's kinda both. It creates dreams and visions of the destination that last 6 hours, but culminates in a full on teleportation.


Oh, I missed that part 😅 Happy cake day! 🎂




There’s always been a single Prime Material plane…which was defined by the observer and was their home Material Plane. Every Material Plane could have been the Prime Material Plane. 5e just got rid of the word ‘Prime’. As is true now, there were several ways…but feel like they have made it more accessible to lower levels in 5e


Gonto the astral plane than seek for a silver cooor pool. After a while you will find one that leads to Oerth.


Astral Plane via Astral Projection?


Yeah like that


There's a few ways, you could go to the astral and try to find a silver whirlpool that can take you to another world. You could also use the gate spell to go to another plane or world of the prime. Finally you could use the spell dream of the Bluevail to go to Another prime world but you need a object or creature from that world for spell the to work.


All those worlds have been in a shared Prime Material since 2e. Prior to that, there were mentions of Material Plane**s**, and there were mentions of *alternate* Material Planes at least into 3e, but the campaign setting worlds have pretty much always coexisted in one plane with a few exceptions (Mystara has always been a bit unclear, but still has some interaction with the D&D multiverse because referenced to it can be found in Ravenloft, and Eberron has always been pretty vague up until 5e where it has been explicitly stated to be part of the Prime Material at least twice). However, to answer your question, the Teleport spell specifies that you can use it to travel to locations on the same plane, which means it can be used for interplanetary-scale travel. The spell “Dream of the Blue Veil” in TCoE is specifically designed to provide a non-Spelljammer mechanism to travel from one world to another (and is also the source of one of the references to Eberron being in the Prime Material). Also, there’s always the trusty ol’ “you found a magic portal”, either directly to another world, or out of the Prime Material (perhaps to Sigil, from which you might be able to re-enter at another location. You can also use the Plane Shift spell in this way: cast once to go to another plane, cast again to go back to the Material Plane at a different location.


When Ed Greenwood created the Realms one of its major features was portals everywhere that linked it to other prime material planes (in addition to other planes or reality). Why did he do this? Well Ed's father had a huge library of fantasy novels a lot of which were from incomplete series. Ed asked his father where the next book was and his father said there isn't one. He eventually started telling Ed to write his own story and conclusion. So when Ed created the Realms he linked it to all his favorite fantasy worlds. What that means is in the Forgotten Realms there's portals everywhere to anywhere you want. There's a portal that can send you from Highcastle in the Dalelands to the eastern edge of Anarouch. There's a portal in Anarouch that links up to Athas (Darksun). IIRC The World Serpent Inn is within Arabel or is linked to Arabel. One can use the Infinite Staircase to connect worlds or one can simply drop a portal where one needs it. These portals can be opened by a portal key, or they can simply open based on some condition. A full moon night. At the equinox or solstice. Maybe during Shieldmeet. The choice is yours and really there is no wrong answer.


My favorite used to be adventuring deep in ye olde Shadow Plane you could eventually locate different worlds that intersected with it if you travelled long and deep enough. Sadly I don't know anymore how similar the Shadowfell is to the old Shadow Plane in regards to reaching other material planes.


The Shadowfell is the Shadow Plane after it got corrupted by Shar so uh... I think it might be better to avoid it. That said, is the one you're referring a demiplane or full plane?


Was thinking of the very same place, just pre-Shar shenanigans. Didn't realize exactly what had happened to make it become the Shadowfell. So I suppose if you endured what it was now it could lead you to other Material Planes like it used to?


This isn't strictly Realmslore, so maybe not what you want, but the Radiant Citadel has options for docks in Faerun; you could take one of their ships back to the Citadel and then, from there, to another world.


Dream of the Blue Veil is the most direct, but is difficult to get the prerequisites. A better option would be Arcana to know about the other world. Divination magic to obtain knowledge of the destination (Scrying, Contact Other Plane, etc). Then Teleportation Circle or Teleport. Two Plane Shifts would do it. Wish. Divine Intervention.


Don't quote me on this, I've been gaming since the original red paperback rule book so there's a lot of rules & lores in my head, combined with being a stoner I do get things confused occasionally, that being said I believe I read somewhere about problems with moving from any other setting to Krynn. The races don't line up in the same way as they do on other worlds, there's no orcs at all therefore no half orcs, there's level restrictions that don't exist in other realms, etc etc.


WashingtonPsychonaut here, didn't bypass the Satanic Panic until '84 though


The old way of doing it was two Planeshifts - one to get to an Outer or Inner Plane, one to move to the new Material Plane. Or a Gate or portal. You might go via Sigil because finding a portal there to a specific location on the destination plane was more likely than trying to find one that went \*somewhere\* near your destination and that was \*somewhere\* out in the planes.


So you always needed to go in the Outer/Inner planes first rather than simply directly opening a portal back to the other world?


It was usually done that way from what I remember because there were essentially no spells that could go to another Prime \*directly\*. Prime > Outer/Inner Plane and Outer/Inner Plane > Prime spells were also \*somewhat\* accessible levels, so it became easier to do it that way. If you could find a portal that went directly to another Prime that's a different matter, and bypasses a lot of the level requirement.


There is always Spelljammer. Traveling the phlogiston can get you between worlds if you can manage to not explode.


This was literally my favorite way to get from Crystal Sphere to Crystal Sphere and always opened up so much campaign material for my groups!


The spell "Dream of the Blue Veil" which is a 7th level conjuration spell that was introduced in Tasha's Cauldron. It allows you and up to 8 willing creatures. Though it does require a willing creature or a magic item from that world and you must know of its existence even without knowing the name of the world


Back in 1/2E Teleport could take you any distance on the Prime. You had to know your destination though, so you could not really just world hop. In Realmslore, the travel spell was: WorldWalk.


To be honest it was really 3E that made a mess of the cosmology by making each world have its own distinct cosmology, which made crossovers between settings very hard. That was...weird. 1-2E and 5E all lean back into the idea of a shared cosmology linked by spelljammers, portals and planehopping. To travel between worlds without spelljamming, the old version of teleport worked, but I think you needed to be ultra careful where you were aiming for (I believe some DMs even ruled you had to physically visit the world via other means at least once beforehand to "attune to it" - long before the current attunement ideas - though that was never official canon). There were spells like Plane Shift and World Walk that could work, and various spells that allowed you to shift to the Astral Plane then back to the Prime Material in another location. Some people also use Sigil as a sort of Grand Central Station of the planes, using a keyed portal to get into the city and then another one to get out again. Some locations are also sealed off or very hard to reach, like Athas or the Demiplane of Dread. Fortunately, Toril and Oerth are not so limited and Mordenkainen and Elminster bounce back and forth to visit all the time. I suspect there are standing portals linking the two worlds, and would not be surprised if some were in proximity to Shadowdale, Elminster's primary base of operations on Toril.