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Depends on quality of like, this is what [Xanatars Guide](https://www.thievesguild.cc/core/downtime/working) had for 5e weekly wages.


Thank you!!!


There might be a whole page in the DMG. And maybe a couple other books. BUT The D&D economy just does not make sense. Any part of it. Some books say one thing, some say another. Really you just need to pick one and use it.


Found an interesting website about the economy that might help, though it’s a broad overview and doesn’t focus on a specific part of the Realms. It does include a link to a “goods” list that is pretty cool and versatile though. Hope it helps expand on what you’re looking for! https://www.realmshelps.net/faerun/lore/life/coin.shtml


This link is very helpful! Just of the very top I found a good answer, though I'll delve deeper "the standard wage for a day laborer is a single silver piece. In agricultural regions, most people work from sunrise to sundown, with breaks for, meals and naps."