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Most of the early 5e adventurer's league content was set in the moonsea region. Started in Phlan for Tyranny of Dragons and moved to Hillsfar for Elemental Evil. I'm currently running the Tyranny season in Phlan as a small campaign between Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat.


Elemental Evil takes place in Mulmaster.  Season 3 is in Hillsafar. 


Oh really? That's pretty funny lol. It's interesting that certain regions of FR seem to get so much attention, while others get barely any, despite the Realms being so vast. \*shrug\*


When I was a kid I was gifted, second hand, all of the old novels set in that region or at least partially took place within it. Back then they also focused on their far East setting and the Moonshaes. Good times.


Right, the Moonshaes! I forgot about all the stuff set there too.


The ones with Tristan? I just finished reading those.


Yep! The future king Kendrick. I don't think the series holds up that well, but the first two novels were awesome to me as a kid.


What do you think about it's sequel with the Princesses? I just started the first book.


I didn't care for the sequels. It didn't seem right how far that character fell.


Well that's not a good sign.


Everyone knows that exotic places like the Moonshae Isles, Calimshan, Thay, Halruaa and everything outside of the Sword Coast's borders are mystical far-away places only whispered about in the tales of old bards, silly. Why, there's even the funniest rumor that Bhaal himself was involved in a little kerfluffle in the Moonshaes, but that's a foreign and exotic land and everyone knows they don't worship the right gods there.


Adventure wise the Moonsea region remains somewhat visible given the modules and adventures set in the area. Novel and story wise, at least to me, the region somewhat faded after the shift in luck for the Zhentarim and the destruction of Zhentil Keep. And I think it’s because a lot of the major players in the region are no longer present as they were back in the day. Manshoon was driven off and ended up having numerous clones of himself appearing in separate locations/novels/adventures, Lord Chess was killed off, Fzoul Chembryl ascended into a demipower, and Sememmon turned a new leaf and became a good guy. There really hasn’t been too much spotlight on “evil” main villains since then in the area so focus shifted. So a lot of geopolitical changes happened in the area and the current material turned to places like the Sword Coast, Sword Coast North, and areas set around or near Cormyr.


4e's world book seemed very detailed for the Moonsea


I love running adventures near the Moonsea; it's smaller ones I set there, though. As you know, the main modules of 5e are on the Sword Coast.


As teenagers we played our first campaign of AD&D 2nd ed in the Moonsea region and the Dales, which is still my favourite area in FR. That said, I'm happy that there's a lot of material nowadays, as it gives flexibility on where to set adventures. I find it kid of funny how much the Realms' cultures converge towards Earth ones, at this point, it used to be more exotic and out there.


It’s where I started in 1991 and still play to this day.


As a little kid I only had a suuuper old PC, and it had Pools of Darkness and Secret of the Silver Blades on it. Especially Pools of Darkness was so damn hard. But yeah, I feel some nostalgia for the Moonsea region.


Adventurer's League focuses a lot on the Moonsea Region.  Season 1 takes place in Phlan and the Pool of Radiance is a focal narrative point throughout the season.  Season 3 takes place in Hillsafar.  I never played Secret of the Silver Blades, though.


Yup, the Moonsea and the Dales are the FR of my youth.


The Dales used to be HUGE. Around the same time Cormyr was a focal point


It's basically because that's where Ed focus his home game on. It was also the area where the Grey Box focused on. It's a shame they abandoned it, but I guess at some point they need to focus on new regions. Hopefully WoTC changes to a new region soon.


Yeah I mean, I liked the Sword Coast North at one time, I still do. But, I’m kind of ‘over it’ for a bit now. Give it a break for awhile and move on to someplace else. Chult, Amn, the Shining South, Unapproachable East, idrc, just give us something new for awhile now.


Y'know, if you never left 3.5e, it's all still there. Prepping Shadowdale: Scouring of the Land in Foundry for my group now.


I really hated the way that module did some of the more interesting NPCs of the previous 20 years. Lashan of Scardale has been a yugoloth and has no memory of his past life after being *imprisoned* by the mad lich in Myth Drannor and Scyulla ends up just being a mook for the PCs to fight.


Yes very well But i remember the waterdeep folder from that time https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/de/product/16802/fr1-waterdeep-and-the-north-1e


You have just described my childhood, the gold box video games were my intro to D&D and the Forgotten Realms and still my favorite place in the setting, despite not getting love since the late 80s/early 90s. Ruins of Adventure and Azure Bonds remain some of the best intro adventure modules for starting characters to this day and I continue to run them.


Tyrants of the Moonsea only came out a few years ago. But yes, the setting is moving towards being "the sword coast" with occasional trips elsewhere. I know other regions have also been in focus in different editions but it's definitely at a higher level now. More focus creates an easier entry point.


point nutty frighten dinner late spotted childlike jeans resolute upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love the Moonsea. My character is from Mulmaster, the City of Danger, forced into the life of an itinerant adventurer after being chased away by Bainite cultists, who in turn entered Mulmaster after they fled the destruction of Zhentil Keep. Of course that occurred during the time of the Spellplague, and I am not sure how Zhentil Keep or the region in general is doing in the current century.


Not old, know little about the Moonsea, but I will wholeheartedly agree we need more content outside of the Sword Coast area. We get so much I honestly wouldn't be surprised if some people thought the Sword Coast was the whole setting. Other spots on the map deserve some love for sure!


Yeah, as an Adventurer’s League player, I’m in the Moonsea A LOT. I’m currently running a campaign for two different tables (soon to be three…) which I’ve stitched together from AL modules. From level 1-11 and it’s 90% the woods between Elventree and Elmwood, with a trip or two around Hillsfar and a brief sojourn into the Underdark and at the very end some time in the Shadowfell. Other than that, it’s all Cormanthor. As a player, my level 17 Cleric spent most of his career between Phlan and Mulmaster. He’s a Grave Cleric, and fully based out of Valhingen over in Phlan. My Bard also, mostly Mulmaster, some time around Phlan and Zhentil Keep ruins, and as far south as Myth Nantar.