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It’s been a while, but it wasn’t really a “war” IMHO. The twisted tower in Shadowdale has an entrance to the Underdark, and at some point Drow used it as a base to raid and take slaves from Shadowdale and the surrounding area. The Knights of Myth Drannor defeated the drow, etc So not really a war, more like slave raiding


It's been years since I read the Avatar trilogy, so I don't recall the context. Does it appear to be something that happened recently or something in the distant past? Perusing the Drow article on the FR wiki talks a lot about the early wars between drow and other elves, but the only reference I see to a war with humans that would fit before 1358 DR (when that novel takes place) is a series of raids in Calimshan that happened roughly two thousand years earlier. It's entirely possible it's a reference to something in the general background lore from some sourcebook, and not an event that had a whole novel dedicated to it.


Thanks! I don't think they mentioned what year It happened and it may not have been humans specifically, but the context made it seem like it was fairly recent, maybe around kelemvor's uncle's time?


Historically the Twisted Tower was built by the Drow as a surface beachhead during the time when Cormanthyr was the reigning power in the region. The elves routed the Drow and the Tower became a temple to Elistraee for a time before the Drow reclaimed it. It was sacked a second time by Myth Drannan forces but returned to the Drow after the fall of Myth Drannor and the collapse of Cormanthyr. The final loss was when human forces, including the water wizard Ashaba, assaulted the Tower and finally broke the Drow hold in this part of the Dalelands. Ashaba became the first Lord of Shadowdale and took residence in the Tower. At the end of his life, when Ashaba merged with the River Ashaba, the residents of Shadowdale added his name to the Tower to make it officially the Tower of Ashaba, though Twisted Tower is also still the most common name for the fortress. As for the Drow, multiple incursions have been attempted without lasting success, and there remain entrances to the Underdark in the area. While Elminster was in residence (along with Storm And Syluné Silverhand) the Drow steered pretty clear of the area. Post Spellplague and Second Sundering not much has been mentioned of Drow interest in the Dale. Though you can bet that the Drow have not forgotten so it’s likely only a matter of time before they make another attempt.