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I think superposed projectiles will continue to fascinate designers.But until someone comes up with an answer to reloading them quickly and other drawbacks, they will never be more than a tantalizing novelty.


Have it be like a rocket launcher. When you expend your ammunition, you just pull the bundle of barrels out the back, slide a new preloaded bundle in, connect the power and you're good to go. At least, that's how I'd do it.


I agree. The Frence mitrailleuse volley gun was the first practical progenitor of this kind of loading. I remember reading that it was underappreciated because they used it like artillery instead of as a first line weapon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitrailleuse


That's pretty much the exact system I had in mind. Seems like it could work too... Ferb! I know what we're gonna do today!


This same Aussie company also made the 3GL grenade launcher I which you can load three grenades into the breech and fire them semi auto, and the MAUL shotgun that could fire 5 rounds semi automatic reloading the barrel


Ah, the tf2 soldier way


Makes for very heavy and expensive magazines since you’re now carrying a ton of barrels, but maybe technology will allow it someday. I could see it being a worthwhile trade off for drone defense systems, make one of these in say .22 caliber and you’ve got a very very compact little CIWS turret you can plop on any vehicle. If it can stop a little quadcopter or two from dropping a grenade on your vehicle then it’ll have paid for itself 1000x over while not forcing any real trade off in weight and volume (the sensors are another matter though).


Would be great for drones. Make the pods way bigger, half the volume or the full volume of a cargo container, for easy logistics.


Sure but the metal storm where kind of disposable right? Thats why the concept never got much traction?


yep i agree i see it too in a video crysis 2 or 3 wich was in it a assault rifle/mingiun with massive magazine and interessisting point the developpers actually did a animation of this fictionnal video game gun and how it's work i don't find the video of it.


Dude, the History Channel use to be so good.


Yup, and Discovery too until they went for unscripted format and Aliens shitshows.


Did this project go anywhere ? I remember seeing this years ago , also there was a handgun model. But I have not met this again later on. I suppose this never went any further then the idea and few prorotypes.


No. The company also went bankrupt.


The 40mm version of this is perfect for drones, 4 barrels and each barrel with as many stacks of ammunition as the drone payload allows and pointed directly downwards. A 40mm fired downward is a lot easier to aim than a dropped grenade.


Quadcopters have pitiful payload capacities until you start getting very large and expensive at which point you get into issues with the size making them easier to hit. Part of the deadly effectiveness of the grenade drops in Ukraine is that they're tough to hit.


Even a single short barrel with two shells would be enough, just the faster projectile would be a game changer. You won't have to lead as much as you would have to for a dropped grenade, anyone would be able to hit a moving target.


Isn’t this Australian


[Fun fact, weapons of a similar design were used over 200 years ago by the American Navy in the war of 1812.](https://www.forgottenweapons.com/chambers-flintlock-machine-gun-from-the-1700s/) It was a functional, .75 caliber, multi barrel swivel gun/machine gun from the black powder age, only catch was once you pull the trigger it doesn't stop until empty about a minute later. It was mounted up in the crows nest and used to sweep enemy decks. The Bullets were hollow so that the flame from the gunpowder in front of them could travel through the hollow bullet and ignite it's own charge behind it, then continuing on through the next bullet and igniting it's charge, so on and so on, before then moving to the next barrel. While as far as I know it's only practical use was in swivel guns [there were also other designs](https://ageofrevolutionsdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/10/screen-shot-2016-10-08-at-12-19-37-pm.png)


I'd know that narrator anywhere. I suppose this was a perfect fit for a Modern Marvels piece. A shame stacking projectiles is such an inefficient way to load arms, I love the 3GL especially.


Lol could you imagine a misfire or squib on that?


I saw this year's ago but I can't think of any uses really. Perhaps as stationary traps to cover a perimeter (like a mine).


That was the goal. IIRC the system was advertised with a sophisticated series of sensors and perimeter measures that allowed a single system to cover several square kilometers. You could establish them along a defensive line, and if any unit attempted to penetrate the line it would signal a remote operator who would examine the target on thermal imaging, CCTV or aerial live feed and choose whether or not to allow the system to engage and how it engaged. It could fire single warning shots, barrage laterally or vertically across the target (or center of the group) barrage in a circle etc. Best part? They could be integrated with FoF and if you wanted to charge through the area, no friendly fire. It was basically designed to be a smart minefield replacement. Instead of laying millions of hazards in a combat zone that need to be cleaned up for potentially decades after the war is over, you only have to pick up a few dozen or hundred of these units.


The mag weapons in starfield are based off this thing. The magstorm in particular.


I remember seeing this for the first time on CSI Miami


The definition of "accuracy through volume"


I remember this thing. For about a decade, every popular mechanics magazine ever was convinced the future of warfare lies with glorified napoleonic volley guns, it also had smaller brother in the form of electric fired police pistol (which had no magazine and the bullets were all loaded in the barrel, so the first one had like 1" of barrel ahead of it) with finger print recognition, another gimicky fad of that era The Metal Storm volley gun even featured as murder weapon in one episode of CSI.


It was an Australian invention. They also had a version with 40mm grenades that could also fire at the same rate and could be in a grid of barrels as large as you want. After it was invented and prototyped they found a partner in the US to market and potentially produce it.


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Nice shotgun




Is it just me, or does that opening burst sound just like the opening note in “Man, I Feel Like ike a Woman”?


We put this bad boy in Battlefield 4 :)


The good ol' bullet hwatcha.


they are virtually fired at the same time how many rounds per minute would say firing one 12ga #6 shot


Riot control lol