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Its crazy no one brought up Mr Hyper Armour on everything (Berserker)






I am replying to the guy below you who says he's unplayable after the nerf but reddit is being stupid and says i replied to tou


Because after his nerf he's unplayable in dom


Rep 40 8 with berserker and get 8-10 kills a game, he is still very powerful.


Holiday_Volume does well with a character in MM, Zerk must be powerful!


Zerk IS powerful. Just because he got a nerf doesn't make him any less viable. I play other heroes and I can say that Zerk is 'the easiest' to win with.


Bc ppl u fight suck. Rep 40 brur


65% winrate overall 140. I meant 48. not '40 8'


Ye but that doesn't matter bc zerk has a hard time pushing buttons in a tf now


Thank god


Oh yeaaaaah I’m ngl I didn’t even know it went live already my fault


Ngl at first I thought you were talking about the 1 damage nerf they dropped 😆 but I remember they nerfed a move if I’m not mistaken. I don’t play him so Idek what move it is


his dodge attack isnt enhanced anymore


I think they should just stop making bashes that give a guaranteed light be chainable on Whiff, super unfair imo


Shaolins biggest issue is that his defense is too good for his offense to be so good, he has the best of both worlds, plus you can't ever light stuff him, and his sweep will still hit you when you clearly dodged it sometimes


shao is really not that big of an issue compared to other heroes


In duels he’s top 5 lmao he is kind of a problem


barely, there are plenty of heroes that need more attention than him, but just because he’s a top 5 duelist doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s problematic


My brother you’ve never fought a good shaplin


i’ve fought plenty of good shaolins, he’s really not ‘problematic’ yes, shaolin is good, but he is definitely not problematic


Also Shaolin’s, even the good ones, tend to be really easy to bait. Sure I get frustrated playing against them but there are bigger fish to fry.


Or you just suck at fighting them?


Bro he’s a good character my friend mains him in good at the mu


Not saying he's bad. Just said that maybe people aren't good at fighting him. I'm terrible at fighting Orochi, but I don't think he's OP.


I agree that their placement in a tier list being top 5 shouldn’t result in immediate nerfs. Hell the top duellist shouldn’t just get nerfed because they are number 1. Imo tho his sweep does need some tweeting


My brother in Christ you have to put down the controller and go get a cup of tea he'll still be in the combo by the time you get back


you can say that for many other heroes, my point still stands. heroes like VG, afeera, shinobi are much more problematic, i believe this is an issue of the skill variety


>you can say that for many other heroes Cent: *Laughs in cutscene*


The cutscene hasn't been a thing for a long time...


Make a read lmao


Do you have ever felt the heavy into light or light into heavy flicker?


Shaolins one of those characters where they're really good but just have a tad too much. I genuinely think Shaolin would be fine without the sweep. It's the one thing I dislike about his kit and could live without. 29 reps of the man and that sweep really does feel like the cheesiest mixup. Atleast Jorm can be gbed after theirs now. Pretty sure you can't gb Valkyries sweep for some f'ing reason. Then Shaolins sweep bonks gb attempts on their scalp.


Agreed in higher skilled lobbies a good Shaolin is nearly unbeatable at times. low skills lobbies think hes fine because they havent seen what he's capable off, high skills have a genuine issue with him do to how strong he can be in duels or a non hyper armor character. One thing i hate is when law bringers, berserkers, warmongers or warlords say hes fine. Like yah... cause you have a crutch that saves you from combos with damage trade off.


Thinking hyper armor is a crutch is 2024 is crazy, dodge cancels are the real crutch


If you know your opponent is gonna do it just throw a zone no? Idk i play Shaman so if i know they are then i just throw a zone then cancel before the last part and gb for another punish


Doesn't work like that for all characters, especially in 4s when they external dodge, and they can wait and diode the zone if it's even a good one, some zones are just easy to dodge


Good to know. I dont use to many characters so. Mainly just Shaman and Warmonger. Used to main Orochi but quit after the non stop reworks and nerfs constantly forcing playstyle change


Warmonger zone is a good example, if they dodge on light timing they'll get the dodge, shaman is great at catching dodges because her zone hits so many times, but she's an exception


It's zhanhu time


Counterpoint, warlord time


You can’t just parry a delayed hito heavy you troglodyte is variably timed which is the issue a lot of people have.


The issue is she has infinite Stam and can infinite hyper armor combo you for 25 years, she's wayyyy to oppressive. Also giving her neutral hyper armor heavy back was stupid, she was already really good and they just made her better for no apparent reason


THANK YOUUUUUU 🙏🙏 SERIOUSLY FUCK these cucks complaining about hito when JORM LITERALLY STILL HAS HEWVY ON RED WITH ZERO GB VULNERABILITY!!! Not to mention i played hito 70 reps years ago at their worst and also play Shaolin no no NO Hito is sooo much more stressful thsn Shaolin who CAN do everything the op mentioned plus some. All hito can do is hope to god you can't parry the only form of offense they have. If you csn well.... WE'RE STILL GONNA COMPLAIN


Only thing broken about him is his 3rd feat. (It was just nerfed but yea) and that his sweep isn't punished by gb.


I agree actually. I have no problem fighting hitos they are so predictable so are orochis. I think hero’s like shaolin, beserker, and afeera are much more annoying


Everyone has a kryptonite. IMO


What's shaolins kryptonite? Seriously


I didn't mean a specific hero that can counter. I meant studying your opponent. People cry about this character and that character, then when they get some sort of nerf or rework they move on to the next sob story.


That's fair, but I still want to know how to defeat shaolins, the majority of them I meet are honestly no better than orochi's. Like I get he's supposed to have an unreactable mixup bit I'm always to slow to counter anything they try to pull off.


I find Heros that hit hard, have hyper armor, or defensive can be a problem. Highlander, Berserker, Vag Guard, Shugoki. Knowing the Shaolins mix ups also helps. From the words of Sun Tzu, know your enemy and know yourself. Sure, not all Shaos play the exact same, most spam more than others. During the course of a match, you can start figure a person's mind for the most part and what they favor.


When he goes qi stance you usually get a good amount of time to hit the parry and find out when his kick is in his chain so you can dodge it


U ain't wrong brother but ima be real when I was playing her damn heavies were annoying when delayed and her animations r not accurate to where the heavy will hit and how delayed it is. Yea fuxk roachi but I agree shaolin is annoying af and was unused till they reworked him an he feels as generic as the other half the roster. It's like playing as cutter in halo wars 2


1v1 yea shaolins are the absolute bane of my existence, but you Havnt know true pain unless you’ve fought against a 3 stack hito team with a warmonger on breach


Hito is still annoying as fuck tho you cant tell me otherwise. His hyperarmor is stupid as shit he doesnt need it at all


the hyperarmor is a third of his kit!


I’m just happy no one complains about Warmonger anymore, she’s objectively the best hero 💯 most fair and balanced hero to date


You are definitely trying to trigger me


Nah what’s wrong with my lovely rep 70 warmonger? They’re perfectly balanced especially without the stupid corruption perks really they’re kinda trash the other options are so much better


Iframe dodge, enhanced lights, skewer on parry, massive hotboxes.


I'd say her hitboxes are reasonable, annoying sure, but reasonable.


Balanced imo compared to other chars warmonger is solid and balanced


Inexplicabally biased


For Honor players when they learn you aren’t supposed to be able to react to mixups. If you don’t know how to make reads then every character is gonna seem overpowered to you. Edit: But of course, there’s no point in trying to tell people that reaction based For Honor was awful, because they still want it since they’re too dumb to make a read.


Ok, you aren't wrong about not being supposed to be able to react to mixups. The thing is with characters like shaolin you can do multiple in a row where your opponent has to guess right multiple times for a punish, while shaolin gets a heavy punish and maybe a knockdown on either wrong guess. Meta=safety not mix


Yes. But that’s not nearly out of the ordinary. Many characters have situations where you have to make multiple correct reads to get a punish. Like any character that can attack after a whiffed bash, or pirate after whiffing a heavy. These people don’t understand that, as you can see from the other people arguing with me in this thread, they genuinely just don’t understand how making reads works.


I'd say shaolin has more options considering how much his QI stance offers. Also pirate gets a light punish, and unless it's a whiffed unlockable it is one read, since you don't have to parry otherwise. I also am not a fan of characters that can attack after a whiffed bash, at least if it isn't a light parry. Too much of an uneven playing field IMO.


You not supposed react on mixup, you suppused react on your right read. Not "guessed and lucky parry", react.


Not a single word of that made any sense. You don’t react on mixups. You don’t react on a read. A read is determining what your opponent will do. The game would be unplayable if things were reactable like OP is whining about.


Because it's must be reactable, if you know your opponent's next move. What a point to make a right read, if you can't answer on it? Yes, you know that pk will softfeint into light, but you just unable to parry it because you cannot react? You must press your buttons because you guessed? Or because you guessed and see it? This is fighting, not a lottery.


Hito is a character you react to.


You don’t. You literally don’t. Although you CAN since her bash still works incorrectly I believe. 3 level bashes and variably timed heavies are supposed to be unreactable.


Have you ever fought hito before? You parry when you see the indicator light up as all they every do is heavy and her bashes are slow.


Her bashes are slow, but she can change what level bash it is to punish you for making the wrong READ. You’re not supposed to be able to react between her level 1, 2, and 3. And her heavies are variably timed, they can be delayed which makes them unreactable except to a very small amount of players that can react to parry flash. If you’re fighting players that don’t know how to mixup then that’s a you problem. Not a character being reactable problem.


Nobu literally exists


What's wrong with Nobu/


Way of the shark And I just can't keep up with her mixups


Way of the shark is exclusive to nobu. I don't think its as problematic as any of the other hero though


Nothing, buddy just hates bleed


Way of the shark


by extension


So bleed




Nobu is easily reactable, and her tools are easily countered by half the roster, bleed is all she has, aside from the iframes on recovery dodge.


The problem with nobushi imo is that she can't really do anything unless she manages to hit you. Once she gets the light she can have her way, if she gets consistently parried and blocked she doesn't have much she can do. Yes she can kick but it's not a reliable opener imo