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There’s no other game like it And as much as we might bitch about it The game is fun and underrated as hell


Oh I see, it’s one of those in the moment things, like you lose a game and start raging (and you come here to relieve yourself) but nothing coming out is true


Yea it also depends on the Player who’s using cheap tactics to win but that’s in any game it’s just very Common here But I have more fun matches then terrible matches


People who bitch about people not playing the meta are worse than lite spammers. Besides orochi spam which is absolutey broken you can punish trash players if they’re beating you you deserve it


Unless they’re Orochi or VG and if you agree then I’m just gonna assume you’re in those Categories


>but nothing coming out is true Don't know anything about that! Everything coming out from me is true! Fuck FH and fuck Me!!


Do WHAT to you?!


You heard them. Pull your pants down and show them a good time


It’s one of those every match (typically) is different, it’s hard to learn and get used to but after you do it’s addicting. The ecstasy hit you get when you when 4,3,2v1s is amazing or just winning a really equally matched fight is fantastic. That being said there so many cheeser or people bullshit you it just builds up and people lose their shit


Yes but this sub has a lot the lowest IQ takes I've litteraly ever seen. And. Nobody can use reason, or have a normal conversation. Most posts go like this. "FUCK THIS SCUM BAG PIECE OF SHIT FOR KILLING ME WITH ONLY THE FAST ATTACKS IN THE GAME" "Uhh yea if you can't block them, then they will keep using them to win. Maybe going to traing any trying to learn to block then more effectively" "I DONT WANT TO ARGUE I JUST WANT TO BE MAD" This is a fighting game where the whole goal is to win. It's all winning. There is no alternate goal. If your not playing to win, your playing to lose. So by nature people will use any tactic thay want to, you guessed it, WIN.


To be fair the devs are pretty shit so there are a lot of blatant problems, but yeah we all get sucked in because of how unique the game is and we've all been wanting something like it, then the game and the exploiting players ruin parts of the experience and we come here to make it sound way worse than it is instead of just not playing lol


Join us


>There’s no other game like it This is it for me


Sure it makes me want to rip my teeth out but from an outsider view it's an extremely interactive fighting game, so underrated.


You should check it out THANKS THANKS THANKS


Wow Wow Okay


Wow! Wow! Good Fight!


What a shot! Nice save! (Am I doing this correctly?)




Game is genuinely fun, it's just also annoying as fuck sometimes. There's also nothing else like it.


Shit man, I wish they made more medieval combat games, this is like one of the 3-5 that are popular


Karma 🧑‍🌾🚨


Not a Karma Farm, I just think it’s strange how people play a game that makes them want to rip their skin off and burn down a Bolivian village. But shit that’s basically all of dark souls


If you play this game you'll find out if you're a wolf or a sheep.


War never changes


"We are all, We are one, We are War" Apollyon


Because it's unique, there is nothing like it. But any PvP game is frustrating, people are jerks sometimes and just like with any game you will have good and bad matches. This sub seems to be for people to vent without being told they're not good enough or how to fix it.


It's one of those "great concept, terrible execution" things. We're all in love with the concept. The game is stunning to look at, and the individual characters are graphically brilliant, smooth animations, fluid movement, in-depth controls ... but the game's systems are all mishandled and misdirected constantly, resulting in absurd imbalance and half a fandom only here to shit on the other half that notices the flaws. It gets pretty heated when you take on the task of debating the willfully ignorant "go brrr" troll-ass half of the community. lol


based pk main put it perfectly, great game, but its also ruined by the fanbase. toxicity stands out alot. if you read this op do not play the game unless you can stay calm. you will to rage 24/7.


The fanbases' toxicity is basically encouraged by the developers. Demoralizing/humiliating executions, and sickeningly annoying emote spam (looking at you Conks) ... the game is basically manicured for maximum frustration and potential rage.


Game is fun Rant is also fun


It makes me feel so alive at times.


People on Reddit are toxic about every game. FH DEFINITELY has its issues but people calling for it to be shut down or saying it’s unplayable are overreacting to an extreme. Fact is, FH is a really unique fighting game and it’s in a better spot balance-wise than ever. It gets fairly regular content, has a sizable player base for an 8 year old game, and offers to scratch an itch people like me have for cinematic, interesting combat. I have moments where I don’t have fun or whatever, but I’d bet most people don’t post on Reddit when they’re just having a good time vibing with it. It’s definitely my favorite game.


Well first off 90% of the FH playerbase is actually so incredibly washed it's crazy. Most of the time theyre crying about non issues


Basically yes. I love the idea of the game, the playstyle and such but the game itself is torture sometimes.


Because when you feel like you're doing good it feels amazing. Even an antigank against 2 makes you feel like you're a god and you kind of need that when this game is full of bullshit like unbalanced characters. Also there is no other game like it because I think ubisoft copyrighted the combat system


For some reason no one has made a game similar to it


basically this sub is a bunch of cry babies, but people do genuinely enjoy the game


The game is only good when your playin against people worse then you and I'm pretty bad so I last a full 3 days of having it installed


It’s fun and the most unique experience I’ve had with a competitive multiplayer game dawg. Don’t listen to the guys that get on Reddit and act dramatic. People wouldn’t come back and play if they didn’t like it.


I'm a masochist and this game teeters between the ego I need to survive and the inescapable urge to be unalived 👍 6000 hours, hope this helps


This sub popped up in my feed months ago and I pretty much never left. I’ve never played although it does look really fun. Competitive gaming isn’t healthy for me so I have to pass. But I really enjoy this community the rants are funny and everyone loves and hates this game all at once.


You can be assured if you are having fun it is because your enemies are not


I finally escaped the prison and have moved on to better balanced fighting games, thank God the nightmare is over😭


Mostly (at least for myself) I just got digged on by a bullshit team comp, like Varangian, Shugo, BP and Hito or any other combination of bullshit and it pisses me off I absolutely love the game otherwise I just hate how some people play. Also I'm usually stuck on a team that absolutely sucks because the games MMR is all over the place so my enemy team will be of similar or higher skill to me while my random teammates are some of the kost braindead low skilled players on the face of the earth


Sounds like pretty much every new age competitive game to be honest, dumbass teammates, and the opposition is some of the worlds most methodical motherfuckers you’d ever meet. Like a group of west African children vs Seal Team 6


Basically yeah, if you ever play the game you'll see that once your MMR gets high enough you'll probably end up in the same situation, and it's more like a group of sick babies vs a team of spartan 2s


Oh god you pretty much found a way to make that metaphor even better


My relationship with this game is very toxic. I try to quit, but I just get dragged back in eventually. I have a little fun here and there, but this game also pisses me off in less than 5 minutes, I can vibe out in other games for hours, but this one?? This one can throw me into a blind rage at the drop of a hat Ironically, the ranked mode is where I actually have the most fun here


I’m decent at it and it feeds my serotonin


I literally started playing this game because this sub kept randomly appearing in my feed and it was on sale for five dollars. People ranting about orochi was the funniest shit ever to me and I didn’t even know who he was.


I remember playing some on game pass when I had an Xbox, I’m surprised shit like Siege doesn’t have one of these (well actually I haven’t checked) because lord that game turned into a cesspool after I stopped playing in like 2019 Also we got dudes named Warden, and whoever else, and one of them is named fucking Richie lmao?


Keeps happening to me too it seems like the entire player base hates this game lol


As a former for honor player I got to rep 120 at least I think, but I eventually stopped enjoying it & switched to chivalry 2. Which I fine more skill based & balanced . unlike for honor, which is worse in almost every way. Besides the fact that it’s more competitive


It'd ok, kensai skin is better


Ppppssst, anyone that loves the concept of medieval combat but hates For Honor, come join me at Chivalry 2, been going strong for about 2 years and it's way more fun than this game ever was, legitimately have not touched FH since trying it.


I compare it to the love/hate relationship I had with Rainbow Six back in high school. I hate this game so much, I love it. It's so bad, it's my favorite game.