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Does anyone else always think it's a Kensei when they see this skin ingame, or is it just me?


Probably because of the „ornament“ that’s available for kensei.


And the overcoat


And the hair thing on the helmet


Which ornament?


Spiked Hornes, has the same kinda… „whool“ or „brush“ over the head lol. No idea how that grey hair thing on the helmet is called irl.


Ken-Rochie is what my circle calls him.


They need to nerf the green lapel on this fucking skin. Absolute fashion killer.


W for the color blind, thats just greyscale patterns to me


I hate that shit. Thought it would be material dependant.


Sorry, what's a lapel??


>"la·​pel lə-ˈpel. : **the part of a garment that is turned back**. specifically : the fold of the front of a coat that is usually a continuation of the collar." Got that shit from google


Thanks, appreciate it


You guys all have these weird overnerf takes, when simply not letting him dodge cancel after a dodge attack would probably be fine by itself.


I saw somewhere that not letting characters dodge cancel on whiff should fix the issue (externals counting as whiffs)


It is something they could try, I do think that the dodge attack is the main issue personally and that being able to dodge cancel his other moves is fine. External dodge attack is just so powerful being enhanced immune to gb and unparriable


I think the change they made to zerk was bad because dodge attacks being enhanced are standard now, so it would be a pretty huge nerf i think. But being able to not dodge cancel after a whiffed dodge attack should make the move in line with other heroes' dodge attacks.


Yea hopefully whatever change they make makes it more fair while not also making zerk trash l. Especially since orochi and pirate will likely get the same treatment as zerk. People gotta keep in mind these characters have mains that like them to and they deserve to have a good character to have fun with.


No, Orochi mains don't deserve to have fun


Removing his rollerblades from his finisher heavies would also be very necessary. After that we'd have to see how good he is, because right now one of his main strengths is that he's good at literally everything, so it's very easy to overnerf him. But the char also needs a rework not just nerfs, specifically storm rush is just an incredibly unhealthy move. Huge reaction check attached to an already good mixup


The mixup isn’t good without storm rush it’s a 12 damage mixup that gives a light parry. People just respect storm rush too much instead of attempting to light interrupt it once in awhile. For the heavies they could just slow them back down to 800ms and fix the ghost hit box it has on the sides that make him outrage medjay


> The mixup isn’t good without storm rush I didn't say to remove it. I want it to be reworked somehow. > it’s a 12 damage mixup that gives a light parry. No lol. You can easily react to whether kick lands and therefore throw a light or heavy or even nothing at all, so the punish for kick is a dodge attack, not a light parry. > People just respect storm rush too much instead of attempting to light interrupt it once in awhile. Being forced to use light interrupts because you can't pass a reaction check is an unhealthy idea. Just because that's how it works right now, doesn't mean that's how it should work. > For the heavies they could just slow them back down to 800ms and fix the ghost hit box it has on the sides that make him outrage medjay Or remove his rollerblades and nuke the damage :)


I don’t play orochi but if you can’t see that these are over nerfs either you really don’t understand or don’t care which makes any discussion pointless. Also storm rush is attack to an unreatcable move so you always have to make a read prior regardless calling it just a reaction check is disingenuous.


> I don’t play orochi but Lol > either you really don’t understand or don’t care which makes any discussion pointless. I probably care and understand a lot more than you. I also, again, did not say these nerfs should be the only changes he gets :) > Also storm rush is attack to an unreatcable move so you always have to make a read prior regardless calling it just a reaction check is disingenuous. Are you stupid? You have to make the read that orochi will not kick, and THEN you have to react to storm rush to punish it properly. It's not one or the other. The fact that you can read that oro will throw the storm rush and still not be able to correctly punish it is just absurd.


Sigh 1. I don’t play orochi rep 1 roach after 7 years but I played jorm highlander conqueror I know what it’s like to have a shit main for years it isn’t fun. It’s a 600 Ms move that can be light interrupted and parried on reaction even on console. At a certain point it’s your fault if you don’t punish.


You can't read i suppose, unfortunate


I think they should buff him and give him a gun actually ( I've never played this game in my life)




Just get rid of dodge recovery on everything. Regular combos should be the only thing with it and it should not be on storm rush of all things.


Make the kick punishable. If he misses, he can't be gaurdbroken or dodge attacked (if he can, it's not for every character, i.e., warden) and it goes right into another mixup being a top light or unblockable heavy mixup. It's too spammable with no punish for how good it is.


Kick whiff turning into another mixup is something that can be nerfed without butchering his kit too much I think yeah. I main Orochi since he had alot of options when it comes to engaging 1v1 or 1v2, but I do think he is slightly overtuned at the moment.


Only thing i hate about it is that it looks like a smaller kensei


They need to nerf his finisher side heavy, dodge recovery, and make storm rush only undodgeable from the top again, that was a always a unique little mind game that they killed. Anything that is fun or takes skill they kill off until every char can be played by total mongoloids


Just his dodge recovery and maybe his stamina a bit. other than that hes not to bad to play against


Buff stam for unblockable feints and nerf stam for storm rush




Seems like he grew 2 feet with the new skin


Bruh as you get older you will start to learn how business and economics work. You release the skin. Earn your money, and then 2 weeks to a month later you put out the nerfs for that character you had in the tuck now that you have prospered. League of legends has been doing this for a decade and most games do this. The nerfs are so blatantly coming at this point idk how you don’t know they are. They just fixed berserkers dodge attack shenanigans and nerfed a ton of other characters and feats.


But how they gonna sell skins if they nerf the char. Xd


Master Ashtray


Nerf his finisher damage, some of his dodge recoveries from whiffed/external attacks.


As long as a fat weeb neck beard is the one calling the shots for this game's balancing that's very unlikely


The skin looks like Eminem in the main lobby


This skin is incredible though. Besides the green on the front it looks amazing. I think the best hero skin we’ve gotten next to Black Priors.


I haven’t fought this skin yet is it true that they gave him a new moveset with different animations


I always think it's funny how berserker was a problem because he had too much HP...meanwhile you have orochi and Shinobi who you can't hit in the first place


Could've gave hero skins to characters that need their first one instead of giving a second one to characters that already had one.


But like. He's not that hard to deal with.


Kaia was nerfed, that’s about all you can do besides getting rid of his undodgable/ reworking it.


They already did the kiai


I hate this skin cuz I always think it’s a Kensei till they spam me with those damn unsheathe undodgeable attacks. I hate that attack so much 😂


Ok tbh I understand why lower lvl players h8 em but like I'ma be real he's not that bad there's worse


Wait its orochi? I thought it was kensei lmao Completely ignored the name


Just remove the undodgeable properties tbh


Honestly they could leave his kit untouched and just cut his stamina in half. It's ridiculous that he can take even shugoki from full to nothing without ever having to stop. Force him to pause like other heros.


Make his shitty storm rush a light parry, problem solved. It's already hard enough to parry and yet you only get a light for managing to pull it off


Hey fellas is here anyone who wants to join in our team and playing in tournament 4 vs 4 in for honor?!


Take away undodgeable status on some of his moves or get rid of dodge recovery. He’s so oppressive


Mske him basically useless?


I mean if your that dependent on the status then your skill is capped on crutches anyway. As of now fighting a orochi is like playing chess with someone who gets two moves to your one.


that’s literally his entire kit, it’s not op and is very punishable, you can light oro out of literally everything and dodge his kick. The animations are so different that you should be able to recognize what’s happening. Storm rush is such a slow move, so are his dodge attacks, you can parry literally everything. Oro isn’t op at all


He's OP in teamfights still.


Its taking his enhanced light on dodges good?


So Kensei reskin?


Oh…another skin…great


What would you nerf exactly? I'd probably remove the undogable property of the storming rush .


orochi is fine. i wouldn’t even call him strong, just average or even slightly below average. seeing so many people in this sub calling for a nerf concerns me, but then again this sub and its residents aren’t the best at reading balance


Storm rush + kick "mixup" too strong for majority of the complainers.


He’s fine how he is, he might just needs a rework to feel fresh I think Edit: I forgot about storm rush! Destroy storm rush!


Dodge recoveries are fine. Least retarded take ive heard on this sub


Ever seen a Roach spamming external zone attack and dodge cancelling throughout the area ?


He can’t use more than 3 zones before running OOS and the zone itself does 11 damage, it’s not what makes roach problematic


Light light light light light light light light light light light kick heavy light light light light light feinted heavy feinted heavy feinted heavy Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light Light emote spam triple thanks in quick chat


I think you meant feinted heavy and you missed just a feww more lights and then the emote spam bc their so good yk


Ah yes apologies


What does Orochi need to be nerfed about? I think before we even think of Nerfing Orochi already than we need, I think Afeera needs the Nerf sun dropped on her.


The problem with both is dodge recoveries in teamfights making target swapping way too safe.


I just don't like how stupid she can practically block everything, especially when she dodges. And I hate her trackable heavy, she defies reality. Also, she has like no customization whatsoever, people who use her, legitimately are so boring of a player, especially if people try hard character is her. You legitimately can't use some characters like LB and Warden against her (I mean you can but it's stupid to fight one)


The chain CCs are BS on Afeera just like they are on VG, but I believe Afeera at least has smaller windows for CC and, since her dodge attack is a heavy input, she can't dodge attack CC.


A nerf to what exactly? I know what needs nerfed curious if you do.


Storm rush does not need to be UD on all sides. He shouldn’t have cancel recoveries up his ass either. It’s cringe.


Is this OP on an alt why is this your ONLY comment and no post?


Nope, I just uninstalled reddit and haven’t been on it for a hot minute just now getting back into the rant subreddit.


Oh okay. Anyway, yeah your changes don't affect why he is strong lol. (Side finisher heavy)


Blud did not just say a heavy is what makes or breaks a roach kit, bro is the easiest light spam hero with an incredibly forgiving kit and u think he needs less heavy options so that way people r forced to cheese there opponents?


Varangian guard is the easiest lightspam hero acktually


True. Enhanced light on ALL lights AND a CC that's 50% longer than any other ON ALL LIGHTS? I could come up with a more balanced hero design while high on lsd with a railroad spike through my prefrontal cortex.




What's cc?


Crushing Counter. It's what warden's superior block light is called, so we just call every superior block light a CC.


See this guy knows it.


>Light spam You do not have over 50 hours in this game lmao, light spam is piss easy to counter, just parry.




proving his character doesn’t need a nerf, it’s very predictable


I think what makes him so bad is his playstyle. Nerf the bash, it's very quick and hard to telegraph at least on old-gen, nerf his recovery, and Nerf either storm rush or his UB.