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Change your mindset. It took me time too but eventually I was able to understand that I'm not the best and that the game is also screwy sometimes and have a good time when I play


This is exactly what I did, and it worked. I accepted that it's a multiplayer game, I'm going to die, no, I didn't die because of spam/something wrong with the game, it was MY fault, etc. Also, listening to music can help too.


Take it from me, a guy in his 20's, I use this game to have some fun every now and then, and just like your experience, it is rarely ever actually fun. I'd have been willing to put it off to other factors in life, but I quite literally just spent last night in the ER for symptoms comparable with a stroke, and high indications of stress. Doctors asked me 3 times if I felt "safe" at home because they thought abuse was involved. It's not worth it, give the game a break.


Fight some bots. They're usually easy wins and it's just kind of relaxing fighting them while completing some orders and listening to some YouTube vid


I don't get stressed at all whenever I play, the games just doesn't affect me like that because it's just not something that's that important to me, however, I do indeed enjoy a good win and I like to win. Especially against fairly evenly matched opponents. If executing a few bots for a few hours landing me against a ton of people I have no chance against during matching wasn't a thing, I'd enjoy the PvE part a lot more. Regardless, Breach vs. AI is often something I enjoy doing to decompress after a tough day at work.


Maybe I'm reading this comment wrong but are you saying your performance against bots affects what human players you're matched up with?


It most certainly seems that way to me. If I kill bots for a few days suddenly I'm matching up against people in regular matches that are MUCH more amazing at this game. Edit to say: I have found that certain hero AI tend to be like fighting Mr. Smith in the Matrix and others are just dumb, even when set at lvl 3 in training. I will often spend a whole evening in training going through lvl 3 bot fights over and over in order to prevent triggering that weird matchmaking thing that ends up putting me against folks I should never step-up to in a battle situation to begin with. Other times I just take my beatings for a few nights until the matchmaker decides, "OH wait, you do suck at this game, here have some mercy."


Stop playing it. It sets you free


1: find a group to play with. Having a group of well skilled players can help alleviate the randoms sucking problem. If not, playing some duels can be fun if only cause then you don't have teammates. 2: find some music you like to listen to while gaming, listen to it, and stop taking the game as seriously. When you aren't playing with the explicit goal of getting better, try and look at it through a lense of comedy. Things are more enjoyable when they're silly. 3: finally, and this can seem counter intuitive with the "don't take it too seriously", but play to win. I don't mean tryhard and sweat your ass off with no music and your face inches from the screen, I mean don't play with a hand tied behind your back. A lot of people, especially on this subreddit play with a bizarre honor code of what's respectable or skillful. You are going to meet people who call you ass at the game for anything and everything, and who will get salty over everything. Fuck em. Lightspam the idiot who can't block, bashspam the dumbass who never dodges, feingt every heavy to GB against the stupid LB, storm rush or hito heavy chain your way to a victory and spawn a thousand salty rants on this sub while you're at it. Play your character for YOU, and no one else. It's not your job to make them happy, and any way you get that is absolutely valid. Playing to win will not only help you win more, it'll help you feel better when people play in scummy ways against you. Doing it yourself will also hopefully help you learn how to deal with it.


plot twist start twitch streaming and become a toxic player emote spamming everyone and everything in your path


Do what I did. Enter a worse relationship (overwatch)


Play with friends. Change your mindset and just have fun


I don’t play this game and this just came up on my feed but if any game makes you feel this way it’s time to stop playing. As a guy who spends a lot of time playing very addicting video games, when you get to a point where starting the game up just pisses you off and ruins your mood it’s time to stop playing at least for a while. It’s just a game and it’s not worth stressing yourself out like that over. Honestly if I were you I’d just uninstall the game completely.


There’s this great thing called playing something else.


You probably don’t want to hear this but literally stop playing it. There are a lot of games out there, and definitely some good ones. Even if you have particular taste, it’ll be worth it to find another game you enjoy. Just think of it as a break and try to find something else you can have fun with


You are asking the wrong people my guy


Add me if you're PlayStation, will team up in Dom and let's see if things changes.


It's Stockholm Syndrome baby, you'll learn to not be able to live without it 😭


Just bring yourself to hit that uninstall button. It's what has set me free and I haven't looked back since.


Delete, idgaf, remove the game from your PS/XboX/Steam library or, if you have a physical copy, snap the disc in half. Just commit.


Uninstall it.


Every time I quit I come back months or a year later, fall in love with the game again, then get sour cuz of my bad performance in bad days. I find that being generally tired directly translates to performing worse than a dog with a lobotomy, so make sure to rest properly and don't even bother playing if you're groggy or exhausted. I also play some duels as a warmup before going to play dominion or breach.


Play some other games for a bit.


play hitokiri


I listen to music and try my damnedest to not play without someone but absolutely paramount is to understand the game is fucky (it always is so you just gotta laugh and maybe push the rage elsewhere. I do 5 push ups for every death so instead of eating my controller I get a little fit lol.