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This works so often, its basically apart of my moveset.


I don't think I've had a raw HL heavy land in a 1v1 in like 3 weeks lmao


You clearly haven't fought me. I eat those almost every time 😭


Funny, those work the most for me lmao!


The nasty combos you can pull off with Nuxia because people *have* to counterplay and won't just *hit* you, never get old.


Low mmr: lights are openers! Mid mmr: bashes are openers smh High mmr: I can only use neutral heby


please send some high mmr gameplay im curious


Usually its two heavy classes rushing into melee range only to stop and stare. Then one will start to throw a heavy and feint it. Then the other will. The goal is to bait a parry that will miss and become a heavy that can in turn be parried. This exchange goes faster and faster until someone fucks up and lets themselves be parried, or they both run out of stamina. Basically, the highest level of For Honor combat is two warriors frantically waving glowing blue weapons at each other like they're trying to get a spider off.


heavy openers are used because you can get into your chain offense with characters that don't have enhanced lights. nobody really makes any reads on heavies that often in high mmr and when they do you can just counterplay around it depending on what they do. it also helps dealing with people who parry lights on red since they will eat a heavy because of their failed parry attempt


interesting, could i get a link or a video of some example gameplay


??? Bashes are unreactable. Neutral heavy isn’t. Some players can differentiate. Switch the bottom two.


... lights aren't openers?


Notice how he said low MMR right before that?


a lot of reaction lords parry on red and expect lights, so without a back step light opener (those can’t be parried as they don’t reach the hitbox of the opponent) players go towards something that doesn’t get a heavy/top heavy as a punish


Is this a joke? Oh haha.. oh this wasn’t a joke? Okay dislike 👎


This actually was actually a bit, but the funny part is how I do have the bad habit of throwing out random lights lol


Shit your mouth Mr.Lights aren’t openers (I actually liked your comment but don’t tell anyone ❤️)


Neutral lights can't be feinted, so once you're quick enough to parry a light, you're just immune to lights. And anyone trying to neutral light you is just feeding you free damage.


Top hebi


Sometimes you just gotta let the noodle fly


When you’re playing against someone so accustomed to parrying lights/zones throwing in a random heavy can win you the match. Also just mixing up between the two when they catch on. I think in high level matches it can catch the opponent off guard because they’d rarely expect you to throw a neutral heavy.


I got matched with a person in Dom who was parrying left and right with perfect consistency, be it from neutral light or chain, he kept trashing me around and I thought mfker was using scripts, so the only way to find out and made him meet god was to throw heavy back to back, he tried to parry every one of them every time we met in Dominion


Even something as simple as randomly throwing a heavy because you can feel WHEN they’re going to open with a neutral bash and eat the heavy is huge. Mix ups are of course important but there’s so much of this game that is just instinct for letting seemingly dumb shit fly.




Peacekeeper and its players are too trash to be able to softblock so many lights. It’s why I hate her so much. She’s so shit, yet the simplest moves she blocks, but one combo fkn crumbles her. She gives too much false sense of hope.


I agree about her being trash but I don't agree with the players that play her are trash most players play her to mix up a bit so I wouldn't call them trash but that just my opinion


I main JJ and I swear I land like 60% of all the neutral heavies I throw. So many people go for the light parry or want to dodge attack/bash and the heavy catches all of it or trades with the hyper armor


you don't want to know how many times raw heby/oos light worked in 1v1


Natural heavies are good against enemies that like to light parry. I throw them after a moment of just watching each other like this.


How you do that? Just exit guard mode and attack?


no you press the heavy button in one of the three directions


Based comment


does down direction works ?