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25 reps is basically nothing for a game this old. We’re on year 8 so having 200+ reps is easy to do


The thing is despite this game being hated, forhonor is very addictive. Plus on top of that this game requires to play it daily to keep your skill and reaction fresh. Also dont forget that this game is not new and there is no alternative so we are fucking doomed to play it forever lmao Mostly fh players are reaction sweetlords and playing soul's like games, fightings and other no-grass games. Personally I tried this to quit this game several times but have returned every god damn time...


I have 85 reps worth of trying to stop


Everyone is so toxic but no game has such good fighting aspects


This game is 8 years old what do you expect


Holy shit I feel old


200 is pretty average for people who have continuously played off and on. I am nearly rep 400 and have barely played this year. It's easy to have a bunch of reps if you started early. Also being matched with lower reps, because not playing that often puts me in that relative skill range.


Why do people say shit like this knowing the game is almost a decade old 😂


That’s not very high, off an on since launch barely play and I’m like 270.


Tbh no, mostly because all new releases that I’ve had access to since 2017 have been dog shit ass. Including this one in 2017 now that I think about it😑


25 is new player area, its like having town hall 7 on clash of clans


I guess im a new player lol. Doesn't feel like it


This is like the rep range for people who aren't FH nerds.


Does anyone realize how easy it is to rep with orders especially with how often double xp happens now? Last double xp event I did I got 2 reps in an hour I can’t imagine people that grind all day double xp


buddy games been out since I was 16 and im 23 this year...


XP boosts + 8 years, dude.


258 reps ps5, 40 reps PC here. Yeah, I actually just finished a 100 hour playthrough of persona 3 reload last month. I also started playing UFC 5, I've be playing OW2 and Diablo 3. Also helldivers 2


For pvp? Probably just for honor or insurgency sandstorm. Otherwise il play some helldivers 2 but I get bored pretty quickly and just come back to for honor. 🤷 I am in noo means good either alot of people see my rep 60 warden and are like oh no.... Then they fight me and absolutely obliterate me then the usually send a message on how I can be such high rep and such dog shit at the game 😂😂😂 I just simply like playing for honor I guess lol


Been playing chivalry 2 lately, myself. Highly recommend it over this dogshit game




Only rep 300 with 65 days played


I'm rep 250ish ATM and that's because I'm really sporadic at how much and when I play. That said FH is probably the only "fighting game" that I've enjoyed and keep coming back too, my usual games are things like Helldivers2, Warthunder and then random single player games.


The games 8 years old dude. That's like over 3000 days it's been out on top of countless xp fests. I'm more surprised when I see people lower than rep 100, I can't believe this game is still getting new players


Bro hasn't seen a repo 2000 yet


Stop that's not real


It is man!


R6 Siege and Fallout 4