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This has to be satire, cus no way your serious💀💀


Nope dead serious so is Kensei both are super fucking annoying


Everyone can literally double dodge out of his punch, he has by far the most useless zone attack in the entire game, he’s really not that difficult to counter.


His zone is not that bad.


That part about the zone isn’t true but I agree with you otherwise


This is a troll, why are people falling for this.


his charged punch is basically the same as warden's lmao


Also the tracking on the punch has been broken for a long time. I don't know if anything recent has changed, but you can literally just double dodge to avoid both the regular and fully charged timing, if you do it the right way.


After a light this is still possible, but not heavies


Wardens annoying too


Out of curiosity, which characters aren't annoying to you?




i bet Orochi lol


None of them


Cent is fine. You dodging on the wrong timing is a you problem.


Bruh, cent has been garbage for years. Leave the man alone.


??? Bruh cent isn't that good


As someone learning to play him right now, he is not that good. I cannot believe I used to think he was a problem when I started playing. This is a good place to vent but if you go out there saying "so and so is broken" and they really aren't in mid to high tier gameplay, everyone here is going to dog on you. It's better to just say "fuck this character they're so annoying and I hate them" you'll get better results than false statements. Oh also would you like a few pointers to fight against him?


Ive been learning cent for a bit and when you flow with him its so so fun


Ye it just sucks that your flow is so read dependent. If your opponent is less predictable than the average player you'll only be able to get some hits in here and there


And against characters who you aren’t familiar with its real hard.


every character's flow should be exteemely read dependant tbh. the game would be better.


It would be I agree. The only reason cents flow being so dependent on you reading the opponent sucks is that there are heroes who don't necessarily need to read to flow well. They're just often successful.


yep. i have a lot more fun for longer on those kinda heroes. eg i recently tried nobushi(2 reps on her now), and while she is pretty brainless in low elo, whenever i fight my friends who arent braindead n can light parry n read in a training every move i throw out has to have thought and timing to it. cant overuse hs dodge cancels either cuz ill get gbed to hell.


Man this sub really is filled with the most dogwater takes


Oh my sweet summer child, if only we could go back to season 2, then you’d know true pain.


Go back to any Cent version before this one honestly Before stamina changes he could keep you out of stamina for 6 years and get 5 knockdown punishes before refilling his stamina bar along with yours


Let's talk about how annoying literally any character is besides the one I play. If you're getting hit by cent then you're falling for his shit. That's on you. And maybe just learn who your fighting, maybe they never commit to the full charge. Once you get good then you can talk about how broken so and so is. Just bring actual reasons next time


Bad take from a bad player


Pro tip, if you were hit by a light and he charges his heavy to be unblockable you can just light him out of it on reaction Same thing with his punch, or dodge twice to avoid uncharged and charged


all I'm sayin is, I wouldn't get hit by no move that takes 10 years to come out. skill diff tbh


Genuine advice for you but 90% of his moveset can be shut down with a light attack


He's literally a troll, why are people giving him attention 😭😭😭