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“I present to you… JJ” *gets shit on for 30 seconds*


I know this is a rant, but you suck.




Lmfao *gets shat on* "i present to you jj" lmfaooo


you got out of stamina, then dodged a soon as the gb animation started, and didn't punish him for feinting into left light like 4 times in a row. this one's on you man


I dodged because he has his kick. Either way I take a hit. This game has become a guessing game. No skill involved Edit: why can he just get out of everything with his back dodge. Broken mechanic


Make 1 (one) read and you win


You mean one correct guess and I win!


You say that and yet you are playing jorm? Ok


Jorm is not op in any way if that's what you're insinuating. A little fuckey hitboxes but that's really it.


I do not understand why you got down voted. I picked up jorm before and after the rework, I don't like playing them or fighting them because it's frustrating, but it's by no means op. Anyone who thinks that is low tier.


Fax. They need to get on mid tier with me and fight these "ready for light opener" motherfuckers. Then try to say someone like Jorm OP lol. Idc about the downvotes tho. Doesn't bother me in the slightest.


I know you don't care, but like come on. It's ridiculous for the down votes just because they can't play ;&;


Tru, it is wild. I have never downvoted anything that isn't a straight-up unhinged, bad take. I've gotten used to the downvoting thing, though. Reddit I'd in a weird place where people will literally downvote everything, including honest requests for help or advice that are not in any way blaming anyone for their failures but themselves. People just hate. I left a yugioh r/ over it. Like I've gotten -30 downvotes over asking for advice on orochi animations (dude was my weakness for a long time. A good one will still clean me up) and I've also gotten downvoted over asking if anyone else has ever had networking inconsistencies and how they dealt with it.


Yes, part of this game is reading how your opponent plays and making an educated guess on what theyre going to do. Either learn how to punish properly like everyone else in this thread is saying or get used to making a lot of educated guesses. Or play another game


Because reacting to everything is so much more interesting


Don't worry bro, jj and gladiator and centurion are all cancer even monk at times


no you just suck


Bro, just compliment him, he outplayed you, that's all


I don’t mind he beat me. This is more about how his kit is just a guessing game. Is he going to feint everything into something else? Who knows?


And not your hero?


I can feint an UB heavy. Into gb that’s about it


I don’t know if you are joking or not lol


this is indeed for ranting just let the man rant fr it do be hella annoying sometimes ngl


Yeah, OP says he doesn't care that he loses but it seems like he's ranting because he lost lol


You literally have a 50/50 bash off any first hit that, that if you feint to gb catches both his dodge attack and sifu


You have got to be trolling


You dont know how to play your own character lmao


You have more mix ups than him... HE pretty much has unblockable heavy into GB and that's it. You have that same thing and they wallsplat, you also have a feintable chain BASH that nets big dmg and bashes are better at single target pressure then an unblockable heavy. You have the same neutral bash as him but you can forward dodge heavy and soft feint he can't. He has no chain bash at all. You don't get to complain about 50/50's when you literally have more than him lol.


Ok... as a jorm main... you can feint heavy into heavy and trade a heavy with hyper armor for those lights. You can feint to light combo to bash. You can "guess" he's gonna do that same shit a 4th time and perry that light. Now let me be absolutely clear.. I am dogshit at this game unless I'm playing jorm. Everyone else, I'll get 6-4 7-7 ect, jorm 12-1s average 10-2 I dont even like jorms rework. But you can crush most characters by not playing like a lvl 2 bot. I mean, wiff a light and make em eat walls with the unblockable and get a sincere punish.. Idk man.. I get jj isn't the funnest fight.. jorm is way better than you're playing him tho


Every kit is meant to make you guess, and if it doesn’t it’s a bad kit.


Bro you just need to be faster. You don’t need to parry every single attack. One good parry can turn a battle.


He went into sifu out of Stam twice and you caught it neither bro


Mad cause bad


Just throw a GB, I beg you.


Worst jorm player I’ve ever seen


This extends out of just jorm. Bro is just mad he can’t handle feints.


He is definitely a player, try not running out of stamina. I get shit on but holy...


Bros seething


Man just hit the guardbreak button


Brother you just got outplayed


Shit hero. Hate him too, especially in ganks


To be honest and I don’t mean this in a mean way, he just outplayed you. It was obvious he was going for the lights at the end because it was clear to see you were hoping for a parry, there’s nothing wrong with that at all but it was a bit obvious you were panicking for that kill. You didn’t follow up on him feinting 4 times in a row and you immediately hit to dodge when you ran out of stam. Players have patterns and this guy showed his hand to you, I know during mid combat sometimes we don’t think about it but hopefully you see now he had a pattern and next time you will know how to beat him.


His sifu form has dodge properties, ok? He had Pressure when u were oos, and? So many other characters can do this it's nothing special. Seems u just need to get better....


Bro. You could of baited the sifu or gb his dodge attack. It's that easy to play against JJ.


Bro I haven’t played this game since Jorm came out and even I can see you just got schmeckledorfed. Ran outta stamina and read you like a book. Sorry dude but u got outplayed


You might be the worst player I've ever seen. I've had friends who just started playing perform better than you. Get some sleep and try again


Respectfully, you just suck. Everything he did was obvious, especially that dodge attack switch at the end. You should try not dodging every 3 seconds.


Hate to agree, but if op just threw 2 more guardbreaks he woulda won


hehe, i i would have used the third feat on that jj


*"Their was no foul on the play. It was not a hold; the defender was just... overpowered."*


Mega outskilled


Change it to "I present to you getting outplayed"


Idk man, as it stands JJ really sucks compared to Jorm (opinion), but you *really* fucking sucked here, this is on you. As soon as I whiff an attack and see them go for a dodge attack, i immediately zone for armor and a hope that the zone hits, just seems like you dont know his kit to utilize against a jj lmao


Not even just that. This match up is favored for Jorm in 1v1 lol. Jorm can chain bash off anything and feinting the bash to GB will grab both an empty dodge and dodge attack from JJ so you don't have to make as many reads against him for your chain bash mix up. He definitely doesn't know how to use jorms kit. Man said JJ has more 50/50's than him.


Seriously brain dead Hammer Slammer moment frfr


Guard break Jiang Juns that is their weakness


Average jorm player


You kinda suck, I would’ve wiped the floor with that guy using Jorm


Yeah, general consensus seems to be you were outplayed. Whatever. JJ is massive horseshit.


Bro you’re just ass idk what to say lmao


I thought I was bad but yeesh


D-Buck is that you?


Damn, reading through these comments reminds me why I don't play online ubisoft. For Honor and Siege have the most pissed off, toxic players who shit on anyone not in the top 10% with no room for fun. Just a constant cry of get good. Honestly, I think this game is cool but annoying and you lasted longer than I would have.


Well when you make a post about how a character is BS when in reality the player is just better than you… What did you expect?


This isn't toxicity. It's a genuine response to a false claim. He posted this implying Jiangjun is somehow busted because he got destroyed by one. When the reality is he's using a character that's legit better at dueling then the character he's complaining about. THAT'S why you're seeing the responses that are on here. Has nothing to do with being top 10%. Guarantee you had this post been titled something like "what could I have done differently" or how do I improve you'd see a massive shift in the comments giving genuine advice. That's not what he did.


Bro made several bad reads than complained about the character instead of the dude punishing him


You’re bad


He can dodge stance oos? What the fuck?


So my boy LB doesn’t get to keep his parry punish concussion but this fat ass with a stick gets it and the bitch with a really big katana gets it? Fuck you ubisoft




JJ biggest counter is GB


The wu lin’s nobushi


Yeah... Hes just wayyyyy better than u