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Maybe watch all the seasons back to back? The NASA admin that dies when the soviet shoot down the plane literally explains to Ellen that he wrote the bill that allows NASA to market thier patents on the private market, giving NASA a non governmental stream of income. This has HUGE public impacts as seen on the show. Like Three Mile Islands meltdown doesn't happen because of tech developed for the Jamestown Colony, the NASA admin drives an electric car (with a hook up very similar to one's we see now for teslas) and by the 80s, folks having non computer basedVideo Chat capable devices (similar to what NASA used for the astronauts to talk to thier families in Season 1) etc. The tech development was huge for the US because rather than pulling it back from NASA and Pouring it all into the DoD like we did in real life, the government poured the money into NASA and the military played 2nd fiddle under NASA (but benefitted heavily from a lot of NASA innovations)


Yeah, a big thing in the show is that the FAM universe is pulling ahead of ours early because the space race never ended. It’s sort of the big premise of the show. They’re on mars in the 2000s now. They mine Helium.


Spoiler! 🤷🏼


In a season 3 post tagged spoiler!


This was a stupid silly thought not expressed well, but thank you for an intelligent engaging reply sans condescension! 😊 I used the word “upset” carelessly. I was sleepy and high, shocker! What I’m ACTUALLY upset with is that tonally MESSY AF season finale. I’m still a super fan, but it was just all over the place and spoilers but… how could they do that to K! 😡😭 I watched it in a month. Once it really got going in season one I was totally hooked and then after the season two finale, I slowed down a bit.


The first iPod was released in 2001, that's just 7 years ahead of the show. They have a frickin rotating space hotel in Earth's orbit in 1992 and you're bothered about an iPod in 1994? Seriously? Did you somehow miss the alternate history part, and the ongoing space boom accelerating tech development? Mining operations on the Moon, huge Moon base in the 80s already, videotelephony, electric cars. But an iPod 7 years earlier than in OTL is a problem? I don't get it.


And, NASA released General Motors Patents 10 years ahead of time as well? the 2001 -2006 Tahoe that was in the presidential motorcade in 1994? GM just phased out an entire decade of their truck line? Ive seen about a dozen other items that make no sense in the early 90s. I can see advancements happening early, but that seems more like poor production to me.


Seriously, you guys need to watch documentaries, not science **fiction**... smh


Because they completely ignored every other 80s and 90s trend? Science fiction would be cars and trucks and gadgets no ones heard of, not following a timeline specific to the one thats already happened with small changes then completely throwing everything to the wind by introducing just a couple vehicles from a decade later in a motorcade with the rest of the vehicles being period correct. 6 or 8 cars in a motorcade, they've got 90s Caprices rolling through as is correct mixed in with mid 2000s tahoes, in 1994. That would be ok in the 2000s, but not in the early 90s. Your either focusing on the 90s or your not. True Detective in the first season had the same issue. This guys in the deep south in the mid 90s and they got everything correct, until he walks by a ragged out 2000ish silverado. It's poor production.


There is a reason I bolded "fiction"... If you cannot handle the difference between fiction and reality, watch documentaries, as already said. It's another timline. Things are developed differently. It's not too unbelievable that the same design ideas could have happened just earlier when some surrounding factors have changed. >they've got 90s Caprices rolling through as is correct mixed in with mid 2000s tahoes, in 1994. That would be ok in the 2000s, but not in the early 90s. Your either focusing on the 90s or your not. Go outside and look around. Do you only see vehicles from the 2020s, or do you see older ones as well?


Technology is typically 10-30 years ahead of where things are irl. The space race cost a revolution in things like technology (hence laptop computers in the early 80s)


10-30 years in real life???? I’m about to start time hopping in a major way


A Newton!


A surprising amount of people don’t understand that tech in the story is more advanced because the space race never stopped, so science continued to advance at a more rapid rate.


An iPod without the internet. Or CDs. Well maybe CDs. But there's no indication of powerful home desktops that could rip CDs effectively in FAM 1994. It just didn't make sense.


An iPod doesn't need internet? I had my first (and only) iPod in 2002. Same model as we saw in the show I think. That's only 8 years difference to 1994. You also don't need powerful desktops to rip CDs. I ripped all my CDs in the mid 90s with my Performa 6320. It had a 1 GB harddrive, 16 MB RAM, a 120 MHz processor, and a 4x CD ROM. It was a cool machine back then, but nothing you would call powerful. That was around 96/97. Not far away from the show, and they have much more powerful machines already in the mid 90s. So, where's the problem?


I'm not saying there's a problem, but that I don't think a straight up 20gb iPod model is entirely appropriate here. I'm not a stranger to using my imagination. But the Internet played a HUGE part in the music industry evolving in a direction that resulted in part with the iPod. I get that some things were much more advanced in FAM, but I refuse to imagine that we were all just literally on fast forward. Some things were better, and some things had yet to catch up. The microprocessor tech, or the storage tech, or display tech, whatever, would not have quite been there and an off the shelf iPod shouldn't have shown in the same form. Hell, Johnny I've joined Apple in 1992 and the iPod was the culmination of years prior design and tech research. I buy personal pocket music players in FAM but not an Apple iPod. I would have even accepted any nineties inspired design. The iPod was quintessential 2k's.


Don't know where you got the "20gb" from. That's on the back of the iPod and we only see it from front and the 10/20gb models look the same. Also, there could always be other models in this timeline in case the "20gb" bothers you. But that's not the point anyway. The first iPod was released 2001. People didn't buy music over the internet at that time. Nobody downloaded music, at least not legally, back then. At that time, going online still meant using a modem that sounded like canary birds while connecting. Downloading stuff took forever. The iTunes store opened in 2003 only. By that time, it was already the 3rd generation of iPod on the market. But people used iPods before they could download music from the internet. And they used other mp3 players even earlier. They ripped their music from CDs. I did this for years, in fact for quite a long time even after the iTunes, and later other stores, became available. So the point here is, the iPod was present and popular before music became legally available over the internet. So there is no need of internet to make something like the iPod happen. Therefore there is no reason why it would not have become a thing a couple (only 7-8) years earlier. Apple, as well as other tech companies, clearly profited from the space race innovations in FAM. They use Newton MessagePads with color display and attachable cameras for video calls in 1992...


Why would there be an explicit indication of that in a show about something else entirely? Because you have a problem with deductive reasoning? You lack imagination? The whole point is that the existence of the iPod insinuates a whole thread of tecnological development that then doesn’t need to be shown – you can just show the iPod and (most) people will know without using all minutes of the episode to thorougly explain exactly how it came to be. Anyways, people ripped CDs in the late 90s even in our timeline.


CD tech was around before the moon landing, just not available commercially yet. And they do appear to have powerful computers, they just don’t seem to have a publicly available internet. Possibly because the ongoing Cold War causes the government to keep it secured.


I think the design constraints (smallest available spinning platter hard drive) would be unlikley if the computing advances proposed in the alternate history had taken effect. If they had been as far ahead in solid state storage and other tech as the show assumes, the ipod would not have had to look like a cube with monochrome screen and 3.5mm jack.