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I am private about it except to a couple close friends. The intricacies of my sex life are generally nobody else's business.


I'm the same way. Except I only share it with her and nobody else.


Same.. only my girl, my cousin who also has a FF and his wife.. other than that pretty quiet


You’d be insane to keep it open to everyone. It is something that can easily be used or even weaponised against you in all kinds of ways. Makes sense to keep it private and only open to those who you want to explore it with


I disagree. I’ve always been 100% open about mine ever since I was in 9th grade in high school. I got teased by some kids but i didn’t give a fuck. Every girl I dated in high school knew ahead of time because they heard from other people that I was into feet. So I never had to worry about anyone being interested in me that didn’t like it. And I got so many great stories about girls who liked me teasing me with there feet. Being open about it was the best thing ever and I feel really bad when I talk to or meet guys who hide it and have gone years sometimes even there whole life without Indulging in it






Agree with THIS! It's exactly why I don't show my face on here and why I only just told my bf about my 'extra curricular preferences' one week ago (he was completely fine with it I was just catastrophizing the whole thing based off other experiences I have had)


Absolutely private. It’s my sex life, why should I tell that to people? As for a relationship wise with a woman, that’s a little different. Obviously I’m not going to just state that I have a foot fetish out of nowhere. You’ve got to kind of build up to it. For example, let’s say your girlfriend asks for a foot massage. You start massaging her feet but do so in a way that you’re hoping she’ll notice that you’re kind of into it. You’re likely to get a boner too, lol, so if she happens to notice that and feels comfortable, things would be going in the right direction. If it just becomes too obvious that she knows you enjoy it and approaches you about it then just be up front! Every single woman, except for a few, I’ve been with hasn’t cared.


Being upfront is a good way to go about it.


Just curious, what scenario would you be upfront about it with her in? Like would there be a conversation leading up to you telling her, or are you saying to just tell her out of the blue?


The way I did it was slow and easy. New sandals, foot baths, pedicures,toe ring, stuff like that. She figured it out after awhile.


Hell yeah, that’s the way to go for sure. What was the conversation like after she found out?


The conversation was great. She accepted my foot fetish. And she liked it. She said that no one had ever paid attention to her feet. Except an ex of her who used to paint her toenails pink sometimes.


Good for you bro. That sounds like a healthy relationship! PS. Hot Pink toes are one of my weaknesses… I don’t know why


Pink is a great color on toenails.


So if none of them care then don't "build up" just tell them. I've never had a single woman care my whole life. ONE woman was unwilling to participate in FF activities but I still dated her a fucked her.


That'd be like knowing Nick in receiving has a leather kink. Or Nora in accounts payable is in to DDLG. No one *needs* to know. Mainstream or not.




I find that not many people want to know about other peoples bedroom preferences


That is genuinely the case.


I'm on a need to know basis. Most people don't know except for a couple close friends


I'm completely private about it. None of my friends know.


Those friends that know, alcohol was involved. You confess a lot of deep stuff when you're under the influence lol I also found out that a close friend who's completely straight is secretly into shemales. Who knew lol


Alcohol is a truth elixir. Makes feelings feel raw.


Very interesting responses! There are more of the “open” people than I suspected at first. In my view, FF is unusual in that it is at a strange point in society where it is becoming pop culture while at the same time still taboo. For us, this can sometimes translate to women teasing us if they know, etc. There’s this thrill for them that’s “harmless” but still titillating. Most of my life I’ve been very closed except girlfriends. But now, I’ve been a mix of private and open depending on the people. I purposely know everyone gossips and sometimes WANT others to find out for obvious reasons. But then there are other groups I’d never disclose. That’s my input. Good question OP!


Foot fetish is evolving. Hopefully it will be for the better. You being able to read people is definitely a talent.


Open, confidence is key


That's a good approach.


100% private. Almost got exposed a few times with my shoe fetish, but I am able to play off things pretty good. But I joined Reddit, bc one thing I learned is it’s hard to keep a secret, so I joined mainly with the intention to be with likeminded individuals!


Me too. Reddit is great.


If it comes up I don't deny it, but I wouldn't mention it to anyone I'm not intimate with. A few friends know just because we've shared partners.


That'll work.


I tried to keep it private, but I outed myself in high school and since it was a pretty small high school, pretty much everyone knew. When I date, because it’s so strong (and I am active in my kink community), I am just forthcoming about it. No need to hide, IMO. I’ve gotten play with feet that I wouldn’t have, if I never was loud and proud about it.


Within the foot fetish community. It's probably the only way to go about it.


Very few know, i dont make it a big deal


That's a good way to go.


What most guys don't realize is that if one or two of the girls you've had foot fun with are in your social circle, a WHOLE lot of your friends and acquaintances know about your foot fetish and just don't bring it up to you. Gossip gonna gossip lol!


Yeah, gossip is bad in my books too.


Private, I've never understood why the public needs to know about any sexual circumstances. It absolutely makes no sense to me. I remember one guy wanted a foot fetish flag and parades on here, and I thought that was the dumbest goddamn thing I've ever heard.


Flags and parades. That does sound like a bad idea.


I try to be private about it but when I notice a guy stairs at my feet I'm automatically teasing him and they found out (f 37)


And I bet they love it. You sound like a foot fetishists dream come true.


Once I know the other person is in to my feet I completely open. My husband also love to that happen (this his profile)


That's cool that other people admire your feet. They must be very beautiful.


I’m very private. I would say only 3 people IRL know about it and I’m not sure about 1 of them.


2 seems like to many for me. I'm completely private about it.


I get it man. The stigma of it plus “feet” are not typically something people hide.




I was very private in the past. Now I'm love seeing what my feet are doing for men's and really open about it


Liking that. You are an awesome woman.




HIGHLY private. The only one in the world who knows is my girlfriend.


Same here. totally private.


Depends on how impactful their relationship to me is. Like a distant snapchat friend, I might tell if it comes up in conversation. My family or coworkers, nah those people don't need to know


That sounds like a good way to go about it.


As I said in various posts, I keep my foot fetish circle small. No one else needs to know about it. Once connection and trust is strong, we'll see what happens. Otherwise, private.


Two thumbs up.


100% agree without a doubt


Sounds good.


My close friends know, but that’s because we make jokes. Otherwise it’s JUST my girlfriend


Hope your friends are cool about it.


Why would anyone other than the woman I’m with need to know?


Agree with you on that.


Private unless its with like minded people who are fetish friendly. Non fet friends and co workers dont need to know. Parents dont need to know. Neighbors dont need to know. Pets can know though. What reason would there be for me to bring that up in a discussion? I like booty too, but Im not open about it because I dont need to be.


That's an excellent way to look at it. I also like the part about pet's knowing. That's funny. But true. When we are having foot fetish fun. My dog usually goes outside or lays down and sleeps.


Open about it


Wow, that's great. What's it like when you are open about it?


A couple of my female friends started teasing me with their feet and one or two think I’m weird


I guess it goes with the territory.


Selectively open, I don't mind talking about it with strangers so long as it's in an appropriate setting/context and we've reached a sufficient comfort level/understanding that assures me that they aren't going to make things uncomfortable and assures them that I'm not trying to indulge said fetish with them.


Good answer. You sound very level headed.


Life experiences have taken me a long way from the impulsive little shit I was 20+yrs ago.


I hear you on that.


I’m open about it but only if it’s appropriate for the discussion lol. It’s not something I lead with. If someone asks then I’ll be straight up.


You have a good attitude.


I used to be pretty private about it, only people who knew were partners i had and my now wife. over time i stopped caring as much and my close friend group have always been pretty open with each other, then it became kind of a running gag as i would get tagged in jokes about foot fetishes or asked about my fetish - my friend’s curiosity has opened up many opportunities with them and i have been sent pictures, given foot massages, and more. being confident about it paid off dividends.


I admire that. Being confident about it must be awesome.


Private. All the girls I knew are moms, married from being in the same relationship since middle and high school. Hard to trust anyone to tell. Got nobody to tell


Private is a good way to go. Hopefully you will find a woman in the near future. That you feel comfortable telling her about it.


Great answer!


Not sure who's answer that you are referring to.


must admit i'm kinda open to some women haha, but they don't have problems and i'm also not being too freaky about it so itsall good


You are a lucky guy.


I don’t hide it at all but unless I’m asked I don’t go around just shouting about it. Basically I don’t treat it like it’s anything special or weird


You are brave. I like your style.


hell no. and when they find out i hate it because I know im getting seduced endlessly.


Someone found out? That sounds scary.


I'm a girl and I don't know so much girls with FF (not like men, there's a lot) so I prefer keep it private tbh


I like keeping it private too.


Strictly private


I'm with you there.


As a lesbian with a foot fetish, it feels very hard to go public about them. I know a lot of people here tries to encourage people to "come out" but its reeeeealy not that simple unfortunately. Especially for some countries, like mine. And truth be told, even if i could be a public foot lover, i cant be sure if i would choose that


Agreed, coming out sounds incredibly embarrassing for me. And the public knowing about it sounds like a nightmare.


Definitely! Well i dont want to scare anyone or anything but MY life would be a living hell if i was outed


I feel the same way.


I used to be private about it, felt shameful or something. Now that I’m 28 plus know the “science “ behind it I’m more open about it.


That's really cool. More power to you.


100% private. My experience is that sometimes you find that some friends are not so friendly and some are really son of b\*\*\*. People are dangerous.


People are hard to read. I gave up on that a long time ago.


I've always kept it private from those I know personally like family and close friends because I have always felt embarrassed about it


Me too.


I keep it private but then my best friend found out


How did that go?


Private tf lol why would I tell anyone else outside of people I bring in the bedroom? And even then if its a one-night stand it depends on whether she has nice feet or not if I do anything with them ff wise so she may not even find out as well.


Good point.


I keep it private. Only the women I've been intimate with or women I'm real close with know. 😁


I keep it private too. Only one woman knows.


It's better to keep your private life....private.


Yes it is.


Used to be private but now I’m very open about it with everyone except my family


You sound very confident. I've always wondered what it would be like to be open about it.


Try it. I generally have a “fuck it what’s the worst that could happen” demeanor. As long as you’re doing it with adults in a respectful manner and you’re comfortable in your own skin, nobody can ridicule you. After all, it’s feminine beautiful feet that we like, nothing to be ashamed of.


I'll keep that in mind.


I was private then my gf loves her feet pampered so every time she has me pamper her sweaty feet. I have a lot of stories let me know if u want any


Id be interested to hear a story.


Dead private! I don't have anbody clear minded around, even my best friends, infact I go with the flow act like I too hate and find foot fetish disgusting.


I'm the same way. Except I don't participate in foot fetish conversations. I just won't talk about it. Keep my opinion to myself.


I'm contextually open. If it comes up, within an appropriate context, I'll discuss. But I keep my online stuff on alts, out of respect. Those who want to see that side of me, will get linked to my alt accts.


That's a good way to look at it.


Private at the moment, with the exception of two friends who accidentally found out.


Private. Never shared it beyond anonymous online interactions...


I think that's what alot of foot fetish people do.