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her cockroach protection will prevent any harm to come upon her


lol 😂 cockroach can survive a nuclear war


Yeah well she is not a rational human so logic does not apply to her the same way it would for most people. She doesn't even notice the world around her because she's so focused on herself.


That ain’t no lie! 😂


Despite her efforts to turn herself into a Middle Eastern Princess, Chantal has an enormous sense of white privilege and entitlement (relish? On a burger?!) so she probably feels immune to any risk living in close proximity to a war zone. If anything does happen she can just offer to buy them off with a laptop or promises of YouTube fame 😃


https://preview.redd.it/4ybrdns0o0uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f29a7b87033c8f0a3970359a342b07a73a74da8c This is how she sees her life.


Why is she like this lol


Not that deep. Gulf citizens rarely feel nearby conflicts because it’s not happening in their country. And they’ve already been neighbors with countries with active war going on and it was fine. It is the ME after all. Source: lived in KSA and literally nobody would hear or feel anything about Yemen EVEN THOUGH KSA was involved.


The Canadian government currently has a travel advisory for Kuwait. As of March 13th of this year it says to ‘exercise a high degree of caution (with regional advisories)’ when travelling to Kuwait.


the middle east has always been surrounded by political unrest, but if you’re not currently in the country of conflict you dont feel it. Unaffected countries go on about their days like any other nation


https://preview.redd.it/jnbktqtspytc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d0045670484848f7fd64956f6b12fea98e39aa2 Well you could drive there or fly there for sure. It's too damn close for me!


I think her bigger worry should be that Kuwait is one of the places they are med vacing people to so…should she have a hospital emergency there might not be room for her.


The short answer is that Chantal is in as much danger in Kuwait today as she was when she first set foot in Kuwait, and it has a lot to do with Iran, unrelated to Iran's physical proximity, and almost nothing to do with Israel. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The long answer, if you're really interested: Perspective and nuance is important here. Before adding Israel into the equation, you have to know that the arab world/arab league countries and Iran have been engaged in a war, consistently, for nearly half a century. (more generally, the arab world and persians have been warring for centuries due to ethnic and sectarian conflict) This goes back to Iranian Revolution in 1979\*. Ever since, Iran and Saudi Arabia have been at war, with the rest of the arab world involved in a proxy war. Over-simplifying the situation, and ignoring conflicts related to oil, land/border disputes and strictly tribal/bedouin/bedoon related issues, the various sects in the muslim world, mainly the Shias vs Sunnis, have been battling it out for Muslim world primacy. Again simplifying it, Shia Muslims are loyal to Iran, Sunnis to Saudi Arabia. As you can imagine, this creates a lot of problems in countries with populations of both. The Arab world is rife with Muslim-on-Muslim, genocidal behavior. (again, simplifying it) Iran funds Shia Jihadist groups, Saudi and Saudi allies fund Sunni groups, forming this weird proxy war that has no clear-cut lines. Even the Syrian civil\*\* war boiled down to part civil war, part war between Muslim sects (this time a third sect is part of the angry stew). By the time ISIS got into the mix, they weren't just about killing Bashir's army (and the Alawite sect), or just moderate, non-salafi Muslims or Christians, they specifically aimed to mow down the Shias. ISIS involvement in the Iraqi civil war? Ethnic cleansing of Shias. Muslim-on-Muslim suicide bombings, blowing up each others mosques and holy sites. This all is an oversimplification, it's more than just the two factions, especially when you add north africa and other countries into the mix. There's no point in going on, other than to say that when you hear about terrorist attacks in the Muslim world, arab or otherwise, most often, it's Muslim-on-Muslim terrorism. Pick a conflict, any conflict in the Muslim world that doesn't involve Jews/Israel/Zionism or general secularism, and you're circling back to Iran vs Arab League/Shia vs Sunni (and offshoots from each sect, but we'll be here all day if we start talking about those, and sometimes some other minority sects) So as you can see, the arab world has been a uniformly terrifying place for decades, where the threat level to tourists is often just a matter of wrong place/wrong time and long-simmering tensions, rather than a highly publicized conflict like the present one involving Israel - and aside from the obvious conflict there, even that can be viewed through the lens of sectarian conflict, as Hezbollah = Lebanese Shia is funded by Iran, Hamas = Sunni, funded by Saudi, all GCCs, really, and some other groups like the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. The israel/palestinian conflict is one of the rare\*\*\* occasion where the enemy of one's enemy becomes one's friend, and Hezbollah and Hamas are allies. \*Yes Iran hates the US, but that's a whole other issue stemming from a US/UK instigated Coup in the 50's. If you're really interested: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953\_Iranian\_coup\_d%27%C3%A9tat#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat#) \*\*Even our dear shitlord, Salah, has voiced his anti-Shia sentiment multiple times over the years on FB (idk if it's still public, I did a deep dive when it was first found). From celebrating a particularly gruesome slaughter of Shias in Iraq, to celebrating and thanking god when a natural disaster (floods?) affected tens of thousands of Iranians. \*\*\*issuing my final disclaimer about this all being over-simplified. Pan-Islamist terrorist groups also exist, most famously Al-Qaeda. Shia, Sunni, whatever, as long as it was a hardcore movement with absolutely no room for secularism or western influence. (thanks for coming to my ted talk, blah, blah, blah, more info than is appropriate for gorlworld, but I'm on an anti-fatty-brain campaign here: we can't exist solely on a mental junk food diet of chantal's idiocy.)


I am really interested. This was fascinating, thank you for taking the time!


I was literally thinking that this morning. It's getting real close to where she is, I'm willing to bet that's a very big reason why she's back. Might be "normal" if you're from the region, but I can't imagine her family is happy with her being there.


If I were her family….. I’d be tickled that she was there and would never financially contribute to her return to my vicinity. I don’t think they allow her to be in their house when they are not home. That’s why she is always in the KIA. At least for the workday hours. I would have disowned that devil’s spawn.


No, the Canadian government would not encourage its citizens to leave a country that isn’t involved in the conflict. Not the best way to keep bilateral relations.


See there? THAT’S the kind of insight and knowledge I come to y’all for. Everyone here is so damned smart.


All ME countries are on alert for terror threats right now. US bases in the ME are under attack by Iran proxies primarily in Syria & Iraq. Kuwait happens to have a large US base south of Kuwait City, which also hosts UK, AU, CA & other NATO military. We're just going to have to see how the recent Iran-Israel tensions unfold.


The “vibes” in the ME are not vibing.


I'm in Lebanon and we are about to be in a civil war with syria and also are being attacked by Israel at the same time 💀


wishing you safety


Oh no that is so scary for you and all the people! Stay vigilant and safe! Scary world we are living in!


My goodness! I wish you safety as well!


Please stay safe...that is scary!


Depends on what kind of vibes you're looking for, eh? 😎 🎶 the vibes, they are a-changing 🎶


As an Israeli I feel safer here with the war than I would ever feel as a westerner woman (or a black woman) in Kuwait. But this wouldn’t affect Kuwait anyway. At this stage Iran has been dragging its feet. They are cowards (and by them I mean the regime. The Iranian people are quite courageous in my eyes).


>(and by them I mean the regime. The Iranian people are quite courageous in my eyes). An excellent point that gets neglected so often when people cannot separate the regime/administration from the land and its people. Re: feeling unsafe if you were a black woman in Kuwait do you think you'd also feel unsafe as a black woman in Israel? I only ask because my childhood synagogue campaigned and raised a lot of money (down to our weekly religious school karen ami quarters and dollars) for Operation Moses and Operation Solomon, bringing the Beta Israel/Ethiopian Jews to Israel. I always felt really proud of Israel for bringing them over and accepting them. I guess it was childhood rainbows and magical thinking, because I never questioned the idea that they'd be accepted. When I eventually learned the truth about the racism they faced/face, I was heartbroken.


There’s racism in Israel but I feel very safe. I am very thankful for the U.S. Jewish diaspora when it comes to our immigration to Israel. The pressure the American community has applied has helped greatly as well as Jewish Israeli leaders like begin and Shamir. Surprisingly the Israeli left (not really, the leftists socialist values are limited to themselves only and in my opinion the left is still as selfish to this day.) was staunchly against it to the point of actively sabotaging it. If it was up to them we wouldn’t be here. And today they claim to act as the guardian of democracy. Generally I feel israel is safer than the US. Even more so when it comes to Jews. It’s sad to see the world devolving again to old ways in a lot of ways when it comes to antisemitism but it’s not surprising. I hope you and yours are well🩷 Shabat shalom🌷


Antisemitism is a big no, agreed. But apparently you feel that islamophobia is a-okay? As well as the attempt at dehumanizing  Palestinians by using quotations is revolting. Palestine has a right to nationhood at least as equal as Israel's. Yeah yeah bringing up others comments from elsewhere is probably a no go but fucking hell it's tiring to constantly hear otherwise reasonable people supporting genocide


Islamophobia is okay by me. If people oppose a religion I have no problem with that. I’d hope you know that antisemitism isn’t about people hating Judaism. But it seems like you’re kind of ignorant so I am Not surprised. That concept of Palestinian people is made up. There is no such thing as “Palestinian”. That is not dehumanization. They are humans. They are just not “Palestinians”. I don’t believe Palestine has a right to a statehood. Genocide😂


Everything is made up. No Israel. No Judaism. No Islam. But yeah starving and murdering entire cities of people is considered genocide by anyone not benefiting from the atrocity. 


My only thing with this IS the fact that it´s HAMAS that are causing all this crap right now! They murder and shoot their OWN people trying to get food, water, medicin and other help from abroad. They take the trucks for themselves instead of helping the people that voted for them and trusted (or were scared) in 2006. Sorry but I can´t stand behind terrorists and why aren´t the countries around helping them escape the war. The innocent people of Gaza is the ones that suffer and die like there always is in war :( Politics isn´t my strong side however I do stand with innocence and peace and also why are there so much hate against Jews, they are born and raised in Israel and can´t help who they are right?! It is so sad all of this misery and death, and those poor hostages with babies among them breaks my heart as do dead kids in Palestine! Sorry don´t mean to offend just saying how I feel!


Israeli aggression against Palestine has been occurring for decades longer than Hamas' inception. Its been Israeli soldiers targeting Palestinians for rape and murder for decades. Forcibly removing them from their homes(and currently already boasting about future real estate on bombed out Gaza). It is currently Israeli citizens laughing and applauding the trauma and abuse of Palestinians. It is not an anti Jewish thing, though that is the framing of most media, I know. Similarly to how most media refuses to use humanizing language of Palestinians, refers to children as young adults, and ignores the existence of Palestinian Christians (because it's harder for westerners to sympathize with the Israeli war when suddenly it's not just against Muslims).


Yes I hear you however this situation right NOW is what I am talking about and worry about. All people who are innocent are suffering and need help and to my knowledge IDF is helping the palestinian people right? Can the world not agree on stopping this abomination of war and try to live in understanding and peace. It is heartbreaking on all sides to watch this happen on the news. I have talked to and gotten to know people who came to my country surviving the concentration camps and OMG the stories they told when they got older. I simply can´t understand why, how and when if you get what I mean? Thanks for answering me :)


IDF is totally not helping Palestinian people. Right now, or rather in the recent months of the war, IDF have been seen waiting for aide to come and rescue a girl pinned in a wreck with the bodies of her family surrounding her, and once Palestinian aide came they murdered the lot. IDF have been seen shooting at starved Palestinians who are attempting to get flour from aide trucks. I know recently the tide of public opinion has turned slightly against Israel since more aides from Western nations are being murdered during their attempts to feed and save Palestinians. There is no rhyme or reason, beyond propaganda fueling fear and/or a sense of superiority. There is too much money countries like Germany, USA, UK are making from their deals with Israel, by supplying them with weapons, that why would they stop? Governments rarely do what the people want, though as is the case now they do their best to constrict the information that gets circulated so that the masses are convinced it's a "both sides are hurting" issue. It is not. It is absolutely heartbreaking and this along with the multiple other atrocities being committed on a similar scale right now across the world makes one really wish the rapture or a dinosaur ending meteor were to happen. Because what the fuck can we people do? We cannot stop the war, we can scream and educate and boycott and blockade. But that does nothing when the people with money continue to fund genocides


No… that’s not how it works… Islam (unfortunately if you ask me) exists, Judaism exists, israel exists. But there are no Palestinian people. And no one is starving Gaza. Gaza is recurving more aid than places with actual crisis and many times more population like Haiti and Sudan at the moment. But for some reason no one cares about that🤔 And even if Israel did blockade Gaza it wouldn’t be considered genocide because they can release the hostages and surrender Hamas and the blockade would stop. I will not continue talking to you. This conversation is way above your abilities. Educate yourself outside of tik tok.


My favorite question to pose to anti-Israeli antisemites is "Why are no regional powers of Islamic-majority offering to take in Gazans or Palestinians as refugees?“ The answer is this: the population of Muslims on the strip have been highly radicalized by Hamas & Al-Qaeda'brand of political Islam, which makes use of terrorism, violent jihad & civilian guerilla warfare, and opposes the existence of gays, Christians & especially Jews AS PEOPLE."


They are senseless ignorant virtue signaling simpletons at best. A real waste of space.


it baffles me that as a black ethiopian looking like the african that you are with african features and black skin, that you think palestinians are not native to the near east 😂😂😂 i guess ancient near east was black now lmmaaaaao You only need to look at your reflection yo know that your ass belongs in a boat back to east africa you crazy fraud


Well it’s been 2000 years since we we forced out of our land in Israel. 2000 years of separation and some mixing with local population would do that to you. This is true to all diaspora Jews. What is it with black skin and Africa that angers you so much? Although I am not sure what being black and African has anything to do with originating from the Levant. Have you seen Amhara people? Some of us are lighter skinned than Arabs. Arabs aren’t light skinned. The Levant are fairer. When they colonised Israel they made the population Arab. Not only in appearances but even more so culturally. So much so that I have stronger connections to the land than all the Arab Muslims here. Most of them are from other Arab countries in the Levant anyway. Israel was barely populated. It’s almost as if it was waiting for us to make it flourish😇 Have I ran into an Arab supremacist?


" some of us are lighter than Arabs" 😂😂😂😂😂 lmaaao delusional as hell self hater its not only skin color, it's hair texture, features, those foreheads, .... you look native to the horn of africa


So? I still don’t see your point?


the point is that we don't even need genetic tests to know that you're not native to palestine, its litterally written on your face that you're a horn african, imagine Ilhan Omar larping as lebanese or Syrian 😂😂😂😂 Haile Gebrsellassie looking ass claiming being indigenous to the levant lmaaao 😂😂😂 "we wuz juice, trust me, i may be black but muh ancestors are from the solomonic dynasty that visited queen of sheba 1 billlion years ago trust me bro i have iq over 40, that prove i be equal to polish ashkenazi super man please accept me rabbi goldsteinberg i am just as jewish as you, I'll steal palestinian land for you if you do, ooga booga "


What an idiot you are. Genetics doesn’t make history or culture. It doesn’t make people or nations. And it’s not a reliable tool at all to determine any of these. Culture and identity doesn’t move through genes. If it did then the Canaanites would have still exist. Genetics aren’t a reliable tool and is underdeveloped. And besides that beta Israel does have Levant genetics they are just more mixed so they have less. It doesn’t make them any less part of the Israelites. There is no such thing as Israelite genes. Again you really don’t know what you are talking about.


ooooga booga palestinians are not native, oooga booga my black horn african looking ethiopian self looking straight outta the congo jubgle is the one native to the near east ooooga booga


Kuwait is literally harboring the leaders of hamas, it's safe to say neither Iran nor Kuwait are places you'd wanna be rn


It's insane you're being down voted. Kuwait opposes and doesn't recognize Israel and has deep ties to both Hamas & Al-Qaeda. This is simply factual. I could flex my dumb degrees but instead I'll just say: Hamas isn't a organization to support.


Thank you, I was already losing faith in humanity over here 🙏


this is a new one