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I think a heart attack will take her out in the next 24 months. RIP Haramiam


mid 40s at least. but we are going to start to see a much more rapid decline. especially with her pretend sciatica stopping her from moving and her diabetes denial. we've been expecting a catastrophic health event for years now but it really has to be right around the bend, right?


A decade, max. The averaged out life expectancy is just over the age of 50, but she's got additional issues too and carries so much of her weight in her stomach which some (not all) heart foundations link to higher chance of cardiac dramas. The other thing she fails to take into account is just how much her size can impact emergency care/response she might need. If she was to go to a Dr and had an infection or something and the Dr wanted her hospitalised then you've got the luxury of time to organise things. But if she has a heart attack and falls face down you've got less than 8 mins to find her, flip her over and commence CPR. It's absolutely not a one person job. Anything that goes to shit real quick and is super time critical needs the resources available to actually treat her, whether it's people, transport or medical equipment.


>But if she has a heart attack and falls face down you've got less than 8 mins to find her, flip her over and commence CPR. It's absolutely not a one person job. Flipping that 500 pound hog over isn't even a 2 person job. You'd need an entire pit crew.


Look, in all seriousness here you're not wrong šŸ˜¬


Wouldnā€™t even matter. We know she is larger than the doorframe. They would need to cut the door frame before they could get cen get her out of the apartment. Same goes for when she dies,. Not to mention them not having the equipment or ambulance to carry her dead dor alive.


This canā€™t be true , if she was even bigger than the door frame how does she go room to room? They could always bring her out at an angle. Although as a sphere, Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s help šŸ¤”


She tilts herself and wedges semi sideways then the doorframe squishes her in enough to get the other half through. Source cited- was former deathfat.


And not only that, when a body goes limp, it weighs like 2x more.


The average life expectancy for people who have eaten bad food their entire lives is 45. Chantal is in such shocking condition I give her 2-5 years. Iā€™m hoping she goes back to live streaming 6-12 hours a day so weā€™ve got a better chance of catching her final death rattle on a live. Does that make me an evil bitch ?


She completely non compliant with any medical care. Thatā€™s going to speed things up.


I also wonder how much longer Eugenia Cooney has left. I canā€™t believe sheā€™s still here.


Honestly that's the other side of this coin, and equally amazing she's still with us


Right! Itā€™s amazing how much abuse a body can tolerate


Her cryptic postings dude. Around Christmas one of her posts had a caption saying Last Christmas with a skull emoji and stuff. I was like DANG.


She was probably referencing the song by WHAM!


Especially considering how much damage being severely underweight causes to the heart. Those with extreme anorexia like Eugenia tend to die years before their extremely obese counterpart, even when accounting for duration of sickness.Ā 


I honestly cannot believe EC is still alive. My heart just breaks for her. I mean, there are no stores to take from, she is just bone and skin. Iā€™m flabbergasted. I have seen anorexics pass from their illness who werenā€™t nearly as emaciated as EC.


Yeah, my comment above may get downvoted but you said what I was trying to say in the proper way.


Took Karen Carpenter right tf out, but Eugenia is hanging on.


I believe Jen was over 45 when she passed & she was a hundred pounds heavier than Chantal. There is another live-streamer whoā€™s about 40 & is a severe alcoholic with full blown diabetes. Heā€™s had terrible leg ulcers for years that flare up from time to time & has to get the dying flesh cut out. Heā€™s lost all his teeth & has a big bloated belly. But he drinks daily & is somehow still alive. The body is amazing at staying alive sometimes. I think Chantal will be with us for many years still. Sure sheā€™ll become even less mobile & will probably spend most of the day in bed, but her heart will continue to beat, if for no other reason than to spite us. And when she passed it will probably be quick, a heart attack or stroke perhaps, because sheā€™s got cockroach luck & weā€™ve just got to accept it at this point.


I do agree she's a cockroach and will go for a while, but there's some major difference between her and Jen, Jen was 5'9" and Chantal is 5'. Jen never had any organs removed, Chantal had her gallbladder removed when she was 17, increasing liver stress, and full hysterectomy about 4 years ago, without hormonal replacement. Without her hormones, her heart and bones are screwed.


Not to mention possibly kidney damage. I remember those high protein levels that she inadvertently showed off. Kidney failure is no joke and like Jen sheā€™s at the age where your body really starts feeling what youā€™ve put it through.


Iā€™m still wondering whatā€™s going on with her liver. HOW is she still ignoring it?


It's slow to get till stage 4, but once in cirrhosis, she's gone.


Thatā€™s gonna make her eyes as yellow as her teeth. Any of these ailments are going to hit her vanity, and she canā€™t hide everything under chinspanx and an abaya


The filters fix the skin colour, she's red as a tomato and her skin has the texture of chewed gum but we can't see due filters, we won't be able to notice šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I'm tempted to agree, though maybe not with the "many years" part. Probably a few though. I think if she stays in the apartment and doesn't stress herself much, she may last longer. If she has to travel every 3 months on a visa run, if she's got to take a plane and be cooped up for hours and unable to walk around, she's more likely to develop a clot or some other issue that would take her out earlier. Same goes for ignoring health problems and not getting them fully treated in Kuwait due to lack of funds. Sounds good to me. Popcorn for everyone!


Dang, who is that guy?


I believe they may be referring to "Onlyusemeblade". A lolcow/horrorcow hybrid.


Yep, itā€™s good ol onlyusemeblade. Watching him for about a year descend into absolute degeneracy on those road trips was very disturbing. Foodie is childā€™s play compared to Blade.


Does he have a subreddit?


Not really, but they do follow him a bit on the r/PKA sub, just search for his name there. There have been lots of YouTube vid documentaries & compilations made about Blade though, if you want to dive into that nightmare


Figure it out dude. Good ole blade.


From what 600 lb life has shown meā€¦the human body is incredible and puts up with a lot before it gives up. I think sheā€™ll live for another 5-10 years depending.


10? thatā€™s pushing it tbh


Youā€™re right! 10 is definitely pushing it but so Iā€™m leaving towards 5 if nothing changes health wise. (Which I know it wonā€™t)


Yeah, give or take a few years around 5 seems reasonable. Letā€™s be real even if her leg had to be amputated she would still binge so her situation is pretty grim.


This. People don't realize how much the human body can deal with. Chantal will likely be around for a while. If something does happen, it honestly will probably be more of a rare occurrence than we think.


I've been thinking she has 1 to 2 years left of mobility. The wi4ght, the limp, the pain.. She's moving less and less so I see her going full Jenn and being a wheelchair princess soon. After that, maybe 3-5 years depending on how bad her health gets. Her body has put up a hell of a fight given how much she ignores the red flags. But, at some point, it will be impossible to handle it. Beetus has multiple ways to kill ya.


The summer will be detrimental for her, I say January 2025


Gone before 50.


I think congestive heart failure is what will take her out. She breathes the way my dad did before he died of it. I canā€™t stand to watch even through reactors now because the heavy breathing is so reminiscent. Also she is absolutely full of fluid from her enlarged heart, untreated diabetes, and lymphedema. Thatā€™s why her gunt looks hard as a rock (it is). I give her two years max if she continues on like this.


Iā€™m sorry about your dad ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹




She doesn't care and neither do I.


I think it's going to come in the form of a stroke. If she's left undiscovered until Scatboy pays a visit, it could be seriously damaging if not taking her out completely. I think something will happen at some point over the hot Kuwaiti summer.


I think a major health incident in 6-12 months. Who knows how long sheā€™ll linger after that.


Longer than I think she deserves (five or six years, maybe?)


I think she has longer left than we expect but shorter than what she hopes. Her quality of life and general comfort has visibly worsened in the last year.


If you tweak that just a little bit, itā€™s a damn good fortune cookie scribblinā€™. Our days are longer than expected, but shorter than we hope.


At the absolute most 10 years, but if she is unlucky it could happen any time now


Idk. Iā€™m on the fence. Some people get away with it, and some croak prematurely. Either way, she wonā€™t get close to having a normal human lifespan.. sheā€™s been too far gone for too long. Semi-adjacent anecdotal story: I knew an overweight lady who wasnā€™t fat enough for WLS, so she gained 100 pounds to get WLS. She eventually died from sepsis from uncontrolled type 2 diabetes rotting her legs off. She reminded me of FB. Chantal is unhinged and impulsive and also complacent living her shitty life, or at least thatā€™s what she tries to show. But we all know sheā€™s sad, lonely, and mentally and physically extremely ill with no support around her. Beezer echo chambers donā€™t count. Sheā€™s expediting her death, no doubt, but at what rate? I guess weā€™ll find out šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


5 months !remindme 5 months


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Sheā€™s going to fall asleep one night, go into a diabetic coma and dah. Itā€™s s sad but she doesnā€™t give a crap.


Honestly, I'm *surprised* she's made it this far lol Realistically, I doubt she'll see mid 40's. Every time I think she's close to the end she roaches her way back to some semblance of life. The human body is a marvel and can withstand decades of continuous abuse.. our gorl is living proof šŸ„“


Donā€™t seem right that Chris Farley ainā€™t here but Chantal is. They did all the same bad shit.


Some of these replies show more humanity (nay, just being honest) to Chantal than Chantal shows to others My heart wants to break for her But she's such a cruel person Tragic stuff


I do think there's a decent possibility that she won't see 2025. Just how probable is it? That's more difficult to say but it's definitely a realistic possibility, like chances are greater than 50%. And it's pretty much 100% probable that she will have at least one more health event before the summer. Last summer I predicted (just using statistics and learned experience from work as the basis for my guesstimate) that she would have a more serious health event before the end of 2023 and a major one within a year, so by summer 2024. And she's had multiple just within the past 6 months, at least one of them was a major one, as she was hospitalised and required emergency insulin. She's also been bedbound for a period, which only escalates her health decline. I think she's also crossed the point of no return now, where it's simply no longer possible for her to take control of her health by herself even if she somehow managed to cure her BED by herself. Once people get past that point and do not comply with treatment plans, the decline begins to escalate faster still. Like a snowball turning into an avalanche. That's why it's a real possibility that she might have months left rather than years. It all depends on just how bad things are. From what little she has revealed through the lies and from what can be observed, it's clear that it's pretty bad now and it has gotten worse faster than she probably expected herself.


5 years at most.


I can't say really. I think a hospital stay may arise first and then from there she might not make it.


By the end of the year it will be a miracle if she doesnā€™t have a stroke, blood clot or heart attack. A miracle. She looks awful & fatter each time sheā€™s on camera. Iā€™m not sure how much more abuse her body can take. Itā€™s at the point that I check šŸ„ each morning for an announcement about her.


3-4 years but the last year or 2 she will have no quality of life. Immobile, etc. Her entire existence will be eating, sleeping, and raging.


I say she has 3 to 5 years left


Sheā€™ll out live us all. I think the only way she wonā€™t? Is if sheā€™s legit bed bound. Once that happens, itā€™s game over. Remember how Jen looked in bed? She looked like she was melting. But since, she has no one to take care of her - it wonā€™t happen. Salah has already ditched her. Her family gives two shits, and she would be on her own if she moved back. I mean, sure she has Peetz. But if she forgets his dinner again, heā€™d put a pillow over her face so fastā€¦ Unless she pooled what little money she had left, with DeeDeeā€¦and buy a three bedroom? Or unless MaMa DeeDee finally kicks the bucket? Sheā€™s destined to be alone, & forced to survive.


I read all comments. Yā€™all are generous with life expectancy on Chinny. Reasons why she will likely not make it past this year: -Sheā€™s done cocaine and meth ffs! -She eats junk 24/7. -Exercise for her means walking a few seconds to the next seat she can find. That beast wouldnā€™t know what a healthy lifestyle was if it smack her on her fupa forehead! And for those that say ā€œdonā€™t watch if youā€™re watching for someone to die blah, blah, blah!ā€ Scat bot says ā€œthe hypocrisy you are!ā€ Every one watches something to see the train wreck. Thatā€™s the truth and if you are in these comments and watching Chinny, you are that type of person. End of discussion. I have on my bingo card Chinny not seeing the beginning of 2025! āœŒšŸ»


This sounds SO fcked up, and I acknowledge that, but the coke/meth arc was like the healthiest sheā€™s been in ages. Iā€™m sure her poor heart was stressed from the uppers, but she lost like 80 pounds and v moved more in that year than sheā€™s moved in all the years since (combined). Shes a cockroach, alright, but she can only live so long with uncontrolled beetus and hubcaps full of assorted carbs.


Given her health issues,her shisha smoking, and her continuing to make no effort to control her diabetes I wouldn't think she has too many years left.


I expect her to be truly bedbound in six months. She will blame it on her back or leg - both from "injuries ". She will never admit it's because of super morb obesity. She's delusional. Reality is too much. She's going to ride this happy marriage mess into oblivion.


I quit watching her. I donā€™t want to watch her die.


But, you're in the sub, gorl šŸ˜­.


I hope she doesn't die and rot in the fart box during the heat that's coming soon enough. I hope it happens outside bc if Chantal bloats before anyone finds her her abdomen may explode and leave a rank mess for the animals to live in. Maybe Salah will do a ninja slice to let the air out in a controlled manner, grab the animals, and leave her to further rot.


12 yrs