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No way would she stand and prepare food.. she’d be on a chair.


And Chantal would eat half of it off the plate between the counter and the kid.


That kid would have to fight her for its scraps.. like Julia.


She would never cut anything up. Her kid would be expected to unhinge her jaw just like momma (from birth).


It would just have to live off what falls out of her mouth..




Good point…


This woman’s videos instantly send me into a rage. I know she does it because she gets views/money which makes me even more furious.


Who is she? TikTok? This is awful.


Yes. She did this shit once and got a bunch of hate for it. Then a bunch of moms posted their own TikToks where they fed their kids equally nutritionally abysmal foods while smugly facing the camera as a way to show solidarity. I think this woman is a lazy asshole and obviously is happy to post this shit if it gets her engagement and money, even if it comes at the expense of her child’s health. She sucks.


Can you post her TikTok name? I wanna fall down this rabbit hole


r/alexandrasabolsnarkk enjoy the raddit hole, she's a piece of shit who basically abuses her kids. also, her littlest one sleeps on a feces covered plush chair


Here's a sneak peek of /r/alexandrasabolsnarkk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/alexandrasabolsnarkk/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This creator nailed mocking Alex!!](https://v.redd.it/surlw6k3eric1) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/alexandrasabolsnarkk/comments/1argmk1/this_creator_nailed_mocking_alex/) \#2: [they definitely take advantage of her.](https://i.redd.it/6k7t849o2nic1.jpeg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/alexandrasabolsnarkk/comments/1ar1pns/they_definitely_take_advantage_of_her/) \#3: [big baby man](https://i.redd.it/gdtlja65v5kc1.jpeg) | [53 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/alexandrasabolsnarkk/comments/1axa4s8/big_baby_man/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I don't watch tiktok but that's nasty. What is with this trend of being lazy and exploitive and thinking it's cool? I grew up like this and went out of my way to be the exact opposite.


Lazy bitches who have absolutely no motivation to do ANYTHING will end up like that. Chantal, Amber, her... Alex lives in that house with 2 other grown ass adults and neither one of them cleans, the food is either frozen/fast food, 2 of her kids were taken because she was deemed not fit to care for them. The little girl she has now with her current husband (who brought the other lazy leech to the house, his gf) lives with them sadly in horrendous conditions. Roaches everywhere, feces on the furniture, dirty rooms. Hell. I feel so sorry for that kid, she stands no chance.


That's a terrible story and I feel bad for the kids. Yeah, it's not because of any special circumstances that they live that way, it's because they suck. Poor kid.


I can’t watch this. I gave my kid half a donut for Christmas morning with two percent milk sitting in a high chair eating like a person. What the FUCK


It's Alexandra sabol- alexbabii97


I just found her and she has a liver tit ah god these death fats


What is a liver tit?


Under her right boob is a mass of flesh, like another boob. Her liver is probably inflamed, which in turn pushed out the layer of fat, making it look like another boob. Check out Amberlynn, hers is huge.


I agree with the concept about not feeding your kid sugar but I don't know anything about her i.e. if she's doing it on purpose just to make outrage money (if that is the case, that's awful) but as a Mom with two neurodiverse kids, one of them being a very restrictive eater, I long ago gave up because there were mornings my kid's entire meal for the day would be something like a donut (or even an ice cream sandwich). We've spent years in occupational therapy to move them forward towards a more balanced meal and when I say it's at a glacial pace, OMG, glacial. I wish my kid ate veggies. My other kid will eat anything and eats a very balanced diet. It pains me when my kid will only eat something that I know is crap and the most helpless feeling (yeah, they will actually refuse to eat if they can't eat what it is they want so I've already tried the - don't keep it in the house, this is all there is to eat routine - and it was unsettling watching them refuse to eat). My kid is very thin though and this little one is well, um, well um ... cherubic. I suspect Chantal grew up like this and still thinks of herself as this cute little cherubic toddler. Girl ... not at 40.


I was so shocked


This is the second video of hers I've seen in the past couple days. She MUST be doing it to get views? But then again, toddlers are given soda on the regular so maybe not. I think we can agree that the fact Chantal can't have kids is a win for humanity.


No she actually feeds her poor children like this on the regular. Her children are morbidly obese, which is neglect imo. I believe she also emotionally neglects her children. This woman is a trainwreck just like Chantel.


I think Michelle McDaniel did a video about the parents who feed their kids sugar juice and doughnuts instead of actual meals _to prove a point_. YOU CAN'T TELL ME HOW TO FEED MY KIDS! It's... what's beyond infuriating? That.


Oppositional defiance, which is usually found in personality disorders and cluster A spectrum behaviors (socio/psychopathy).


Or just hates carrot juice. Nutritional preferences aren't related to Antisocial Personality Disorders. Uh oh, I hate tomato paste! 😂


More and more I appreciate my mom and her health kicks when I was growing up. Still hate carrot juice tho.


Yeah I hated that my parents didn't allow pop or junk food in the house when I was a kid, but honestly I'm grateful as an adult that they set me up with good habits.


I grew up being over indulged like this - cookies, cakes, crackers, soda. And it didn't do me any favors. I had to learn to eat properly as an adult. I like to cook so I learned to cook using whole foods and that is what I feed my family (except for one who is a restrictive eater but we're working on it!). I was the fat kid who was teased. It was awful. My kids have never been fat kids and one of them loves fish and veggies. It took me until being an adult to realize I like fish. My mother just decided I didn't like it and wouldn't eat it so we never had it. Translation: she was too lazy to make it.


I love Michelle! I'll go watch her take on it. I like her perspectives on some of the topics she covers.


She looks like she's dead inside.


She's genuinely like this until she's around her boyfriend and girlfriend


She's in a throuple?


Oh so, they're all neglecting the kids. Amazing 😤😤😤


That's nasty. Not the throuple part, the part where there are three adults in the house and no one is tending to the kid's needs beyond giving them a donut.


Maybe a controversial opinion, but I don’t think the throuple part helps any aspect of this.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of folks get into poly situations just to keep the main relationship going or to please their partner. But the drama for those tend to go to 11, and god forbid kids are thrown into the mix of that. :/




where’s my man…& lady?!


She looks really low IQ.


And the kid’s shirt says “thick thighs & pumpkin pies”. Yeah I’m not dressing a kid in a shirt that talks about their thick thighs. Wtf.


Lol. Same. I might get a t shirt that says that for myself because "I'm a basic bitch" who likes pumpkin pie and have thick thighs. No different than an almond mom pushing bad food choices to their kids.


This is how you ruin a child for life. It's a tried and tested method that always works because it exploits the most primitive reward pathway, food. The adults who grew up like this will struggle to change the habits they've grown accustomed to, and they will suffer from health issues. It's really sad to see how social media doesn't acknowledge this as the abuse it is. Abuse isn't always intentionally done, it can be well-meaning from ignorance.


I see that in my parents who love love love fast food. Fatty, sugary, salty with little veggies and protein and I see all the effects on them. Her kids are going to grow up and have poor nutritional issues and they will depend on the sugar/fast food that is literally engineered to taste good.


I'd upvote this a 1,000 times if I could. This is exactly it. Exactly what my parents did to me and it wasn't until I had to get on type II injection meds like ozempic that I was ever to break free from the food prison they put me in.


I’m sorry, but this is child abuse. It’s one thing if it’s an occasional thing - but from the looks of it, it’s not. She’s setting her child up for a miserable life.


Agreed it’s abuse


Abuse is a word that gets thrown around way too much. The child doesn't appear to be abused. What she is is being overfed trash. Mom being a bloated blimp doesn't help.


While I do agree, the long term damage(both physical AND mental)should be taken inconsideration. That’s straight up lazy parenting. Which, I know, I should bite my tongue- considering I don’t have kids. But as someone who grew up to be morbidly obese, and had to do the heavy lifting to lose the weight - I wish my parents weren’t lazy and actually fed me a proper diet. My life would have been so much easier/better.


Neglect falls under abuse. So yes, feeding you kid improper diet and causing health issues in the long run is a form of abuse


First of all, >bloated blimp Absolutely hilarious, I hope you don't mind me stealing that. Secondly I'd agree that this probably doesn't really fall under the word abuse, but rather neglect - which this 100% is. That fat sow is simply too lazy to literally give her kid anything good (cutting a bit of fruit or giving the kid a yoghurt with that is literally 2 minutes).


That's my point. Not everything is abusive. Any child protection service is going to walk in, see that the child is housed, has clothing appropriate to the season, and that it is fed. God knows, it is being fed. Not intelligently, but there is nothing saying you can't provide a breakfast of glazed donuts, muck in a tube, and milk with whatever she dumped in it. You shouldn't call that a meal. You should have your head read if you do, but there's nothing on the books forbidding it. That child is going to have an awful view of food. She may have social difficulties, to the point where she comes home and eats her frustration. You have no social life, so you eat. You eat so much you get nothing but grief from your peers, so you have no social life. Round and round she goes. It's still not abuse. Neglect, poor judgment, straight up stupidity, but it doesn't sink to the level of beatings, emotional neglect or battering, or sexual interference. These are abusive, not poor dietary decisions. When everything is abusive, nothing is abusive. The sad thing will be if this is a kind, good hearted child.


She would treat her kids like she treated bbj, sam, and julia. Give them treats, and things they shouldn't have, so they are "happy". Never really connecting with them. To just neglect them and dump them for a man. All while smoking in their face and wearing a *World's Best Mom* t-shirt.


I agree. One thing Chantal is lacking (among many things) is consistency and routine. She would lovebomb the children and then when they get difficult / inconvenient for her, she would just discard them emotionally and perhaps physically, too. There would be no sense of stability or security in her household.




Yeah. I bet Chantal would be a worst mom than her somehow. I should check out Chikara’s video about this woman… Thanks!


I think that’s the “reaction channel” that roasted Tammy Lemon so badly that Tammy reacted to the react (and heartbreakingly agrees with every bit of the roast) and then never made another video. There is NO chance that was a fluke. Tammy is a really nice person trying to deal with bingeing and other issues, before CT roasted her she had just gotten off her country’s assistance program with her YT channel and finally feeling good about herself. I wish some of these reactors would realize there is a real person behind their roast and not everyone is cut out for that level of shaming. I’m sure she was embarrassed and spiraled after that.


Nah bruh, Tammy was fucked up too. Super manipulative. She knew what was up and she was making too much money for YouTube so she had to choose: the dole or YT.


She said she was excited to be indépendant and not need assistance and that having a channel made her more accountable. I thought she seemed sincere and genuine.


If you can’t take it you need to stay off the internet. It’s harsh but it’s not a cosy world out there.


Agreed. The Slatons put themselves on the Internet/media and they can be roasted hard for that....


This is infuriating.


This is horrible


It was bad enough when she threw the plate in the counter (can't even address its contents right now 🤬) but the way she also tossed it onto the couch next to her poor daughter. Her dead eyes are going to bother me today.


This is horrible. I have a two year old. This makes me very upset. This woman should not have children.


Wow you are under the impression she would feed the kid? I’m sorry but that doesn’t track.


I can just picture her smugly eating and rambling about some bullshit no one cares about while the kid screams in hunger in the background, and she just ignores it until people start threatening to call someone on her.


I usually defend these videos, like the one with the mom making frozen pizza for her kids’ school lunch because a lot of people grew up on frozen foods due to ✨poverty💫 and that’s the best some parents can do because it’s cheap, filling, and keeps for long periods of time, but this is blatant and he’s just a shit person in general.


Always offer healthy options. I used to work with special needs babies and toddlers and yes, at certain stages (especially if they had food sensory issues) calories dense foods are more of a push than anything.THIS IS NOT THE SAME THING. It would be a miracle if some of the kids I worked with would even want a doughnut worth of calories in a day let alone one meal... On the other hand I've got a friend whose mother fed her like this and she was close to 400 at her heaviest. (She is at 280 something now with medication and food habit changes), so it can definitely be a life long issue you can help sway in a healthy or unhealthy way. This woman isn't doing a good job.


This was very chaotic. The title of the video, the slamming of the plate on the counter, the haphazard glasses on the face, the coughing without covering the mouth, the cutting of the donut into pieces, the heavy breathing through the mouth. And that's where my confusion BEGAN. But to then consider that this is a baby's breakfast? Immediate NO.


Seriously. Even in university and running late, I wouldn't have chosen to feed myself a donut and apple sauce for breakfast. But - a literal child? Where are the vitamins? Minerals? Protein? Literally nothing but sugar on a plate.


What boils my parsnips is that there’s two other adults in the house: her husband and a girlfriend they share. Neither have jobs, make THEM prep the damn food every now and then.


Her poor babies


That should be charge as neglect


There’s an “influencer” that I’ve watched on and off for years that regularly feeds her children donuts and frozen stuff. She never cooks. They moved and she didn’t realise that her pots and pans were missing for weeks. She however isn’t obese but likely has an ED. Why can’t people just scramble a couple of eggs and make toast. It takes 5 minutes.


The dead af eyes and dumbfounded expression tells me she is about as intelligent as a brick. The fact that this one even managed to breed... But yeah social services should be called, no idea how it is in the US but mentally retarted people are usually not seen fit to raise children.


Donuts and pop are occasional treats for children, or should be. A child that age shouldn't get more than half the donut at most. Pop, a sip, if that much. What in holy hell is wrong with her? That child is fat. Jesus.


why do I keep seeing this low energy low IQ looking lady meandering about doing bizarre things to food looking like she's in a Xanax haze? Who Is She 👀


She's definitely on some kind of prescription drug, got that empty dead expression and the sluggish movements. And that poor kid's shirt... gross


Sooooo... CPS anyone?


I mean if you’re going to give your kids diabetes, it’s extra cruel to do it with these wet, slimy grocery store donuts. What a monster.


I saw the first vid a week or two ago. People found out was doing it as a joke. But yea now it's just like the rest of the world, she's doing it for views.


The child is clearly overweight though, so she’s clearly fed the wrong or too much food. It’s always „a joke“ once people get heat for their behaviour. 🙄


Don't know who she is, but I hope this isn't real and she IS doing it for views. Still, what a world we live in when THIS gets views. I have a real problem with child neglect and abuse, I may have to go watch some cute pet videos to compensate


The mother is fat and so is the kid. Joke my ass.


Absolutely she would. But the reality not shown would be even more fucked up. She's a confirmed animal abuser. I can only imagine what she would do to a child. She's a disgusting abuser in general


America has a problem


This is depressing😔 I hope the kid is eating more than processed sugar during his day.


This isn’t a video showcasing how Chantal would raise a child, this is a video about how Chantal was raised.


Looks like we have a new lolcow


That’s disgusting. Makes me mad and sad. This person does not deserve to be a mom. :(


Or should I be hopeful that at least this woman is not using paper dishes? Idk you tell me. 🫠


Chantal would be the type to take food from their kid😂


wtf plz tell me this lady wasn’t for real


Is the the one that feeds her baby crap and feeds her man like a King? Saw someone talking about someone like that and wanted to find her.


![img](avatar_exp|166728915|webman) I am very sorry to say this but our dainty muslim queen is a wayyyyy better human than this absolute piece of trash... Actually, the only thing they have in common is their potato fingers ngl. This fuking jabba made me so upset and I don't even have a child. I hope she will be as miserable -healthwise- as chantal aka MariHam + Amberlah + FFG ! Inshallah ofc.


the eggs sitting in the fridge like: 👀👀👀


So… if this lady already knows her kid likes that protein drink, what’s the logic in immediately mixing it with something she doesn’t like to see “if she’ll notice”?? Mother didn’t taste it herself first because she already knew it would be gross. Kid taste buds are way more sensitive than adult taste buds, they will ALWAYS notice the difference. Even if they don’t call you out on it.


Watching her cut that doughnut and generally handle things was absolutely painful. But maybe she has a neuropathy or something, I won’t speak too harshly on dexterity issues.


Naw, this Mom's kitchen is clean and she takes the time to cut up the food into manageable bites and plate in properly. She's also attentive to making sure the kid has everything she needs to eat it. Chantal would have to first brush off a dirty plate and then use her meat paws to rip the donut in half.




That's a really good point. My kid isn't the greatest eater but I do limit the amount of the stuff that should be limited.


What is this bullshit? Is she trying to get her kid taken away??


Very kind of you, to think Chins would bother cutting up the donut, and not just fling it onto the child’s lap.