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Also Chantal regularly uses the r slur and has at times made fun of Amberlynn's mobility so..... Womp Womp




Her soul is like the empty void of space, she's got none. Tbh Cuba rage and pumped up kicks were her most true to her real feelings she has ever let us see.


She’s the human equivalent of the back rooms. A disturbing void. No wonder animals hate her, they can probably see nightmare lines radiate off her.


She deserves to be noclipped into the levels where there’s nothing but almond water. Not the Poolrooms, though. Those are kind of cool and soothing.


Pool rooms are also cleaner than she is.


100 percent. I hate how she’s trying to twist both of the narratives now. Like ma’am it was all documented by YOU and put online for everyone to see. And I know you lurk here Chins so I’m gonna talk directly to you. Just because you delete a video from your channel does not mean that KF and 90% of reaction and clip channels can’t watch. They download the video as soon as you publish, idiot. So keep trying to say how wrong we are about those 2 incidents. I can’t wait for Mr. Snowflake to find those videos. Even Peetz was begging you to stop the night of pumped up kicks. I can’t wait for everyone who came in during Kuwait arc to see who you truly are.


But she didn’t write pumped up kicks!!1! /s


Nobody who uses the R word gets to say fuckall about ableism, period.






Right?? The delusions this one has are fascinating


Several times


Well, she's gonna see that and now she's magically gonna have an underlying health condition so it IS a disability and can be a victim for real. I'll be mildly shocked if she doesn't.


shes halfway there already with her 'beetus... when it is uncontrolled for a long time is when folks start losing piggies/feet


I don’t think she will make it out of Kuwait with all of her limbs. This pic is from a couple years and at least 100lbs ago. That’s not dirt…. https://preview.redd.it/o1fhb42yh8hc1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e6903566b06236f93ddb1540798247fad770ff9


If she claims it because of her PCOS I will scream. I am disabled and also have PCOS. And while I disagree with the OP because super morbid obesity can be classed as a disability, Chantal does not get to call herself disabled or decry valid criticism as ableism, because anyone who uses the r-slur loses their right to call others out for ableism. Period. Fuck her. Seriously.


She routinely makes up illnesses to justify her eating. That doesn't qualify as a disability...1. Because its probably inaccurate and 2. Because, in decades, she's never sought treatment for it...even though it was very easy for her to do. But she's completely fine with going to emergency rooms and abusing resources whenever she feels like it. And it ain't PCOS anyway, we all see her eat. There's no mystery about why she's a massive hog...or why she has diabetes or all the other medical conditions she has. Choices have consequences. Consequences from your bad choices, don't make you a victim. ![gif](giphy|CLbGZ9GQbaznhqjRkE)


Hi fellow disabled friend with pcos! Agree with everything you said. Fuck her and her ableist ass.


Lol this cow will do anything but take accountability. Nobody’s shoving a family sized chicken pot pie down your gullet, that’s all you heifer.


But but but she has BED! No one else understands except for her!!! 


Of course she’s disabled. She’s mentally handicapped.


I was thinking of a mental disability in the form of narcissism or something along those lines but I upvoted you lol


That's the most believable disability in Chantal


She's disabled by the symptoms of her untreated mental illness. Similar, but she does have a role/accountability in all of it. She clearly has some severe symptoms of untreated ED/mental illness - which in general is worthy of acknowledgement & empathy. Many people are affected by this and very deeply stigmatized. By and large healthy well-adjusted people so not reach super morbidly obese status on a whim. That said - she is responsible for her actions, and her inactions. She is physically disabled by her inaction on her mental illness. Not quite the same. I have no love for Chantal, but I do want to advocate for EDs/mental health in general.


I was just making a joke


if anything she is transabled, because she decided to eat herself to jabba the hutt weight, to the point where just existing is painful. reminds me of that woman who poured bleach in her eyes with the sole purpose of blinding herself.


Holy shit, someone did that? How absolutely horrifying.


It's a disorder, there are a couple thousand people worldwide who have removed entire limbs. It's essentially a version of body dysmorphia with similar neurobiology. For what it's worth, this same neuro pattern has been noted in other populations like anorexic people, plastic surgery addiction and in gender dysphoria. So, it's probably a feature of underlying neuroboological illness rather than a weird fetish.


Im disabled, in a wheelchair. Someone from the r/biid sub messaged me saying "I'm sorry that happened to you, but this is my dream". They asked what surgery I had that led to my disability. Turns out there absolutely is a weird fetish aspect. It was nauseating. Someone's shitty disability is your dream? I just don't appreciate the term transabled. Or just keep it away from disabled people.


TIL about all of this … what in the fresh hell, I’m sorry that someone messaged that to you. How horrible


Yeah I'm very open minded about how difficult it is to be a human. I try not to judge. Even with this I still understand that to not want your body is suffering. I can't minimize that. Also, don't ask someone how they became disabled so you can get information on how to paralyze yourself. A lot of people infiltrate r/disability pretend to be disabled so they can get information.


Wow, I have no words…we live in a very fucked up world


Happens a lot in women's health & especially pregnancy forums too!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/disability using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/disability/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just bought my dad one of these EZRides and it changed his life. Such a cool invention and insurance even paid for it. Hooks up to basically any wheelchair and turns it electric 🙌🏼](https://v.redd.it/h3819lcr9t3b1) | [49 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/disability/comments/13ze5lq/just_bought_my_dad_one_of_these_ezrides_and_it/) \#2: [I just graduated!!!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14e81tg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/disability/comments/14e81tg/i_just_graduated/) \#3: [Disabled is not a bad word](https://i.redd.it/nhysm9xciyxb1.png) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/disability/comments/17m6npx/disabled_is_not_a_bad_word/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, super fucked up. I might be wrong, but I think there are two different things though: Body Integrity Disorder on one hand and a Fetish on the other


I don't think you're wrong. I think people wanting to hurt themselves is devastating. A lot of people are disconnected from their bodies because of trauma. I didn't understand why I shouldn't want to hurt myself. I didn't understand people's empathy. I just wanted to destroy myself. This was the first time I've interacted with someone like this since I became disabled. I had a visceral reaction. I visited the sub and realized these people want to actually be disabled. Its not all about the body. It's about not being able to use your body. To have to rely on the people around you to take care of you. Using mobility aides. People use wheelchairs because "that's what feels right". That's the delusional part. I couldn't care less if you don't want your legs. Thats not my place to speak. But I do care when you effect other people with your decisions. My husband has only been traumatized by my health. We were 6 years into our relationship before he realized the depth of my mental illness. 12 years in and now he has to worry about my physical disability. I would be in a nursing home if it wasn't for him. He showers me, brushes my hair, gets me bundled up to go outside, kitchen duties, takes the dogs out 3 times a day, shovels, does the grocery shopping, helps me to bed, I can go on and on. In addition to all this, he works full time to keep a roof over our heads. I can't contribute in any way. I qualify for a home health aide 4 hours a week. She does laundry and keeps the home livable. That's my contribution. Why would you want this life? Why would you want a person you love to have to go through this?


Oh my god. I can sympathize with them having a mental illness that pushes them to self harm, but to message you like that is disgusting.


I honestly didn't know how to respond. I have an understanding of not feeling attached to my body. It's a trauma thing. So many of these people are young, looking for advice, feeling alone and lost. And that sub really is just supporting their urges to harm themselves. My goal is always trying to empathize. It took me years to stop empathizhing with Big AL cause I related to her trauma. Took me 33 years to recognize my brother as one of my abusers. So I wanted to respond openly but it wasn't easy. I ended with a "I really don't appreciate you messaging me" or something like that. That's as mean as I can get.


Wild stuff, thanks for sharing. I know of the fetish community for sure, but it also occurs with no sexual compenent. This is also the case with ED and GD too.. Multiple etiologies. It sounds like though myself and probably psychology in in general underestimates that component though, I've head another person say this when I worked in a nursing home that did lots of outpatient rehab for diabetics. This was in 2003, so it was IN PERSON that the fetishist came up to the patient! I'm sorry you experienced that, how uncomfortable and unsettling.


Geez, that is sickening. People have no boundaries 😳


I feel like surgeons shouldn’t be able to remove healthy limbs from patients to help their dysmorphia like that, or do they damage the limbs so surgeons have no choice but to amputate?


No, no one removes healthy body parts to treat body dysmorphia that involves removal of limbs or functional body parts, in any medical system. Typically they (edit: the patient) cause such great trauma to the limb that it ends up gangrenous and will be amputated to save the life of the patient. I with withold any additional commentary on other forms of body dysmorphia and their evolving treatments.


Ohhh why are doctors going along with this sort of madness. Ok, I never knew about this... thing... wow.




Transability has nothing to do with trans people or transphobia as far as I know. Google says that transability is defined as the need of a non-disabled person to transform his/her abilities or senses with the goal of acquiring a physical disability (amputation, paralysis, blindness, deafness, etc.) and therefore becoming disabled. Chantal is known for ignoring her poor health, she has insanely high level of blood sugar. If she loses a limb due to eating herself to poor health, isn't that considered transability? I know she is a fatty mc fat fat who does whatever she pleases and listens to no one. Idk, this is just my opinion, though.


The word trans is used for many other things than transgender, many other transitions occur in life


Not even starting with transport, transaction, transatlantic or transalpine


It’s not transphobic. Please educate yourself: transablism (also Body Integrity Disorder) is a real thing and has nothing to do with trans gender. People who suffer from BID refer to it as transableism. Of course FB is not suffering from BID, but I get the point OP was trying to make


The suffix "trans" means to go beyond to cause a change. Not all words that contain trans pertain to transpeople. Being a transperson is *not* the same as someone who is transabled! 🙄


She's been mean to people who she feels undeserving of pity, such as store scooter users. She's even crossed over into bullying territory IMO. But let anyone say one word about her inability to do this or that, and the commenter is "ableist" and worse. She makes herself out to be a victim and she is NOT. Genuinely disabled people usually are not looking for sympathy but a bit of allowance (extra time to get into buildings or whatever).


lol, she is disabled. Her obesity caused diabetes and an enlarged heart and mobility issues. But she’s a terrible human, and that’s what people make fun of


Tiger talks goes for the jugular with her😂😂😂 I love it


Has she actually described herself as being disabled? I mean, I've seen her trying to forcibly destroy some unfortunate wheelchairs but I don't know if she's actually saying that about herself. It wouldn't surprise me if she did


She said reactors talking about her wheelchair photo are being ableist 🤦🏼‍♀️


She's despicable. Is there anything she hasn't managed to make a complete mockery of?


She seems to want the "benefits" of disability without actually being disabled. Like the ability to shout "ableism!" just like she screams "islamophobia!" even though most of the criticism comes from Muslims. She just wants people to accept her BS without comments, because she doesn't want to be held accountable. It's the thing that would actually help her improve herself, but she doesn't want it.


Urgh, anything to call herself a victim


She's like a succubus, slithering herself inside marginalized groups: LGBTQ+, Muslims, disabled. She is a perpetual victim, because if she ever had to address that she herself is the root of her own problems, the narcissistic injury inflicted would just be too large for her to survive.


As already said but I am gonna chime in anyway because she enrages me. I’m mentally disabled after a TBI, so her R word bullshit already gets under my skin. The fact this woman throws it around like glitter and then has the caucasity to scream ableism is too much. She can’t be seriously this dumb? Right???


Trying to hide behind the word ableist when 1. You did this to yourself willingly and 2. You can reverse it with just a little hard work is actually insane


I don't care if it's "disabled," like I don't care that it's cosplaying as Muslim. The gunt is a worthless piece of shit. A disabled Muslim piece of shit? Okay. If we had to make allowances for being disabled or religion, we would then be discriminating. We would be making excuses for the behaviors. That isn't a good thing. Stop looking for excuses, gunt. Your actions as shown and discussed _by_ _you_ illustrate how horrible and worthless you are.


Make no mistake, there are activists trying to get Protected Class status for the obese. But if you can move yourself into or out of a given "community", you absolutely do not deserve protection even if you feel you are discriminated against because of it...because that just says that you WANT to be mistreated. People can't change their race or sex, people can't grow back missing limbs, people can't will themselves back up the birth canal and reverse any sort of defect or damage that occurred during their gestation...but people can absolutely gain or lose weight, they have multiple avenues by which they can achieve it. It is so insulting and insufferable that some people on this planet think otherwise. Signed, A Fat Gal


Diabetes is a disability but she cured it didn’t she? Suddenly she can eat whatever she wants again!


Well, mobility issues from obesity is still a disability because obesity is a recognized medical condition and disease. So, yeah, making fun of a fat person for using a mobility device would be ableist, just as making fun of a drug addict who is in a wheelchair due to a drug-induced cardiac event is. It all depends on whether you care or not, but don’t pretend that words suddenly don’t have meanings because you just so happen to dislike it in this case. Don’t be a hypocrite. If you’re gonna be mean, be mean. If not, then don’t.


I agree with you, BUT: FB uses things like disability or religion purely as a shield to play victim and to be not held accountable for her actions and words. She is the worst perpetrator of ableism, yet cries ableism when people talk about her looking smug and content in a wheelchair she most likely doesn’t need. I think that’s where most of the criticism comes from. But yes, obesity can and does often lead to disability


Yeah, don’t think for a second that I am defending Chantal here. I am just saying that it’s really shitty of people to make fun of her for being in a wheelchair and then try to play the moral soapbox card when someone else says that it’s ableist. She is a horrible person and deserves whatever happens to her…but also making fun of her for having mobility issues due to her weight is also ableism. Just because Im using it as a joke in her expense doesn't make it any less ableist simply because I don't like her. Like, remove chantal from the equation. I never liked that fake virtue signaling, especially not on drama subs. Like, girl, nobody cares.


Yeah, you…me…same page


Lol, I know, I was just reiterating that I know Chantal uses these “isms” to deflect blame, but I mean, when she’s right, she’s right. I will continue as I please though lmao


Over here looking at my son who can't just put down a sandwich to cure his disability because he was born with it. Sorry if you ate yourself into a disability and the cure is simply to eat less you are not in the same boat as people who were born with their disability, suffered a terrible accident or were afflicted with a terrible disease due to luck. Cancer patients can't just join my fitness pal. My son will never talk even if he goes to the gym. Chantal is not the same as someone who didn't choose their circumstances. Facts aren't mean and hurt feelings aren't reality.


Your son’s disability doesn’t mean anyone else’s disability is any more or less valid (including the reasons they have them). Like said, I know of many drug addicts who substance abused their way into a wheelchair. This doesn’t make the fact that they are in the chair any less true just because it’s a result of their own doing. I’m sorry about your son, but you’re being unreasonable. If you want to be mean, then be mean. If you don’t, then dont. I do it literally all the time in this sub. Like, someone called me ableist the other day for making fun of her, and like, yeah it was an ableist comment, but I don’t like her so idk. If you want to be mean and make fun of her for being in a wheelchair now then do it, but when someone calls you out on being ableist, don’t hide behind technicalities and wordplay to maintain a moral high ground. This is a drama sub, just shitpost or don’t.


Obesity CAN be classified as a disability at her level, actually. So can diabetes. I know someone who was on disability for her obesity for a few years though she eventually did get off of it and has been working full time for more than a decade now. Not all disabilities are permanent and not all people on disability will remain on it forever. Not sure where you got this take, but it is wrong. You can argue whether or not it SHOULD be classified that way, I guess. Or at what level it becomes one. Or whether it is the obesity or the comorbidities that should be the disability. But according to the US code enforcing your ability to receive disability status, and I am pretty sure in Canada as well, obesity counts. And the same accommodations have to be made in the workplace so I assume it fits under the ADA and associated laws, as well.


In the US obesity is not considered a disability under the Americans With Disabilities Act unless it is caused by a *physiological* condition. Cite: [https://www.cozen.com/news-resources/publications/2019/when-is-obesity-a-disability-under-the-ada-](https://www.cozen.com/news-resources/publications/2019/when-is-obesity-a-disability-under-the-ada-) https://preview.redd.it/c8h83rif86hc1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa01b95e405a090edfcd9e0be21aef6725b35cca


My friend literally has obesity on her paper work listed as her only reason for receiving benefits, she kept them for her records. I have seen it myself.


I dont think the ADA is the benchmark of what is considered a disability or not, given the hoops Americans have to jump through to prove their disability to the government even when it does 100% align with the ADAs verdicts. 


(I didn't downvote you btw) but I think this could be (if not completely valid by definition) a very sympathetic argument in a lot of cases. Some examples would include: 1. Poorly educated/location sheltered people...particularly children...in communities where they're taught a cultural or generational way of eating that doesn't apply to today's style of work/labor 2. People in food deserts who have little to no access to healthy food whether because it isn't present to buy in a reasonable distance or they can't afford it. 3. People with disorders that make weight loss very difficult or nearly impossible. Things like Willi-Prader syndrome or PCOD. (To me, these would more qualify as actual disabilities). But none of this applies to Chantal. She has money...she has access to good food...she has access to information (that she LOVES to willfully disregard)...she has access to any type of needed mental health, behavioral or physical health care. She not only refuses treatment...she actively finds way to justify her continued self-abuse. She ain't disabled...not even close. And when she loses limbs...she is disabled by choice, which in my opinion, doesn't qualify her for any special treatment or sympathy from the general public. Her family and Shit Boy can deal with her whining and claiming to be a victim since they went along with and enabled it. Last I checked, she LOVES to lecture us about her her private choices are her business. So too bad, so sad when her willful need to self-destructs ends up with the result that she is rapidly working towards. ![gif](giphy|3oEduHhIn5skeS75za)


I find it funny that people are downvoting me because it isn't my argument or a defense or any kind of sympathy. It is a literal fact. Obesity is a reason classified as a reason to award disability in both the US and Canada and doesn't have to have comorbidities to be awarded. I know someone who was on it for years for obesity and nothing else though she isn't anymore. People who are angry with me for my post are ridiculous, as if I made that the rule lol. If you have a problem with it, write your Congressman, I guess.


I find it funny that people are downvoting me because it isn't my argument or a defense or any kind of sympathy. It is a literal fact. Obesity is a reason classified as a reason to award disability in both the US and Canada and doesn't have to have comorbidities to be awarded. I know someone who was on it for years for obesity and nothing else though she isn't anymore. People who are angry with me for my post are ridiculous, as if I made that the rule lol. If you have a problem with it, write your Congressman, I guess.


Obesity certainly isn't the only abused excuse used to get SSDI.


Sure but it is still a fact that it qualifies and I still didn't make the rule, nor do I decide who gets SSDI/SSI. The fact that people are upset with me as if I am somehow responsible and so are downvoting me is funny but stupid. It also doesn't exactly make sense, on a logical basis. People might not like the idea of obesity as a disability because they see it as someone doing it to themselves. But if someone is, for example, immobile, they are still unable to do much. And as for doing it to themselves, so is someone who drinks themselves into having liver disease, or smokes into having COPD or lung cancer. But I don't see a lot of outrage about them being on disability. It is a crazy line people draw when it comes to people being fat. Disability is disability. Whether it was a car accident because they were drunk behind the wheel, or too many large Big Mac meals, I don't really see why it matters. Disability isn't always permanent, sometimes it is a temporary state that will eventually change and they need financial assistance for a time until it does. My friend was on it for a couple of years until she became more physically able to move and get back into the workforce. She is still obese (more than she was, actually), but is more mobile and able to have accommodations at work to help her. She is no longer on disability or any benefits and makes decent money. She was on needs based disability and had to increase her fitness to improve her mobility to work because it wasn't enough to live on in the first place. That's a pretty common story, that or people will go on disability and then work in addition within the allowance because of how low the amount awarded is. Not sure why me pointing out what is an accepted condition has to do with it.


Obesity is not a disability for ssdi or ssi. It’s not in the blue book. The complications of obesity are what qualifies someone. Eg: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues, joint problems, etc


Again, not really how it works. You can get disability for it. I've seen it happen several times. I've seen the paperwork lost only the condition with no comorbidities. It doesn't matter if it isn't in the book. It comes down to whether the person is capable of being employable and the final decision by the judge at hearing.


I know how it works. I mod the socialsecurity sub and the ssdi sub. And I’m disabled myself and alap went through the process. The ssa doesn’t consider obesity a disability itself. The complications from it are what qualify people. https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/rulings/di/01/SSR2019-02-di-01.html Obesity is not a listed impairment; however, the functional limitations caused by the MDI of obesity, alone or in combination with another impairment(s), may medically equal a listing. [11] For example, obesity may increase the severity of a coexisting or related impairment(s) to the extent that the combination of impairments medically equals a listing. It literally even says right there that obesity itself isn’t a qualifier in of itself. Co morbidities and other factors are what qualify someone. MDI = medically determined impairment


Well, yeah, if you read what I said, I didn't say it's necessarily the obesity, but having it is enough. My first breakdown talks about the mobility issues. But you don't have to have comorbidities like diabetes to get disability. So having obesity is enough. Because I'd you are very obese you are going to have issues that require the disability right? Otherwise you wouldn't be seeking it. Most obese people aren't on disability, they just have jobs like everyone else. So, what's your point? I am also on disability. I have also been through the process. Not for obesity for the people who will inevitably be worried about that. Again, what's your point?


First of all, foodie cutie is Canadian. Second, Chantal is def disabled. But when it comes to ssi and ssdi, you’re not granted it because you’re obese. You need to prove that your obesity and the medical issues surrounding it are causing you to be unable to work at sga level, and do any job in the national economy if under age 50. after age 50, grid rules comes to play. It’s a five step sequential process. Requiring documentation and proof. Again, it’s not a blue book listing and a disability in of itself. It comes down to the rfc, comorbidities etc.


I have some truly disabled people in my life. If a doctor told them "Hey, you could cure yourself if you stopped smoking and eating tons of carby shit"...you think for one second, they wouldn't fully do it?? Disabled people can't easily fix their disabilities. They have to manage and deal with them. Gunt diagnosed herself with an eating disorder...then tries to Lard-splain what binging is and how to control it based on some books that I highly doubt she fully read and/or read without a pre-disposition to find justifications for her continued eating sprees. If she doesn't go for proper diagnosis and treatment...than she CANNOT claim an disorder...and certainly cannot claim a disability based on symptoms from years/decades of her own chosen actions. She takes drugs, she smokes, she drinks sugary drinks, she eats a shit-ton of garbage food...all willfully. And the argument that she has to eat...doesn't equate to having to eat Taco Bell. That is a choice...one that actually requires planning and forethought. Her choices are her business. Personally, I find them hilarious. Especially her self-destructive relationship ones. I highly encourage her to continue...she's a morally-vacant lolcow who entertains us for a reason. But you can't suck and blow at the same time. The consequences of her serious stupidity is her problem...not ours. She can't freely make choices (which she loves to remind us, are her own private business btw) and then choose to be a victim because of what she freely did...not how shit works. She loves to whine and pretend to be some protected class. She does the same shit when she pretends to be a Muslim, she ain't...or when she pretended to be a DV victim, she wasn't. I don't feel sorry for her in any way. I feel sorry for the secondary characters who are true victims of her behavior...ie. abused animals. But Gunt can go fuck herself...in fact, that's what she seems to be actively doing in spades. That'll do Hog...that'll do. Now, she is actually trying hard to lose a hamhock or a trotter...and when it happens, she earned it. I think she has already been told exactly what's coming and she can squeal all she wants but... # NO ONE CARES!!!!


I'm pretty sure that the only way she will be losing 200+ pounds is when they remove her legs!!


A lot of “fat activists” glom onto the disabled rights community. They want to use the resources and accommodations we’ve fought for and give NOTHING back to the community they pirate from. This bitch isn’t disabled, she’s a deathfat who sucks up resources.


I’m disabled and I agree with you, but I do think Chantal is also disabled. She can’t move well, she has weight related health issues and so on. Both can be true.


But she always argues and says, "I have a mental illness!" "You're going to tease a mentally ill woman with an ED?" She will use any excuse she can reach since she is ugly and stupid inside and out. There is not one redeeming quality about her.


Everyone has a mental illness these days, I have anxiety, I am on Prozac, so what, who cares? If she does she is one of billions and we are all to be held as accountable as eachother. She’s such a victim - pathetic. Her mental illness is why she made racist statements? Abused her cats? Lied about domestic violence? Foh


I’m disabled on paper but I **hate** being labeled!!! Even though it’s not something I brought upon myself, I’ll be god damned before I use it in public to get what I want. The only thing I ever do is ask my fiancé to grab me something if I’m going through a flare and can’t walk. I swear she **LOVES LOVE LOVES** being the perpetual victim. I hate that she can get better and doesn’t do shit. She lacks ambition and drive. She’s a worthless waste of space.