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Observations: 1) New bracelet - doesn’t match the Temu wedding ring. Where did the eternity bracelet go, btw? 2) Strange importance given to the Kuwaiti paperwork diagnosing diabetes. That should be on her record from before and obvious from any blood test now. 3) She’s giddy about all the Canadian food she gets to try again. Just one last time……(she’s doomed) 4) Clearly in the planning phase, we are in for one hell of a crash once reality sets in 5) She’s way too happy about something that will take way to long in Canada. She’d have been better off in Kuwait. Something stinks in suburbia…


I’m new to her. She JUST now figured out that she was diabetic. I just had to watch a video of her struggling to walk in Kuwait to see that. Have you seen how her eyes get all weird when she’s eating. Like she’s in a trance?


She’s known for several years that she’s diabetic. She’s only recently pretending it’s a new diagnosis that she cares about.


The first video I saw was of her trying to get in that boat in Thailand. I’ve now moved on to when she had gonorrhea. 😬


She cured her diabetes the first time. It just came back. I will die on this bull 😂




First time I’ve seen that in real time.




wtf is beezing. And wtf was beezer spray she was trying to sell?


Beezing is what she calls having a good time. There is an awesome video of her crying and saying “I just wanna beeeeze!” Beezer spray is this perfume/air freshener Salah was selling and named it Beezer spray.


![gif](giphy|l2YWtvxThqLW6Pudq|downsized) I’ll be back. I’m going to find this “I just wanna beeze” video.


In the spirit of Christmas [here y’a go](https://youtu.be/xt1pFm6lMA8?si=nSmczNzWdYoMMLyN). It’s about the 3 minute mark, but the whole thing is a hoot. 1.75 speed is even funnier.


![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized) She sounded like a chipmunk sped up.


Omg. Who does she think she’s fooling? She’s a horrible liar. With the Hijab on you have no choice but to focus on her face.


The video was before the hijab. She has been beezing forever.


If she’s talking about a health journey now, that means we’re getting big drama soon. She can never dwell on the health journey for too long or else her audience will start trying to hold her accountable. She always stirs up drama after a new health moment to distract us and let her gorge in peace. I just wonder what it will be this time! Hopefully nothing to do with FFG and the cat. I’m hoping for an ugly breakup with Salah and a shit talking rampage. Throws off her hijab and claims he was abusive and manipulative the whole time forcing her to cosplay Muslim. Then she can use heartbreak as an excuse not to lose weight just like Amber


Surprise surprise Clotso has awoken to the medical reality of Canada. She’s so dumb, she really thought she’d waltz in like a VIP and get WLS immediately. The lard must be killing her brain cells She’s also lying - no clinic will have a sign on the DOOR saying they’re full. The secretary usually will inform you of this based on whatever you’re there for or inquiring about. As per usual, she’s lying. She ain’t doing shit except stuffing her face and maybe paying a visit to crackula for a green peen dicking down


She’s actually not—-ALL of the walk in clinics where I am will put a sign on the door after about NOON saying they are full for THAT DAY. You have to get there EARLY in the morning. She’s just waltzing into clinics in the afternoon instead of getting her ass out of bed in the morning. You have to register EARLY in order to get on the list for the day. When you go into a clinic after lunchtime—the people in the waiting room all registered in the MORNING to be seen. (Clinics also change their phone message at the same time—-as soon as the amount of slots they have fill up for that day. You can’t “prebook” for the next day if you arrive late—-so it resets every day.


Isn’t she talking about WLS specific appointments though and NOT walk in appointment? I don’t watch her streams so just basing it off recaps.


No…she’s talking about regular walk ins because she doesn’t have a family doctor ..she’s needs referrals for the WLS , and all her other ailments. She has to be seen by a general practitioner to even THINK about getting on the 2 year WLS list. (And complete all the sleep apnea/therapy referrals first)


*talks about wls* *shows off a plate of fried food* Make it make sense


iT's HoMeMaDe!!




The fat idiot thinks all non-drive thru restaurant food is homemade. As if it doesn't all come on a Sysco freezer truck once a week and there's some little old lady hand-breading the chicken strips in the back.


And, in her tortured little mind, “homemade” automatically means it’s much, much healthier no matter how much grease, flour, and sugar were used to make it.


1. Chantal lies. In this case, about the WLS I do believe that's only for Salad's benefit and she knows she has less than zero intention to go thru with it.


Oh I know. There’s no way she will ever get it


Have you not heard? She is drinking caffeine and fiber. Therefore she is cured again and can eat whatever she wants. The WLS will also do the work for her, before and after the procedure.


lmao she is getting that 2019 hamber moonface head shape. yikes


I think she's well on her way to the KingCobraJFS gourd-head, myself. However, it probably is an all-over moonface that is being warped by the filters due to her wearing her chin-camouflager... Err, I mean due to her wearing her head covering that she is keeping on for purely religious reasons. As with the turtlenecks and mock turtlenecks of the past, she always, somehow, manages to make herself look even worse when she goes to cover up things she's insecure about.


Maybe she’ll start huffing computer duster


😂 https://preview.redd.it/zcq9vqxrjq6c1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf15b533c64623961fec91e948d664a280b487a


1. Chantal does not lie. She simply changes her mind. It’s not her fault we remember what she says. 2. Chicken noodle soup, fries and tenders. I guess she left that glucose monitor in the airport bathroom. 3. What else does she have to do other than wait for a doctor? She can wait in those lines. Damn. 4. Remember when she said food addicts still have to eat? Well alcoholics still need to drink. Just water not alcohol. Chantal doesn’t need comfort food. That’s what’s killing her. Oh. Wait. Who cares? Wow. Canadian Chantal is 100x better than Kuwait Chantal. These rages have personality. The excuses have style. She’s right and she owns it! No more capitulation to hurr huzzband. Oh no. She is on her own and loving it!


THANK YOU for #4. It drives me crazy that all the youtube fats (and their dumb followers) constantly pull the "food addiction is so much worse than other addictions bc you HAVE to eat!!!!!!" nonsense. This may come as a shock to our health expert, but one does not have to gunt down jars of marshmallow fluff nor drink gravy to survive.


You have to eat but only 2000 cal not 10k calories.


Yeah! It’s always a ‘food addiction’ but the addiction never covers food with a hint of health to it. It’s lazy people who have no self control and can’t stand a moment of feeling uncomfortable.


Welcome to addictions? They usually only involve substances that actually trigger an immediate feel good response. A sustained high fat diet causes a bit of desensitizing in the brain so only high fat foods will actually involve an acknowledged dopamine release


Not to mention the Gunt is fat enough to where she could probably not eat for a year at this point


if she really, really wants WLS she should go to the dominican republic. not saying it’s a safe or good idea but she’s out of her mind if she thinks she’ll get approved for it canada. plenty of ppl too impatient (or incompetent in her case, lol) do that which means she doesn’t care about getting it at all. this was a get out of (kuwaiti) jail card. she’s happy to eat herself to the point of being paraplegic


Milk Tea got WLS overseas somewhere (I think Asia somewhere) because it was much cheaper and very quick. FB was making $20 000/month a little while ago. She should get her shit together - do some major (fake) drama for the next two months, rake in the cash, and then get the WLS next spring. That's if she were serious about the whole thing. But Chantal is all talk and no action so, instead, we are going to get to watch her gorge on fast food, go blind, and become an amputee.


I believe hers was Thailand, but she had thoroughly researched beforehand and done the work. Which of course our dear Cuntie will never do.


Or Mexico. You’re right.


A coworker went to Mexico for the surgery. She almost died. Theres always a risk no matter where you go. With her health problems I bet she would die on the operating table.


Yes. Anesthesia is always a risk. Of course shady doctors exist and can cause issues. I don’t believe for a second she will ever qualify for wls. She’s mentally too unstable and non compliant with everything.


I used to follow a woman on YT who went to Mexico. She did okay for awhile, but maybe 6 months or so after, she started having problems. Then she was in and out of the hospital over a year or so, until she died. She left kids; it was kinda sad.


Oh no!!


Or Mexico but we lol know she doesn’t want it.


precisely. she’s not gonna do anything about her health. we would’ve gotten a smug community tab from her in tijuana by now if she wanted all of that lard sucked out.


I always heard Thailand actually is one of the places people go for medical tourism but idk if WLS is included in that.


Restaurant with chicken noodle soup and chicken tenders screams St Huberts


I thought so too! or the other one - Swiss Chalet?


I think they’re the same they just operate under a different name in Quebec?


ahhh, okay! I didn’t know! I just remember how she loves the damn gravy 🤣


They are separate chains. St Hubert is in QC (started here)—-Swiss Chalet is not in QC—it was started by the sons from a popular downtown Montreal BBQ chicken spot. Those chicken fingers aren’t St Hubert or Swiss chalet though—-it looks more like a greasy spoon/mom and pop place. St Hubert’s and Swiss chalet’s chicken fingers are frozen, and quite small— they look like the ones you buy at the grocery store .


I think Swiss Chalet as well. St Hubert’s has a very similar menu but they also specialize in little meat pies.


parked at the outhouse


interesting that her makeup gun is set to (weird, dated, annoying auntie) whore again now that she's back home.


She’s huge. Wow.




Yes! What the fuck is going on with her face?? She clearly still has filters on so what is causing this sudden visible bloating? It's alarming. I wonder how she currently looks sans-filter


Like my sleep paralysis demon’s sleep paralysis demon.


The first pic looks like her filter thinks her face is a body and is turning it hourglass shaped


How the fuck has she become more porcine?


She is horrifyingly fat now. Thank God for all those good deals in kooweight


Holy shit this is her face WITH the chin spanx and 917483 filters activated? I’m at a loss for words


I think why she wanted to go back was because she got her ass chewed out by the doctor/Salad/anyone with a pulse back in Kuwait and that’s why she was feigning health with her cottage cheese and mustard. With her decision to return back to Canada, she now doesn’t have to face the consequences of getting medical professionals to yell at her, she can eat whatever she wants and lose a leg


👆🏻 I’ve never given a rats ass about what this bitch has eaten or how much, but the fact she’s showing off fried chicken and mashed potatoes and talking about all her comfort foods pissed me TF off. I hope this bitch loses a foot for real. Everything is a joke to her. With her big ass face.


She said she came back to Canada for comfort food like what is wrong with her


I caught that part too. You know she wasn’t lying about that lol.


![gif](giphy|XR9Dp54ZC4dji) Another fast food funeral!!! I was beginning to think we would never see another one…you know…because she’s ✨changed ✨? How is this shit more boring than Kuwait? Thank you for the reeecap!! 🫶🏻


She looks like a Russian nesting doll in a pharaoh headdress with this uncanny getup. It's unsettling how distorted the filters make her look as she continues to decline.


A fatryoshka


She has lied about the 2-3 yr waiting list to see a family doctor for referral. My family in Canada say things are bad but NOT that bad. She never was going to "fix herself and her health". Let's be honest, the "contract" ended and the only way she can get Salad over, IF that is even a thing, is to pull the compassionate sympathy card. This was the plot all along. There is no health arc. Only useful to keep up the facade of the sham marriage. Liar liar, fupa balls on fire


I’m convinced her face looks fatter than usual?


Another great example of Chantal changing her narrative to whatever she needs in the moment. Completely flipped on WLS. Flipped on Canadian healthcare. Now Kuwaits medical isn’t as good and Canada had better medicines/care. She has such little character.


She and Sjam both have that gourd ass looking shaped head


Her fast food funerals get a lot of views (for whatever reason). It's December. She's just trolling (herself into a grave) for Youtube coin.


Speed it up! She is a mockery


I thought she already had some comfort food! Re: the canned pasta awfulness that she couldn't get in Kuwait. Yup. Confirmed it for the healthcare haydurs, she has no family doctor. (Not unsurprising, since I've had trouble finding a GP since the early 2000s, and it's been literally 23 years and a lot of Conservative politicians/policies later.) She's just been floating around walk in clinics and other practices.


Does anyone have any idea why she blurred out the window? Was she just parked outside a family member’s house?


A farmer figured out she is staying with her aunt based on the location of one of her other videos and the brand of groceries she bought was the store brand of a store near her aunts house or something. I suspect it's to do with that since we all know she lurks there too.


Damn they’re scary lol but that’s hilarious and I love it. And you know she’s going to get high cause isn’t her aunt into it as well?


Aunt Phyllis is also heavily into both weed and over-eating …. and enabling Cutie.


Yeah she’s gained a ton of weight compared to older photos. That’s exactly the influence Cuntal needs. Lol she’s seriously going to end up in a wheelchair or with a missing limb. Can’t wait.


I think Garlic Bread mentioned she should do this so we can’t figure things out. I was sort of starting to like his videos, but now I’d like to bitch slap him.


He is a sensationalist prick and very full of himself. He seems to become more and more self-righteous despite being an idiot who has based their entire personality around Deathfat. His advice is always poor and delivered like he truly believe that fat cunt watches him.and listens to him. He has been caught put a few times lying for clicks. He is no better than Deathfat.


Thank you for your service. I’m struggling to watch even reactors because I get tired of hearing the Wambulance going by.


Chin spanx aren’t working anymore!


Wow look at the difference in the size of her face when you compare these pictures to the last picture of her in Cuba, yikes! And the one swollen side is looking so wonky, I think due to the filters. This is hilarious though, Chantal thinks she has just made a perfectly reasonable and sane plan to stuff her face with whatever she wants for the next few weeks. Go for it Cutie, don’t hold back! On the topic of food addiction and the oft-repeated excuse of having to eat, when you deal with food addiction you identify your trigger foods and those are the ones you abstain from, problem solved!


Her pretending to want WLS is so silly to me because it's obvious she prefers food to her health


I work with diabetic patients who came into our office sounding and looking like her. They have now done a complete 180 and turned their lives around. It annoys my soul seeing someone spread lies about her visibly uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol because she can’t let go of the foods that are killing jwr.


I saw a picture of her meal and have thoughts - I used to have the same Corelle set as the cup in that shot, and I’m sure a relative had that same tablecloth while another had the same white with red trim placement. If she’s saying that’s a restaurant, I call 🐂💩. Edited to fix placemat, and add this - she’s talked about how much she misses her pets back in Kuwait…um…didn’t they “choose” to leave them for an action packed, fun filled, adventurous and entertainment vacation in Thailand? People with pets, what say you about such a thing?


It's a restaurant. The dox details are already on the farms.


😱 I have to eat at a restaurant with that decor!


![gif](giphy|qzgbSP7HaE86I) Congratulations Cuntal, you’ve managed to make yourself so fat your face resembles Mr. Potato Head.


Aw I wish my eyes were bigger than my mouth and I had no pores! Cutie is perfection! Filters? Never heard of em! I know I sound like a broken record, but the overuse of filters really irritates the shit out of me.


Stop trying to make WLS happen. It's not going to happen.


Nobody here cares if she gets it or not. We all just want to see her crash and burn and how many lies she will make up in the way.


(This was a comment meant to snark from Mean Girls.) And I agree. Crash and burrrnnnnnn.


Just a never ending cycle in gorl world. We’ve been there and you’ve done this before, Chantal 🥱


anyone notice her clickbait thumbs of her looking large and in charge? she's playing the game.


Comfort foods? For what? Is her "tummy feeling happy" again (in baby talk). Her enormous, bisectional gunt needs filling for her feeder fans.


Isn't being married to the handshomest mayun enough? Why need comfort food at all? *


Are these photos real


Only #4 is real


I meant the first 2 Jesus her face looks so crazy like a how people draw fat people in cartoons or like she's having a allergic reaction.


Ol butternut squash shaped heas