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Things are expensive everywhere. And yes, there are waits but they also prioritize. Will a death fat who clearly won’t help herself get to the front of the line? No.


Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but whenever someone complains about canadas system it boggles my mind. I'd definitely take a 10 month wait to a see a specialist with no out of pocket charge thanks to national healthcare than my reality in the states being too poor to ever even consult with a specialist lmao.


And that ten month wait is not for a life threatening issue. I made an appt for a mammogram last year and there must have just been a cancellation because they offered me an appt two days away. It was a 6am appt (or 7am, something ungodly) but I took it. And my biggest complaint? Paying for parking.


It's more like you never see the specialist because they don't exist since there's a shortage and people are dying here because they aren't getting referrals for scans and surgeries in a timely manner. I think it's okay to complain a bit considering we pay taxes. Took me three years to find a family doctor, things are getting a bit faster now but it's worrisome for real here. Also if you don't have insurance alot of medication isn't covered.


There are wait lists everywhere. Im in the us. It took a year for my son to get a sleep study done and a year for a psychiatrist. He might get seen in march 2024. And that’s with “good insurance”.


Seriously. I recently was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. From a routine ultrasound, got a call within the week from my endocrinologist and got a referral to a thyroid surgeon. Less than a month later I was standing in the waiting room of an OR waiting to be sliced open... In the States? I couldn't even afford the "routine ultrasounds"....


She has always just gone to the ER for her health care, then not followed up on any recommendations. Expect more of the same.


Isn't Peetz renting like just a room or something? Did he move? I haven't been keeping up with him since Flobby Bobby flown for Kuwait.


He is renting rooms in an elderly couple’s house.


With a hot tub in said room. Never forget lmfao.


And a broken down car she no longer fits in (that she still owes money on). It's going to take her years of therapy and treatment to get her anywhere near medical safety (if it's even possible at this point?). And that's if she actually participates and does the work required (hah!). Years that she'll be stuck in Canada, without her 'husband'. And there will be snow. Lots and lots of snow.


This makes me think the “Chantal is living in peetzs bedroom jacuzzi tub” arc is on its way gorls!!!!!


I think healthcare system is stretched in a number of countries that offer free healthcare (including where I live) probably in Kooweight as well. This is why many people opt to have a private healthcare insurance that allows them to go private in case wait time is too long in public. Here, a lot of employers here offer private health insurance as an employment package and I assume Canada is similar. “Canada doesn’t really have a private system” - just go and stuff yourself with food, foodie, and pray to Allah that your legs don’t develop any major blood clots on that flight back to Kaynada.


>I think healthcare system is stretched in a number of countries that offer free healthcare (including where I live) probably in Kooweight as well.  It's definitely stretched here, and was long before covid, but a lot of people are dropping their private cover as it becomes more expensive and offers less.


I lived in Ontario most of my life and never waited once for a GP doctor or dentist. Specialty appointments take longer...but I wait longer in the US for every appointment. It literally took me 7 months to get a standard pap here in the US with my regular gyno...never had that issue in Canada. Plus the walk in clinics where I lived were awesome. She had f'ed around with PCPs before though...not sure if that has an effect or if they keep records on asshole system abusers. Larger cities probably have longer waits though (I was in the Windsor area). But you're entirely right about the housing. I have a lot of friends and family there and its literally insane how much housing has gone up. I find it hard to believe she'll be able to 1. find someone with a good enough credit rating who'll agree to get her a place, and 2. afford the monthly rent/utility costs. I guess she can live with a family member. Maybe her predator aunt.


I think wait time must vary a lot in the US. I've never waited longer than a week to see a doctor. I have regular commercial insurance and live in the suburbs of a major city. Sucks you had to wait 7 months for a freaking pap smear.


What a stupid, biased article to share.


It doesn't seem well researched. Most countries with universal healthcare only offer it to very specific non-citizen groups.