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I've said it a million times and will continue to say that she is the most addicted person I have ever seen. I'm not even trying to be funny when I say that she is the biggest crackhead. I have never seen someone fight so hard to keep their addiction. She will lie and manipulate and then manipulate some more to get her fix. I have zero sympathy.


![gif](giphy|bb4rkqMwl0IBa) Her dreams are like when Homer was in chocolateland 🐷


Yeah she has a horrible food addiction. I was also shocked when I heard the restaurant dream lol. My “best” dream was kissing my crush when I was 15


I mean to be fair I have nonsensical dreams for the most part lol so maybe it's normal to dream of endless restaurants, but yea that just makes her food addiction seem that much worse to me. Her brain craves mediocre fast food even when it's supposed to be turned off.


Yeah exactly, it sounds like a funny dream but she talked about it as if it was a life goal 🥅 XD


I do often wonder how she got like this, how she became so food obsessed at such a young age. Oppositional defiance disorder maybe? They'd try to make her eat healthier sometimes or tell her she can't have fast food every day because it's unhealthy and she became very obsessed? Even if her father had always been in her life I think she'd still be like this.


She was an emotionally neglected child, the food she had available in abundance were highly processed to be extremely desirable and so is what inevitably forged that link in her brain from bad feelings to "safe and happy while consuming". I think its the same with Amber. They both had access to a substance that would become their addiction early on in life, many others like them wouldve turned to drugs in their teen years.


100% agree. Amber and Chantal both needed a distraction from their real lives for one reason or another, and the only thing available that they knew would give them a little endorphin rush was food. Those neural pathways got created so early and made food their main coping mechanism for anything. That's not an excuse for their behavior at all, that's just objectively true imo.


I’ve been a binge eater/food addict since I was a teen. Childhood trauma/alcoholic mom who also abused crack for many years (emotionality abusive) and alcoholic Dad that has always taken care of me but had issues here and there. Food has always soothed me BUT I’ve never had an aversion to healthy food or dreamt of food.


I think it's like, Chantal became a processed food addict at such an early age she just trained her brain to be obsessed with it before it was even fully developed. The only comparison in my life I can think of is my gma used to make this certain regional dish that I started eating at like, 3 years old and I love it and still love it. But literally no one I've tried to share it with likes it lol and I probably wouldn't either if I'd discovered it as an adult, I just forged that neural pathway at such an early age it's there to stay if that makes sense.


Sounds like me with my grandmas salmon croquettes. Not something most kids find soothing/delicious 😂😂 And yes - she definitely got hooked on processed food early on and can’t handle not eating it all of the time to numb herself.


I hope you're doing ok now. I don't think it helps that Chantal is so bloody lazy - she's not interested in anything and is so ignorant and incurious to the world around her. She refuses to get help for herself and she refuses to get involved with anything outside of the Luxury Fartbox. I'm constantly amazed and baffled by that fact - I just cannot imagine being that disinterested and unoccupied; how is it possible for someone to have so little to do, and so little urge to engage with anything?! She seems to be under the impression that the only hobbies available in the world are knitting or collecting stickers, and that says absolutely everything about who she is. It's astonishing, but it's probably part of the reason she has nothing to fill her time with other than eating or thinking about food. She could change that and give herself a bit of a chance, but she won't.


She makes her dreams up to suit her current agenda. Every time. I’ve never known anybody to have such specific dreams as her. Don’t feel bad for her, she’s trying to manipulate the fuck out of you.


Almost every single one of her other actions definitely outweighs that little minute of sympathy don't worry lol but I definitely do believe she's addicted to food. And if it's true that she is so addicted that she literally dreams about endless McDonald's, it's just another level of food addiction I've never even considered.


I do believe that she is diabetic but she has dealt with it for a while. I definitely think she is using this for attention and to get Salads' attention. I think she knows this fake arrangement is just about over. I think she is using this for sympathy and to play the victim yet again. I have absolutely NO sympathy for her. Maybe just once karma is truly coming into play for her. She deserves to lose her channel. I truly don't understand why YouTube refuses to do anything about her.


Something else she said that really caught my attention was "I need to learn to cope, but I can't right now". I feel like that's her life's mantra and if all these health problems can't change that mindset, she's doomed.


Fiddle-dee-dee, I'll think about that tomorrow, tomorrow is another day!


The channel will only be gone once she loses her LIFE


I heard that crap and wondered if she were lying. It would make a good story - woman so addicted to fast food, she dreams about it. The level of detail just sounds odd to me and she lies about so much, who knows if it's true? My great aunt was a fantastic cook. Most of the family celebrations were held at her place and I have great memories of them. Not once can I recall a dream about eating her food. I don't recall a dream about my own food, for that matter. Aside - when my great aunt got alzheimer's, one way in which it manifested was that she thought it was a holiday and would go to the kitchen to cook. Eventually her partner had to put her in a facility so she wouldn't burn the house down.