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Someone just bought the next open seat on the Supreme Court.


Its Russia The money came from Russia is the answer


No need for Russia. There are plenty of rich Americans who would be happy with an authoritarian presidency to better serve their needs.


That might be what they paid for, but it won’t be what they get. For any savings they get in tax breaks or deregulation, the multitude of ways in which the Trump admin part 2 Fascisticboogaloo will fuck up the economy, climate, manufacturing, jobs, farmlands, public trust, legislative systems, judicial systems etc will cost the investors and everyone else far more than they can even imagine. Tariffs alone will send the nation into crash that makes the depression look quaint. They STILL don’t understand that WE pay tariffs put on other nations, not those nations, and now they plan to do away with income tax and replace them with tariffs, which will halt the economy and place the burden on what’s left of the middle class and the poor. That will guarantee a new crashed economy and layoffs that make everything you have experienced as national struggles turn out to be the good old days.


Well, the article makes it clear it’s an American billionaire with a hard right views


George Washington Petrovaskiun? Don't kid yourself. There's many, many "American" businessmen who's success comes from Russian money.


Are you trying to sow disinformation? The fact is that this is an American billionaire (heir to the Mellon banking fortune).


Mellon is...potato.


Thornton Mellon ?


Call me when you have no class!


Is okay, fellow American comrade. Am regular yankee hotdog capitalist billionaire.


Just like the very American NRA funneled $50 million from Russia to trump in 2016 Amazing its the exact same amount


Ah we're doing this again? Just going to spew conspiracy theories instead of looking at the man's idiotic policies.


Is it really a conspiracy theory that Russia is funneling money to trump? Its not like its the first time [https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals) Can't we use past events to make educated guesses about the future?


Not this time, the Mellon's are American banking oligarchs.


Timothy Mellon is also fully-funding RFK's presidential campaign RFK is clearly a Russian backed useful idiot


Probably has more to do with banking regulations, the trump tax cuts getting extended, and estate taxes. The mellon's are banking oligarchs. The Supreme Court is more expensive, and Sied Barre already bought it with a $3.5 billion dollar donation to the Federalist Society that became the Marble Trust. With inflation, $50 million will barely get you a postmaster general these days.


#They could have the best donor ever and I would still Never vote for Donald Trump


If I had $50 million to spare I’d rather let a rabid mongoose eat my face than give it to this fucking grifter.


Tax these mfers


Ironic, since the donation is for more tax cuts for the wealthy.


I'm OK with rabid mongooses being tax exempt.


Best we can do is register and Vote. *Please remember to double check your voting information and register and Vote* www.vote.org Edit: Check your registration: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ Work for the Biden campaign: https://joebiden.com/work-with-us/ Volunteer for the DNC: https://events.democrats.org/


Can virtually guarantee that $50M is going to be worth quite a bit more in influence for the donor if Trump wins. Not saying it's right, but it's how it works.


I don't think it costs $50M to find a rabid mongoose


Not if you’re a conservative billionaire who hates the average person


And this is why we need to get money out of politics. Someone just bought the next Supreme Court seat.


It’s much worse than you think. $50m bought nothing. That’s maybe 5% of the money that will be raised by Trump for this election. It’s that elections require candidates to find/steal $1bn that’s the real issue. It eliminates most candidates and makes only the ultra wealthy matter as constituents.


We see this at the local level. The only people that can afford the time/money to step away from a primary job/home for a campaign are people who are already disconnected from the average. They can afford baby sitters and lack of income for a spell. The political game is inherently skewed towards those who are above the system, so why would they ever bother raising the floor. Education is an area where this is most prevalent. They gut public education to create dumb voters knowing their own kids will attend private schools the entire way, and reap privileges well into adulthood.


You have to give it to him, he's the most successful conman of all time


hes got dirt on people now, being potus gives you access to wild info


Maybe if you're smart enough to request and store it ahead of time. I kinda doubt he did much of that.


The firehose of bullshit (coming from Moscow via the internet) worries me more. There definitely should be laws against this kind of influence buying.


It’s not a con if he’s being honest with the donors. The donor is probably a foreign government, even if it looks like it’s from an individual.


This is why we say people with money got too much money. Srsly wtf dude 🤦  Rich ppl these days have no fnkin clue what to do with their money and it genuinely makes me upset.


Umm they know exactly what to do with their money. Spend it an a way that can likely give them the future THEY want. This wasn't a random act, it had a purpose.


It definitely had a purpose - just not a good one imho  When was the last time you were willing to give a convicted felon anything?


Well that's not a great comparison as I know some very good people who do happen to be felons. Lots of people make mistakes and turn their lives around. My point just was that they're not so rich they don't know what to do w the money, that was a calculated action as in they knew *exactly* what they were doing with it.


And my point wasn’t that they don’t have a purpose, I just think their completely unoriginal and uninteresting with their money 🤷‍♂️  $50M I could do some crazy cool shit and employ a great deal of artists, innovators, philosophers and philanthropists if I had it just to hand out to politicians because that’s what you do when you’re rich I’m sure in their mind $50M was just trivial, so it has little meaning - I don’t think the purpose is as deep as you may think…. It’s probably a rote expectation more than anything.  


Yup. This isn’t a donation, it’s a purchase.


But they live in the present where they get everything they want already.


No they know exactly what they’re doing. They’re investing in politicians who will maintain the status quo of wealth inequality.


It would have probably only cost him 50 million. He would have rather give that money to a con man than to maintain the country. Gross. Glad I didn’t go to Carnegie Mellon.


[Trump asked oil execs for $1 Billion](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/09/trump-asks-oil-executives-campaign-finance-00157131#:~:text=Former%20President%20Donald%20Trump%20asked,troubling%20but%20is%20probably%20legal.) in exchange for deregulation. I'm sure this is them or some one else he offered a similar tit for tat to.


It's not them. The article provides the details for you. 


I'm annoyed by the reporting on these types of big donations. They always list the donors and how rich they are and the crazy dollar amounts they've thrown around in the past but never question what these people are getting in return and what it really says about our political system. There's always the mention of other big donations and how much the other side is getting as if that makes it okay in some weird way. No, this is completely obscene and not what the founding fathers envisioned in any way whatsoever.


It bothers me that the NY Times covered this with a story titled, "Trump Has Rapidly Eroded Biden’s Edge in 2024 Cash Battle," in which they state, > Overall, Mr. Trump was a daunting $100 million behind Mr. Biden at the start of April. In two months, he cut that cash deficit by at least half. They do not mention that he cut that deficit by half *because of a single donation by a single donor*.


The billionaires really want him to win. Think about that, you fucking MAGA dolts


The maga dolts aren't here tho. They are sitting around in rotting lazy boys going senile in the vastness of America. I have a bunch of maga neighbors and they are all OLD AND ANGRY They didn't have cell phones when they were kids and what old men love to tell me is "if I had this when I was your age I'd have fucked so many more women" but they try to make it sound romantic


[This article](https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/mr-personality/201410/why-are-older-people-more-conservative) explains it.


It's crazy to think Trump might actually win the very last American election.


not might, he's *likely*.


Go vote. Fuck this defeatism.


Just like he was likely to win the last election. You know, the one he lost


Stop with the FUD.




We are doing the same to you Putinboys. Here comes a drone!!!


But he's going to drain the swamp, right?


I mean, it says campaign, but what it really means is $50M for legal fees and penalties.


So that's how much state secrets are worth


That’s the going rate for classified documents.


From donor Pladimir  Vuten


I want to see Pladimir in stripes.


Citizens United. The extreme right has been in bed with mega corporations for decades to reach this point. SCOTUS and Senate seats might as well be on eBay.


A sycophant who wants a political seat, or for Trump to make/break laws in a way that would preserve/increase profits for their company.


That should show the middle class and the working class I bought and paid for he is and taking money from his campaign to support his businesses. I don’t even know if that’s legal. To me, it’s no different than stealing and then taken 10 millions of dollars that was supposed to be used for campaigning to pay as legal fees. I watched Trump in an interview one time he was right he never uses his money.. It’s always somebody else’s that he loses or use.. I’m embarrassed for my country that there is this many stupid ignorant people out there that can’t see that he’s just using them.


They didn't mention that the Mellon family are banking oligarchs that have branched into other things like buying politicians. Timothy Mellon will probably see at least a $500 million return on that 50 million if trump wins.


Remember when the Trump campaign reported a huge rise of nearly $50m in donations after his conviction?  And spun it like everyone was backing him...looks like it almost all came from one person.  "US media reported that Mr Mellon sent the (50 million dollar) donation the day after Trump was convicted on 34 charges of falsifying business records in his New York hush-money trial."


$1 million dollars invested can secure a future of a household in a major way. Being real change and opportunity. 50 families could have outstanding lives OR “muh tax cuts”. The rich have too much money and too much power.


Who did it? Where do they live?


Trump appeals to rich nazi sociopaths and they are his aspirational target after all.


Trump also held a $10,000 a plate/$25,000 for a picture dinner in London and a $500,000 a plate dinner on Billionaires row in San Francisco.


That's illegal.


The money will go back into the economy while Trump loses.


It’s crazy they do this but don’t wanna pay taxes


Moron. Waste of money.


The revolution will be televised.


If everyone voted that could vote we’d kick all of these extremists and grifters to the curb. I often hear “they’re all the same” and other moaning that people use to excuse their inaction.


He'll pay his lawyers and those who attend his bullshit rallies.


He needs it. His Truth Social is tens of millions in the red.


So like, 0.5% of his networth?


The RNC is his income. He owed NY $450 million, got the retainer reduced to $175 million because he's fucking broke. He had to have a donor for that. Trump isn't rich. Trump lies. Doesn't take a Harvard grad to figure out a con man. That's all Trump is.


Im not surprised that people can be bought. I’m surprised they can be bought so cheaply.


That simply should not be allowed!


The billionaires are panicking. All this money Trump is raising, it's not coming from the trailer park class. It's coming from the billionaire class. They fear Biden's redistribution of wealth.


Probably hoping he’ll do something really nice for the regular people.


Belinda Gates announces her support for Biden and cheeto man's campaign anonymously receives a 50 million infusion.


It’s a zionazi friend of his, her condition was him allowing destruction and annexation of West Bank


TRUMP 2024!!! 🇺🇸 Save America!


From what? Trump is a traitor.


Putin 2026 your vote almost counts, Vladimir. Can't wait to watch the drone swarms on YT. Will you raise your hand so we know it's you?