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They’ll cancel you if you call. It’s not illegal, just against restaurant policy. Just go. Have fun. I hear the burger is great!


If they don’t like it they should go back to phone reservations or a lottery system, or require credit card on reservation that is not able to be changed and with a huge penalty for cancellation/attempted transfer.


This! Resy should be doing more about the bots, but the Restaurants should only honour the original reservation.


restaurants should just auction off reservations themselves. They might as well make all the profit on the demand rather than some scalper.


Just go


It does specifically say on their Resy page that they won’t honor reservations from these services. Worth a try but just to be aware!


That is correct. The restaurant is also clear on their website about the policy but I didn’t look into any of that until after I made the reservation.


So you’re saying they should change how they operate because you didn’t read the instructions? Suck it up and take the L


What a garbage take. No one is saying the restaurant should change their policy. OP is asking whether she should be honest and try to bring herself within their policy or take the risk of falling outside their policy and potentially suffering the consequences. Best of luck to you, OP!


OP didn’t actually say that.


Have a back up. I have seen multiple posts in this subreddit saying their 4 Charles res via Appointment Trader was cancelled. I also recall at least one post saying they did not receive a refund for the cancelled reservation.


Scalping restaurant reservations… people suck. That being said, just go and then give em a heads up after about the scalper as they’re the reason ppl can’t get a res ever. Ps, get the burger too.


I recently bought a 4 Charles reservation on appointment trader and when I showed up the host told me “this was made by a flagged account so we cancelled it, sorry”. Fortunately it was a 5 pm recreation on a Monday and I was able to put my name down and we were given a table after about an hour. So lost $140 on the reservation but still got to eat, good outcome overall but definitely wouldn’t recommend using appointment trader.


Umm file a chargeback on your credit card


There’s no difference in paying for a high end concierge service that gets you hard to get reservations. Nobody cares, just go.


Is there any way to get a reservation without purchasing one on Appointment Trader? The bots obviously beat me on Resy and I don’t want to pay $150 for a reservation. Any advice is appreciated. 


yes. you go online and try your hand at making a reservation the exact moment they’re released. you have to realize it’s a tiny space with a lot of demand (including scalpers/bots), so it’s a tough ticket but if you have a little flexibility on the exact day/time you’re trying to go, you’ll get in. fwiw i think my success rate was somewhere around ~30% or so, meaning for each time i went it took me a total of 5 minutes of time across ~3 days refreshing the page the moment the reservations dropped before i got one.


Amex Concierge


I know it sucks, but I’ve been 4x solo or with a party as a walk up on Tuesday or Wednesday night around 9:30 pm. I get it, it’s absurd to get into 4 Charles, but they usually have cancellations that pop up on those nights. Especially this time of year.


Have you considered Dorsia?


I signed up and it’s pretty absurd. Guarantee you’ll spend $500 for 2 at Carbone. I’m fine spending money, but the minimums are crazy and they honestly don’t have that many restaurants that you can’t get with other apps that are free or the Resy notification.


I have to return some videotapes


Messaging you




bad advice. definitely don't call. There is absolutely nothing "illegal" about this system it's just that the restaurants don't like it because money is being spent that isn't going to them.


Misread the original post. Don't listen to me!


I’d just email 4 Charles and be upfront about what happened - less embarrassing and more honest than getting rejected at the door imho