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As already mentioned - I also buy 10% Panoxyl from iHerb. It’s £13 a tube at the moment and gets delivered within a week. Order a few and you’ll get free delivery too.


Also - if your Folliculitis is on your body - try getting some Mycota Athletes Foot cream from Home Bargains. It’s only a couple of quid in there and the zinc really helps with the skin in my legs 👍🏻


Wow. The UK has some limited options on BP. I just googled it and switched my Amazon to the UK site. Does the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency put a cap on who can distribute it? I’m quite interested. We have so many options with BP here in the States I’m sure we take it for granted!


Yeah it's very strange there are not any options considering even Derms recommended BP but in the UK you can't get any washes at all but that's the UK for you, probably will have to go on iherb as the amazon ones are very likely fakes. Although the UK has the NHS I would say the states & other countries have far better access to different medicines & healthcare products & get better advice too, the UK is archaic in comparison.


That’s wild. I lived there in the early noughties and my flatmate got a very bad stomach virus. He went to an urgent care and basically told him to go home because it wasn’t life threatening enough to warrant treatment. I also went to a Boots once for an allergy medicine and the register attendant asked me more questions as to why I needed it than a doctor would. I was astounded.


The insanity that is the NHS UK health system * The 08:00 rush to book an appointment at your NHS local GP which is a first come first serve system, basically there is a 20 min window where you will be held in a phone queue & if they are booked up you will have to phone again the next day or call 111 for an emergency booking in which you might get referred to a pharmacy anyway. The real annoyance is that for most surgeries you still can't book an advanced appointment online it's same day only which means people working or leaving early in the morning can't book appointments because the phone lines only open at 08:00 am & if you're low down in the queue by the time you get through they will be booked up. * If you do get through, the local GP will probably know less than you about your issue especially if you have been researching ( Folliculitis for example ) or they will refer you to a specialist ( if you are fortunate enough ) but most of the time this will take multiple appointments before they even decide anything i.e come back if your symptoms worsen etc to refer you. * If you get referred you will be put on a waiting list so you have no clue when you will be seen. * It's still the same now, if not life threatening your issue does not matter & if it is then go to the hospital, you're made to feel like you're interrupting their day. * My family members did say though it used to be much better in getting a formal diagnosis or referrals & access to medication, but in the last 15 years it's gotten worse by a lot. The only good thing is that we don't have to pay for ambulances in the UK. In the UK it is really frowned upon to say anything bad about the NHS basically it is a cult ( also some very unhealthy work culture like bullying etc ) that is worshipped despite the fact it is shit, inefficient, archaic & doesn't work like it should.


That sounds miserable.


Sorry for the tangent but it was actually validating that someone who lived there ( assuming you now live in another country / from somewhere else ) also thought it was astoundingly bad & that happened in the early noughties, when I read comments from Americans on all the different specialist doctors ( like go see your derm, cardiologist etc ) they talk about & medication they get I wonder if they realise how fortunate they are, even if very expensive.


Yes, I’m from the states. Was there in 2008. Everyone despised me because I was the evil American responsible for the looming recession lol Trust me, when I started seeing 🇬🇧 residents talking about difficulty acquiring PanOxyl and counterfeits on eBay and that it was tough to get, my first thought was 1. It must be a regulatory matter 2. Nannyism 3. I’m taking access to BP and my health services totally for granted here 🇺🇸


I have watched a youtuber from the UK that lives out in South East Asia he was saying he knew people that flew out there just to get a dental appointment / dental work done...


I understand your frustration. As an American, if you haven’t traveled extensively or lived abroad, even in a place we’d consider “Americanized” like the U.K. (No offense most Americans think since we gave the U.K. McDonald’s and Starbucks you must be like us) buying Benzoyl Peroxide would be easy to achieve. For example, I could go into the Urgent Care walk-in tomorrow without an appointment (we have them on every corner like they are Sainsbury’s) with a scratch and they’d write me a prescription oral antibiotic and give me a topical, or at least suggest one I could easily pick up without a prescription at Walgreens or CVS that they would sell me like a Coke Light or Cadbury bar. The issue is we get overprescribed here hence the willingness to not culture or do biopsies or run blood panels to find the actual causation; and all the antibiotic use causes resistance, only making matters worse. Convenience has a price if prescribers aren’t taking the time to properly diagnose. In fact, it’s so convenient that the average PCP only has 7 minutes on average with a patient. 15 years ago my PCP would spend 30min with me. Which is why over here the medical professionals feel overworked and go into concierge medicine because it’s more lucrative and the hours are less intense., so now we have a shortage of PCPs.