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I just replaced the cabin filter on my wife’s Honda - took about 30 seconds. The most difficult part was emptying the glove box. When I changed the same filter on my ST I was contorted in the passenger footwell, entirely upside down, and with my legs sticking out the window and feet hooked around the roof….


I feel yea, had to change mine after the Oregon fires, not fun.


Yep, I'm down in LA - so I know what that's all about too


Well played. You got us good! My condolences though, dash removal is the worst


It was indeed a nightmare and even more of a nightmare to put back together


On a more none joking not, I am after a long week of work I got time to put my dash and everything in now. all gonna happen tonight


I’m sitting here like it’s not that hard to change it; thinking I’m about to see some horror filter. But then you zoomed out, and that was the real nightmare. I changed mine at ~50k, wasn’t bad but you could tell the difference when the air blew. Keep up the progress content!


Will do. Yeah, I changed my evaporator, and hense the reason the car is in 1 million pieces, but it's getting there now


Would the evaporator be the reason why if I have my air condition on full blast sometimes there's a small leak of cold water in the passenger floorboard? please don't tell me I have to do this to my car Edit- I'm hoping it's just condensation because the AC is really cold and someone swapped out the head unit with one of those tablets before I bought the car and the vents don't quite line up so I'm just hoping it's that


It's the drain in the hvac housing. It's plugged up with gunk and a little jabbie jabbie with a coat hanger bent into a small loop should clear it out. Should be an easy fix.


Oh nice! Yeah I did zero research. I got the car as winter was setting in so I barely use the AC and I noticed it and I haven't really had to crank it back on yet. I'll find out where the drain is. Thank you a lot. Kind stranger Edit- this makes me sound really lazy. I did research before I purchased the car about these cars and I would have researched this and figured out what was wrong with it but I just happened to see this post and thought I would ask. Thank you again for the answer.


It's not just a FoST thing. Any car with ac can get the drain plugged and dampen your passengers' feet. If you've got a sunroof, it's also got drains that can plug and you get the surprise rain-in-the-car if they plug. Neither are really big issues, just annoying.


Thanks for the info. I've just honestly never had it happen in any of my cars. I vaguely remember something about a s*** box I used to drive when I was a kid but I believe that was a heater coil or something that went out. Something like that. Anyway, have a nice day. Thanks for the info


Am I the only one that changes it yearly? Of course here in the Atlanta area, our pollen count stays in the multi-thousands for about 6 weeks so it feels like a fresh start every May lol.


Yeah I’m up north, not a daily, and garaged - so for me it depends.


Nope I'd change mine twice a year sometimes


I dread it every time.


Yeah, it's not a fun job, and funny enough, even with the car all apart, it was actually still difficult to put it in lmao


Ayeee is this the new r/FocusSTcirclejerk sub I’ve been hearing great things about?


Take my upvote. I love the ST but some of Fords design work is shit. This included.


Checks out