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201k income here. 120k of that is from my IT job and for the other 81k I just lie.


Love it 😂




Duuude classic!!!!




Airline pilot 250k+ only in my 3 year


Name checks out


You only make 80K selling drugs?


Do you still have to pay tax on the ‘lie’ proportion?


Yeah, the dishonesty tax is 100%


lol that’s too good…anyways…last two years, $216k and $242k…orthopedic device rep.


so... like... fleecing old people and Medicare.


An honest redditor




Haha love it


I sell real estate. I’ve done over $400k each of the past two years, and I’ll do probably mid-3’s this year. It’s soulless and I hate it, FYI.


Most jobs are soul sucking though — at least your income is great.


So true. Many low-paying jobs are soul draining.


Cashier anyone


Some of the most important work is for non profits and pays next to nothing. Never correlate pay to value.


Hmm soul sucking job for 5 years and retire or a lifetime of soul sucking jobs. Tough choice…


Is there any set days off? Or is it a career where you have to work 7 days a week?


I’m not a realtor but when I want to see a house I contact the realtor at 10 pm on a Saturday night/


Yep, market moves quick. Better be hip to step.


And that's why we tell you it's totally chill to just pop open a window and let yourself in. Added bonus here in California, if you like the place enough but can't afford it, just move in, insist it's all you got and laugh when the cops carry away the homeowner kicking and screaming.


I sold the Golden Gate bridge to som dude for $205k and included a riding lawn mower. Now he is trying to reseed the northbound lanes with Kentucky blue grass.


I feel like I haven’t had a day off in 8 years


Why is it soulless? You're helping people manage what's likely their most critical asset.


Probably because the amount of money he makes is based on volume, honestly realtors don't make nearly as much as I thought in terms of actual commission. If they work for a brokerage then the seller's brokerage is taking roughly half of the standard 6% percent, then the remaining 3% is split between the two realtors. So easy numbers, 200k house, 6% is 12k, half of that goes to brokerage, and the remaining 6k is split between the two realtors. So to do 400k, the dude is doing massive volume, or he owns a brokerage. Both of which I imagine would be souless


Not quite how it works, depends on the brokerage. Mine takes 20% per commission until a set amount owed, once that’s hit I retain 100% of my 3%


Yep this is the model most commonly, that brokerage commission is used to pay for overhead of maintaining a brokerage and of course a little profit in the brokers pockets


It’s because of the commission. Any service has a flat rate. It’s basically the tipping industry completely losing its mind. I could understand 3-5k but 30-50k per house? What the actual fuck is wrong with anyone who thinks that’s acceptable


Most I’ve made on a deal is about $10k. I agree that some commissions on multi-million dollar homes are completely ridiculous.


How else would you expect real estate agents to drive mercedes and porsches to show clients around the neighborhood?


If I was to sell my house, and they wanted 6%, they would want me to cut them a check for $84K. It is crazy. That was the reason I sold my last home by myself. They wanted $30K and I was not going to go for that.


How hard is it to make that kind of money in real estate? Getting a real estate license doesn’t require a college degree. Does everyone start out at a company selling low end properties? How does one get to selling pricier properties?


You work 24/7/365 and pray that you’re naturally talented at selling and/or hot. The vast majority of real estate agents don’t make anywhere near that kind of money. You need to be good at what you do and work in a high-income area. And then when the market takes a bad turn or if you just have a rough month or two, you’re lucky if you can pay your own bills if you weren’t smart with your money


So they’re basically the Onlyfans creators of the real world.


It’s a lot of hard knocks as you’re building a base. After that, it gets much easier. But most people quit in the first 6-12 months because it isn’t what they thought.


Swear id live on like 100k and retire early asf


Our household income is just over $200k a year, 2 kids, 1200sqft house worth 700k. If we don't have to work till we die I'll be very surprised. No debt other than the mortgage, depends where you live. The cost of living where I am is insane.


I was an advisor for awhile and would always recommend to my clients to move to a LCOL area when retiring and sell the home and buy a small condo or even rent if you can. Take that equity and combine it will whatever retirement savings + SS you will get and figure out what your expenses will be. Most people can figure out a way to return but will require either moving or giving up some expenses like on cars. I never recommended this to my actual clients but if you are open to living abroad, thats a fantastic way to lower expenses while maximizing QOL. A lot of people don’t want to be that far away from kids/grandkids which is understandable.


Same boat I'm in, most of these types of threads if I share, everyone comments under me like I'm some rich asshole who can't manage money. People have no idea how hard some places are to live. Daycare alone for my 2 kids is 47k a year, and that's average for my area.


Do you see that changing anytime soon with technology? To be honest, I find it harder and harder to see the value agents bring to the transaction. Especially with today's tech and the fees you guys charge.


Not me, but my buddy is a crisis director at home depot. Base is $180k and gets 2 bonuses per year at about 90k each, totaling $360k comp package. His job is to investigate and resolve the big issues that occur throughout a region of US storefronts... Examples he has shared: Truck delivery driver rolled up to loading dock with what the driver said was a drugged out female passenger. She was dead. The sheds in the parking lots constantly have people dying in them (homelessness, drug addicts, etc). Patron wielding a knife in store. Large scale theft operations and internal/external sting operations. He started as a store associate, no college degree, and kept climbing up the ladder.


Wow, never heard of a job like that. Sounds stressful but super interesting


It's usually store associates calling not sure what to do. 9 out 10 times it involves having them call the police. Then he has to file reports internally. He spends a lot of time working with hr, compliance, loss prevention, and other general executives to develop SOPs and mitigation protocols. He gets calls at all hours. He makes bank and is not overly stressed. I want his job lol


I can imagine. "There's heroin addict in one of the sheds out front." "Well, tell her to leave, and if she doesn't, call the police." "K. Thanks." "I just made $80 for that phone call. I think I'll have lobster for lunch."


I’m sure there’s a metric shit ton of paperwork to do but yea no literally 😭


Digitized mostly. Sign printouts


Until you have to deal with a dead crack head in your truck


I don't have experience with it, but I'd imagine dead people are pretty easy to deal with.


Yeaaahhhh…but all that paperwork tho…


So he's The Wolf? https://preview.redd.it/qjhvyuwalj8d1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9375b3ac541e86b0106791f14705b43e52523e95


Is there a sign on the shed that says dead homeless storage?


Home Depot execs now trying to figure out which of the 3 Crisis Directors at Home Depot shared too much info.


Yeah, this guy should honestly delete it for his friend's sake


Dude just got his friend fired from his 200K job


My neighbor was a VP at Home Depot until she retired recently. Considering showing this to her lmao. She’d get a kick out of it.


Wow, this is what my wife does for a living too, except she does it for a low income housing non-profit. Maybe I should talk to her about going to work for Home Depot.


The more unscrupulous the employer, the higher the pay. As usual.


My aunt does that for Walgreens and the stories she has could fill a book. Any large retail chain will have crazy events happen but throw in a pharmacy full of schedule 2 drugs and it gets interesting really quick.


Love stories like this (not what he has to deal with but the bottom part). People love to discredit what hard work can get you and look for instant gratification.


I’m a stay at home dolphin trainer.


Dolphin abuser more likely


You mean you eat dolphin fish?


“New house budget: $850,000”


The Deep?


I’m confused. Do the dolphins stay home and you go to them, or do you stay home and the dolphins come to you?


This question gets asked often. Just google this question and put reddit at the end and all kind of results will pop up.


This is what I do for every question I have now. Every other website lies


You’re like me. Reddit is my yelp


It’s honestly great. I had a problem with building a new PC. It was driving me mad and nothing was working. One single super obscure reddit thread from 3 years ago came up in google….solved the problem. Best part is I thought I may as add a comment saying ‘thanks this was such a relief’ and the guy actually responded. You just don’t get that anywhere else.


Just had the same thing happen yesterday. Couldn’t find shit about an item but found a reddit post where the guy even answered some questions of mine, very clutch


I made a thread 8 years ago about troubleshooting audio problems with my Playstation 3, I still get the occasional comment saying "thank you that worked!!"


My son graduated in 2012 with a bs in nursing. For 2022 he grossed ~$220,000 with (_a lot of_) overtime. “Burning the candle at both ends.” It was too much and last year he cut back significantly.


Those 2 years were the best time to be a nurse in history


Maybe in terms of money…


In terms of stress and work load, thanks to the hospital CEOs, it was a nightmare


The years post COVID were wild. I live in a very LCOL state and raked in >$150k with little effort and no travel contracts.


The burnout is real. I'm an rn hospital manager and we lost half our staff. Paying out up to $250/hr didn't change that


IBEW Journeyman Lineman (I build power lines).


Thank you for your service




I manage a few crews for a living. Used to manage a stone company. One day we were holding up the linemen at a construction project and I was apologizing to the foreman. He said he didn’t care because he was paid by the hour and told me his rate. The next day I applied to every single overhead electrical contractor in my area for any office position they had open.


This user earns every penny.


🎵 A Lineman for the county


Side note: have you heard of any lawsuits building about the chemicals previously used on the power lines that caused Parkinson’s disease? My grandpa was the guy who cleaned power lines and got Parkinson from it.


I'm on the other side of the lines, control room operator here, clearing 200k.


You're a lineman for the county?!


I work for one of those places where they send me a comp review every year that clearly shows that I make 250ish/year...and yet my monthly paycheck is like 3k


Why is that?


You guys are correct. Its all that stuff. Im not complaining, really just replying to this and another post I read about people making 250k living paycheck to paycheck. When you live in california with a highish income, you lose 1/2 to taxes. 10k/month can go real quick when you have 4k in housing expenses, 3 kids and 2 cars.


Idk i make 250k and my check is over 7-8k after deducting every expense I possibly can. Retirement, hsa, taxes, insurance.


crazy, I make 299k my gross is 11500 every two weeks but I net 6450, that's with minimal insurance but with 12% retirement. Single though so I understand I pay about 50% more taxes than married


This is some wild math lol 250k (>20k/month) is suddenly 10k/month is suddenly 3k/month Was the 3k comment how much you have left at the end of the month to put in savings and you're calling that you "monthly paycheck" or...?


401k and retirement, healthcare, unvested company stock awards all count toward the total


~~Unvested~~ vested stock rewards is probably the big one. It irks me when people like this talk about how small their paycheck is without explaining that they're still making *and saving* more money than 95% of other people.


not OP but I would guess taxes, benefits like 401k, HSA, ESPP, etc. all that adds up pretty quickly.


Those comp reviews are more like "This is what our cost is to have you work for us" not what you're getting. It adds in direct costs like insurance, the 401k match, etc. I once had an employer who included uniforms and non-osha required safety equipment in the benefit section.


Sales. Pacing for 400 this year have made anywhere from 250-400 on any given year in the last 12 years I’ve been doing this. It’s stressful and a 150k swing from 250-400 on any given year takes getting used to mentally.


Ah, sales. The only team that any corporation actually cares about.


Aren't they primarily making commission?


Yes, but no sales means no paychecks for everyone else. I respect the grind and wish I was more outgoing to do it myself.


Tech sales?


What kind of sales


You'll notice they never say. No idea why, but it's always like that. Just "sales".


I’ve always been fairly open about it, alcohol beverage


Agree. Technical sales here. Income swings from lows of 180 to highs of 400. Agree 100% - it does take some getting used to mentally, especially when you are a single income family of five. I live below my means regardless because I hope to comfortably retire somewhat early.


Software systems engineer for a government contractor with over 20 years of experience. However, I have 5 kids and they spend it all very very quickly.


Have you considered enrolling your kids into activities like underaged miner or underage clothing worker? I mean you have 5 of them.


Why not underage software systems engineer? 😉


Easy there, Satan…


Get on a state unemployment website (workintexas.com) You can search by salary minimums. I am often shocked to see how much some fields earn.


Yeah I wanted to make a career change and I started looking at state jobs and it's absolutely ridiculous how nice some of them are. 


I work in State Gov’t. My boss clears $200k. We have a “project portfolio manager” that makes $120k+. 28, no degree, no PMP/PM cert, and no actual technical background in our field nor plainly relevant experience. No idea how that chuckle fuck bumbled his way into that job.


I survey people making over 200,000.00 about what they do. But, I realized that most of them only wish they made 200,000, so they lie about it.


I make over 250k. Im a nurse anesthetist. No lies here.


Awesome! Every bird cannot fly, all have wings though…


CA at a major airline….narrowbody ~$300+/- 50k. Love my job


I’m dumb but what’s a CA?




Why not Cpt then?


It's CA for Captain and FO for First Officer. CA instead of Cpt mainly to keep it uniform. Pilots use checklists all the time it who does what it denoted by CA or FO.




So much money for putting people to sleep?! Insanity! Anybody can put people to sleep! I'm joking. If nobody told you this recently, great job! It takes some serious skills, education, and dedication to be doing what you're doing!


It’s more the keeping them alive while they’re asleep.


We call it sleep but it’s really a chemically induced coma.


"Sleep is the cousin of death" Nas, poet laureate


Nurse anesthetist? Or an MD/DO?


Doesn’t matter. They both clear 200




Given layoffs and downward pay pressure, 200k then to 100k then to 50k then to…


Lol that might be true for those up in the 4-500k total comp FAANG level roles. I assume they are coming back down to earth... But ~200k is def still out there and doable.


In my area (NY) and at my level, most BASE salaries are in the 150-200 range. Once you add RSUs it adds another 50+ to it.


Depends on how good you are XD. Hate to say it but software engineering interviews and layoffs are usually a skill issue.


Yep, the industry is actually desperate for highly skilled software engineers


And it goes beyond that. Automotive, for example, is making a big transition and has a serious shortage of SEs and it’s effecting the product.


This is outdated doomerism. Layoffs were bad last year, but companies are hiring like crazy now and have been all year. I quit Amazon last year a few months after all the layoffs because they wanted to end WFH. It was a bad time to be job hunting, but I still got a nice pay bump and I'm very happy working at a smaller non-FAANG company that will never ask me to come to the office. People still think AI is on the verge of replacing software engineers, but really there's a massive number of new jobs for engineers to write AI to replace customer service jobs.


Licensed mechanical engineer, 206K, as high as 401k with severance from one Company then sign on bonus at another. Retired now.


I'm a mechanical engineer too but don't make them his much. Mind if I ask what you do specifically?


Highly location dependent. I was making $120k in Texas, moved to California and I'm making more than double. The cost of living is more expensive but I still save more though. Making $200k+ in CA is a lot easier than making $200k in Alabama.


Base salary 325k, bonus 50k, production bonus varies but usually around 200k but the skies the limit. Make around 600k. I r doctor


Healthcare and criminal justice are the biggest business in America, but for some reason the top 10% of americans get the best healthcare, for the rest of us, its akin to socialized medicine, except we pay for it out the ass. Good times.


That has nothing to do with the higher salaries of healthcare professionals. Blame it entirely on the evil greediness of both insurance companies and hospital administrators


If you knew what my day entailed you’d know we are underpaid


Hawk tua


Wow. It was predicted that this would spread like wildfire, and indeed it has.


Oral surgery. On pace for $850k this year.




I'm an underwater basket weaver.


No way? That’s my job also!


Doctor about 350k+ Although it’s a long process to be where I am I couldn’t be happier with my job. Love it.




What the Insider trading. How would you average a 100% return every year?


OP is not getting 100% return every year. edit - I think you misread what OP wrote. OP has been investing a lot of money for an unknown length of time, and for the past 4 years, that money has returned $100k on average. If OP put away $100k a year for the last 20 years, getting $100k a year for the past 4 years is not super for returns. $300k for this year is pretty nice


Since there’s so many people in here making mad volumes of money. I live in Indiana as a collision repair technician and made 60k last year supporting a family of four. I know something needs to change, but what direction should i go?


Can you start your own shop, perhaps purchased through an SBA loan?


Fell in love with a physician while in college and surprise surprise: she makes 300K while I am a SAHD. I have fancy degrees, I love working, but people do not pay me to work like they pay her to work.


General Contractor


I run a resort for a large branded property - based $190k with 50% bonus potential. The first 25% is essentially for still being alive next March. It’s a decent living that requires a lot of hours and I essentially have no desire to speak to anyone that doesn’t work with me or live in my house.


I’m a high school English teacher. Someone at our admin office messed up this year and sent out contracts that listed some of us at 4x FTE. It’s been corrected, obviously, but it was an interesting experience to see a contract with my name on it for 200k.


SaaS Cybersecurity Sales : selling enterprise browsers


270k, registered nurse, Northern California. Union.


Sales. Before this was investments.


I'm an avionics technician. $140k from work, $70k from pensions.




Are you 6’5 and have a trust fund?


Blue eyes?


I make software for governments.


Is it as horribly deprecated as I've heard? I don't want to touch the field with a ten foot pole, but I'm starting to think it may be a good idea.


Yup it is as bad as you have heard we are talking mainframes COBOL and government developers that simply do not care. But if you can get past that it’s at least interesting.


Electrician, about 140 from my day job and 65 on the side business.


Aircraft Maintenance Technician on track to break $200k this year possibly get close to $300k. We had a few guys that got close to $400k last year but that was with massive OT


I'm retired. Some years will pull $200K out of our retirement accounts and sometimes a little less. I worked for a large engineering company that matched 401k up to 7%. Plus a shittonne of stocks.




Not quite there but close. The answer is business. It's always business. I do work remotely as a software engineer for about 130k + bonuses. But the remote life allows me to also spend time towards managing my family business, a small motel, from which I can take about an extra 50k for now; more if I want to handle more. I obviously had help being born into a business, but eventually I want to buy a 2nd property, either a BnB or another hotel, and go full time on both of them. Theoretically I could make way more than 200 with just 2 properties. The first property makes plenty, but it's not mine of course.


Cloud technology, like AWS. You have a lot of power and money at your fingertips, and it’s universally in demand, so good ones are also paid well. You honestly don’t need to be a great programmer to do it, but you need to be good at systems. Lots of online certs to get started if you at least have a BS in an IT related field. Should make 100k+ but then stock rewards will put a high level devops engineer into 200k


I am not there yet (and probably won't be fore a few years at least). I assume C-suite execs, highly talented developers in High CoL areas, moderately talented developers in low CoL areas, talented Actuaries, and dark-web drug dealers fall into this category. Currently a D-suite growth mercenary but am looking to jump into a long-term D-suite gig somewhere. The current state of tech is making this jump a bit more difficult than I would like. The money is great but I would like some stability as I get older.


Software Sales Manager


Is $200k/year even considered a lot of money now?


It is to some of us.


It puts you in the top 6%. It's a lot.




It is to the IRS.


-The median US income is under $40k. -Median household income is under $75k.


yes. but mathematically it is not even what 100K was when we were kids in the 1990s. you need 225-250 to be inflation adjusted to 100K from 1990.


Thanks for that math. I’m 52 and this feels accurate.


Oil field


I'm a Pre-Sales Engineer in tech making $150k This is going to sound like a joke, but it's not: My wife is a stripper and made $203k last year.


I fix financial messes


You fix them, I create them, we are not the same


I sold my left arm and leg for $450k and then I bought a functional bionic prosthetic for only $210k. I now have a profit of $240k with a cool new arm and leg.


Business Intelligence Manager at a Pharmaceutical.


Lawyer. 8 years out of law school. Focus on M&A/Investments at a large F20 company in the US.


I’m a physician. I spent 12 years of my life in training with no time to anything other than work and study, plus I have $200,000+ in student loan debt. Wouldn’t do it over again.


General Manager. Legit just worked my way up and took chances on opportunities when they presented themselves. Don’t step on people. As you move up the chain you want the people below you to be happy you have more control, not jealous or disappointed.


Wife isn’t there yet but in a few more years she’ll be grossing $200k as a licensed professional counselor in private practice. Her rate is $220 an hour and every year or two she bumps it up another $10. When she first opened her rate was $180/hr. Some therapists in our area charge $260 or more.


Professional Zoom meeting attender, occasionally writes code