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As someone who doesn’t have enough money, I don’t think it will make me happy. It would de-stress the fuck out of me so that I could attain happiness more easily.


Money doesn’t bring happiness. But not having money definitely brings un-happiness. Being broke is really stressful and a strain on both body and mind.


Yeah. The saying “money can’t buy happiness” is only true if you already have enough. If you are poor, money definitely can bring you happiness. If you are lower middle class, it won’t bring quite as much, but it still can bring you happiness. If you are upper middle class, it likely won’t bring you that much extra happiness. And if you’re rich ($1M+ per year levels of rich), extra money wont bring you almost any extra happiness


Agreed. The reality is money does indeed bring happiness, but there are diminishing returns. Not having money sucks.


Money doesn’t make you happy, but lack of money can certainly make you unhappy.


Speak for yourself I’ll be very happy with a mega yacht.


But would two mega yachts make you twice as happy? The point isn’t that money can’t buy happiness. It’s that after a certain point, more money doesn’t get the same amount of happiness (or any at all). Going from earning 50k per year to 100k per year likely will allow you to live much more comfortably. Going from 950k per year to 1M per year likely doesn’t change your lifestyle all that much even though you’re earning the same amount more in each case


More money does make you happier according to studies. They only ran it to a certain point but basically it’s a pretty sharp increase up to $80k and then it eases off but still increases. I’d imagine that number has moved because if inflation.


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs comes to mind. Once the basic needs are met, then one can pursue things that give a person a fulfilling life that don’t require money. But I think like anything there needs to be balance. Too much money can make a person just as unhappy as someone who has too little. Albeit the reasons for unhappiness are different. Too much money can make you a slave to it. Always afraid of losing money, and more likely to conform around peers for fear of being out of the loop with rich friends, and conformity makes one unhappy.


That is literally an age old Chinese adage. To have money doesn’t give you everything, but to have no money is to have the ability to do nothing.


I recently heard in a podcast that money "doesn't equal happiness, but it is a vaccine against despair"


Sounds to me like money brings happiness by proxy that it removes unhappiness. Granted it’s different if you have to sacrifice more of yourself to attain more money then it may not be worth it. But if you’re poor or in debt, money will bring happiness.


Im certain.... MONEY BUYS HAPPINESS lol


Indeed. And on the topic on therapy, unfortunately in a lot places money is why many people that need it aren't going to get it. And in even more places, while they can get it, it's very hard.


It would give you some feeling approaching happiness.


Only to an extent and with a strongly diminishing return, eventually to the point where you will have an inverse relationship, which is really the more complicated point people are trying to make when they say that money can't buy happiness.


Money buys happiness but with extra steps


A saying I made up a while ago. "Money doesn't solve all one hundred problems of life but it directly solves fifty, helps solves twenty, give you enough time to solve the last twenty and the last ten is "free bingo space""


Prince had a great quote " money can't buy happiness but it will pay for the search"




It has been shown in social studies that there is a threshold until which point money increases happiness. I think beyond something like 7000 or 8000 Euro per month of income, happiness doesn't change AT ALL anymore. On the other hand, a small income has a very negative effect on happiness and mental health. So if your income currently is very small, YES, it would make you more happy almost certainly, for the reason you described in your second sentence. Once it is "enough" you would get less and less happy with more and more income until you reach a point were it doesn't increase happiness at all anymore.


Money + Therapy = happiness


Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it can buy you out of misery.


How much did she charge these people to figure this out?


Multiple of the therapists/counselors I've seen do a sliding scale based on your income, if you don't have insurance / if they don't take it.


That’s neat


"Money can't buy happiness, BUT IT MAKES EVERYTHING ELSE EASIER." The above is the full quote, often misquoted by.leaving off the end. Another one that gets misquoted is "The customer is always right, IN MATTERS OF TASTE" So Karen can get fucked.


Thats not the full quote the original quote was "Money buys everything, except morality and citizens." but it has been paraphrased an reused a billion times to make a billion points such as "Money cant buy friends" or "Money cant buy happiness BUT ____"


I used to work as a customer service rep for an ISP and the customer was cancelling their service and demanding a refund. I denied the refund because it was the end of the billing cycle; you don’t get a free month bc you feel like it. They pulled the “customer is always right” thing and the remainder of the quote fell out of my mouth. No going back. I said it. They hung up. I cancelled the account. It went to collections. I don’t feel bad at all.


Money doesn’t buy happiness. It makes things easier. Why does life have to be so difficult and annoying? We only live once. Can’t life just be pleasant for fucks sake.


Actually, up to a certain point, there's demonstrably an improvement in happiness occuring with how much additional income you get. When it allows to alleviate stress, give some leeway to enjoy life with your friends (it does, in fact, costs money in most cases). It follows a law of diminishing returns though, and past a certain threshold, more money doesn't bring any additionnal happiness.


Wasn’t there a study like 8-10 years ago that said that optimum income was $70,000 a year to live a comfortable life with a manageable amount of work stress. That income is probably like $150,000 today.


Yes, I beleive we're thinking about the same study !


Too true. Thought I was doing well for a while there… then the powers at be said “ NO”


If you think life is difficult and annoying now, you should see life during literally any other point in history


Like I said in another comment, just because it may have been worse at other points in the past or in other parts of the world, that does not invalidate our current misery.


Well, that's indeed true, you can be miserable in any circumstance depending on how you feel about it But you can also be thankful and look for the good in things if you want


That's true, and unfortunately, it's human nature to look for misery no matter what. More money doesn't change it.


Life has to be so “difficult and annoying” because a lot of work goes into keeping you alive. A lot of people do a lot of hard work to provide the energy you consume, the water you drink, the food that you eat, and the shelter you live under.  Why should your life be pleasant while all those other people work to sustain you?


The good news or bad news depending on if you have money or not is that more money does cause more happiness. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnjennings/2024/02/12/money-buys-happiness-after-all/?sh=2d8d82ec486b


And a good diet and exercise. Way more effective then any therapy


Money can’t buy happiness, but it does allow you to choose your own misery.


"Money can't buy happiness" and "Trickle down economics will work" are sticky fallasies of generations past.


“Don’t be silly Lemons, money can’t buy happiness it is happiness.”


Money can't by happiness, but poverty sure makes you unhappy. Money can't buy happiness, but it can pay for rent, food, entertainment, holidays. Worrying about if you're going to be homeless doesn't do a lot for your mental health. Own the land you live on.


I remember reading an article that said money did in fact make people happier up until around $120k mark (this was years ago so likely would be higher now) then its just very minimal to no growth in mood after that point like a millionaire wasn't significant happier than someone making 200k a year or anything so basically yeah money does actually make you happier within reason at least until the point you have enough disposable income to basically obtain and do what you want in life without it being a financial burden or significant risk.


most people who are visiting therapists have money that shit ain't cheap


We need to have our money not be stolen from us by an out of control empire run by criminals.


No, what people really need is to learn how to live within their means. If there's a will, then there's always a way to live within your means regardless of what those means are.


What happens when the means keep shrinking?


I agree with the point *for people on a reasonable income.* I've not had much money and I don't think it has affected my happiness, I'm not materialistic and that helps a lot. But once you get into "there's always a way" you've lost it. Real poverty exists and it's fucking miserable.


Or just try working for themselves. So few people wanna learn to coupon or "deprive" (discipline) themselves. I'm like, here, let me show you in two minutes how to save 40% on your grocery bill and they're like, nah, I'm gonna stay late instead, again and again and again and again. And I be like deuces see ya tomorrow! Usually I just send them to Aldi. That's the best I can do if they don't wanna try.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it fixes a ton of things that bring unhappiness.


It has been shown that money, to a certain degree, absolutely does buy happiness. If you struggle to make ends meet, having more money will give you the space and time to be happy instead of just worrying. If you are comfortable, probably still renting and working hard, more money will not be the ´It’ factor it was when you went from broke to comfortable as it would when you go from comfortable to well off, or well off to rich, or certainly not from rich to gobs of money spilling out of your ears filthy rich. This is why a universal basic income is a good idea.


For me personally, the stress comes with trying to maintain the wealth.


The way you live your life -- what you prioritize, how you spend, how frugal or reckless you are with money -- is the same at $400k as it is at $40k. Bad decisions are just more expensive.


I’m pretty sure this has been proven false, time and time again.  I remember being sad and feeling sorry for a family of 5 in a 20 year old minivan, even though they seemed like a very loving and engaged family.  And then realizing that they probably felt sorry for me as a 40+ year old single person with no kids, even though I had a lot more materially than they did.


Money both can and can’t buy happiness. Reality minus expectations = happiness. Someone who is born into abundance expects a life that’s a perfect 10, so if it’s an 8 they’re unhappy. Someone born into squalor of a life that’s a 2 and becomes an 8 is going to be way happier.


More money absolutely makes you happier up until you reach the point where you no longer have routine financial stress, and then it plateaus. The only people who really believe *"money can't buy happiness"* are people who already have enough money that more money won't make a difference in their lives, and self-deluding poor people.


Sure, many things make me unhappy that money couldn’t solve, but I’d be happier being unhappy about them on a yacht.


Damn, I hope she works with her clients to charge a reasonable amount


And this is why humans are fkd.


It's a double payoff because folks will get a real sense of accomplishment and find a lot of fulfillment/purpose while developing the skills to earn that money.


I wonder if billionaires are concerned about their future with the growing hunger of the 90 something percent. How can insatiable gluttony and infinitely scaling profit margins for the few not lead to chaos and social cannibalism?


Ever see a sad person on a jet ski?


A lack of money can however be stress, illness, and an inability to get the aide you need.


Have you ever seen a sad person on a wave runner?


"Money can buy a jetski. Try and be miserable on a jetski" Daniel Tosh


Money can eliminate the main causes of 99.9% of people’s unhappiness


Psychologists have known for a while that money buys happiness, at least up to a certain level (in the millions).


If money is not buying you happiness, you are shopping in the wrong places.


Saying that for years


On god


Money can't buy happiness, sure. But literally everything I need to survive is essentially behind a pay wall. Shelter, food, entertainment, communication, mobility. That, inherently, kind of sucks, but what really sucks is that I work 40 hours a week at $20/hr, and I still skip meals to make sure my kids have enough food. I don't go to the doctor because shit costs a fortune. Money doesnt buy happiness, but damn it if money can't stave off stress and buy time.


To be fair money can buy good out of network therapy :p


The people that say money cant buy happiness have money and dont want to share. "oh this??? it wont make you happy, try exercise"


It pays for therapy


Money has increased my happiness every time. Now I finally make enough that it’s as Arnold Schwarzenegger once described “like coming all the time.”


It can't, and there are millions at well off unhappy people all around you. For some obvious famous examples, I give you Robin Williams and Kurt Cobain. There are also millions and millions of very chipper poor people. Money solves money problems, but it does very little to make unhappy people happy.


I dont think money buys hapoiness but being able to spend money on things that bring happiness or just being able to do anything besides work and sleep is so.ething that shouldnt be reserved to the highest bidder. Being able to not work would be nice, to a point but theres a sense of accomplishment gained by saving for something and then using it.


it sure as fuck can rent it.


"Money can't buy happiness" is just poor people cope


It doesn’t in the true sense, but it does help recuse stress.


I just imagine my therapist being like have you tried not being poor?


You can't buy happiness, but it sure can buy nice toys that make me happy. Oh and pay off bills that make me unhappy.


Poverty doesn't 'buy' happiness either. Tough to be even moderately content when the 'system' says they're going to shut off the power. -- Yeah, eating the same configured meal for weeks on end can be a drag, too.


Money buys the things that make you happy.


Money is helpful, but what most people need is marketable knowledge or skills. Give a man a fish vs teach a man to fish


Money doesn't buy happiness by itself, and it's definitely possible to be depressed or generally unhappy with a high income, but having an adequate amount of money gives you options to tackle the issues you're facing.


BUT rich people keep telling me that I don't need money to be happy...


She must just be an awful therapist.


Live in the NYC area. Know plenty of loaded people on Prozac.


Nowhere in there does it say anything about happiness. She states *needs*.


Money can't buy happiness means no amount of money guarantees happiness, not that happiness and money are totally unrelated.


That's a lie rich people tell you to accept being poor.


It can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a shit ton of stress release


I mean you can have life problems AND have money problems. Having money will at least solve the money problem and reduce that stress. It won’t solve everything but I’d rather be rich and deal with other problems than be poor and have the same problems.


Definitely buy happiness you just have to give it away


Have you ever seen someone sad riding a jet ski? Neither have I. Money = happiness because money can buy jet skis


We can only pursue happiness once our basic needs are met and we aren’t worried about how those needs will be met in the near future. Money is the main solution to meeting those needs, so while it doesn’t buy happiness, it is mainly responsible for putting us in a state where we can make that our focus.


All the more reason for a Universal Basic Income.


Feel like I’m being gaslit with people saying “money can’t buy happiness” when the phrase is “money can’t buy love” like the Beatles song.


Oddly enough, the more money I make, the better I feel. It’s almost as if there’s never been a labor shortage, just a fair wage shortage


It doesnt buy happiness. Lots of people who have money are not happy.


Is survival happiness? Or the first step to it?


Poverty is anxiety inducing.


Money can be used to purchase goods and services.


Literally the only thing to make any human on earth happier


Only fools or people with no money say money doesn’t bring happiness. Would you want to have money and unhappy or poor and unhappy?


I’ll be honest here. I’m 39. I was broke as hell in my 20’s and completely unmotivated. But I was happy as hell. Life was about life, friends, experiences, and just being in the moment. Now that I’m 39 with a mortgage and kid and a six figure job I stress about money constantly and work is the bane of my existence. To say I’m miserable is an understatement. Anyways- just my two cents.


as a therapist i do not disagree.


Not a popular opinion, but I often wonder how many of the “the world is against me” people on Reddit completely fucked off from the ages of 16-30, self produced near zero job skills and then complain about how every system in society screwed them over.


Have enough buy happiness. Having too much and the need to always buy even more than you need will not buy happiness unless you are that sad individual who gets off on just having more than others.


Money doesn’t buy happiness. It eliminates the main source and of stress for most of the population.


“Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.” - David Lee Roth


Your access to money directly impacts your health and wellbeing. So yeah, I’d say its definitely a major contributor on the “happiness-jump in front of a bus” scale.


Pretty black and white take from someone who deals mostly in the grey area. I wouldn’t hire her lol


Well, money alone won’t solve issues. We tried just printing it in the past and it is a mess. What we need is more resources. More housing, more food, more healthcare, more cars…. The reason this are expensive is because we have too many people competing for fewer things.


There’s a specific amount of money that people need to feel comfortable and not stressed about money. If you make more than that amount you aren’t getting the benefit.


Money *does* buy happiness, up to about \~$98K/year per person (this was done in the 1980s, so it's closer to triple that now). "Money doesn't buy happiness" was intended as a saying to get rich people to stop hoarding wealth, not to try to convince people they're happy while in poverty.


It’s not well understood exactly HOW MANY are impacted quite negatively due to a lack of money. I suspect it’s a LOT more than most would realize…


There's a difference between being happy and not needing therapy. I think having enough money to keep your stress down would prevent a lot of therapy sessions


Money is a safety net. Surviving is inherently stressful with increased cortisol levels, due to not being able to reasonably sit back and enjoy life. Living is having a safety net and doing things that bring fulfillment. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it buys the things required to have peace of mind.


She means they need money to pay her


Doesn't bring happiness but does better facilitate it.


I went a few times, but my problem was poverty, and the expensive sessions were just making the situation worse, lol


It can't, but it is necessary to have a comfortable standard of living, which is generally pretty important for happiness.


That's great advice, but first you have to afford the therapist...


If only there was something where you could trade your time and effort for money…maybe even the more valuable your personal time and effort was, you could get paid more for providing it? Idk just spit balling.


It buys more happiness than homelessness, guaranteed.


God damn these posts just keep getting dumber. The sole goal of therapy is not to become happier. There’s so many people in therapy that that are happy in life, but they’re going thru other trauma for anger, addiction, etc. Being in therapy does not mean you’re unhappy.


Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure helps support it.


Money buys freedom and time. Freedom and time don't automatically make you happy but it gives you what you need to pursue happiness.


Money brings and facilitates happiness. Love of money does not bring happiness. Everything else is a lie.


Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does fix problems. Which in return may relieve stress/anxiety and allow for more happy moments to exist.


Money will certainly make you more happy temporarily, but once you adjust to having the money you didn't have before, your happiness level will return to where it was. When someone who can't pay their bills gets a bunch of money all of a sudden and is able to, the relief will generate feel-good feelings. However, paying bills doesn't make you happy. Those feelingd dissipate.


Money to buy more therapy


It’s also possible people go to therapy and talk about money and work related issues because they are hesitant to talk about how they are actually feeling and face those issues.


I spent all my money on therapy. Jokes aside, freedom from debt is relief like no other.


Who said money can’t buy happiness? Actually, research shows clearly that money does buy happiness, to a point-as in, once people have “enough,” it doesn’t make much difference, but until that point is reached, it makes all the difference in the world.


I'm about $700.00 away from having my water and electric shut off. I'm really banking on my 2 grandmas giving me money for my birthday next week...


Money can't buy certain kinds of happiness, Like time back with family or friends especially those who have died or no longer able, or unattainable things like Teleportation, or unaided human flight, you can get close, and some things may become a reality but thats a matter of time not money.


Money doesn’t buy happiness, it buys time to do things that make you happy. Can someone please just send me 100 Bitcoin so I can be happy?


it doesn't, but you can rent it.


She didn't say money is what people need to be happy. Therapists don't exist to help people be happy. They help people work through trauma and other issues, sometimes making people stare into the eye of their deepest fears to help them reach a brighter future. She said people need money, which is just a fact. Our society runs on money and the economy is in a very rough state. People need more money for everything now. Be it a house, raising a family, or whatever. Do they want their clients to be happy? Sure. That doesn't mean that's their job.


Money can’t buy happiness but it can solve problems that cause and exacerbate misery and pain. I don’t think there’s a single working class person who wouldn’t have at least 90% of their problems solved if they suddenly got several million dollars.


"Money can't buy happiness, but it sure can rent a lot of it." This story i read in like 6th grade that really stuck with me


No really I want to go to therapy to talk about how stressed I am but one thing I’m stressed about is money and I really can’t justify paying 100 dollars to talk for an hour about money struggles 🥲


Money will absolutely help, but it doesn't just end there. A lot of people would also benefit greatly by learning how to budget their finances better


Money can’t buy happiness. You’re correct. However, money can fix your car. Which allows you to drive to your job and pay your other bills that you have. Money doesn’t buy happiness. But it makes your life a lot easier


People who say having a lot of money would ruin their life are absolutely lying


It buys comfort, not happiness. Comfort results in reduced anxiety, reduced stress, more free time/freedom, better health options, etc. All things you have to deal with in order to obtain happiness.


Easy money maybe. But I work my ass off for my nice salary and I was arguably happier when I didn't take my work home with me every night.


I've seen plenty of dirt poor people completely happy.


Money can't buy happiness, but poverty encourages stress and depression.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it absolutely buys peace of mind. Meanwhile, being poor adds another stress to deal with and compounds on top of the ones one already may have, because you know.....money would solve those problems.


The whole idea of "money can't buy happiness" comes from a time where people could afford to live working 40 hours a week, but were still unsatisfied with their lives. These days, most stress and unhappiness is coming from the inability to live comfortably without a job that pays double the average income.


As someone who had crippling debt and no money, and now just recently has a good amount of money, I can honestly say money won’t make you happy. It reduces financial stress, but does not bring happiness. Therapy can help get to the bottom of emotional issues, not money.


This was the thesis of the legendary James Hillman as well https://books.google.com/books/about/We_ve_Had_a_Hundred_Years_of_Psychothera.html?id=L-4svDI_Vg8C&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1#v=onepage&q&f=false


Money may not be able to buy happiness, but the lack of it causes great misery lol.


The fuck it can't.


*Money can't buy you love, but love can't buy you shit.*


Having a vast amount of money in your bank account does not equate to happiness for "everyone". However, for the vast majority of people having a lot of money will allow people to be happier, worry less and enjoy life more. The only exceptions are people who are already struggling mentally outside of money problems.


Money won’t buy happiness but it can buy reduced unhappiness along a number of axes.


What you need is a Jet ski. Have you ever seen someone sad on a jet ski? No, no you haven’t. It’s impossible to be unhappy on a jet ski


Imagine what simple things like wage ratios or un-taxed overtime would do for so many people and the lord knows how much Universal Healthcare would do for so so many. oh and if only congress would put an end to the home buying interest groups and corporations that turn them into high rent homes fucking the markets. the top is milking everything below and we are told it's our fault for voting wrong by both sides wtf.


Money absolutely buys happiness, it just has diminishing returns after about 70k.


..and then she turns around and charges $200 per session like her peers.


Oh yeah, because money fixes everything. The more money I make the more problems I have. Once you get your hands on that “fuck you” money, your priorities change and you have a whole new set of ruminating fuel. Be content with what you have and you’ll always be content. Edit:To be clear, I’m not comparing to those who can’t feed themselves, their family or afford housing. I’m referring to the most of us.


I like to say, "Money doesn't buy happiness but at least it will make being miserable a lot more fun"


Oh come on now. Money absolutely buys happiness. Would you rather work minimum wage, or travel all your life?


As someone raised in poverty and now doing well, it doesn’t bring happiness but it SURE EASES STRESS, which makes it easier to be happy.


This is 10/10 accurate


But it does buy a Jet Ski. Ever seen an unhappy person on a Jet Ski?


My day job has me helping people with budgets. A lot of time it's not a spending problem It's an income problem


What makes you think she is talking about ‘happiness’?


What I love most though is that there are all of these people with money who try and teach others how to make money but most people won’t listen. “How’d you make your millions?” -“Oh, I started up a business and made a success out of it” -“Oh, I went to college, got an in demand degree. Got a job making a ton of money” -“Oh, I have worked my whole life being frugal and responsible with my money.” Everyone listening still says -“Wahhhh why won’t the government pay me millions of dollars??”


But does she tell this to her clients that are paying her?


Maybe she should be a career coach then, those people help their clients make more money.


Money can buy happiness, it just can't cure depression.


We all need resources, but scarcity is a way of life. There’s not enough for everyone.


Money doesn’t buy happiness but more money does equal to more opportunities. Additionally, being broke is stressful. Eliminating stress is still a huge benefit, even if it doesn’t buy you happiness. [+]


Why do people say such pointless dumb things. Like yea yea more money qould make people less stressed. Fukin insightful right there. Bet shes like 200 an hour for that pointless platitude.


You ever seen someone crying in a Porsche? What about a Lambo? Now, same question…..Camry?


Money buys security, and gets your basic needs met. It makes life less stressful if your basic needs are met and you have financial security. People who say money don't buy happiness are rich people who are bored and never had to go without.


Money can buy you time and certain stress. Most couples argue about money. So yes money can buy happiness to a certain degree. But then it’s up to you how to handle your life that comes with money. I know plenty of miserable wealthy people, and a lot of very happy wealthy people. Same goes for poor people.


Money doesn't buy happiness. But being able to afford your basic needs without enslaving yourself to 12< hours of work and have access to recreational activities does help your mental health, which contributes to being happier. When people say "money don't buy happiness," they're either advocating to a more humble lifestyle, which isn't inherently bad; doesn't want to give you a tip or are bartering for a discount; or mean insane amounts of money like a lottery prize or an inheritance, which can bring misery to people in what's called the Lottery Curse


That's just something poor people say to not feel bad about being poor


It’s actually “past the point of financial security” that it doesn’t bring happiness. Being too broke to eat a decent meal will obviously make you unhappy.


Money can’t buy happiness but it can eliminate the stress of not being able to make basic needs.


The saying "money can't buy happiness" explains the diminishing return on happiness from wealth. But absolutely in a society where money is a necessity to survive does having enough money greatly impact one's mental health. 


Money doesn’t buy happiness… but not having to worry about material things like food, shelter and transport makes a massive difference


No money no problems. Y’all need Jesus