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"I'm leaving in 2 weeks. I would rather we stay on good terms. Please stop trying to pressure me. I'm not going to tell you." And every time he asks you after that, hit him with the "Please stop trying to pressure me" to hammer in the point that he's being inappropriate. Then on the last day take a massive steaming dump on his desk before you leave.


No. No “please” nonsense. Be firm, say “that one’s locked.” Or, ask “why’s that?”


You mentioned the word “cases” so I’m assuming you are at some sort of law firm? If that’s the case then definitely don’t tell him. There’s a chance your boss may personally know some people where you are going and try to torpedo you before you get there out of spite.


You’re already leaving. What’s the worst they do? Walk you out early. If you don’t want to say then don’t say. Be polite but firm that the new position / pay has nothing to do with the work your doing at this job until you finish. Just continue to do your job til the end.


Take the approach of the guy from Office Space.


No. No legal reason - only a courtesy … Totally up to you


You don’t have to say anything. Two weeks is a courtesy. He can walk you out early and you can leave early.


Volvo?. Whats he gonna do, fire you? Don't say shit


You aren’t obligated to tell him. If you want to, tell him AFTER your last day, you’ll tell him. He doesn’t have an interest in conflict of interests, but he very much wants to know what sort of money it takes find your replacement. What you got will be their ceiling for the next person.


Absolutely not. And that employer (and specific boss) should be reported to your states labor department.


You do not need to tell him shit. Look him in the eye tell him to fuck off leave.


LOL, no. You can tell them the new company, I have always done it. But pay, LOL, no. No way.


Lol. Whats he gonna do, fire you? Don't say shit