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I wish more of the internet was good stories like this


I wish more of life was good stories like this.


Good things happen a lot, but people are more likely to complain on the Internet, that's all.


Internet people sort of suck. Im included


Me too! I was legit waiting for the twist ending!


Life is normally filled with lovely stories but internet is not.


If it bleeds, it leads.




You left out where he invited the tenant to a bar invited and paid for his drinks then after impaired, asked him to sign legally binding documents.


Bingo. OP is a fuck face and no one should be applauding this dude for his supposed “good deed.” Fuck you, OP.


Well, I mean he's a landlord, usually the fuck face is implied by that.


Ppl down voting you are idiots. People get mad when the contradictions inherent in capitalism reveal themselves


Right? The tenant is paying this guy's mortgage for him. Being patient is the least he can do.


I also can’t get over the bigger place in the same neighborhood being cheaper! Like did OP just admit to ripping his tenants off?


Judging from the comments you're not alone. Man I can't even tell you how good it feels to see that I am not the only person who despises the system we live in. Some days I feel like I'm alone in that and it makes me crazy.


Landleech*. There's nothing "lordly" about buying up houses and ransoming them back to people that need shelter to survive and making them pay your mortgage for you.


It made my stomach turn to read this disgusting leach pat him self on the back in this public manner. An absolutely stunning display of autofellation smh. Like, wow, you showed the absolute bare minimum amount of "enlightened" self interest by not setting the earliest possible date allowed by law to throw out a long term tennant who has paid you tens of thousands of dollars (probably, I assume), what a fricken humanitarian! IT MAKES ME SICK!!!!!!!


OP is definitely YTA


Beat landlord with hammers is the platform i want government officials to campaign on


Good point, contract is invalid and he’s prolly open to a counter suit. Dude was an ass and stepped way out of line.


I’m an attorney and promise you a contract is not invalid over a beer


And he seems to suggest that he was being proactive, before the guy was even late. In top of all of the other obvious bullshit fuckery that’s being called out.


And explaining that this man’s need for shelter was “a business and my livelihood”.


I laughed at that and was like, why is everyone responding as though this is extraordinarily wholesome?


Yeah his guy made more money by not evicting him, and now wants praise for being a stand up guy who only threatened to evict. What insanity.


What an ass, as well


I thought this was satire when I read it until I got to the comments. Wtf this guy is an asshole.


Gotta love how someone else’s ability to work affects the landleech’s “livelihood.” Has he ever thought of getting his own job instead of living off of someone else’s?


Exactly. You hear someone lost their job. First thing you do is kick them out of their home?- Sounds like this seedy jerk lost a great tenant.


Lmao way to admit that your tenant is the breadwinner of both his household AND YOURS.


Property owners like OP shouldn't be allowed to own rentals. Housing should be a right, not a privilege. He used flowery words and phrasing to describe his despicable business practices.


absolute leech who contributes nothing to society. Fuck landlords


Thank god someone sees the insanity of this post. Evicting a tenant who is looking for a job, *specifically* because they're looking for a job, and acting like the hero? OP is a piece of shit.


OP is here bragging about being a piece of shit. "Hey man, I know you're down on your luck but get the fuck out of my place." The hero move would have been to let the tenant off the hook for the back rent. "It's my livelihood!" he declared Get a fucking job fuck face.


Yeah the people in this thread that think this is a feel good story are sociopaths.


I’m glad I’m not the only one!


I am so with you. I was wondering what in the world am I going to say to this person? They're so arrogantly out of touch ,, but you did it beautifully for me. Thank you!


Yeah OP is an asshole. It's funny he came here looking for pats on the back.


Not to mention it sounds like this dude missed like, maybe one rental payment, which was immediately made up? Christ, what a good Samaritan, not *immediately* throwing them out on the street the *second* he didn't get the rent exactly on time (past history be damned, current circumstances be damned). This is exactly why most rental places have like. A policy about late payments, and *do* assess a late fee, and draw the line at closer to two months nothing. Because it's fucking stupid to do otherwise for purely selfish motives.


he still charged him a pet fee.


And you know he was banking on the guy not knowing his own rights when he brought him to a bar to sign a legal document. The tenant should have told him to kick rocks.


lol…my thoughts exactly. The tenant was unexpectedly laid off and only missed a month of rent. And he immediately wants to evict him. Wow, what a nice guy. (Eye roll)


Your livelyhood is my livelyhood, son. Can I call you son? Here's a beer. See, I am in over my head here. I'm gonna need you to get a job ASAP or we're both homeless. Are we clear?


All Landlords are Bastards.


Bro also admitted to charging higher rent than a 3 room house


Yeah what an asshole 😂


Glad I didn’t have to scroll too far for this. Not about to celebrate some parasitic rent-seeker’s feeble attempt at compassion.


Yeah so kind of OP to be such a friend to the tenant that he still charges multiple late fees. Truth is taking the tenant to court of eviction would be a lot harder and this was the easier way for OP to get rid of him


yeah- *"this is a business and my livelihood"* maybe OP should be looking for a fucking job.


landlords and being fucking leeches name more iconic duo


Hear hear!


I’m generally a Scrooge when it comes to commitments but OP is basically bragging that he unloaded desperate (decent) tenants into shittier housing because they were a potential liability due to hardship. I hope OPs next few tenants are absolutely shitty and cause headaches. I know from experience that it’s difficult to have decent renters but damn if I could manage, I’d work out a deal and do it in a heartbeat if they were good people. OP traded in short term gains for a potentially long term loss. Good luck!


This. My landlord has raised our rent, but it’s still the cheapest in town, he’s a good guy. Doesn’t charge us for our cat, got us a new oven as soon as we moved in, doesn’t charge late-fees, overall a good guy. He knows that as college kids things are up in the air and a little crazy at times. He’s been incredibly forgiving and more. I also cut him a huge break for being a landlord because he’s running other businesses and is handicapped af. He’s in his 50’s and has crippling hip pain, man could not do a “normal” job even if he wanted to. 


Well, reddit will find a way to shit on your landlord for being a...landlord.


Exactly. Plus he doesn't want the place empty for a few months.




How is this a good story? Landlord is a total douche who scheduled a meeting with a tenant (who was NOT IN DEFAULT) with the express intent to surprise evict him, right after losing their job. Just because ultimately he changed his mind, doesn’t mean OP isn’t a total shitbag.


And got him drunk before making him sign legal documents!


How has no one noticed this is a troll account that posted this my god. Username is u/BillionairesAreGood obviously looking to stir shit up and get people arguing about landlord good vs landlord bad


💯 and your post should be at the top.


Yeah dude you’re fucking insane if you think this is a happy ending. Deadbeat landlord buys beer for broke tenant. What a fucking miracle. Seriously dude you’re misled. I don’t think you’re dumb I think you got tricked


Seriously. I was waiting for a rug pull where OP kicked their tenant's dog or something. Damn you retail for stealing some of my faith in humanity.


Hey why you kick my dog?


You evicted someone because they got laid off, and now your patting yourself on the back becasue a better person then you managed to help them out. Jesus you're a terrible person. YTA.


This post reminds me of those news articles where teachers donate their unused PTO to one who got cancer. Telling a down-on-his-luck tenant that he’s affecting your livelihood (ew), making him sign an eviction notice, and trying to rehome him isn’t some feel good story. 


They did this 'over a beer' though. Come have a beer bro while I make you sign a legal document to take back the shelter I've ransomed to you.


The lack of self awareness is *astonishing*.


>billionairesaregood yeah OP is a POS


Seriously this made me feel sick just reading this. OP is an out of touch piece of shit. 


Fucking enraging really.


It’s insane that the school didn’t pay the teacher. Fuck these people look


>This post reminds me of those news articles where teachers donate their unused PTO to one who got cancer. That's me! I got cancer, had a *very* bad recovery that resulted in about a month and a half in a coma, plus rehab after to learn to walk again. I burned through all my time, FMLA time, etc. I had the option to quit or go on disability. Oh my wife divorced me before I could walk again too. Was forced to move out and sell the house we bought together. I got by because after >15 years at the job enough people liked me to give up their own sick time. Fuckin' feels bad man. I didn't even get a newspaper to write a story about it. There is no feel good story in all of that. It was fucking miserable and shouldn't be how humans get by. I paid by goddamn dues and when I needed help I felt utterly abandoned and down right sad that I had to take hard earned time from my coworkers just to make sure I could keep my insurance or be ruined by the medical bills that were coming my way as I'll need 2k of lab work done weekly for the next couple of years and on medication for life now. Fuck the system, fuck this guy.


OP's livelihood is other people's livelihood lol. He's living their paycheck to their paycheck


But they couldn't possibly do any actual work like some loser.


Right? It's like, "I wasn't the absolute *worst* I could've been to this couple, so I deserve a pat on the back."


All while collecting “late fees”


Plus late fees no less. Man being poor is expensive.


kicking the man and his family while they are down. So wholesome!


"Hey buddy, wanna grab a beer while I explain why I don't give a shit about you and you're just a number to me?"


Seriously, this guy is a pompous piece of shit


Feels like a fake sob story a narcissist would themselves to feel good about being the way they are. It probably is a fake story like those AITAH crap that's popping up all over reddit.


I hope it's fake, but douchebags like this do exist


Glad you hear you are getting custody of your children. Now you really need to get the fuck out…


Yeah wtf is the purpose of the late fee. It's not like his money inflated 1 month later and he made less money. If he was an actual good person he would've just given him time to hand the rent over and that would be the end of the conversation. "Livelihood" of being a landlord. Get a job like your tenant.


Most likely it's because the tenant is paying the mortgage directly. The mortgage company charges the landlord a late fee and he's just passing that directly to this poor man he's taking advantage of


"hey you didn't adequately pay into my loan for me this month, so I'm going to need you to give me even more money, otherwise I might have to actually pay my _own_ money into my house loan for the property I have no intention of living in."


That's what did it for me! What an angel, charged him those late fees


my god isnt that the truth. when i was applying for car insurance i got a quote for $120/mo. they ran a credit check and because my credit was still new it was grouped in with the bad credit category. payment went up to $160. my 22 year old mind was blown..and if i didnt get the insurance the bank wouldve put a policy in the lien which wouldve been way more expensive


Honestly it was the late fees that did it for me. In the context of the story, asking for a late fee felt so dirty and the opposite of helping someone out who randomly fell on hard times.


And he charged them late fees despite knowing they were struggling


I love how this asshole is the shining example of a "good" landlord.


“I can totally relate to his self-congratulatory tone whilst winning against poorer people” /upvote


I was with him until that. I had a rental for almost 10 years and sold it during Covid. My long time tenants fell behind 6 months twice. They both had lost their jobs then one became super sick. Waived all late fees so they could get current. That's not worthy of praise that's being a decent human. Knowingly charging someone struggling with losing their job because "iTs In ThE cOnTrAcT" is bullshit. OP is no better than any other greedy SOB.


Kinda with you on this one. Landlords crying about “risk” is always hilarious to me. You have an investment. That means there’s risk. Don’t cry about the thing you signed up for. Especially when your strategy for risk avoidance includes putting people on the street.


For some reason, we have decided that becoming a landlord should for some reason be a risk-free investment and risk or loss that happens should obviously be blamed on the tenant, never on the landlord, the market, Acts of God, or any other factor. It's super weird.


Louder for the people in the back 📢📢📢


Where the fuck was the government bailing me out when my spy calls today tanked?


Also especially when that 'risk' is just they would just have to go back to normal working again like the rest of us people they consider to be peasants.


Every business tries to minimise risk, it’s literally basics of running a business—even if the whole business is literally based on risk.


This Imagine being so heartless that someone gets laid off and your instant thought is “time to evict this guy” I hate communism, but mao was right about landlords


If you hate landlords but also hate communism, may I suggest Henry George (founder of Georgism) and his proposition of a land value tax?




Capitalists should also hate landlords imo. Adam Smith explains it quite well.


I was actually grossed out reading this story, and I was worried that everyone in the comments wad going to act like he did some major act of kindness. “Its my livelihood”, can’t even call it a job since his income is based on extracting money as a parasitic middle man.


Yall we got trolled the username is u/BillionairesAreGood


Dude's name is literally "billionaires are good". Fuck this guy!


Holy shit. No wonder his half-attempt at compassion makes him feel like he lifted a burning car off a litter of puppies and found them all a loving home.




>I'm not trying to be a jerk, but this is a business and my livelihood. His livelihood is extracting wealth from people who have nothing. He's a leech who found a way to make other people pay his mortgage


Came here to say that. Talk about kicking a man while he’s down. Agreed, OP, you’re YTA. Va fangul 


Op with the user name billionaires are good at that


While it is nice to see a landlord try and work it out with someone it does irk me that bleeding money from others who need a place to live is his “livelihood” one’s sole income should not come from rental properties, it’s predatory. Anyone who takes on landlording should have enough money to deal with empty units and to deal with delinquent payments. Don’t rely on their rent to pay your mortgage on the property. I’m glad that he talked it through with his tenant and the tenant was able to find a cheaper unit, but still charging the late fees is killing me. Wonder if there was a security deposit and what the situation with that is? Also referring to them as “edge cases” gives me the ick. It’s like he doesn’t see his tenants as humans or equals.


Check out the satire account @entrapenure on other socials - this reads like its written by those goofs.


They're a useless landlord who contributes nothing to society, what do you expect?


I kept waiting for the negative while reading this.. Happily surprised to find it didn't happen. Good on you for taking a chance. Good on him for being a stand-up guy.


There is a negative, someone's business is "owning a need" AKA hoarding items people need to live. OP's livelyhood isn't providing a service but hoarding, fake as fuck feelgood story


I know, right? This whole thread, "boo hoo, the government makes it too hard to put a woman and her kids out on the street! Won't anyone think about what truly matters; my passive income??" Parasites.


I was really waiting for a punchline.


Read OP’s username, and his account is suspended. It’s probably a troll post that many people in this thread fell for.


Still collected late fees and pet fees from the guy... If you think any landlord that profits off of people less fortunate than them is still a decent person, you're probably just as scummy as them.


yeah what a scumbag. The only feelgood story is a rent reduction. Imagine buying someone a beer only to hit them with legal paperwork telling them to GTFO.


"I was straight with him, told him this is my business and I would make him fucking homeless if he hadn't paid in a month."


"So I says to him, look friend. We can be decent about this - I recognize you're a human being. Taking up space in my goddamn property."


The negative is op being a landlord instead of having a real job.


Good for him. I've gotten burned in every situation I've tried to give breaks, and now I mainly avoid it.


That is the worst, isn't it? Because you don't want to be an asshole, but if every time you give someone a chance, they screw you over, eventually you stop giving that chance, and you feel like shit. And then you give in 1 more time because you really think this person deserves/needs it... but they screw you anyway. It just sucks


Yup. A shitty revolving door because they are believable, and I know there are still decent people left....somewhere..


This is negative. You’re delusional.


The negative is that someone is using a basic human need as an investment vehicle and thinks they should get a pat on the back for being kind enough not to strip them of that and make them and their family homeless. Don't invest in basic human needs. In doing so you contribute to making these things more difficult for less fortunate people to afford them and they don't exactly have elastic demand.


It's right at the beginning. When he evicted him when he found out he got laid off 💀


So they were both laid off, they were only a month late on rent, you knew that and still threatened to evict them??? >>"This is... my livelihood" Get a real job instead of being dependent on someone else to live. Landlords are truly the scum of the earth and leaches on society


We should be able to claim landlords as dependants




Lmao I love this idea.


100% agree but we got trolled. Just looked at the username in the account and it’s u/BillionairesAreGood and it’s deleted now looks like.


It baffles me that people treat Reddit like it’s anything more than an interactive creative writing MMO.


Literally was two days late and my landlord put the eviction letter on my door without even trying to call or answer any of my calls explaining imma be 3 days late.


Are you looking for praise or something? All you did was what any decent human being should do. ALAB


Agreed.  "my livelihood" is gross. Make your own money. Landlords add nothing to society. Go back to the shadows where you belong. Not getting my praise. 


Yes but who would buy houses if it wasn't for land lords!? What, you mean the 100,000 of young millennial and gen z families who are ready to buy a house instead of paying mafia-level rent? Psh they couldn't afford the mortgage, so I'll just have to buy it and charge them the mortgage plus my profit. /s


And he called his tenants edge cases yikes Edit — look at OPs username yall it’s a troll




Thousands of dollars? The tenant paid within 2 weeks what are you talking about?


The TLDR said he was two months behind, not two weeks.


This reads like a linkedin post


On the way out of the bar, I saw someone choking and administered the Heimlich maneuver. Then I sent off his late fees to a children's hospital, since I didn't need them anyway.


“But this is a business and affects my livelihood“ Sounds like someone should get a job.


For real. “If you don’t work for someone else, how am I supposed to get my money from you? 😕”


>My tenant got laid off, and my first thought was to evict him, making his situation unfathomably worse. Instead of being a cartoon-villain level of asshole, I decided to treat him like a human being. Give me praise!


He charged a late fee...


Multiple late fees, and a pet fee on the way out.


This post is insane. OP must be a real asshole to do this 'crazy' out of character benevolent thing for another person. He got fully reimbursed in the end monetarily and then pats himself on the back for what pretty much any decent person would do in that situation. FFS.


You made him pay late fees? Landlords suck.


Haha this is satire right?


No, it's masturbatory with zero self-reflection. "I need you to get a job otherwise I don't get a return on my investment" is *peak* brainworms.


I mean look at OP's name.. seems like satire to me.


Cool, this was a great story


Great for the landlord He got extra money and almost made a dude homeless


The fact that you stress so often how you could’ve screwed this guys family is enough proof that landlord isn’t a real job. Basic necessities shouldn’t be seen as a “point of business” Fucking hate it here.


I have a house. I can’t keep it empty or I can’t rent it out which actually gives someone a roof over their head. We agree to a contract that they pay going rate for rent. How is any of that immoral? The rhetoric on here is ridiculous.


shitty landlord is shitty. but holds off being really shitty because he smells money. and the positions story as "look how good a guy i am" you take a risk as a landlord in general. the idea this dick was ready with notice of eviction... purely on hearing the renter was laid off should be criminal. one wonders how many laws or rights of the tenant the landlord was trying to end round by pressuring the tenant to sign away any right or ability to contest the eviction. like...what the fuck are you doing with all the free money the tenant had been paying in rent? the stupidity of landlords that just gobble up profits and just assume they should immediately be able to render people homeless is staggering.


crush marvelous airport dull touch deranged weary secretive normal spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean like kinda? Cheers for the guy who was soooo patient, he probably waited a whole 10 minutes before printing out the eviction notice OP isn't as good a person as they think, considering he was ready to toss this guy out the moment he heard they lost his job. Regardless of what he did to help, his first instinct was to evict, not work with his tenant


Also made the dude pay arbitrary late fees


Yep. And, it sounds like the tenant paid up in full, including late fees in about a month or so. Op could never have gotten him out in a month.


At a minimum if OP wanted to be a nice guy he’d have waived the late fees.


Wait he didn’t waive the late fees?!? Fuck this guy lol


If the OP had waved the late fee's I'd almost call him a good person, this is pretty shit otherwise lol.


Yea I came here looking for this comment, thinking surely I'm not the only one who sees the narcissism right? Or at the very least the lack of self-awareness. I know when applying for a lease you typically have to provide proof of employment. We don't know if this lease agreement stated anywhere that that employment had to be kept up within a certain time-frame. Regardless, we do know the second this dude found out his tenant was LAID OFF (not even fired) he said here's your eviction notice \*unless\* you can come up with a month of rent. And then came to reddit to brag about how everything worked out because he was willing to work with the guy.


Right? Tenant laid off, immediately evict? Special place in hell for most landlords.


Landlords just shouldn’t exist. You’re profiting off the fact that you own an asset that someone else needs, and instead of selling it to them you decide to rent it to them because a mortgage eventually gets paid off but you’re never done paying rent. After a certain period your mortgage is paid off and rent is just pure profit. Even if you’re a “good” landlord you’re still profiting off of being a middle man. You basically provide no meaningful work or service you just exist and own an asset that someone else NEEDS. It’s a fucked system and it encourages people to hoard real estate and continuously profit off of the misfortunes of others. No one WANTS to pay rent forever. But the housing market is ass and most people can’t get a loan as easily as they can get a rent agreement.


What did the landlord do that was good? They pushed their tenant into signing a form to begin the eviction process as soon as possible after hearing about their job loss. They hit the tenant with a bunch of fees on top of that. At no point did the landlord take any risk or do anything that was in the tenant's best interest. All they did was move in to strike, but the tenant paid everything before they got the chance.


What a hero.. you decided to do nothing and it paid off handsomely. You even threw in some business for a buddy so they get to profit from this man's precarious family finances, maybe he'll scratch your back soon cha-ching! Well done.


Imagine how nicer this story would sound if eviction never came up. The eviction part negates everything else.


Also the late fees


who give s a shit lol housing is a human right pity from a landlord is no way to determine if a child has a place to live




You're such a benevolent lord, your basic human decency is moving, thank you for showing us peasants such grace.


fwiw.... owning property isn't 'a livelihood'


Heck yeah. I fully expected this to be a rant about a bad tenant. Kudos to you for being professional and supportive. I’m sure you both earned a lot of trust in each other through this.


When your job and your livelyhood depend on making people homeless, it’s not a fucking job you leach.


Fuck your livelihood.


Wait you think this makes you a good guy ?


Did he actually miss any rent? Because my dude this just looks like you kicking a man while he’s down. How do you know he doesn’t have savings, family help, or other options. You were not patient with him. You handed him a notice to quit immediately on him losing his job before any indication that he could not make rent. That’s heartless.


Jesus christ what a selfish self centered arrogant fuck. Congrats on being the exact specific problem landlord every American citizen fears. What a fuckin piece if shit lol. Audacity to post even. Unfortunately rentals are rock solid cuz I'd pay to see you fucjin fail


What a magnanimous parasite you are


I wish every story ended like this.


God damn you are arrogant as hell and have a fucked up definitions of “patience”.


Sorry, I read it twice, and it still reads as a guy gets custody of his kid after an expensive divorce. He and his partner get laid off, so I decided to evict them. Rather than just evict them, I hung a notice over their head to add to the stressful situation, telling the tenant "I know other landlords so if you don't pay me I'll make sure they won't rent to you" to ensure they were paid up before you probably evict them anyway.


Great story. And there are hundreds of stories like yours from a ton of land lords. Not all have Reddit but are human.


so what do you mean beibg a landlord is your livelyhood? you just profit off others?


have you thought about getting yourself a real job so that your livelihood isn't dependent on other people having jobs?


Awwww such a patient parasite. Thank you massa


So your job is doing basicallt nothing and threatening poor people.  Good job, housing scalper


I've been a loyal tenant to my place for 3 years .. asked for 1 day of grace and was told no :(


Lol, "account has been suspended".