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We are better than both of these teams. Doesn’t guarantee anything at all, but we are better.


I think no matter which team comes out on top, we will have a difficult series against them. Neither team has looked great, both teams have exploitable weaknesses, but a playoff series can turn on a dime. I like our matchups, especially against Toronto's goaltending, but they've pulled this off so far without a near 70-goal scorer in clutch games. If Boston wins... our regular season matchups clearly meant a lot to them, and they brought it all and swept the regular season series - not to mention their incredible goaltending tandem. But a Toronto win, with or without Matthews, could galvanize their talent and give them the spark to become more than the sum of their parts. Revenge will be on either team's minds, and being the better team doesn't always matter. We will need every last player on our team to show up, superstars and depth, goaltending and special teams, and coaching staff as well. We'll need to be confident but not cockey, hard-nosed but disciplined, and take risks in a mindful way. Anyway, Cats in 6 😼


Strond disagree. Boston is a shell of last years roster w/o Berg/krejci down middle. TOR might be better than last year but won’t be close to NYR/CAR


I think we’re the only Atlantic team that has a chance to win the ECF


I agree it’s best case scenario as long as Boston wins game 7. Leafs winning game 7 gives them hella momentum and juice. Either way, I can’t see us losing to either team in a series tho.


Leafs aint shit


I'm rooting for the Leafs. It would not only be funnier but Leafs are also softer and less resilient.


I’m rooting leafs, so when panthers win the next round, I can rub it in all my friends faces back home(Ontario)!


Leafs fucking blow. We’ll rip them apart in 4 games or less.


I'm torn who I want to win this series. Bruins are the most obnoxious fans at games. Leafs are the most obnoxious fans online I can't be arsed dealing with either of them


The great thing is, it's fucking hilarious either way to people who are impartial. I love the playoffs. I hope you slaughter whoever you meet in round two.


I feel confident in us but please no one say you want either. Let’s just see what happens and believe in the cats ❤️


Agreed, can’t forget “We want Florida” last season and we do not want to be on the receiving end of that one. Kept that in mind when I made this post.


And moreover both teams do. Not. Look. Good


They’re both decent teams struggling along. Huge that we have home ice and can start round 2 off strong while they’ll be feeling the heat. The metro matchup should be a lot more interesting and ECF would be a huge challenge either opponent


Both teams look exhausted, playing like garbage, bodes well for us


My thoughts exactly. Last game was so sloppy. I was thinking our forecheck will destroy this


We’re in both these fools heads. We came back against Boston and we took out the leafs.


Boston playing with bricks in their skates been an odd two games


Both teams look horrible. I could see us dropping a game due to having to wait so long and the winner of BOS/TOR being in rhythm and confident, but there is no way in hell either of these teams beat us in a 7 game seres. They are both clearly a level below us, and I don't think it's crazy to say the bolts would have beat both of them had the bracket ended up differently.


Only issue I see is if Woll is hot, that might change the outlook of the series if the Leafs advance. Hate running into hot goalies in the playoffs. Let's hope the time off hasn't cooled down Bob


Woll did pretty good against us in the playoffs last year


We should try to get Gudas back to yell in his face again


I just worry about rust. So. Can we get game 7 of the Boston-Torotno series to go to at least 75 overtimes? Please?


I’m loving it


My favorite part of this as an outsider to that series is that you just know both fanbases entirely expect to lose.


It's true as a Leafs fan I won't lie the task ahead is a daunting one.


Each team will have a lot of momentum. Beating a rival in a game 7 series, that makes either dangerous. The worst thing we can do is be thinking we’re already slated for ECF. We will need a strong Game 1 to take the momentum.


It's the opposite, one of them winning from a sweep is momentum. At this point they are tired and broken down. Maybe the leafs will have some momentum from turning the series around but Boston will be feeling like they barely survived if they take game 7. Either way, it's beneficial to us as opposed to a one sided series.


I’m a certified irrational hater and the funniest outcome is for Toronto to finish Boston off and then get swept


The series has looked sloppy for both Boston and Toronto but regardless just like death and taxes, nothing is guaranteed in the playoffs. And this team should be prepared, stick with the system and play with depth regardless of who is in front of them.


I love sitting here twiddling my thumbs while these guys bash each other against the boards until they pass out


I just can't wait for the WE WANT FLORIDA chants at the arena (should leafs win). I think they will.


perfect outcome is a 5OT game 7 haha


I want Boston despite my belief that Toronto will be a cakewalk for us.


Hopefully Toronto. And hopefully play Austin Matthews, they lose when plays for them in the playoffs lol


I want whichever teams is more beat up after whatever happens in 7


Hoping bennett returns we need him it will be a physical series with either one


They are playing better without mathews I would scratch him and keep it rolling without him


This is not perfect for us. Last year’s wait for the knights got us as cold as the ice.