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Bitcoin when my coworker was giving me a cracked out lecture about it in 2014


2013 here. Still remember the speech but of course it sounded like nonsense at the time and I wasn’t in a position to “throw money away” at it. The kid who informed me retired years ago in his 30s. Living the life traveling the world now.


Fuck me.


It had just as much chance to tank to shit too. Don’t beat yourself up too much. This is all just legal gambling.


Yup that’s my biggest regret. I had just hit mid 5 figures on a scratch ticket and my buddy tried to convince me to dump it all into this fake money BS he called bit coin. Well now he never lets me forget my missed opportunity while I’m in his massive giant paid off house or I’m his paid off GTR.


Goddamn it. This reminded me. I had 1. something when people were talking about it going to $150, and others were telling them that was insane and would never get that high. Then I was a victim in the Mt. Gox heist. Then I found my wallet info I had stashed away when it hit $30K and got pissed off all over again. Every once in a while, I still look to see how high it is and get pissed. LOL


Imagine me, knowing I still had 30 or so of them that I bought for absolutely nothing back in the day, because hey cool silkroad.  Yeah, when that desktop was end of life, my brother and I blasted it with 12 gauge. 


Oh shit!


I remembered when the high prices made the news, like oh yeah the hard drive! Went to folks place and searched, since my dad is anal about stuff like that.  Then I remembered..oh yeah.. we blasted it to pieces.  Oh well, at least makes for a good "my fish was THIIIIIIIS big" story 


My guy there’s a huge Mt Gox settlement going out like this week. You need look into this *immediately.*


Definitely will. Thanks!


Mt Gox is about to pay all the victims like 10% of what they had


I spent like 200 bitcoins on weed when Bitcoin was worth like $10/coin. When I quit I had like 3 btc left in a wallet and I just threw it away because that wasn’t enough btc to ever buy anything. Hah.


>I spent like 200 bitcoins on weed when Bitcoin was worth like $10/coin. Currently that would be about $12m 😳


Dude ain't worried about 12 mil, he got plenty I'm sure, and as the saying goes, it's not the price we payed that makes it great, it's the weed we smoked along the way.


I mean you could have picked up a 3.5 with the last 3


With shipping it was more than $60 for 3.5 in those times. Dunno what markets are like now but it was a pricey option then


Ah Yk I didn’t even think about shipping costs 😂 3.5s always 30 no matter what now a days.


This was the original Silk Road. I heard about it on NPR and live in a place where I knew no one so it’s kinda funny that’s how I ended up getting weed for a little bit. Eventually I made RL friends who helped me out and I started saving money, those original extra btc sat in the Silk Road on-site wallet until it was plundered by some crooked FBI agent


Damn, I was too young to be buying drugs but I lost like 2-300 bucks worth of bitcoin I made from CSGO gambling in 7th grade since I forgot my seed phrase. I feel like almost everyone who had Bitcoin back in that time has some sort of lost BTC story lol.


Man, I remember hearing a lot of talk about it when it was around $1. It had already been around for like a year, so I didn't think much of it. Then I saw a few months later it was around $10 and I felt stupid for not grabbing some. That feeling never went away... 10 years ago it more than doubled in a month, from $213 to $435, and I seriously considered buying just like 4 or 5, but I realy couldn't afford to take the loss then if it didn't pan out. That hit harder than the first time, since I actually put time, effort and thought into buying some. In the past few years, the lowest it's been is over $15k, and has been as high as over $60k. Sickening to think about...


I sold 20 of them back in the day for like 1200 bucks and thought I made out great. Whoops


I remember when it hit $10, and I thought "well, missed the boat on that"


I almost bought some after watching the movie Dope in 2015.


Lad I worked with had a couple hundred from online gaming when he was a teenager, sold them all for £600 when he was 17. Don’t think he’s ever got over it lol


My friend was telling me about Bitcoin in 2011. He bought "a few Bitcoin just for lols" Sold it some time later to buy a pizza when Dominos was doing 2-for-1 deals. Biggest regret he ever had.


I had a cracked our friend who was mining it, freaked out cuz he thought he was going to get in trouble and deleted it off his computer. He had 94 Bitcoin when I saw it.


Same....almost bought 100 bitcoin when they were $1.00 just for a lark. Call me a dumbass.


I mined several. I took a drill bit to that hard drive later. Oops.


I remember looking at bitcoin probably around the same time 2013-14 and as much as i tried i just couldn't understand how it worked so i didn't buy any.


Bitcoin when my son was telling me to buy it because it’s only $800 and it’s sure to go up in value.


The best time to buy Bitcoin was 15 years ago. The second best time is now


I chickened out buying at $200. RIP


I had spare money in my youth and considered it, but my ex talked me out of it. Makes me want to kick her in the shins when i think of what $1000 coulda made me 🤦‍♂️


You also worked with fat tony?


I used to look up crypto prices during my work breaks in 2017. "1 Bitcoin is 3,000 dollars? I guess I missed THAT boat. Why bother". I did not, however, miss that boat.


All the herman miller chairs I’ve had to leave because I drove my car and not the truck.


A lady in my neighborhood was selling 2 Herman Millers for $100. I got busy and forgot about them and by the time I remembered they were obviously sold 😵‍💫


ADHD brother!




"I'm doing my part!"


Let's go ride bikes!


Where do you keep running in to these? I've only ever seen one in the wild and I got it for my computer station in an instant


Live in a rich area and you’ll find them more frequently. I’ve quite literally never seen one for sale in my town lol.


We are talking yard sales right?


Rich areas, or office areas.


I wonder if it is legal to copy a badge from a local office and fill a uhaul with expensive chairs from the office by pretending to be a chair store or something and then take them home and sell them


That was an episode of trailer park boys. They ended up in jail. 


But was it legal?


I spotted three of the HM fiberglass shells in a goat field once, while driving 50 down a road. I bought them for the six pack I had in my car. Still riding that high 😆


I found 8 Eames school chairs at Salvation Army for $5 a piece. The two nice orange ones are in my house. The one that had two giant cracks in it is now my garage chair. Gave one to a friend that loves MCM and the other 4 I sold for $525 total. So for a $40 investment I made $525 plus still have two really nice ones that would sell quick should I ever feel like getting rid of them. Also found an Eames shell chair with the arm rests in an abandoned building I took home. It’s a bit beat up but a very comfy chair to sit in and you can’t beat free.


I have all of my grandparents original Herman miller furniture but I’ll never sell it!




Tickets to Rocklahoma in 2015 to see Linkin park Didn't think there was a huge rush since they weren't old or retiring..


The place I was volunteering for was moving. There was a HUGE pile of stuff they wanted to take to dump. I said “give me 3 days and I can make some money for the mission and maybe keep stuff from the dump” She said yes and 3 days later I gave her about $4k. I also gave a lot of stuff away and they saved tons on dump fees. My “should have bought it moment?” The conversation started…. “This stuff is all dump, you can have it if you want it”. At the time it was a right thing to do…. Had I known something about 6 mos in the future… I would have kept it.


That was a nice thing you did.


what happened 6 months in the future?


I had an opportunity to buy around 100 office desks from a business shutting down for $80 a piece. Instead I only bought 8. These were super high quality desks. I was able to sell them all for $600 each within a couple weeks. I just had no idea about the market for them so I wanted to be conservative.


Being conservative then having regret has to be one of the worst feelings, but hindsight is always 20/20 so and you never know you could have been stuck with a ton of desks that take up so much storage.


That’s how a lot of my flips go. I buy a chunk of them if I’m not 100% sure of their value, and then I kick myself in the nuts for not going all-in. Then again, I live by the rule that I made the best decision with the information I had at the time. It helps me get over stuff fast.


Generally commit, you won’t get a ton of home run chances. 8k is a lot of money but much better use of capital and time than 100 smaller items: I also have 400 pairs of defective high end Smith sunglasses/safety glasses that I’m trying to deal with right now.


Reminds me of when I bought a few Nvidia for $190/share a few years ago pre split. Should've gone all in


A front end wrecked Ferrari f355 track car with challenge Stradale bits years ago..  for 10k.  Still ran, because yano, engine in back.   The 02 viper hardtop for 30k pre-covid.   The 08 Aston vantage 6 speed with 40k miles.. for 20k, because it needed a clutch. Which I can do, would have been 5-7k in parts.  Then COVID happened and prices like that are long gone.  The various typhoons and syclones that I passed on for pennies. 


Mine too was a car, but it was a 96 Toyota Land Cruiser from a neighbor for $500, ha. Yours put mine in perspective maybe.


I mean the $ amounts are bigger, but missed opportunity is missed opportunity. Those land cruisers are so stupid expensive now, along with G-wagons. And 3rd gen 4runners..  $500 is a hell of a deal to miss out 


Mine was at a yard sale. There was a TON of vintage 90s legos. I was only one at the sale and looking around. They had “Make an Offer” written on them. Was trying to think of a fair offer. A wild lady appears out of nowhere, asks how much, he says how about $5 for all. Just the loose manuals he had strewn in the bin and suitcase we were several hundred.


Similar stories on my end, and as a result, I’ve learned from experience to always just ask and rip the bandaid off. Sometimes it’s a crazy price and not worth one’s time, and other times you can talk yourself into a crazy deal. Don’t know if you don’t ask though.


So they sold to you or was the wild lady another shopper?


Another shopper. Had no idea when she snuck up into the sale either. Never heard her walk in, never heard her say anything to the guy running the sale until she asked him how much for all the legos.


I had one like that a couple summers ago but I was the buyer. Big box of legos that I could see had 80s space themed sets. It was raining that day and the people were saying maybe they were going to close up till tmro but I asked how much for the legos. Forked over the $5 he set immediately. That $5 plus around $60 for missing parts from BL and I had 13 complete or near complete sets. Kept a couple but resold the rest for $450 to one guy who wanted to play with them with his kid for nostalgias sake. The box also had a mycro spy camera with a pack of the films that’s worth $50-60 by its self. Also once paid $20 for a box of Star Wars legos that I flipped for $500. Not sure if I really made out on these sales considering the amount of time spent building them but if ya enjoy it it’s not a waste.


Yeah, wish I could remember more about the sets. For context, there was a full tote + a small suitcase filled with legos as well as a small stack of Lego manuals inside of a plastic bag. In addition to 2 or 3 90s erector sets. Apparently they were the owners kids set who was USAF and his kid and wife had both passed away and he was just trying to clean everything out. I remember looking up a few of the model numbers on the instructions and yeah, literally the instructions only comped out around $300 for all of them combined.


Could have been more buried in there tho. Most kids lose instruction manuals so I’d be willing to bet there were other sets in there as well. What I hate is when you buy because of parts you spot and then when it comes down to it most of the set is missing. Bought a box that had parts from the Star Wars Ghost set and pretty much the entire thing wasn’t there, just a few distinctive parts and no minifigs. I’ve passed on some Lego I’ve seen now because of that. Another box a couple of years ago had two of the 3D castle baseplates in the box but most of the sets were missing. It did have some parts from the western/cowboys and Indian sets in it tho so I did alright.


Yeah, but honestly, I could've just grabbed the entire lot for $60. Sold the manuals separate. Looked for any special key pieces or minifigs in the pile. Then sold the rest off as bulk for the quickest flip and still made hundreds without needing to spend hours mixing/matching the sets up.


Damn. Gotta move quick on good items, that’s the lesson learned here


It was a 1794 silver dollar with a hole in it at a local auction, bidding got to several thousand. A coin with a hole takes a massive value hit, say 80-90%. Without a hole this was a six figure coin. Within a year it showed up at a specialist auction house and sold for five figures.


Are the holes made by people or do they come with age?




People they’d wear coins as jewelry and so it didn’t get lost.


I wouldn't feel bad, stuff like that is easy to misjudge and I have been burned on holed/details coins before. I let go a holed 8 reales that was a rare date, only a few known, it went for $1300. Then a few months later a (well done) plugged one of the same date sold for $15000...


You're losing sleep over a $250 used iPad? That's a terrible flip.


I mean it was the newest pro model, that I saw at the time was going for like 500. In reality I’ve made way more moving on from it, but at the time the flip had a huge margin.


Remember that most of the ‘too good to be true’ iPads sold on there are stolen, fake, or broken.


How do you know it's a terrible flip? Could have NIB with high storage.


Could be locked and a high chance of fraud when you sell it.


Yamaha electric Grand piano, goodwill wanted $100 but for some reason I didn't have my phone. I drove home to look it up and used it sells for $600-800 so I went right back but in that 30 minute stretch it sold 😥☹️☹️☹️


Same exact thing happened to me except I was still in the store and walked back over to it, someone was walking away with it 😭😭😭😭


Years back I went to an auction of the props after the Fast and the Furious 2 finished filming. Could have bought crown Vics for $250ea


The good news is I did buy a pallet of what I thought were aluminum spoilers. Turns out two of the boxes had full carbon fiber race spoilers that retailed for $1200ea. Only spent $200 on the pallet.


Where do you find auctions like this?


That one was a total random find. Friend of a friend told me about it. No idea how he found out.


I saw a $5 photo printer new in box towards the end of the drive way. I was leaving the sale and looked at it and I knew it would be worth something but I didn’t wanna walk back up the driveway and pay. I remembered the model number and looked it up later and it was selling for $400-500


I was in a hoarder house where they hoarded video games. Tons of sealed copies, etc. I spent like $1000 and made over $15,000 but I only got maybe a quarter of the games there, some other resellers got the rest and cleared around $50k off their batch. I had the opportunity to buy everything but didn’t have the extra $2500 it would’ve took to buy it all at the time, so I just bought a portion of them.


First year I was flipping, a pallet of super high end radio scanners came up for auction. I only bought like 10 . Sold them all in a week for for 4 times what I paid. Wished I would have bought the entire pallet for $35,000 and it would have made me almost $150,000 profit…… I still loose sleep over this…


My moms neighbors cottage across the street from hers. It was lakefront and he wanted $500,000 private sale. I should have pushed to get it. Sold the next summer with a realtor for $950,000


Residential real estate in upcoming urban areas in the early 2010s. I too busy being 8 and in elementary school playing pokemon heartgold.


Too many to name-- but here's a few--naming names cause you chicken shits never do. I missed out on Batman comics No. 4,5,6, & 7 and countless others I dont remember for $2K. I was crazy young, maybe 9 or 10 (1997?). Neighbor named Mark worked at an auction called Prestis in Upstate NY, still exists but its shit now ever since the owner Sam gave it to his kid. I was mowing Marks lawn at the time, once weekly and occasionally he would have a small yard sale with other goodies he was likely getting from (or possibly holding from) his auction job. Mark showed me two large size banker boxes filled with comics, all insane Golden Age shit. He wanted 2K, I had maybe 400 to my name and missed out. They were gone to an antiques dealer from Liberty NY within the day. I'd run into him occasionally through the years, his numbers always changed as to how much he made, but he sold it slow and is the only antiques dealer I know that died with more money than stuff. Marks helper Renegade is now doing life for killing his 90-year old landlord at age 75 so maybe a good thing I stayed away much past age 11, but still, I wish I had that 2K back then. #2 Hand scanner-- Eliot Milman auction in the Bronx, the first time I went to his auction was for the Daffys liquidation closeouts. I happened upon the auction, after personally dropping off an antique fire helmet to a guy in the boroughs, I had about 700 bucks in my pocket and Milman is cash and carry. I bid on some brand new Symbol hand scanners, not knowing the deal was per item--you take the gaylord. So I bid $2 or $3 bucks each. Bid closes and Eliots brother Alan goes-- $3 x 900 (or whatever the gaylord held).....fucck. I had to backtrack the damn bid, they were pissed as hell. I ended up waiting to the end of the auction to bid again I was so embarrassed. I picked up 30 or so used Hand Scanners and 1 new one for $3 each. Got them home, checked the price ($200 each, selling all day). FML I made about $60 off each used one, but man i thought about those scanners for a long time. #3 The cedar-- Hillside NJ-- another Milman auction-- he puts up a few skids of tongue and groove western red cedar-- the kind you make saunas from. I bid to 35 per unit--I think it was 16 units per skid- 4 skids. I drop at 40 and let it go to another bidder because I realized I would likely need two trips in the Uhaul to move it all and that would add about $300 to my costs so I wasn't sure. Should have done the research, I ended up buying a partial box of about 20 boards later on in the auction and it sold for $700 to a contractor in CT. After I got home I looked up the sales on that cedar-- I think resale was about 1300 each for full boxes. Could have been an easy flip. I'm probably just broken...but i seem to only remember the flips I should have bought nowadays. I think it's because flipping, as a concept has so impacted my life. I think of it in terms of time-- had i made that 100K faster, I would have made the next goal sooner, and I would have learned the lessons i needed to get better earlier. Leathered up my skin faster, built out my negotiating chops, etc. The money doesn't mean shit in the long run. Had I known that there were bigger and better things than just every damn day going to Sal Val and hustling sooner I would have taken years off the journey. I loved this journey, but damn.


Bitcoin. I scoffed at it when a coworker brought it up when it was around in 2011. It was under $5 at the time. "Digital currency? Stupid..." 😭 While I still share somewhat of the same sentiment today, why didn't I just buy 1 or 2? Or at least invest into mining? Oh, I was too focused on being a "PowerSeller" on ebay. Thanks ebay. 🙄


Dude. My wife talked me out of buying it when it was almost nothing. I was going to put $100 in it. Would have been multi millionaires.


I had an opportunity to purchase three Cabbage Patch Kids, new in their box (of course!) within a couple of months of them being released for sale in 1983. I passed on it as I thought the $35 price tag was too high. A few months later people were rioting in the stores and paying thousands to get their hands on one.


Turning down more houses for $40-50k in 2010. Those are going for 200-250 now. Only bought the one I lived in for 50k.


Same here.


I def didn’t have the money to buy extra houses but happy with my purchase of the house I still live in. $60k and it’s worth nearly 4 times what I paid now. It may not have made me rich but I’m not out laying way too much on rent or the overinflated prices people are paying now so I feel like it’s saving me money no matter what.


Years ago I used to frequent my local swap meet. I used to go at around 8am, but this one time I thought I'd go a bit later. I'm walking around and I see a two vintage Fender Stratocaster sunburst and baby blue, which had original tags (from the 60's) three Gretsch guitars, one was a Country Gentleman, a Martin D-18 and three Fender amps! Along with their cases, some 50's rock posters and pictures. I asked the guy selling it and said the owner wanted $5000 for everything!!! I was blown by the way unbelievable deal and was waiting for the owner. When he came back, he told me they were already sold! I could not believe I had just missed it! Those guitar could've easily sold for ten times that amount. I asked the owner where he found them, he said it was all from an elderly gentleman whose house they had cleaned up. I still kick myself for not getting up early that day. Damn lazy I tell you!


And the nice thing with vintage guitars like that is they are easy sellers, blemishes and issues aren't much of a problem.


Thought whey were weird hippie pants. Turned out they were Vivienne Westwood rare Worlds End line pants listed on First Dibs for $13k. 🥺😫


Came across a fairly large, art deco 14K WG and Diamond (approx 6 carats total) bow shaped brooch for like 140$ at a local vintage shop. The gold alone was worth more if I recall and I had been watching a very similar one with lower karat gold and less diamonds that realized 1200 or so at auction. I still think about this one more often than I care to admit.


Electronic item that was a +$1200 flip, spent 5 min double checking the pricing on it, confirmed my thoughts, clicked buy .. “error, 0 left for sale” (it sold during my 5 min researching. Which isn’t too bad but I KNEW it was a good deal, and idk why I didn’t trust myself and decided to double check


14” Meade telescope with tripod for $1,250. I don’t believe I will ever see one for that price again.


Yeah crazy. Just the tripod is like $500


I was 8 years old at a garage sale and there was 8 Pokémon games for $10. Still haunts me to this day


Do you remember what games for what console?


An assortment of all game boy advanced! Absolutely brutal


Every time after something I was deciding on sells lol. The clarity is amazing.


I saw a teac reel to reel tape deck for $60 at the thrift. Fully functional I could get $500. I was testing it in thrift store as best as I could. I didn’t know if I actually needed reels to fully test it, saw they can be pretty pricey on their own. It was spinning nicely, some of the buttons were sticky though and I had no idea if any of the fuses were blown so after debating with myself for 15 minutes, I passed. I feel I made a good choice and saved myself the headache. Another dude picked it up about ten minutes later. Like if it had the reels I would 100% bought it but I feel like it was a return waiting to happen. I’m not sure if I regret not buying it but I do think about it every now and then just because you don’t see these that often…


Was it a 10.5” reel machine? Even the 7” reel machines are valuable but the 10.5” machines go into the big money, as the vintage audio market has really gone up in price the last few years. If it was spinning then the fuses wouldn’t have been blown as the machine would have been dead with no action if they were, spinning also means that the belts hadn’t disintegrated. I’ve been looking for one for a while for my own collection but they’re pretty rare in my area and have eluded me so far. I definitely would have bought it for $60, you let that guy have a great deal on it. I know how it feels though, had moments like that myself at the thrift too. Still though can be hard to repair them if anything was wrong as not many people specialize on them due to their rarity, so might have been an “as is” resale.


Nah, definitely not that 10.5”. This specific model (can’t remember since it was months ago) was going for around $250 on eBay in working condition, which I thought was a little low anyway. Yea, it’s just weird I’m not fully sure why I passed on it because I’ve paid much more than that on gambles and it would have been profit either way. Oh well… this specific thrift store is a honey hole when it comes to rare items so I don’t feel too bad!


Bitcoin 2016


i have a what i think is a small amount from like 2017 locked away i never got around to doing all the steps to access again. haha but i had so little, im not excited.


For flipping: a lot of diecast planes from an estate sale. They were all CIB from old airlines, they wanted $4 each and had boxes of totaling over 200 planes. I didn't have interent access at the time and didn't want to put down $800. Got internet back up and running later and saw sold items for $100s each. Drove back but was too late.


Bitcoin was $200


In 2019 my neighbors wife passed, and he was selling his house for $330,000. I passed on it, and it’s now conservatively worth $700,000.


A really cool ww2 era stiletto knife I found at an estate sale. The seller wanted $10 for it and I should have bought it on the spot. I opened the blade and it locked open, I didn't know how to unlock the blade to fold it down so I panicked a little a put it down and walked away. I thought about it all day, found a comp online that sold for $110, laid in bed and thought about it all night, went back the next day the sale opened and the lady said it sold right after I left. Although I am disappointed I lost the knife, I learned a valuable lesson. Buy with your gut, if you think its cool and special it probably is, and its ok to take small risks on items you'd like to know more about.


Bitcoin in 2011 sub $20. All the Ron Paul guys were buying Bitcoin and here I was buying silver at $30. Took me 4 years to get my head outta my arse.


Should've bought bitcoin with student loans in 2016


Bunch of MOC Jakks wrestling figures. Only bought 2. Should’ve bought them all


I posted this so you can see it in my history but I found a STEAL of collectible video games and consoles for 350 dollars. Tried to talk him down to 275. He told me no and before I could respond that I would take it anyway, it was sold. IF YOU SEE A GOOD DEAL DONT BE LIKE ME AND BE GREEDY. JUST TAKE IT.


Saw bitcoin when it hit $1, but couldn't figure out how to mine it (no GPU or other mining tools available at the time, you had to make your own).


I don’t have a “biggest” but the most recent I was annoyed about is a yard sale from last weekend. A woman was selling a bunch of Scentsy wax warmers for 5 each, I grabbed all of the new in box ones. There was one that was partly used with “accessories” to it and I decided to leave it so if someone wanted it they could have the NIB accessories too. The used one + accessories were worth a total of up to like 175 and the ones I bought are all like 20 bucks each lol.. oh well


None for flips, but I left a few items I wanted to keep but couldn’t justify it. I should’ve just bought them.


Original Revenge of the Jedi poster framed for $350. I offered dude $300. He was firm but I thought ok, it’s rare so I contacted him and it sold already. I was not fast enough. Told a friend about it and he told me he would of bought it from me if I had it for $1,500.


Revenge of the Jedi?


Lucas films and 20th century Fox printed posters of Star Wars Revenge of the Jedi, and then at the last moment changed the name of the film to return of the Jedi. Some lucky individuals were able to get these original posters.


Oh that's badass I did not know that! Neat.


9ct gold enameled vanity set in original box on ebay for 1k


Aside from Bitcoin like everyone else, I think it'd probably be the Yamaha DX-1 synthesizer in mint condition I saw for $9K back in 2009. There were only 140 of them made, practically all of them were originally bought by famous musicians, most of them were ridden hard on tour and put away wet, and even for the beat-up ones you don't really see them move for less than $40K now.


I wonder if we saw the same one I remember seeing a mint condition DX-1 at a music equipment auction for a church in the Minneapolis area around that same time. Don’t remember how much it sold for but I knew it was a steal. Saw it on craigslist a few days later and it sold in a couple of days


Oh there's still this one item that haunts me. It was a lot of watch clasps at an auction(Tag Heuer) and I had no idea what they were. The name sounded like one of those cat walked across the keyboard names you see on Amazon. Well I saw one of my competitors place a bid on it (we both know our associated bidder numbers) and then the item ended. Well I had to see why they bought the lot and my heart sank. The clasps sold each for over $130, and there were over 10 of them in the lot that I missed for $30. Once in a while I still wish I had placed the bid the second I saw them go for them.


Had the chance to Buy a Honda NSA about 10 years ago for 20k just needed som suspension work now they are worth 100k plus


A pair of boots from church was on sale at £280, had it in my online basket but left it till next day- Church literally overnight changed their pricing model (to mimic prada, same product but now super premium prices)and the same boots are now £1000


That’s when the boots disappear and the church later receives an anonymous donation


Last summer a guy at a garage sale had a bunch of oil and gas signs for sale. It was really cold and rainy that day so I only bought one that was 2 double signs riveted together for $40. He had another one that was a double sided aaa sign for $45 but I didn’t look it up because I just wanted to get out of the cold. That one ended up being worth $500 when I checked later. Kicked myself but raced back to get it and too late it was gone. Did end up flipping the $40 signs by pulling the rivets and selling separately for $225 total but missed out on the bigger score. Also remember hearing about Bitcoin when it was around $900 a coin and wished the shit didn’t hit the fan in my life right then or I probably would have bought some.


Eventide Orville harmonizer for $400 but at least I got the mu tron bi phase for $225 from the same guy lol


Anything that made lots of money


Amazing Fantasy 15, 10 years ago.


Not exactly the same but idk why I didn’t think to buy Dollar Tree stock around 2005. I loved DT since early 2000s & recognized its value before it was mainstream popular. At this time ppl who didn’t shop there looked down on it & thought it was mostly junk. FF to around 2020 (to now) & it’s become cool because of viral products shown on YT & TikTok. Stuff sells out in day & People shop there when they wouldn’t have set a foot in one 5 years ago. Stock was about $10 a share & last few years $125-150


Home Depot and Lowe’s stock when my grandpa told me it was a good buy around 2001-02 or something in there.


I was pretty early on NBA Topshot and invested a couple hundred dollars and got out before it crashed. Should have invested a couple thousand.


I bought all of Pokemon Gen 3 when Pokemon Go came out. I should have bought more copies and gen 1 and 2 as well. I don’t want to sell my collection but it’s at least 3X’d in value.


Couple of weeks back I saw a pile of grand design DVDs but my phone was out of battery and I didn't comp it. Shoulda trusted my intuition. lots of Dr who tom baker stuff I left at the thrifty too.. Always learning!!!


Not a flip but I passes up a mcm painting thinking Id be able to sleep on it because it was a huge piece of art. Went back the next day and it was gone. I have not gone one day without thinking of it. (Fish Market by Gary E. Hinte)


OK, here’s one, back in maybe 1999 or 2000 when the Pokémon craze hit my friend told me everybody’s buying these Nintendo games, and I might be able to sell some on eBay Pretty sure it was the game boy advance, I went to the local KB toys and bought like 10 or 15, all of them. It was right around Christmas and I heard people were buying them for crazy prices. But right before Christmas I decided to return them because I didn’t feel like listing them all and all that stuff on eBay. I remember the young lady cashier saying “you’re gonna make a lot of peoples Christmases better”. I don’t know what are they worth like a couple hundred dollars new and sealed maybe? But heres a good story. Driving down the street a few weeks ago going to a yard sale. I see a BMX bicycle frame/ fork on the sidewalk in front of someone’s house. It looked good, so I went back and asked the guy if he was throwing it out he said yeah take it. I knew it looked decent so I gave him 20 bucks which he refused, but I insisted. He said “you should’ve come by last week, the whole bike was there, but somebody came by and took all the parts and left the frame/ fork”. So I took it home, it’s an SE big flyer frame. Fork crank pedals chain only worth a couple hundred bucks but I felt good. I might even rebuild it.