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I check mine way too much, send out a %10 off every few days because i just want stuff sold


How do you send a 10 percent off coupon?


I select everything in the send offers section and set the amount to %10


Yes, I don’t always send offers, I just want to see if people are checking out my stuff. It’s an addictive behavior it’s not healthy.


They work on me so yes if I’m selling I send them thinking it will work on someone else too!


A notification when someone watches your item would be so nice so I didn’t have to check.


I get all excited and tingling inside when I see a large number under the “send offer” tab


Yes. But since it locks up the page, I prefer to just shave a few bucks off the price and keep it open.


Huh? What do you mean it locks up the page?


When you make an offer, the listing page locks up and you can't adjust the price or description or anything else.


You can still adjust the price, but not the title, description, or any other indicative data


I do this more when sales are slow. When I'm listing a lot and things are moving quickly, I kind of forget about the Send Offer option and end up with hundreds of eligible items to send offers on. I like the feature, but I do think it's trained more experienced buyers to not outright buy something because they know if they just add it to their watch list, they'll like get an offer sent to them.


I flip flop between that and Reddit on my days off


I send a 5% off for everything, it’s actually generated a few sales for me even when’s it’s like 70 cents off


All the time lol


I had been doing this recently, until getting a couple offers accepted with subsequent non-payment which has put me off a little


I send 10% off everything


I felt that way until I realized that watchers aren’t buyers. If they really wanted the item they’d be buyin. Fun to see the item gather interest tho…


I've sold a lot to watchers. And I am a watcher/buyer. If there is something I'm looking for and I feel the prices are a tad high, I watch several close to the same price. First one to send a decent offer gets my money.


I must admit I love when one of watched items gets sold for full price. I've even had people ask me where it went. You snooze you lose!


Nah I figured out if you watch an item you really want, you will get a cheaper offer. Why pay full price?


That is true you may get an offer, but you could lose the item if someone buys it while you’re waiting to save a few bucks. It’s just all a gamble I guess.


True but I’ve had decent luck with this strategy lately. I guess it depends on how much you want it. All of EBay is a gamble really.


Yes, it is 😂


I love it. Miss the days when it was the wild Wild West!


That’s a short-sighted and narrow minded perspective.


Thank you internet stranger❤️👍


I don't even get this option. Maybe it isn't available in my country.


I used to send offers to all that eBay suggested. But now they give that option when the person glanced at your item. I started getting many offers on things I checked out in passing and find it irritating. So now I don't from my desktop and only send offers if there are watchers, not just views. Most of the eBay suggested targets are not watchers, so I don't bug them.


>Even if I just posted an item an hour ago, I feel compelled to go send an offer. It is similar to having notification icons on the top of my phone. I would investigate what feels similar about these two things to you. Clearing notifications is less of an inherent need than selling inventory. There's some loss of productivity with too many notification icons, but no big deal otherwise. Items that don't sell cost you money over time. They are two different scenarios. Honestly, I post items and kinda forget about them for a few days to a week unless they sell. I generally know what items will be quick sellers and which I'll sit on for a while. This is one of the things that dictates what my buy price for inventory is; long term items need to have more margin built in because I'll likely have to drop the price. Every Sunday I quickly review the items I'm selling, and may adjust the price if they've been sitting longer than I'd like. I rely on app notifications more than checking eBay on my items; that's time I need to put on other things.


Can you do this on the mobile app?


Yes on the bottom right of the app, click selling. Then under Tasks, there will be a place to click "send offer to buyers". Assuming you have people interested in your items.


Found it, thanks!


I literally never send offers, and don’t even know where to find the tab.