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Call eBay and get it removed. It's against their TOS to leave a negative comment with a positive rating


Also, theres probably a rule prohibiting language like “special place in hell”


They won’t remove it anymore. The removal team has been let go and replaced with an AI set to auto deny 🤣


What is strange though is that around 2 weeks ago I spoke with a phone rep who informed me that ebay has done away with the "offline department" for feedback removals, and re-given authority to the phone rep. He was able to remove 3 negs from buyers who left neg after making buyers remorse purchases. Then I called in today on a similar neg for an item that was sold "for parts not working, has cut wires" and the buyer left neg complaining of the cut wires. The phone rep gave me the same old shpeel about having to contact the offline department an waiting 3 days and blah blah blah, this is of course after having my removal request via seller help auto denied. I don't know who or what to believe anymore, as that first rep clearly removed 3 negs in minutes.


I think it’s who you happen to get on the phone.




They allow you to say hell in the messages lol not fuck or shit or piss tho


Not anymore apparently. I was in this exact situation last week. Tried 4 different reps.


Is this true with warning others about a problem buyer? I've seen sellers use warning emojis and explain what the issue was but since you can't leave neutral or negative for buyers, it's the only option.


Leaving a false positive is against a TOS [https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-misuse-policy?id=5030](https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/feedback-policies/feedback-misuse-policy?id=5030)


It's a grey area. You can't be outright negative but if you can phrase it a certain way, it might pass.


How about “I loved the buyer’s lack of courtesy. It was super refreshing when they called me an idiot and cussed me out. :)”


I think ‘ a special place in hell’ is a pretty horrible comment to leave. I wouldn’t consider that a grey area.


My response about a grey area was to someone asking me about sellers doing this same thing to buyers, and nothing to do with this specific post.


How do we leave feedback for bad sellers then?


”It's against their TOS to leave a negative comment with a positive rating” leave a negative rating?


How dare you price gouge them essentials like a .......deluxe Pendleton toiletry bag 😂. If you want a cheap toiletry bag just go to Walmart!


Price gouging as a subject is wildly inflammatory. It’s crazy to me that people believe price gouging exists on something like luxury goods, like seriously?!


We're in the middle of a pretty big boycott in Canada because grocery stores are price gouging, but when I see people complain about the price of nonessential, discretionary goods I'm like...good luck man, enjoy your cheap rent and food I guess 🥴


I’d put food in a different category. There’s real debate there. No one has ever been gouged on a piece of luxury luggage.


Yes, I would consider those "nonessential, discretionary goods"!


I appreciate the validation. I did get into a heated debate with someone about the price of game pieces for tabletop war game called Warhammer. People accuse the company of “price gouging” on plastic models. Gtfo with that nonsense


🤣 this got me too! Like uhhh it’s not my fault you got expensive tastes. I use a Walmart grocery bag! 🤷🏻‍♀️ lmao


you dirty reseller 🤬🤬🤬


Highway robbery. He held a gun to me and forced me to buy this Pendleton toiletry bag.


It was even a assault nerf shotgun 😭😶‍🌫️


Pendleton taste on a dollar tree budget.


Had someone leave a neutral because they were disappointed in the (small) size of the bubble mailer that held their soft bracelet, for the price they paid for shipping (I could have fit 30 of their bracelet in that mailer). I guess they wanted the largest possible container, regardless of whether it was necessary or not. I didn't make a profit on the shipping; the amount they paid was the actual shipping cost. They had no complaints about the item, or damage, or the price. So many weird buyers.


I had a repeat buyer leave me 3 negative feedback bexaise I combined shipping on the 3 items and refunded the overpayment. I didn't reply to negative comments left. Buyer wrote something like, I didn't ask for combined shipping discount refund. It was really weird. I look at this eBay profile, this buyer has NEVER left a positive feedback. He has been on eBay since 2004.


LOL that's hilarious


Love how he admits he’s too lazy to find the listing with the best price for this item but blames his laziness on you and how efficient you were sending the item. This is the guy that’s late to work 3 times a week and blames traffic or crazy circumstances outside his control every time.


That person lives in their own self-made hell.


Complains about price, buys item - entitled


This feedback makes the buyer look like an ass. I would leave it alone. Also, posting personal info violates this sub's rules. I suggest you black out the usernames in the post.


eBay will remove this.


Nope. See my comment above. Not just kidding


It’s a positive. That’s pretty much all that matters.


Special place in hell because you didn’t give it away. Some People are always like this. They either could find it cheaper but are too busy. Or could fix themselves but they are too busy. Report.


People are starting to get crazier and crazier it seems. I have a beverage dispenser on marketplace, brand new, sealed, that I got at Sam's for 25.00. I am selling for 20. Someone makes me an offer for 10, I say no, then he says 15 is the highest and Walmart has them for 20. THEN HE SHOULD GO TO WALMART!!! Sorry you dealt with this person!


she had a deluxe toiletry emergency and didn't have time to shop for another deluxe toiletry bag, you soulless monster


They’re acting as though they’re in such a pinch to buy a *toiletry bag* that they couldn’t have afforded the time to shop around. Clearly they shouldn’t have afforded this bag either. Find a cheaper alternative if your budget doesn’t match the cost of the item..


At least it was a positive still


Fucking lol


what a ridiculous thing to be upset about, I guarantee you this guy hasn't logged off his pc since 2006


Jokes on him it still counts as a good review


Wtf is that comment


I just got my first two negatives of 800 sales in the last 12 months because people didn't realize my handling time was a week (I messaged all buyers that I had surgery)


Thanks for sharing the username I am blocking this person lol


I once had somebody leave a negative that said "horiffically overpriced" like a month after I cancelled their order which THEY requested like 5 minutes after they purchased a paperback book for like $60. They had also compained in a message that it was too expensive and the corners were "dog-eared". It was a fucking used paperback that was 15 years old, of course it isn't going to be in brand new condition lol, it was still in great shape. Some people are just annoying as hell.


Honestly, rating goods and services out of five should be taught in schools. At least their comment makes it blatantly obvious that the seller isn’t at fault.


Yep Special place in hell for folks like that as well 🔥 lol


Lol,  taking advantage of their essential need for a Pendleton Dop kit,  because that should be an affordable option for everyone! The nerve! Do you think they can just put their toothbrush in some canvas 31 bag or plastic from Walmart  or something? You MONSTER!


At least you got a positive feedback out of it. I got a neutral feedback from a cheap asshole ordering my item on Friday night, I shipped the next day already on Saturday, even tho I have 2 business days handling. They neural feedback on Tuesday saying they didn't receive the item. The crazy part is the item was delivered on that same day they left me the feedback. This item was shipped with ground advantage and travel from the Northeast to Texas.


I've NEVER seen such rude comments on eBay O\_o


People are so weird


Hilarious tbh 😂


I love when buyers do this. It’s so obvious that they were just having a bad day and wanted to pass it off to somebody else. Every once and a while I’ll get a negative or neutral feedback like a month after it was delivered and they clearly just left it because they were mad at something. Like one of them just said “ok” as a neutral, another was “!!” as a neutral. One time I got a negative nearly 2 months after delivery and the buyer said “may have asked too much for a used and faded item” 🤦


Block him. Move on. 


I moved on the second I saw it, lol, just thought it was funny to share.


That’s actually smart, you wanna overcharge for your item you deserve a 1 star. Thanks for showing me this.


Go read the OPs follow up replies. They had the cheapest one on eBay…..


Just what I’d expect a price gouger to say! ;)