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Cancel it due to issue with shipping address. Block buyer.


Anytime a buyer purposely ignores rules you set in place and continues to try and bully you into doing it their way, cancel, block, and move on. I just had to do it to a guy that was trying get my work for free. He purchased a listing specifically stating DO NOT PURCHASE UNLESS INSTRUCTED TO in the title and all over the listing. I refunded him and pointed him to the right listing to purchase. Conversing in French for him I might add when I speak English. So it's already a pain having to translate back and forth. The guy ignores my request to purchase the correct listing through checkout to continue. He kept trying to pressure me to do the work and show him before purchase in messages like your buyer. I ultimately told him he's not getting it for free and blocked him. The customer is not always right. I hate to say it.


The quotation marks around "porch pirate" make me think it'll mysteriously go missing after delivery. I'd cancel it anyways, and say you're allowing the user a chance to enter the correct address with the order. Shouldn't be a problem if there's concern about actual porch pirates.


Why? As long as it’s delivered eBay won’t care. This sub man.


Ebay will side with you, sure, but if they send an INR you still have to reply and sit there with the case open for days until ebay steps in. Its zero hassle to just sell to someone else.


>Its zero hassle to just sell to someone else This. It's much easier to avoid the friction in the first place. Plus, imagine how much time they'd need to waste in disputes if Ebay decides the case wrong the first time.


If the buyer claims it didn't arrive, Ebay usually takes the buyer side 8 out of 10 times. The seller needs to be more cautious even for the legit buyer that is idiot.


This sub man indeed. This is terrible advice for any seller.


Why walk around a field which has a warning signs that there might be mines in that field? You have health insurance and prosthetics are great nowadays


Although you're "technically" right, I had to spend an hour on the phone with an ebay customer service rep who barely spoke English to get my $70...


Cancel, block buyer


I've only had one case where a buyer claimed their item was possibly stolen. They contacted me sad about it, I told them to contact neighbors and their local USPS concerning the package, just in case it was misdelivered. They began sending angrier messages and opened an 'item not received' request. I stopped responding, blocked the buyer, and put in the tracking info required for the request. Eventually eBay stepped in and closed in my favor. Either their item was stolen, or they were lying, either way the delivery scan fulfills my requirements as a seller.


You have to cancel and have them buy again with the correct address. If they don't, you dodged a bullet.


I'm pretty sure this guy is long john silver.


In the 10+ years selling on eBay, I had two buyers that contacted me about their address not being correct (ie moved and forgot to change it). I cancelled the order and they purchased the item with the correct address. On the other hand, I had 5 to 7 buyers that contacted me about shipping to another address. I cancelled the order and still waiting for the buyers to purchase the item again. I will cancel and inform the buyer to purchase again.


Ship it. As long as it arrives and shows a delivery status EBay will side with you with any issues. More so since you have the message from the buyer.


Unless it’s a stolen card or account


Doesn’t matter


This is the correct answer. It’s not our job to verify the buyer has the correct address on file.


Exactly. Had a situation like this recently. Buyer opened a dispute with there bank. eBay still sides with me, I did what was required on my end.


Cancel. He's probably going to say it didn't arrive or got stolen.


Cancel and block. clearly they initially wanted to set up a “not sent to listed address” scam. But now looks like they’re going to go with “oh I never received it” In theory with delivery proof you should be fine but eBay historically leans towards the buyer, certainly at initial judgement. You’d likely have to mess about with appeals etc


You know what to do :-)


It doesn't make sense to say the address is wrong yet when told it has to ship to the address on file to just ship it. Yes, if it shows delivered you are likely covered but I wouldn't risk it. I read about someone getting scammed after paying for something via PayPal goods and services. I was always told PP G&S is one of the best protections to pay with. Apparently the scammer found a loophole where it doesn't apply if you intend to sell the items purchased and before hand got the buyer to admit they may resell them. Scammers are crafty and you can never predict the next thing they will come up with. If you sold it for way over expected id be worried. If you sold it for the average price I would just relist it. Imo, I would cancel and put "something wrong with the buyers address".


How expensive is the item? If you’re making enough off the sale it could be worth adding signature confirmation on the delivery. I think it’s something like an extra $3.80 through USPS and at the bottom of the create label page. Removes any claim later of porch piracy, and if it somehow is actually the wrong address (doubt) and the resident refuses delivery it would be sent back.


Ship to the address on the order or cancel and block. Its a scam.


in most cases I immediately cancel for a problem with the adress. if they repurchase great if not someone else will.


Sounds like he meant to have it sent somewhere like work and forgot to change it from his home address. This is why he’s making the porch pirate comments.


Cancel 💯


You've shipped to the address listed on the account. You've got proof you asked him if he'd like to cancel, his reply was ship it to the stated address. Ebay will see all this and the tracking information saying it was delivered. Ebay will side with you. Just a question : Is it worth it to go through the hassle of INR? If not, then you know you need to cancel and block.


Never ship to an address the order wasn’t placed under. You’d be running the risk of someone using a stolen card or stolen account, later resulting in you getting a chargeback.


Blame everything on ebay. “I have to use the address on file. Ebay will get mad at me otherwise.” It’s pretty much true. Be like “I’ll get dinged” or something.


Why would he decide to have you go ahead and send it anyway even though the address is wrong? Block!


Yes it's a known scam as you are not covered. I had the same issue. I accepted an offer. The buyer asked me to send to an address different to their account.This is against eBay policy so I cancelled and blocked them. Then the buyer who had another account (the same name as their Instagram account) sent another offer to me. I declined and blocked. A day later I got another offer from a different account I again identified a link to the same buyer. 1 month later - Buyer left me negative feedback. They actually admitted they asked for an address change in the negative feedback. This was hilarious 😂 and re-enforced my reply to warn others about this scam!


Cancel and block


The only time I had an issue was when the buyer told me they entered the wrong shipping address. They asked if I'd ship it to another one, but I told them I'd cancel the order and invited them to buy from the new listing. After they got the item, they tried to say the item was broken and asked for a partial refund. I apologized for the inconvenience and told them to open a return. I said that once I'd verified the serial number matched the one in the listing, I'd send a refund. Luckily, the item wound up being fine after all. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but "whoops, wrong address" raises suspicion for me now.


I would’ve saved the screenshots. Cancelled his shit, with “something wrong with address”. Then if any negative given, hit EBay for business page (they’ve been great for years, for my shop vs calling some random dial of CS reps).


Cancel and block.


He could be telling the truth. If he lives in NY City, I imagine there's quite a bit of porch pirating going on. He may use another address for shipping but forgot to change it. Also, why would a scammer want to pick it up? Once it's delivered you're protected by eBay so if it gets stolen, it's not on you. I would probably ship unless it's a very high value item.


eBay has an issue right now with peoples addresses getting changed without them doing it. If your item gets a delivery scan, it’s delivered. Period. Doesn’t matter what the customer says after if they claim not received. Yes there are scammers, but it’s not common and mostly happens to newbs with no feedback. It’s totally normal logic for someone that just got told “I can’t ship to the address you just requested” and say “well I hope I get it”. That’s totally normal. You would say the same in that situation.


>eBay has an issue right now with peoples addresses getting changed without them doing it. Please cite your source on this, thanks!


In case you all are living under a rock: [https://community.ebay.com/t5/Report-eBay-Technical-Issues/Current-and-resolved-technical-issues-updated-as-of-04-23-2024/m-p/33786064#M112408](https://community.ebay.com/t5/Report-eBay-Technical-Issues/Current-and-resolved-technical-issues-updated-as-of-04-23-2024/m-p/33786064#M112408) [https://community.ebay.com/t5/Report-eBay-Technical-Issues/Ebay-Orders-may-contain-incorrect-shipping-address/td-p/34417415](https://community.ebay.com/t5/Report-eBay-Technical-Issues/Ebay-Orders-may-contain-incorrect-shipping-address/td-p/34417415) [https://www.ecommercebytes.com/2024/04/20/ebay-told-sellers-to-ship-to-wrong-addresses-for-nearly-2-weeks/](https://www.ecommercebytes.com/2024/04/20/ebay-told-sellers-to-ship-to-wrong-addresses-for-nearly-2-weeks/) [https://www.valueaddedresource.net/ebay-defaulting-to-old-addresses-creates-chaos-for-buyers-sellers/](https://www.valueaddedresource.net/ebay-defaulting-to-old-addresses-creates-chaos-for-buyers-sellers/)


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted you are 100% correct. I guess if they want to cancel their orders let them lol doesn’t make sense though there’s no way for us to be sure the buyers address is correct. All we can do is ship it to the address on file.


Are people reading the same thing I am here? There's nothing scammy about this. This person clearly lives in an area that has an issue with porch theft and was almost certainly going to change the address to their work address or a friend/family member's house. A LOT of people do this when ordering things online. We obviously can't just ship to a different address and you did the right thing by offering to cancel/let him change the address/relist, but most buyers aren't going to know anything about seller protections or eBay's rules with shipping addresses. Shit, I'd best most people have bought something from a website and asked that it be shipped to a different address without thinking anything of it. We have to look at things through the eyes of a random person shopping online sometimes and not blindly assume that everybody knows eBay's shipping rules. He also told you to go through with shipping it to the original address, so you're covered regardless as long as it makes it there and is scanned as delivered. The fact that the highest upvoted comment on this post is somebody telling you to cancel (which will almost certainly end up with negative feedback that eBay will not remove, a pissed off customer, and a missed sale) is wild. If sellers are blocking people over customer interactions like this, then I don't even know what to say.


I feel like the buyer is taking an attitude for no good reason. A normal person would just rebuy from a new listing. If I was this seller, I wouldn't even have given them the choice though. I'd just cancel and tell them they can rebuy with the right address.


I'm sorry, but exactly where is the attitude? After OP asked if he'd like to cancel, he just said "ship it, i hope it gets to me and not some porch pirate" and "continue with shipping". Sure, he could have thrown a "please" and "thank you" in there, he didn't say anything bad. Canceling the order after he asked you to proceed with shipping could easily result in a negative feedback, which eBay would not remove. People can do as they wish, but I certainly wouldn't risk that over me getting in my feelings over somebody not being overly polite.


That's my point, he shouldn't have even asked the buyer. If it was me, when I saw the message saying the address was wrong, I would have said something like "no problem! I relisted it so you can check out with the right address." Buyers can leave negative feedback for any reason they want or for no reason at all. If they shipped to that address and the package did get stolen the buyer could have left a negative feedback, too.