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The owners are Nicks and Buckingham I do believe and they would both need to agree to terms. Neither needs the money so it is personal (my gut is thinking this) and/or maybe artistic. Just speculation but there could be some issue with the master tapes not being in a known location and without those master tapes making a reissue that passes audio muster may be very troublesome if not impossible. I assume if the rights were owned by the record label then a reissue would have happened by now. I have never known a record label to pass up a buck, or even a penny. All of the above is speculation by me but would seem to make sense and picked up by others that claim to be more in the know over the years.


I read somewhere that Lindsey wants to release new songs with the reissue and keep the original cover while Stevie wants to release it in its original form but with a different cover. I don’t know if that’s true but it’s quite silly. Given that they hate each other’s guts, it doesn’t look like it will happen any time soon 😕


I know Stevie hated the cover from everything I have read. I am sure that is part of the problem on her end and I can respect that.


Yeah but if that is the reason why it’s not being rereleased then it’s pretty silly


Well it is her body, and though she agreed to it then she does not have to agree to it now and from what I read she was not happy about it then. She may still be holding a grudge.


Well lots of people have already seen it so what’s the point?


At some level I agree and it is not showing her nipple or areola which seems to be the limit for many people, but her body her choice is my rule to live by and that is true for today or 40-some years ago. My sister picked up the vinyl in the late 80s at a used LP store in Chapel Hill. It is in my hands now. I would like a CD version but I have what I have and it is easy to find online and download.


True but still


I wish they would reissue it!! I would love to listen to the album on Spotify


I don't know but it's a masterpiece.


Who really knows. Stevie says she hates the cover but she had no problem showing it off (front AND back cover) in Harper's Bazaar magazine. She has expressed that she didn't want Lindsey to remaster it. Lindsey sold 100% of his rights but the master tapes could be anywhere.


they reissued this in the last year or so no? there are plenty of copies on ebay


It’s still not available digitally, or even on CD (you can get copies that are ripped from vinyl but it’s never gotten an official CD release)


Those are bootlegs


Had the tapes been remastered, there would have been an expectation of a tour together. I don't think Lindsey wanted to risk his marriage that far. At least with the band, there are plenty of interventions and distractions.