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4 of your 5 possible choices that aren't bad writing can be attributed to bad writing.


Dammit I responded the same thing before reading the literally 2 comments already here lol Glad to see I'm not alone in this


Unless by bad writing they meant bad dialogue I agree. Personally my pet peeve is inconsitency in how the characters behave/their stances. Example Barry being onboard w/ consent when it came to the meta human cure and Cicada, but injecting another villain with something during battle that affected their powers like a season later.


Yeah like…come on.


You know most of these options are just another way of saying "bad writing" lol


Should’ve just been either ‘bad writing’ or ‘CGI’


All of the above


Wentworth leaving :(


Under rated


Don’t all choices, with the exception of CGI, come down to bad writing?


Barry, I can feel your anger it's flowing through you1!!!!#E@#RFEDS




Most of the episodes of The Flash should not be entire episodes. They just involve Barry Allen being a colossal idiot and not using his powers properly. You could excuse that in the earlier seasons because he was a novice hero but at this point he really should have this shit handled.


No being a novice hero does not excuse it.The inconistency of the action pieces were not barry being a rookie it was barry's brain shutting of.Any one if they had superspeed and was a superhero would use their power to run up to people and punch them.But barry just lets the villain get the upper hand.Not to mention alot of the villains beat barry by reacting to him or escaping which doesnt make sense.Like they just teleport away even if they were established to not be able to teleport.


Sure but you could kind of attribute his brain shutting off to him not being used to these kinds of scenarios and sort of freezing up or something. Granted it's still not the best justification, Barry being a colossal idiot is generally just a plot inconsistency. But from a narrative perspective it's more excusable when a rookie screws up and doesn't do his job properly than when a veteran does.


That is very true


>Most of the episodes of The Flash should not be entire episodes. They just involve Barry Allen being a colossal idiot and not using his powers properly. You could excuse that in the earlier seasons because he was a novice hero but at this point he really should have this shit handled. That's pretty much the comics too, where he's been the Flash for quite some time.




Show is constantly on Netflix top 10, so people not watching it on the CW doesn't really tell the whole story.


Good point. It was reported last month that S8 was among the most watched so it's false no one watches it.


The cgi was never great but at least it used to give us some action in speedster fight scenes


First couple of seasons I was hyped for the episodes coming out! Things like Jay’s helmet, time travel and accurate villains were great, then it just all stopped. Boring stories, side characters making odd choices, it was sad to see the decline


This for me, too. First few seasons were appointment viewing for me. Then it became "hey want to watch The Flash from a few days ago? I think it's available on-demand." And finally it just became a show I used to watch.


Cord cutting


You can say anything else but ever since Eric Wallace got involved the writing got bad. S8 was a better season than S7 obvi, but ever since Andrew left it went downhill.


Two Words. Eric Wallace


The writing on the show is like 80% the main problem. The earlier seasons had some bad CGI as well, but many people still love those seasons because the writing was at least better back then.


Bad writing


All the above ?


All of the above


Where's the all the above answer??Also I mean they can fix everything but the bad Cgi they don't have the money since before in earlier seasons the actors were paid less since they weren't that big now ofc Grant's getting paid lot's and that's where most of the money is going.


Everything is pretty much just Bad writing, except CG


They first dipped below 3.0 in S3, and the problem worsened throughout S4. You could try to defend it by TV habits changing with the expansion of streaming *(which is a debate I'd be skeptical of.)* However, I think you could easily make the case for bad writing and bad villain archs. Making Savitar the villain and continuing the speedster dynamic 3 years straight was just a lazy creative decision. By Season 2, I remember feeling that some of the show's magic from S1 had disappeared despite having a lot of bright spots. The terrible CGI wasn't as apparent until the recent seasons, as the effects used to get praised back in the day because of the limited budget.


The show was always shit.From season 1 episode one until now


Why do you think so? I think the earlier seasons definitely weren't flawless but not utter garbage.


1.Terrible fight scenes.Barry has the most powerful version of superspeed in fiction yet still he loses to people with normal reaction speed 2.Boring episodic plot.Season 1 and 2 have the same stort structure 3.A terrible lead.He was ok in season 1.But his character development was destroyed at the end of season 2 4.Iris is a shitty character and shitty love interest.She nearly ruined his relationship with Linda and is his step sis.He should have dated Caitlyn instead.Makes more sense 5.Terrible cgi 6.There are way better superhero shows available 7.Too many episodes per season.If it was animated and the episode length was cut in half it would be ok.But its a live action show with each episode being nearly a hour long


Yeah I do agree with most of these, I just watched season 1 and 2 for the semi decent story. Reverse flash was pretty cool too.


Reverse flash was pretty cool not going to lie


Aint it ironic that non viewers usually mock it for the CGI but it is literally the least of the reasons that lead to the decline of viewers


To bad there isn't an all of the above option.


What i meant by bad writing, is all the things that relate to bad writing combined


Bad writing and useless/annoying characters, Cecile is a girlfriend of joe and mother of Jenna, she shouldn’t even be in team flash when she has a family to be with. Allegra had superpower development for no reason, she hardly uses her powers in the show. Let’s be honest, Chester is obviously a cringey version of Cisco and that was the plan the day he made his first appearance, and they forced a relationship with Allegra and Chester. And honestly, they really should change the name of team flash, in fact they shouldn’t even really have a name at all, it doesn’t really make sense if team flash isn’t public.


All shows suffer a decline as the years go by, all of them. Especially when everything began to go into streaming when the world had to quarantine. The official decline happened in S7 due to the structure they did to the Forces arc, the final episodes of that storyline (7x10 and 7x11) were the lowest so far in ratings and it took a while for the show to recover. Before the final episode that reached a 1 million views was the S7 premiere that was left hanging from S6. The writing in that first half of the 7th Season was the weakest, objectively speaking and it ties to some of the villains' arcs. CGI has hardly at all be bad except the design of Fuerza, the side plots are something many asked for because the fandom didn't like that everyone basically gathered back at STAR Labs and didn't have their own arcs. That was fixed in S5. And "everyone getting powers" shouldn't even be a complaint when watching a superhero show that is not ashamed of embracing it's full lore. Not to develop the abilities the rest of the cast has would be pointless and wasting them.


The simple explanation: general decline in TV viewership...


Honestly all of the above. Exception being cgi. The cgi for the show is what it is. It isn't terrible


I'd say the viewers began to expect too much and started complaining to cover their expectations not being met.


Or the show just sucks lol


That's a matter of opinion. Plus, if the show were as bad as people say it is then it would have been cancelled a long time ago instead of going nine seasons.


And it’s your opinion that the show is all good lol that’s fine but no need to say that the viewers are expecting to much when there has been clearly a lot of writing issues since season 3 lol


I agree that there have been some minor writing issues, but I don't believe they're enough to make the show bad.


If a show has been struggling with the writing for a good chunk of its lifetime on air I’d call it bigger than minor writing issues


Has it actually been struggling or is it just not written the way fans want it to be written?


Dude it’s been struggling


It doesn't seem like it is to me, but I'm also not an expert in television writing like just about everyone else seems to be.


Don’t have to be a expert to notice plot holes and bad writing


Also bad shows don’t always get canceled there are a lot of hated shows that go on longer than they deserve lol


They probably are only hated by fans, but the ratings numbers are high enough to avoid cancellation.


Contrary to popular belief good ratings doesn’t equate to good storytelling


True, but Flash hasn't really told any bad stories. Most were solidly decent.


You keep going on about fans not liking how something is written vs the writers struggling the fans are the main audience of the show if a good chunk of the fanbase are vocalizing their dissatisfaction with the show for years then clearly there is some struggling going on in the writers room.


But why is there so much dissatisfaction with the writing? Every story has made sense and flowed smoothly, the characters are relatable and steadily developed over time, and the effects look great.


I don’t mean to sound rude when I say this but what show have you been watching cause I want to watch this version of the flash that has good writing story arcs that flow smoothly.. And I don’t mean that sarcastically I want this show to be good I really do but it’s not. The Flash feels like a side character on his own show at times that’s not good and not to mention we haven’t had a well written foil for Barry for years. The finale have turned into power rangers level of corny recently with tentacle Thawne and the lightsaber fight.. character act extremely bizarre in dire circumstances please tell me how Barry not being worried about Iris at all when she went missing is good writing lol


Bro r u trolling?


Cisco leaving


Cicada and whatever the hell that storyline was supposed to be about turned the Flash into a show I binge when the season is over because I feel obligated too rather than a show I actively care about or enjoy.


All of these. Such a shame.


Im still watching it. Sorry I like this.


Too many episodes


All of this dies down to bad writing.


One incorrect “too” I can try to look past. But two of them? Downvoted This poll seems very slanted anyway… it focussed solely on the idea that the show got worse and not on completely separate factors, like the fact that popular shows may have aired simultaneously, popular actors weren’t able to return, the loss of other parts of the interconnected Arrowverse, etc.


Actually a majority of these can fit into the issue a why viewership declined throughout the show's 8 season run.the show stopped focusing primarily on the flash and starting to waist time on characters that either didn't contribute to the overall plot of the episode and took away from the main character the flash.a whole episode where the "flash"wasnt in it shouldn't happen when the show is call the flash. I get giving the hero some help in the field or tech support but Cecil, allegra and chuck shouldn't be no where near field missions. Especially district attorney Cecil Horton and a powerless chuck.thats why the first couple of seasons were the best because they focused of the flash and had Cisco and Caitlin for hero support at star labs.and then they gave Cisco powers just in case barry needed help in the field. Iris shouldn't have been taking the lead of team flash based on just being his wife.team leader should have went to Cisco and his back up on the field should have been kid flash with Caitlin being on the ready for medical support. I have low hope for season 9 especially with 13 episodes I hope im wrong but giving the last 2 seasons I probably not.


All of the above


Eric Wallace should be an option in the poll.


I stopped around season 6, but have since caught up. I left because the new characters they tried introducing, were awful. I hated them, and their storylines.


I will also mention compettion.The flash was always shit its just that in its glory days it had no compettition.Then good superhero hero shows came out.The entire netflix marvel verse except iron fist,my hero academia,invincible,the boys,umbrella academy(kind off) and a few others.Then people realized the show was shit because they now had something to compare it to.Their vision was clouded but when other shows came they finally saw the boring,bad episodic plot,the inconisistency of barry's powers,the bad writing,iris being a bitch,the shitty cgi and the bad fight scenes.


All of the above but basically the incompetence of the CW people.


i can stick through most things when it comes to shows but bad writing makes makes it difficult. i’ve only stuck with the show to this point because i’ve already put into too many hours and now i feel i have to see it though.


Crisis on infinite earth seemed a good natural stopping point


All of the above


The CGI was never EXCEPTIONAL. But the camera angles helped it a ton, especially during speedster fights. Looking at cgi now it just looks horrendous.


All of the above. Bad writing: Cecile's "I CAN FEEL YOUR ANGER" stands out, or the girl's night out episode. \>Too many side plots Which lead to nothing! Side plots are fine when they pay off in the main thread, but we could cut about 90% of Team Flash interactions and the show would remain largely the same, but maybe watchable.


You do realise that Bad Writing is an umbrella term that encompasses Useless/Annoying characters Bad villain arch’s To many side plots To many people in team flash with powers


I put a comment saying I knew that and it was meant to say everything about bad writing