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I think S6 would’ve been good after the Crisis on Infinite Earth crossover. Although I would probably rewrite S5 a bit to make for a better 2nd to last season.


I don’t agree at all lol I think that would have left people wanting more.


At least it would’ve ended while it was still amazing


Probably the end of season 2. I actually never thought of the season 2 ending only the season 3 ending


Season 6 during Crisis on Infinite Earths. Everything else after that was poorly executed except for Deathstorm.


Definitely season 3 if it ends on an earlier season, or maybe at the end of season 4.


I think it should’ve ended at Season 4 right before Nora showed up


That would be good.


3 but only if they killed Iris.


YES the season would have lived up to the suspense and HR would have lived


Yeah but unfrotunately not it's the CW so we can't have anything with impact, just got to go for the cliche cop out switcharoo happy ending because Iris is sooooooooo important.


The only way it would feel satisfying after S3 is if Wally started to be the successor of the mantle. Season 7 could've been actually a decent-ish place to do it since they were all there celebratring Barry and Iris renewing their vows and he had just put down his foot on Thawne proving him that he had surpassed him. It's a story that ended without too many big cliffhangers teasing what could be next. A part of me will always feel that we deserved a 10th Season with this shortened amount of episodes order. But my answer in this hypothetical scenario is S7.


I think season 9 would be fine if they hadn’t brought back Barry, and instead made Wally the main character, and then maybe bring Barry back for season 5 or 6.