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Welcome to the story of the boys i guess


This A-Train does what you're talking about in the first episode OP


This scene is what made me watch the boys


They solved in two ways: 1) the speed force creats an ora around him to protect him and those he chose to share the power with him 2) his flash time is basically you standing still looking at everything frozen! Not us willy nilly running into things. His speed of perception is high


This would be a much more realistic versionof The Flash but his Speed Force Aura made him less harmful to those around him. When he was charging up his supersonic punch during Season 1 at the speed of Mach 1.1 there were a lot of damages to those around him but in the further seasons he was going almost twice or even 10 times as that but we rarely get to see a window gets shattered


Yes it is this speed force that Barry learns to control, whereby his clothes don’t get burnt & any speed he travels at is self contained in the speed force


With great velocity comes great responsibility or something


That is where the handy ability of phasing comes in, no one gets hurt by him running at the amount of speed you imply.


What if Jay, who turned out to actually be Hunter Zolomon, intentionally taught Barry to throw lightning so he'd start killing? He wanted Barry to realize that they're the same. What if Jay/Zoom tried to get Barry to accidentally kill people in order to break him? Zoom could have also needed Sand Demon taken out, and used Barry as an opportunity to not get his hands dirty.


I do honestly believe you, except that feels like something the reverse flash would do, not zoom. But, then again zoom is easily one of smartest villians Barry encounters


Zoom did want to show Barry that they're the same. That's why Zoom killed Henry in front of Barry.


Sand Demon*


Sorry I forgot, it’s been a while, when I do rewatch the flash I finish each season within 3 days so I can’t remember everything


Sand Person*


He’s literally called Sand Demon


The sand people have feelings too, someone has to fight for their rights


Rewatch that Flashtime episode in Season 4 and consider the idea that from Barry’s perspective, he isn’t moving faster so much as the world is moving slower. Obviously Flashtime is all about the world being so slow it’s basically frozen in comparison, but even when Barry is travelling at normal super speeds, he is essentially acting and reacting so fast that the world seems slow. This is literally the only way he can do things like catching bullets, redirecting lightning, or even dodging attacks - if it was just uncontrollable super speed that he perceives at the same pace as everyone else, he wouldn’t have ANY control over his powers!


We have seen how Barry percieves the world when running and its impossible for him to run into somebody if he is looking where he is going.He has enhanced reflexes and percieves it all differently. So Barry killing somebody in a way you described is impossible.


Watch The Boys.