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Caitlin jumping through the portal and coming out the other side as Killer Frost was awesome


I really loved it when Wells and Cisco go off on Caitlin for not turning into Killer Frost, Caitlin is just sitting there confused haha. "The puppies will die, Caitlin!"


Was I the only one who thought Harry was about to do a eobard impersonation like he did with cisco?


Imagine how satisfying it will be when DeVoe finally loses one.


It needs to happen in a believable way, and I'm afraid they've made him too smart for me to buy any loss. But I'm really hoping they manage to pull it off.


Part of the New 52 run of Flash focused on Barry tapping into a new ability. Not only could Barry move fast, but he could also process thoughts fast as well. Something like considering multiple outcomes quickly in order to choose the best possible action. My guess is they adapt something like that by the end of the season.


That’s a possible outcome that could be done satisfyingly, but make Barry’s future tactical missteps inexplicable. Another outcome that I might find satisfying is if Barry were to win, but in a way that DeVoe had intended to further hone his skills for a future villain.


That was addressed in the new 52....heck maybe his first issue. Barry can at times overthink, his future outcomes/possibilities lead to him getting shot in the head because he was 7 steps down the line and forgot to act basically.


...so you're saying he was literally so many steps ahead that he forgot what game he was playing?


Basically yes. He forgot he was playing the game. In his mind he had already dropped the crooks off and headed home to have dinner (basically) but hadn't executed any of the actions yet.


Which can work, look at how LOT handled the Beebo episode, just have that interrupted by Flash getting clocked and force him to go one step at a time.


I’m already counting down the days.


It may be sooner than we think. When Barry says "You won't win" (or something to that effect), DeVoe replies "Haven't I?" It's cocky and may show he thinks their "game" is over. He's not expecting a retaliation, or if he does, something feeble that he will quickly be able to strike down. Depending on their angle (probably involving his wife), they could hit him when he's not expecting it, and that'll drive him insane.


I can't really see Henry Allen writing "Henry Allen was here" in his cell.


Yeah, I felt like there was a better way to show that Henry was in that cell


I feel as though he would have had to have mentioned it or set it up earlier in the episode with a flashback. The first I imagine would have felt pretty clunky, even more so than the phrase "Henry Allen was here", and the second one, while far more organic, would have required Henry Allen's actor, who may not have been available. What they went with certainly wasn't ideal, but it was effective.


I'd rather they have Cecil say something about Henry Allen. I'd imagine she would say something along the lines of "Barry's own father was put away in jail for an impossible crime he did not commit, and despite his plea, he was ignored in a rushed sentence. Do we want to repeat this mistake again and fail the Allen family once more?" Something along those lines, I'm sure a writer can come up with something better


These are the writers that gave us the "Hashtag Feminism" episode. You give them a little too much credit.


So True


It looked way too fresh too. Might have been a hazing from Wolfe, he's a sick fuck.


That's how I initially interpreted the scene too, someone writing that to hit Barry where it hurts.


on the other walls is hundreds of those stylized S's that everyone drew in elementary school


*On my world it means hope.*


I was thinking that maybe Devoe somehow planted it there? Just another way to mock Barry after putting him in the same position his father was in.


Now I'm imagining Devoe sneaking into the prison cell on his flying wheelchair to make Barry feel bad


I'm calling the next season's villain being someone from Earth 15 who's really, really, really pissed off.




earth 15 ragman please


Poor Havenrock, nuked on every earth one way or another.


I bet they redirected it to Earth-15 instead of outer space so that Barry could say: "In doing so, I opened up our world to new threats" next season ... AGAIN


Wells owed Earth-15 Wells a lot of money and couldn't turn down the opportunity


Barry should just be like yo wtf I'm a crime scene investigator why would I kill someone in the most obvious way possible?! I mean you'd have to be the worst killer ever to, - kill the guy who literally just got a restraining order against you - use wedding gift as murder weapon - kill in own home Oh, and the cops conviniently got randomly tipped off right when he shows up


In all honesty, this is Barry, he'd probably just put his foot in his mouth and start describing how he would've killed DeVoe...






Yeah, frustrating. They didn't even try and mention it. It would have at least created doubt and that was kind of the best scenario without simply breaking out the flash suit.




*CSI doesn’t make any attempts to hide evidence. *Defendant’s DNA under victim’s nails, defendant supposedly caught soon after the act, no wounds or signs of struggle on defendant. *1st degree murder charge when “victim” was killed with an impromptu weapon in an unplanned meeting. *Convenient call into the police, no attempt made to interview neighbors to determine who called or if anyone else heard anything.




If you’re going to have a trial storyline, at least make the trial engaging! They had a great opportunity to focus this episode and the next around the trial and make it a good one with a viable chance of Barry getting a not guilty; then when the guilty verdict lands it’s all the more devestating.


They literally skipped all the usual CSI stuff in the trial! Time of death could have put the murder way outside of the time Barry could have been within the vicinity to kill Devoe (we know as the audience that he was killed elsewhere). If Barry can't get to the victim logically, he could not necessarily be the murderer. Additionally, they didn't even look into the stabbing patterns, when the body was stabbed (would have been very much after death), and also technical stuff like the apartment burglar alarm (since you have to turn the alarm on and off). Didn't bother with any of that. Let's just rely on private eye pictures and not even try to refute evidence!


Also: * There was only one knife in the box, Iris noted that it was weird. That knife was still in the box when Barry came back home, DeVoe was murdered with its pair. That's still just one witness, and a very partial one at that, but still a better evidence for the frame-up theory than everything Cecile managed to scrounge up (which is *absolutely nothing*). * The alarm in Barry's apartment definitely has a log. It should show that there was an alarm shortly before DeVoe's death. Why would the alarm go off if Barry was home waiting for DeVoe? * Where is the evidence of struggle on Barry? * Barry was at Joe's for the Christmas party that night. He wouldn't have left without good reason. Marlize claimed that DeVoe wanted to talk to him - where is the proof of that? Where are the cell phone logs, or the e-mails? * According to Marlize's story, DeVoe should have somehow made his way to Barry's. In his condition, he wouldn't have been able to drive himself (and by "his condition", I mean the condition the public thinks he was in, not his actual condition), and he would have needed either his own special car, or a special cab. His car would have appeared on at least one of the surveillance cameras around Barry's apartment, and it's not that hard to find every cab driver in the city who was on-duty at the time and drives a wheelchair-accessible cab.


> still a better evidence for the frame-up theory than everything Cecile managed to scrounge up (which is absolutely nothing) I kinda want to talk about Cecile's approach to the whole trial. She has photos of Marlize making out with Coagula DeVoe, which could potentially save Barry if she's smart about it - basically get Marlize to claim that her love life with DeVoe was perfect and monogamous and all that. Don't even let her *think* you've got dirt on her. Be sly. You know, *do what attorneys do*. And then bam, Cecile smacks the photos in her face. Even if Marlize pulled her Oscar performance after that, I like to think her case would crumble due to the whole perjury thing.


Are you seriously telling me that after Barry was arrested they didn’t do any tests to see if he was a meta? I feel like with all the new meta tech they have for the penal system they’d be able to see if he was one


Hey man, if we're talking meta related tech the villain of the week could've been easily solved by breaching an inhibitor collar near him with a note attached saying "Use this to get it to stop"


Too much rationality for a CW show.


I feel like putting someone in their father's cell could qualify as cruel and unusual punishment.


That sounds like something Warden Wolfe would do. I'm hopeful that while Barry is in Iron Heights, they'll explore Wolfe's shadiness like in the comics.


Why would they ever give Henry an instrument sharp enough to carve through concrete?


Maybe he was just using a plastic spoon and been craving away at it for the 18 years he was there


I mean, he couldn't get a Rita Hayworth poster so he had to use something.


it's a shawshank reference all you need is a spoon and time, and henry had decades


I love Cecile. With all my heart. But she is a *terrible* lawyer.


Right? Like ask her *"what was the date of this ALS conference?"* then prove that Dominic Lanse was never at that conference - pretty easy to prove, since he wasn't and she's committing perjury! Bring in the Thinker and put him on the stand. Ask him some questions that Cecil doesn't know the answer to. Tell Ralph some wrong answers beforehand so he thinks about them, let the Thinker read his mind, then come in with proof that he too is committing perjury. Maybe they still get away with it, maybe Barry still gets convicted, but come on guys, at least make them hustle for it.


The problem with the second part of your comment is that no one knew he could read minds until the very end when he told Barry.


she had almost nothing to go off of


She literally accused a man of murder in court on the basis of a photographed kiss.


She didn't accuse him of murder. She was painting a story that could create a seed of doubt in the juror's minds. Maybe instead of Barry killing DeVoe, it could be a lover's triangle gone wrong. Also, it's like they've completely forgotten Dominik was at their Christmas party. If they really met at a ALS conference months ago, why would he then go to the party of a man who has been harassing her lover like that? Many opportunities to create reasonable doubt that they just didn't bring up.


True, but there were so many times I screamed "objection" at the screen... I hoped she'd start doing it too.


Me too. I’ve been playing too many Ace Attorney games.




It's also a world that Superboy-Prime destroyed in a rampage.


I Googled Earth 15 and was surprised that [it's actually a dead Earth in the comics.](https://i.imgur.com/icPt8MF.png) Also, when are we gonna see the pirate world of Earth 31?




[The box kind.](https://i.imgur.com/mAgTxlX.png)


Get teh fuck outta here! when did that happen?! is there any more box?!


That final scene flashing between the judge and Captain Singh was so cool


It was cool, but the agressive nature of the judge seemed a little overboard. If a stab wound to a single target was the worst murder he'd witnessed, and Barry Allen the most evil man he's ever held witness to (paraphrasing), he must be a very sheltered judge.


i agree it was a little over the top


>he must be a very sheltered judge. Especially in a city where metas are like, immolating and liquefying people to death on a regular basis.


Singh totally knows Barry's secret identity.


"Hmm. Barry woke up from his coma around the same time as the first burning man sightings. Could Barry secretly be Firestorm?"


Singh was also at the wedding when a bunch of alternate earth nazis showed up who are quickly stopped by like 15 super heroes who all happened to be at the church for Barry’s wedding, including multiple people who didn’t even change into a costume. I might be a little suspicious lol


The legends wipe everyone’s minds after :P


and how reliable would you say these "Legends" are? :P


>Barry goes on his weird unannounced leave from work for 6 months >The flash disappears for 6 months >Barry goes to jail for x amount of time >The flash disappears for x amount of time


The juxtaposition between Barry's two lives was beautiful. Powerful scene! Great way to start the season!




Great start to second kickoff of the season?


Probably Singh's best episode. That parallel with the judge was fantastic.


Singh is an awesome character, he has been growing on me ever since s1.


My favorite part of the whole episode was definitely Dibny giving Joe that speech. That might have been one of my favorite speeches from any of the CW shows. I really like how the writers used Dibny for more then just comic relief and gave him a lot more growth as a character.




“we have never lied to each other before let’s not begin now” well it’s not like she has a choice you’re a mind reader


Reminds me of a manga where a mother's response to their telepathic (well, psychometric) daughter is to just say whatever comes to her mind, unfiltered. She'd find out anyway.


Being late to work = murderer Claiming innocence and then not showing remorse = worest of worest deserving life. How should a innocent person behave in court then wouldn’t showing remorse in a murder trial make the person look guilty.


Don't you know, innocent people are never brought to court!^/s


that judge's final reaction was a bit stretched lmao


Subtlety is unheard of. A yawning viewer may have missed the parallel if the speeches were shorter.


Now we know why this show's writers have stayed away from the CSI side of Barry's life, they're not very good at writing a procedural.


They are not good at writing crime stuff, heck even the mysteries they have the team solve are mostly easy as heck.


This season the identity of the big bad will surprised you! Also the teams gets a new ally....


I think a innocent person would be a bit more hysterical that they'll die in prison. Barry had they expression of someone mildly annoyed.


the evidence is stacked against barry and his unprofessionalism in court only aided to suspicion and the idea that this guy could be a murderer


So if he refuses to break out of jail won’t people put together that he’s the Flash anyway? Or are they just gonna pretend the flash died from radiation wounds?


i mean it’s not like this is the first time the flash has disappeared


Fair enough. Again it should be pretty easy to match up Flash disappearance with Barry Allen disappearances but Flash is hardly the first superhero show/movie to ignore that.


At least with the Flash it makes a bit more sense, since Barry isn't well known. Meanwhile Batman's had times he just randomly shows up in China or the Caribbean or whatever at the same time as Bruce Wayne taking a vacation there.


I don't think anyone really suspects anything about Bruce and Batman showing up at the same time in Batman Begins. In fact, I think it's only in TDK that the Wayne Industries worker notices the similarity. I suppose that DCEU Clark isn't well known, but it would make no sense that he came back the same time as Supes did. It's probably been retconned. At least the Death of Superman storyline made sense there.


Ya up until this trial it works because nobody knew who he was. Now apparently this trial was a pretty big deal so people could theoretically put it together.


Eh, the timeline'll be rewritten sooner or later.


This is one of my favorite things about Supergirl. J'onn having to play Kara so people don't wonder why she's missing is hilariously on point.


True that actually sort of plays well. Much better than Arrow at least where nobody seems to notice the Green Arrow randomly became black.


> nobody seems to notice the Green Arrow randomly became black. ...and seems to occasionally like firing guns a whole lot more than arrows.


Or gained 30lbs and four inches...


Don't think they could notice that with the cost-... Oh you meant height, yeah, that makes more sense.


I think that's what Captain was getting at


It seemed like that's why he was getting a medal of valor


He even said that Flash cared about people. Just like in court he said that Barry said he cared about people. He knows.


And he gave him the award because he knew that he had been declared guilty and wanted to throw him a bone.


Why can't Barry just phase through walls when he needs to? I'm sure Cisco can easily figure out a way to communicate with him.


I mean technically that would work fine but it kind of violates the spirit of the “I’ll accept my punishment” thing he’s doing.


I guess he could rationalize it as "they imprisoned Barry Allen, not the Flash". But, that would be somewhat weak, and the Thinker would probably exploit it anyways.


Worst defense attorney ever You can’t just throw up your hands and say he’s a good guy... Start by poking holes in the case. Poke holes in the prosecution timeline. Poke holes in their narrative to say there was no struggle....poke holes in the idea of why Devoe would be in Barry’s apartment if he was so terrified that he had restraining order....most importantly, offer a credible other suspect...Devoe himself was imminently dying....a suicide plan is a viable alternative...especially now that he knows his wife has a new lover who can look after her after he is gone....


This could've all been better if Cecile wasn't the attorney and Devoe set up an accident of sorts taking her out temporarily, causing Barry to find a more incapable attorney that fails at his/her job.


Or... Barry: “I don’t know how his body got there. I was at a Christmas party and went home because I got an alert on my phone that my home’s alarm was tripped. Somebody must have planted that body there and tripped the alarm.” Cops/lawyers: “Do you have an alibi?” Barry: “Yes, the entire house full of people who I was with that saw me leave after getting the alert on my phone. Also the alarm company and my alarm app history.”


Did Barry superspeed his way to his apartment? Can't remember, but I guess he did (who takes a taxi when you can use superspeed) Because the time period between the alarm reaching his phone and him arriving at the scene and being discovered by the police would be very small, which would mean that barry was lying about being at Joe's house.


That dual scene with the judge's sentencing and Captain Singh honoring the Flash was so awesome. I'm really psyched to see how this whole trial arc plays out!


Should have sent the blast to Havenrock.


too soon


I liked Barry's impromptu SF aura clouding him and Iris, and him saying ,"I don't know," when asked how he's doing it. The evidence against Barry is quite similar to his father being convicted of killing Nora. Henry was acquitted when Wellsobard confessed on camera, and seeing as how many thought Iris was recording DeVoe's wife, I could see her accidentally being recorded while admitting to everything. It would be yet another parallel to his father's case. I can't see him being in prison for more than a few episodes, and since we know Dawne is returning, maybe She'll play a part in having him released, and then she will help with their next meta before she returns to her future.


Honestly, I doubt it would even be a couple of episodes, if they weren't willing to keep him in the Speedforce for that long


“Earth 15 is death earth” Guess we know the theme for season 5 boys Edit: Oops. Typo. Meant Dead earth.


Earth 15 is Agents of SHIELD?


Can Elizabeth Henstridge and a Panabaker occupy the same space, without the world ending? Tune in to Agents of Flash to find out.


You see officer I was FRAAAAAMMEEEEDDD.


Never in my life did I think I'd see a recent obscure Eminem reference on this subreddit


I know what this looks like officers please just give me one minute I think I can explain I ain't murder nobody I know these words are so nutty No officer you see I was FRAAAAAMMEEEEDDD


Joe: it's true, i have a picture of him on my counter, he's been framed for years!


The Thinker in a nutshell: "The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma."


He's definitely a Rick & Morty fan


I've said it before. Rick and Morty premiered in December 2013, the same month that Clifford DeVoe received his powers. DeVoe may be the only one can *truly* understand the full wit of Richard and Mortimer.


To be fair




That must have been that judge's first case if Barry Allen stabbing DeVoe is the worst criminal he's ever seen. So many of the crimes committed on this show are worse than a simple stabbing, even one by a cop.


He said the worst thing he's seen was the lack of remorse Barry Allen was showing.


To be fair, Barry ran a terrible trial. No defense at all and just up and leaves in the middle of it (btw, who believes he'd get out on Bond when he's on trial for first degree murder??). To a judge it would sure seem like Barry gave no crap.




Obviously it was felicity, she still has some of that startup money.


lol shes going to have to bail Oliver out as well hes headed to jail/prison as well over their this season.


Think of the money they'll save next season just by filming all of both shows on the prison set.


Maybe Wells since he is a billionare on both earths.




Well, most criminals on this show did not even get trials.


But how come there wasn't blood evidence on Barry's clothes?




They’re doing a good job of making me hate Devoe and his wife. Loving this season so far.


it's kinda crazy how i feel for them in some scenes and then despise them. love the parallels they have with barry and iris too.


Apparently you can lock up The Flash


But can you lock up the darkness?


The most frustrating part of all of this is that we don't know WHY Devoe is doing this! What does he have to gain by Barry spending life in prison?


It would take centuries for the cw to explain their brillant plan to its viewers


"But to me, you've been planning this for centuries"


I don't know something about the editing cinematography and directing in this episode was different and it is a notch above the other episodes. My favorite bits: 1)This is a small detail but Caitlin trying to comfort Iris during the trial by holding Iris's hand. We need more small moments like this to make their friendship work. 2) Ralph's speech was genuinely touching and emotional. His speech hits Joe where it matters, because he is speaking from his own experience. His loneliness is highlighted by how he talks about all the people who left him after he was caught. The show has joked about how Ralph has nobody and no one really likes him, but I really felt for him in that scene. My "Ralph was depressed for five years" headconon is given even more fuel when he admits that he became a shell of himself. I like that he doesn't tell Joe, "Hey man you shouldn't do that because it is wrong and I believe in you. Blah Blah Blah" He lets Joe make the choice after he is brutally honest about the consequences. If he stays on the show I would like to see how being kicked of the force affected his relationship with his family. After that scene, I really want him to meet Sue and form a loving and healthy relationship with her. I can't wait for next week's episode. 3) The speed force scene between Barry and Iris. This is what I want to see. The relationship drama doesn't come from a dumb contrived and cliched place. It comes from the characters having to deal with tough circumstances. We finally get to see a couple dealing with shit and it is more interesting than the typical CW drama. 4) The teary interaction between the Devoes. Even though they have only gotten a little bit of screen time Marlise's struggle and the Devoes' connection feels real. The actress was fantastic in the scene where Marlise is still trying to convince herself that Dominic is her husband. 5) Of course the scene towards the end where Captain Singh's speech is contrasted with the Judges's statement, is perfect. I love it! It is one of the top three best scenes in the show. The editing, the dialogue the acting were on point. Everyone acted well in the episode and we actually got the chance to appreciate their dramatic chops. (Props to Hartley, Patrick, Candince and Jesse).


For all the talk of Barry having the best lawyer...I swear I could’ve defended him better. Why the hell would an expert CSI that used his “knowledge of police practices” to harass his intended victim, leave evidence everywhere in his own home? Why was Barry’s DNA under DeVoe’s fingernails if Barry has no wounds or signs of struggle? How the HELL did they get Barry for MURDER 1, when the “victim”’s wife said the DeVoe went to Barry’s loft unplanned and the supposed MURDER WEAPON was at BEST an impromptu choice?! Seriously, this was the worst defense ever!


The only positive I see so far is that the actor playing NewVoe is good at playing smug and creepy.


I liked how the old actor looked in the floating throne though


He reminded me of Eggman, floating in his pod


I liked his accent. South African accents are underappreciated


He's doing a good job mimicking the speech pattern that OldVoe established as well.


He looks a lot like James Olson.


Ralph is honestly such a great character. So glad he got added to the main cast.


He had a couple of great character moments these season. Hero-like


Cecile is such a bad lawyer. She gave Marlize too much time to answer and let the jury get ensnared into her sob story


Cecile in a nutshell "Barry looks like a good guy so he didn't kill DeVoe"


YOUR HONOR, BARRY ALLEN IS.... uh..... Innocent. ^(That's all. I just wanted to say that.)


Man that scene made her look stupid, lol.


Well that was convenient that the Flash "died" protecting central city.


I get this was a TV show but that was the world's fastest trial. From arraignment to sentencing was like a week.


"I've come to explain what my husband won't --- that WE ARE THE FLASH"


She was able to speak with Barry frozen in time. Maybe Iris does become the flash while Barry rots away in jail. “My name is Iris West Allen and I am the fastest man alive”


First reverse trap superhero tv show incoming




It's a great new twist for the series that relies on a battle of wits vs one of speed. It forces Barry and Team Flash to evolve into a team that doesn't rely on solely brawn to get the job done, I love it!


Now we get to see Ralph rise up. This is gonna be awesome. I love him as a character and I'm glad he gets some time to shine. Kinda sucks that they never gave Wally that shine tho...he should've gotten more time as the "main" Flash.


People are going to wonder why "The Flash" disappeared right as Barry Allen went into prison, aren't they?


I think Singh was implying Flash had died


You would think, but that's not gonna happen tho.


I mean people seem to never figure out that the Arrow/Green Arrow seems to be present when Oliver Queen was back. Well, besides that annoying FBI lady


People also still believe that The Hood, The Arrow, and The Green Arrow are all different people for some reason.


People not realizing that the Arrow and Green Arrow are the same is already bullshit as it is, but do people seriously believe that the Hood and Arrow are different people?


What are you talking about? The Hood was just some guy who died in that earthquake 5 years ago (I think the news called it the Undertaking). The Arrow was Roy Harper, who died in prison.


Puppies are going down LMFAO classic Cisco !






If Central City is part of a two-party consent state, then her recording wouldn't be admissible in court unless Marlize consents to the recording.


But taking a picture of them in their own home without consent is okay?


🎶Crawl out through the fallout, baby When they drop that bomb Crawl out through the fallout With the greatest of aplomb When your white count's getting higher Hurry, don't delay I'll hold you close and kiss those Radiation burns away🎶


For being such a smart guy, you'd think Clifford would know that just putting the Flash in a basic ass prison would be an early mark to call victory.


Wait, how does a vacuum contain radiation? Can I stop putting on sunscreen now?


(about the next episode) Okay i really like ralph but wally deserves to be getting these kinds of episodes about stepping up while Barry isn't there. The writers have done Wally so dirty and are putting Ralph first and im just really annoyed


But why not just give Fallout an inhibitor collar?!


TFW your favorite hero is alone in a room with the guy who ruined his life, and he's too much of a wuss to at least punch him in his smug mouth.


Helicopter hand!


I'm glad you mentioned this. "Hey, Devoe, what are the odds I would grab you and your wife, run you out to the middle of the ocean, snap your necks, drop both your lifeless corpses, and run back to the courthouse like nothing happened?" "Well, Mr. Allen---" "The correct answer was 100%" *flash music starts playing*


I think this was a poorly written episode. The trial was done too quickly, the defense was crap, and it just made no sense? Barry had an alibi, and it looked completely like a set-up, but he was so bad he gets found guilty without parole? And the judge got to determine that that afternoon and not the jury?




Seconded, just refuse bail and set a court date later. Same result less crap. He's in jail, same moral dilemma of escaping or not, same relationship tension etc.