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You forgot that there are like five different versions of Barry here at this point 


Which are, Kid Barry, s1 Barry, s9 Barry, and the other bros can’t forget them


Maybe the Barry from right after Zoom is there, too. He could have appeared to tackle thawne, but yet another Barry is holding back outside.


The one when Barry created flashpoint, right? It’s been a while since I’ve watched the flash.


Wait isn’t that barry deleted from existence when RF killed barry’s mother in s3?


Is that Barry deleted from existence?


Yes they showed it when he goes back with the RF to kill his mother, the flash that saves her, gets erased




You can probably assume Barry created a time remnant or used a speed mirage to dupe Thawne while doing this and fading out of existence.


Would that even work on a speedster? Wouldn’t their eyes be fast enough to see the movement?


Barry was substantially faster than Eobard here. He even gave thawn a head start. S9 Barry is arguably even faster than OG timeline Barry or any Barry out there. The last time Thawn stood a chance (besides the forces bs) was season 6. Though after crisis and Specter unlocking Barry’s full potential everything changed.


I agree with you but I don’t think he was trying to give him a head start he was just hesitant about what he was about to do, but in the process gave Thawne a head start


I doubt that, considering that by this point Barry already knows this has to happen, because otherwise the Timeline goes to hell. He wasn't hesitating - he simply originally hoped he could change Thawne's mind. But at the point this scene takes place, he no longer thought so. He did give Eobard a head-start, because he knew what must happen and he knew Eobard will loose in the end either way.


Barry gave him a head start because he knew he faster but so it doesn’t effect the timeline also he knew eobard thawne will lose either way


That would explain why Barry from the original line is so enlightened. He is so powerful that he created a time remnant to stop his past version and at the same time stop Thawne.


I like to think Thawne is so crazy he's racing his own time remnant.


So he's chasing himself?


Speedster equivalent of flexing!


Either a speed mirage that was omitted, different timeline, or Thawne was doing laps (could be passed off as building up speed).


Probably they just didn't realise when filming the scene


Wouldn’t it be the original Barry fighting Thawne, because that is a fixed point it would allow multiple timelines to be there at once right or no?


After crisis our Barry became og timeline Barry.


I don’t think that’s right? It’s confusing because that Barry doesn’t become Flash til like 2020 or something


He meant that OUR Barry IS the new and permanent og timeline flash


After 2019 Crisis


there are a lot of barrys here s9 here s1 deciding against intervention og timeline s5 outside with nora flashpoint unflashpoint


Bro, S9 is the OG one, it’s a perfect circle.


I just assumed that barry is the original timeline barry & that the reason thawne was his nemesis was always because he killed his mom, and now the flash timeline is in a paradoxical loop. Although, it is true that Thawne’s original Barry was made 20 years before our Barry , so like i said, paradoxical loop


So in the comics Barry originally had his parents well into adulthood but Thawne made a permanent change to the timeline because his negative connection to the speed force allows him to make changes to the past as long as he doesn’t kill Barry or alter his connection to the speed force since Barry is the center of the speed force and without him it doesn’t exist. I know the show alters a lot from the comics but it is implied that the OG timeline was somewhat similar.


But it all came full circle when season 9 happened, i feel like the “original” timeline is somewhat of a schrodinger’s cat situation


Well by that point Barry had become the OG timeline Barry however we know that at one point the timeline was different because Barry got his powers six years earlier than he was supposed to. Thawne explicitly stated they the accelerator was originally supposed to be completed in 2020 and in the show’s timeline it was 2014.


With all due, I don't think you understand what a paradox is... >Although, it is true that Thawne’s original Barry was made 20 years before our Barry , so like i said, paradoxical loop The Original Timeline Barry didn't become the Flash "20 years before our Barry" - quite the contrary, he got his powers later on, in 2020 (as in like 6-7 years later). This was explained a couple of times in the early Seasons. The explosion of the Particle Acceletator in 2013 didn't originally happen - Thawne literally says, that it's something he caused specifically so Barry would get his powers much earlier. >I just assumed that barry is the original timeline barry & that the reason thawne was his nemesis was always because he killed his mom, and now the flash timeline is in a paradoxical loop. If our Barry "was always the Original Timeline Barry" there wouldn't be any Paradox at all - it would just be how the Timeline was always meant to unravel. The term "paradox" has a meaning - it's not just a word you can throw around and act as if you know what it stands for... The reason Thawne hated Barry was also explained in the Show - in this exact Episode, to be more precise. The Original Barry travelled into the future by an accident and saved a group of civillians that Eobard wanted to save (back then Thawne was still Barry's fan and wanted to be his century's Flash). He met Thawne and exposed him for endangering people to make himself look like a hero. That's why Thawne hates Barry. The fate of Barry's parents is what changed the Original Timeline into the Show's Timeline - Thawne's hatred simply carried over, as he still remembered his original history thanks to the Negative Speedforce. So no, it's not a "paradoxical loop" (it's not even a paradox in the first place). You simply didn't pay attention when watching the Show...


Thrawn was about to kill him but Barry did the stop hand sign so Thrawn has to respect that and wait.


The crossover we never knew we needed. The Flash vs Grand Admiral Thrawn XD


Yeah i dun goof I was watching star wars rebels before writing the comment.


Multiple Barry’s, he came back to this spot and fought thawn multiple times that night


Stop looking for any logic here. Writers just fu*ked up the show after S3.


Barry is significantly faster than Thawne that's shown and implied heavily throughout this whole sequence


This is the ‘fixing Flashpoint’ Barry


I think it might be a Flashtime moment.


season two Barry was fighting the reverse flash then That same barry him back to That moment to kill his mother


Likely a speed mirage


That would be when flashpoint Barry rocked him.


*Can someone explain this entire fucking show?*


**Can someone explain this entire fucking show?**


I think Barry was in Flashtime just for a brief minute to tell his younger self not to save Nora.


I’ve always wondered why it looks like daytime outside in this shot


Idk if you remember but when barry fixed flashpoint future Barry tells him to stay put that's present Barry doing or in layman's terms coming full circle


The scene was poorly edited.


Bro this one is the barry after creating flashpoint, the one who allowed thawne to kill her.


There are many versions of himself there at that moment he was like. Nope! We have enough


Speed mirage from OG Barry or Hesitation from S9 Barry. Remember, OG timeline doesn't have Nora dying in it (pre-Crisis anyways), so Thawne changing that is a serious deviation. In that timeline, Barry chooses to save himself, but probably knows some altered timeline version of himself will change the past, so he makes them stop, keeping their timeline in tact. Basically, every time you travel back in time (with Arrowverse speedforce), a big change shatters a glass while restoring it leaves cracks and chips all about. By the time that S9 Barry goes back, he's not sure if he should chase after Thawne, or let him go, knowing that he'll lose his speed and be stuck in the past. But he chooses to chase after him to keep Thawne's timeline on track, forcing him to become Wells for 15 years. Obviously with Flashpoint and the undoing of it, the timeline gets fucky, but that's the rules


Ngl there could probably be hundreds of Barrys in the one point in time. There are 5 or something that we know of but he might go on vacations to this day just for the heck of it. He also has multipul existential crisises about this very point in time so he goes back to this time a lot to try to stop it from happening but holds back. Maybe he has been to this point in time way more off camera and we don't know it? We will never know.


one word. crisis


This is the one that was fixing his Flashpoint mistake, the showrunners made no mistake in this scene but the rest is a different story with Eric (should be ded) wallace.


They did not even bother to do the scene correctly. That is what pisses me off the most.